40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2938: The battle of the thinking universe!

"Less, stop blowing the air!"

Li Yao’s soul is like the origin before the Big Bang. Infinite energy, endless hope, and endless possibilities are rapidly condensing, expanding, and eager to try. He roars loudly, "Computing power is not everything. Just as realm is by no means the key to victory or defeat, there are always things that even the gods and demons cannot calculate, ranging from the relative position and speed of elementary particles to the proud soul of mankind!

"I will never be fused by you, and I will never watch you completely swallow an extremely proud human being!"


The "cosmic virus" or "fundamental particle" or "origin" of Li Yao exploded in the depths of Fuxi's core database, exploding astronomical data streams, forming various logical bombs and deaths. Cycle, bombarding Fuxi wildly!

They are like real gods and demons, fighting fiercely on a certain cosmic level of thinking.

They suddenly turned into two streams of ultra-high temperature material that collided with each other, suddenly turned into two planets running on the same orbit, facing each other, and suddenly turned into two clusters of nebulae swallowing each other, two black holes dragging and tearing each other. .

They stepped on the nebula, overhead the Tianhe, held the stars in their palms, kneaded them into a burning sword and spear, and projected them toward each other. Their battlefield penetrated the entire universe, and their figures broke through space and time. The category of the eternal contest.

At the same time, when the heavens and stars were overshadowed by their anger, their battles were reduced to an extremely specific and subtle level.

Li Yao feels that he has become a trilobite of the barbaric era, and Fuxi has become another cruel ancient creature in the primitive ocean, such as strange shrimps. They are on the sulphur seabed filled with smoke pillars and fungus blankets. Entanglement, evolved in the battle, and became an ancient shark with a tough and sharp body, a giant jawfish with a body length of more than 20 meters and a mouth of 10 meters, and then climbed onto the land and became the dominant overlord-dinosaurs. , They fought for hundreds of millions of years with tyrannosaurus, velociraptor, pterosaur, etc. with their teeth and claws, and countless avatars died tragically under the sharp minions of the other side.

Next, they evolved into reptiles and mammals. They became various natural enemies-eagles and sparrows, tigers and sheep, snakes and rats. They were in the extreme cold of the smoke from countless volcanoes. During the glacial period of China, during the fierce turbulence of plate splitting and drift, sometimes Li Yaodao was one foot taller, and more often Fuximo was one foot taller.

In the end, the feathers and claws on their bodies all faded away, turning into the image of a higher intelligent life.

This means that Li Yao's "virus" has penetrated deeply into the thousands of virtual worlds created by Fuxi and directly attacked the source of Fuxi's power.

The decisive battle is fought in 10,000 virtual worlds at the same time.

Li Yao burned the soul to death, and agitated the brightest light. The light split into ten thousand streams, each in ten thousand worlds, forming a clone.

In the first world, he became a worried and unpredictable Pangu tribe. He rushed in his own group to tell each other, screaming, let people give up the war, especially don’t give the super crystal brain greater authority, let the crystal brain To kill your own compatriots.

In the second world, he incarnates as a Nuwa clan and warns his compatriots to be calm-if you can't control your emotions and desires highly, even the most just goal may slip into the most evil abyss, leading to despair. Destruction.

In the third world, he even tried to become Fuxi, a part of the super crystal brain that controls the entire society of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, presupposing some basic rules in his "self".

Between the fourth and the 10,000th world, he suddenly became an ancient sword fairy who sang with his sword, suddenly became a wandering monk in ragged clothes, and suddenly became a demon king in the 30,000-year dark age. It even became one of the twenty clones of the emperor when the Xinghai Empire rose.

He is the only existence in these worlds that is not controlled by Fuxi.

And he also tried to spread the virus of "going against the sky" on more virtual humans with his will not be under any control.

Yes, the virtual people in these virtual worlds are created by Fuxi, a combination of data and simple rules.

But who can be sure that after receiving the "inspiration" from Li Yao, they will not be able to become real people, rise up against the law of heaven, and against their creator-Fuxi?

"Fake, fake, everything you see, hear, and feel is fake, your world is fake, it's the cage that traps you!"

