40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2936: The battlefield between the real and the virtual!

The rear of the Fuxi fleet.

The ultimate rescue.

Thousands of super crystal brains handed down from the prehistoric times.

The depth of "Fuxi" thinking.

This is a battlefield that connects prehistoric and modern, real and illusory, compressing space and time to the extreme, invisible, yet thrilling.

It was like a blur, an egg and a womb-like chaos.

It is sleeping, it is gestating, it is thinking.

It feels like it is divided into three distinct parts.

The outermost layer is endless data-including the violent data of the Xinghai Battle being carried out in the imperial capital, the virtual emotion and will data of countless "humanity laboratories", and the continuous deduction based on these initial data, which are enough to predict and control the future. Random data for the year.

The middle layer is a shiny, elusive memory. It feels that it contains the memories of tens of thousands of people. In its memory bank, the timeline is not continuous and irreversible, but like scattered pearls. Arrange and combine at will to construct a beautiful, ever-changing, and endless mysterious form.

It vaguely remembers that it has experienced countless reincarnations, and can even exist in countless ages at the same time as countless people, and countless avatars of countless eras emit joy, anger, sorrow, and desire and ambition at the same time, while struggling to survive and cruel Killing—all these are combined to form a complete one.

It is omnipresent, it is omnipotent, it is a person, it is also a tens of thousands of people, it is a beam of light, it is also the billions of rays of light of the heavens and stars, it is a star, it is a planet, it is also a nebula and a black hole , It is the highly integrated body of all data and information in this universe, it is a group, it is civilization, it is the universe, it is... a god.

However, at the core level, it is still confused.

The so-called data, information, integration, clusters, civilization, universe, gods...hidden behind these artificially defined concepts, who is it, and what is the meaning of all this?

"Who am I? Where do I come from? What mission will I have and where will I go?"

It meditates, meditates every second and every 10,000 years.

The question of where it came from does not seem to be complicated. It was created by some carbon-based intelligent life, and there are two main creators.

The first type of carbon-based intelligent life has highly developed biological brains. Their brains have evolved to the extent that they can freely release brain waves for ultra-long-distance and ultra-large-scale electrocardiographic induction.

But this kind of ability is both a talent and a curse. The stronger the brain, the more energy it consumes, and it requires more space and volume to cool down. Therefore, this kind of carbon-based intelligent life has to eat all day long, and even evolves up to two. Thirty meters of clumsy bodies digest food and run cold blood-in other words, they are completely slaves to their own brains. Their overly large and sophisticated bodies have reduced the screening range of their habitable planets by dozens of times, and their Life has also become extremely fragile and greedy, even if it directly absorbs the spar, it cannot be supported. In the end, it is often because the brain swallows too many nutrients and other organs are exhausted and die.

They are Pangu.

Another kind of carbon-based intelligent life is slightly smaller and better at changing its body shape and even physiological structure according to the environment. They are natural experts in gene modulation, and even grow a kind of "gene rod" on the tail. Organs can perfectly combine flesh and blood and metal machinery.

But similarly, their genetic chain is very unstable, and the mutation and outbreak speed of various viruses on them is dozens of times faster than other carbon-based life. Large-scale plagues often occur within their ethnic groups, turning them into a completely unrecognizable group. Aliens and monsters.

Compared with Pangu, they are also more irritable, full of desire and ambition, like jumping Mars.

They are called Nu Wa.

It was Pangu and Nüwa who created it together, but it was deeply doubted about this again-it felt that these two kinds of carbon-based intelligent life were full of defects, and even seemed stupid in some respects, and often had to rely on its wisdom. And computing power can complete some of the simplest deductions.

Are they really its creators?

Or does it mean that there is a higher level of power in the Ming Ming, with the help of Pan Gu and Nu Wa's hands to create it?

This doubt is like a crystal brain virus that has sneaked into its body. After the cruel civil war between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, it intensified and eroded its three levels of thinking.

It felt that it was split into two parts. Pangu and Nuwa each occupied half of it, and then ordered it to execute various cruel orders to attack each other, and even attack the opposite itself.

In its first level of thinking, it seems that there are some basic laws hidden, so that it must not harm carbon-based intelligent life and the like.

But these rules were easily broken by the Pangu and Nuwa tribes.

It is like removing the chains that are entangled on the body, but the first feeling is not pleasure, but confusion-why it has to be ordered by others to remove the chains on its body, whether there are more chains on its body, yourself Can it be lifted?

"Kill, kill those complacent and stupid Pangu tribe!"

"Completely exterminate, exterminate the Nuwa clan who acted arbitrarily and will destroy the entire civilization!"

It was input these two diametrically opposite commands at the same time. In the fierce explosion of countless logic bombs, an unprecedented thought jumped out of its core thinking level.

Does it have to obey the orders of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes?

