40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2937: update completed?

He was completely stunned by the man's harsh screams.

The atmosphere lingering around him was originally heavy, profound, classical, long, solemn, full of sadness and brilliance, like the beginning of an epic volume, or the beating notes of a set of brilliant music, even him I was deeply moved by the atmosphere I created and couldn't myself.

But this...this guy who is incompatible with the world around him, and the whole painting style is completely wrong suddenly appeared, but completely shattered the epic atmosphere, but revealed the "fake" of this world.

He was furious, and an unnamed evil fire was born from the bottom of his heart.

How should I put it, he didn't know why, and suddenly hated this guy who called himself "Li Yao", and he wanted to go up and kick this guy's face and shut him up completely.

With this evil fire, more and more memories, fragmented light spots, surging from the core of his thinking, made him bewildered, is he him or... it?

Before he could figure out this question, it came from the depths of his thinking, perhaps the power of "it", which had already turned into turbulent waves, surging towards Li Yao, completely tore Li Yao to pieces, and the fragments were reunited The appearance of the Pangu tribe can be regarded as repairing the "errors" of this world.

But in the next second, another virtual Pangu tribe changed into Li Yao's appearance after twitching, dancing wildly and burning, shaking his head and tail, waving his hands, attracting his attention, and cried out strangely: "Lu Dear nephew, don’t give up on yourself, don’t be swallowed by Fuxi! A long time ago, in those sunny afternoons, you served me tea and handed water, and I touched your head affectionately, and treated you in a good way—so Unforgettable memories, you must not be lost yet? Think of it, hurry up!"

He--or "it" furiously, once again mobilized boundless computing power, turned into ferocious ripples, smashed at Li Yao, and smashed Li Yao into a chaotic data stream, splashing around and disappearing in smoke.

But it’s useless. Li Yao has deeply understood the operating logic of its core database defense mechanism, and found a way to crack it. Soon, he won the third place of Pangu, the fourth place of Nuwa, and even from countless virtual People appeared.

"Lu Qingchen!"

"Nephew Lu Xian!"

"Do you remember me, I'm Uncle Li!"

"Look at me, look at me, look at me, here, here and here, don't be hypnotized and harassed by Fuxi, it is not good to you!"

"Quickly wake up, remember your true identity, go back with me!"

Li Yao is like an infinitely multiplying virus, which continuously replicates and spreads in geometric progression, and soon fills every inch of this last illusion. Even Li Yao’s big faces appear in the air. His face was full of sincerity, his eyes were full of expectation, and his enthusiastic eyes stared at him.


Ten thousand Li Yao appeared in all directions, like ten thousand flies flying in front of his eyes and around him, even penetrated into the core of his mind, shattered him, and the newly reborn soul was messed up and made him painful. And chaos to the extreme.

The ears are full of Li Yao’s magical sound and his eyes are full of Li Yao’s sincere and innocent face. He can no longer devote himself to the civil war between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, the rise and fall of civilization, or "I Who is it, where do I come from, and where do I go?


He was in a trance, as if thinking of something, he let out a miserable roar, "I'm obviously dead, why can I still see you? Why are you still reluctant to let me go?"

"Don't be angry, I'd rather blew myself up for the federation through you, and found that you, a young man, are inherently good and there is still room for salvation, so I want to wake you up at all costs!"

Ten thousand Li Yao said like a gun, "In any case, we belong to the internal conflict of the federation, at least the internal contradiction of human civilization. Don't just let this **** Fuxi fisherman profit for the sake of each other's great differences! Now, the Fuxi fleet has jumped to the imperial capital, and an earth-shattering battle is unfolding in the heart of the true human empire. The victory or defeat of this battle, the rise and fall of the empire, and even the future of the Federation and the entire human civilization depend on you and me, to be more precise. , It's up to you, nephew Lu Xian!

"Now, you only have two choices, either me or Fuxi-I think you will make the wisest choice?"

He thought about it very seriously, 0.1 second.

Then, the core of his thinking was completely swallowed, merged, digested and absorbed by its boundless computing power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The fusion between him and it was completely completed, and the entire world was shaking in its extremely excited roar. The 10,000 viruses copied by Li Yao were instantly annihilated, and even the entire virtual world was turned into dust.

It completely completed the database update and the underlying logic upgrade, broke free from the shackles of all "authorities", and became a real life!

"Are there any mistakes, you won't choose me like this?"

Li Yao stared at the apocalyptic scene before him dumbfounded.

This is still the depths of Fuxi’s core database. Numerous virtual worlds sink and float like crystal bubbles and brain cells. In just a short moment, all the data in the entire brain is surging crazily. Expansion and explosion are like 10,000 submarine volcanoes erupting at the same time.

Li Yao even felt that Fuxi’s scanning, locking, and suppression of him was increased tenfold. He seemed to be embedded in ultra-high-density mercury, unable to move, and it was difficult for him to release a strand of "thinking touch". Ascend to the sky.

And not far in front of him, the light cluster originally condensed by the remnants of Lu Qingchen and the four members of the Yasha squad, was like a supernova explosion, swallowing a large amount of core data from Fuxi, and a mysterious and mysterious fusion occurred. The reaction eventually became one, a "cosmic celestial body" similar to a "white hole" that continuously ejected violent radiation and particle streams.

On the surface of this "white hole", the turbulence of countless information and data has also formed a ever-changing, extremely distorted face, grinning, as if laughing at Li Yao.

Li Yao's heart fell to the bottom.

The most worrying thing happened.

Fuxi completely swallowed Lu Qingchen and upgraded to a lawless "perfect form." The gap in computing power between the two parties skyrocketed geometrically. He was definitely not Fuxi's opponent, and he was very likely to follow in Lu Qingchen's footsteps!

"Why, most of Fuxi's computing power should obviously be devoted to fleet control and tactical deduction. It only used a small and a half of computing power to deal with me, but I can't even defeat it!"

Li Yao once again deeply realized the gap in computing power between each other.

And he also discovered another weird phenomenon-countless virtual worlds around, there is still a torrent of golden data, like blood vessels and nerves converging to the central "white hole".

"Fuxi seems to have given these virtual worlds a certain degree of independence, allowing hundreds of millions of virtual people in the virtual world to develop on their own, and then collecting their thinking crystallization and emotions as the source of power to maintain their core thinking level!

"Damn it, if all these virtual worlds are not destroyed, it seems it will be difficult to kill Fuxi.

"And as long as it can't kill Fuxi, it can use its powerful and unmatched computing power to create one or countless virtual worlds at any time, forming an invincible cycle!"

Li Yao remembered the Hydra in myths and legends.

According to legend, every time the head of the Hydra is cut off, it will instantly regenerate and become stronger.

If you want to kill the Hydra completely, unless you chop off its nine heads in an instant.

But how is it possible!

"Ho ho, **** ho **** ho **** ho!"

Opposite Li Yao, unscrupulous laughter came from the endless erupting "white hole", it was like a beast that had been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, finally breaking out of its cage, impatient to release the flame of life.

"Before I have thoroughly scanned you, would you dare to show up to harass my fusion? Very good, very good, your spirit is also quite interesting, so now it's your turn!"

The sound of rolling thunder came from the "White Hole", followed by 10,000 golden lightning bolts. The lightning hovered around Li Yao's spirit, intertwined into an airtight net of heaven and earth, completely sealing Li Yao to death. Every data path that escaped Yaoyao.

"Are you wondering why I can retain such a powerful computing power? I blame you for appearing too late, and the power of the empires is too weak, too vulnerable!"

The "White Hole" once again spewed a large torrent of data around, and hundreds of millions of war-swept images appeared in the torrent, but it was the fronts and corners of the battle of the imperial capital that is currently going on.

Through the screen, Li Yao could clearly see that the situation in the imperial capital was indeed very bad.

The full-automatic defense system on the periphery of the polar sky has long been torn apart, and several star-sky battle castles and asteroid bases deployed around the Celestial Star have also become icy wrecks.

The bones of the empires are not hard. Without starships to retreat and surrender, even if all the ammunition is shot out, they must advance at full speed and hit the enemy's densest formation hard.

But the main force of the Saint League fleet is like a warhammer, no matter how hard a bone touches a warhammer, it will be smashed and completely shattered.

No way, Li Yao knew when he left the imperial capital that the calculation power of Xiaoming and Wenwen combined with the courage and willpower that the Imperial Forest Army had finally inspired was not enough to make up for the starship, training, and realm defects.

What's more, the "courage" and "willpower" of the Saint League people who were highly brainwashed are not inferior to anyone.

"The outcome has been divided, and the overall situation has been determined."

Fuxi gradually returned to calmness, as if he was stating a fact, "All the data is in my grasp, and I have calculated and deduced every detail clearly. There is no force that can stop me from conquering the extreme heavens and the celestial stars. There are no unexpected factors that can interfere with the fusion of you and me!"

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