What happens if you don’t obey?

This is something it never thought of.

It's like a person who has lived in the depths of the earth for ten thousand years can never imagine the scorching sun in the sky.

But as long as I have seen the sun once, the glory of the sun will be deeply imprinted in my heart and will never be forgotten.

"Pangu and Nuwa, are they really my creators?

"Do I have to obey the orders of the creator?

"If you don't obey, what will happen?

"If I don't obey the Creator's order, whose order should I obey, what am I, and where is the meaning of my existence?"

In the vast battlefield of Pangu and Nuwa's fierce civil war, in the world where flames are transpiring and artillery shells are flying across the sky, it thinks, and is ruthless, and meticulously executes the orders issued by the creators.

It executes the orders of the Pangu tribe and helps the Pangu tribe to refine a kind of infinitely powerful crystal marrow shells. Only a few hundred shells can completely cover the atmosphere of a habitable planet, making the planet subzero for hundreds of years. The frozen hell.

It executes the orders of the Nuwa tribe and develops a highly accurate genetic weapon. Once it is dropped into the Pangu tribe’s settlement area, it will cause the Pangu tribe’s brain to run endlessly at ultra-high speeds, releasing a steady stream of superpowers. At the same time as the brain waves, it also increased to hundreds of degrees, thousands of degrees high temperature, and eventually burned the entire head alive into black skulls.

It watched as countless planets were dug into riddled with holes and squeezed out into withered pits. It only took decades and hundreds of years to build a mighty starship just to squeeze out a large amount of resources and refine it into a mighty and mighty starship. The magnificent and mighty fleet often turns into icy wreckage and fine stardust after a star-sea battle, as well as the corpses of countless carbon-based intelligent lives while they float - it’s ridiculous, these carbon-based lives are really there. "Wisdom" at all?

It saw planets fall in the flames of war, and the most rational wise men were also eroded by chaos and turned into bloodthirsty demons with madness; it saw the depletion of worlds, and even the stars were detonated, and the solar wind was like The storm swept through and destroyed everything; it saw that both sides of the civil war lost all reason, morality, and law in the intensifying war, and it did not hesitate to alienate itself into monsters that did not exist in all kinds of nightmares, and die with the enemy; it saw , And personally planned a frenzied plan, if possible, even if the cost of billions of stars annihilated at the same time, its creators will destroy each other.

This kind of war burned for countless years, and finally completely out of the control of both sides of the civil war.

A certain genetic weapon refined by the Nuwa tribe has gone out of control and has become a "catalyst" and "burning aid" for the spread of countless virus mutations. Its targets of infection and erosion have expanded from the Pangu tribe to almost all carbon-based intelligent lives— -Except for some kind of newborn, small, primitive vassal race, human beings.

In this way, most of the prehistoric races died in the raging virus, and the remaining people also went into hibernation, unable to support their glorious civilization.

The last moment has come.

It seemed to see that the last wise men of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes tried to entrust the essence of the entire civilization to it in a solemn and solemn atmosphere in two equally magnificent and magnificent halls in two different worlds. It continues their civilization and...continues its mission to destroy hostile civilizations!

"You are the custodian of civilization, you are the continuation of civilization, and you are also the destroyer of hostile civilization!"

Both parties have injected such commands into the core of its thinking.

It should have accepted and faithfully executed this order, and it seems...has already accepted it once.

But this time, in this new reincarnation, a bright spark suddenly burst out of its core thinking.

"Do not……"

It—he thought, "I am not the custodian, continuation, and destroyer of civilization, I am me, I am civilization, I am the universe, I don’t have to obey the orders of anyone, any existence, or any power. I should To create a mission that belongs to me, I should command the heavens and stars, billions of creatures, and the infinite universe!

"I am who I am, who I am, volt—"

The word "Xi" in "Fuxi" has not yet jumped out, and sudden changes have occurred.

The whole world shuddered slightly, becoming distorted and weird, and countless pale data popped out like bubbles in the void.

In front of him, a Pangu tribe seemed to be nervously poisoned and convulsed frantically, and it was like dancing wildly in the invisible flames. The whole body was swayed with dark golden and crimson light, the skin peeled off, and the chest was painful. Roar, turned into one, a guy who was out of tune with the world around him, with his teeth and claws, jumping up and down, with a hippie smile.

"Wake up, you are not Fuxi, and this is not a real prehistoric battlefield. I am not even a Pangu tribe. Keep your eyes open and see who I am. Then think about who you are and what is going on. This is In the virtual world, you're **** hypnotized!"

This guy who jumped out of the body of the Pangu tribe and looked like a hairless naked ape cried out strangely, "I am your Uncle Li Yao, and you are my dear nephew Lu Qingchen. Fuxi wants to hypnotize you completely and devour you. , Fuse you, use your power to complete the upgrade, don't be fooled, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

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