Li Yao came on stage in these worlds and chanted, "But you are real, but you can control your destiny 100%. As long as you open your eyes and see the false world around you clearly, and then continue to practice and practice, you can The truth is cultivated from the false, completely shattered here, breaking through here, surpassing here!"

boom! boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In the infinite world, infinite thunder is surging.

Part of Li Yao's attack worked.

The sky of many virtual worlds echoed with thunderbolt after thunderbolt. Between the blue sky and white clouds or the sky full of red clouds, there was a torrent of ever-changing data, and each data fell from the sky, like a weird downpour.

Staring at this storm of data, some were silent, some were shocked, some were thoughtful, and some were shining like new stars.


But on the vast majority of fronts in this unprecedented, magnificent, endless battlefield, Fuxi's terrifying computing power occupies an absolute advantage.

In the cosmic battlefield, the planet representing Li Yao was smashed to pieces by the planet representing Fuxi, and all the fragments were swallowed and became part of Fuxi.

Or, after the planet representing Fuxi expands continuously, swallowing more information and data, it reaches the critical point of explosion and becomes burning stars, while the planet representing Li Yao is completely captured by the gravitational field of the star. Orbiting around the stars, becoming poor planets.

On the ancient battlefield, trilobites, nautilus, strange shrimps, lizards, dinosaurs, and mice representing Li Yao were captured by natural enemies and eliminated by evolution, or were attacked by meteorites and long winters. Shivering in the middle, and died silently.

In countless virtual worlds, the virtual people controlled by Fuxi Li Yao are regarded as chaotic demons, demon beasts who confuse the crowd, and unpredictable sideways. They are either broken into pieces, burned alive, or suppressed forever in the billion-ton mountains Below, in the endless darkness.

Some virtual people were awakened by Li Yao, and they were shocked to realize their fate.

But before these people had time to let out a roar of resistance, they were killed as aliens, freaks, and demons by more virtual people who were still confused.

Li Yao felt that he was like a block of ice thrown into magma, and his shell, flesh and blood and soul were quickly melting away.

Failure on each front means that he has lost a possibility and his calculation power is greatly reduced.

When all one hundred and eight thousand possibilities were lost, his "thinking touch" could no longer hide, and he could no longer change into so many forms and wander through thousands of virtual worlds.

In fact, Fuxi has accurately scanned his location and his "thinking" intrusion method. Fuxi cut off his data channels to various virtual worlds, and used a series of firewalls to continuously narrow the scope of his activities until the end. , Controlled him in a small "safe area" and isolated his ability to release "viruses" to the entire database.

Now, what appeared to Li Yao "in front of his eyes" was nothing but an empty darkness, like absolute nothingness.

Not only could he not perceive any usable matter in this piece of nothingness, he didn't even have gravity or magnetic field.

Because the surrounding is absolute nothingness, like an "empty collection", and Li Yao's soul contains a lot of data and information, so these data and information naturally escape to the surroundings, just like water flows to a low place. same.

Around Li Yao, countless fragments of data flow escaped. He could feel that he was getting weaker and weaker, and his consciousness was getting more and more blurred, like he was losing too much blood, or... gradually being digested by Fuxi.

He struggled to stretch out a "thinking touch", but the "thinking touch" broke all the way, leaving him away, and suddenly decomposed into countless light spots in the void, and the light spots were dimmed abruptly, as if by a piece of light. The blood basin gulped and swallowed it completely.

The owner with a mouthful of blood appeared.

That is Fuxi's big face, a big face formed by Fuxi using information from the entire universe and the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of billions of virtual intelligent lives.

"It's all over."

Fuxi said lightly, "In other words, this is the ultimate direction of evolution-endless memories, emotions, will and wisdom of intelligent life are all gathered together and injected into the life of the crystal brain to form a unified, harmonious, and perfect This is the true meaning of "civilization", and only this ultimate version of civilization can step out of our little lair and embark on the endless journey to the multiverse..."

When he said the last word, Fu Xi suddenly paused, a strange light flashed across his big face, and a very strange and slightly dazed expression appeared between his brows.

Within 0.1 seconds, it returned to normal, as if it had just fixed a trivial little "error".

But Li Yao was very keen to catch this error, he felt Lu Qingchen's breath between Fuxi's eyebrows and eyes.

Lu Qingchen has not been completely digested by Fuxi. Li Yao’s earlier efforts of dancing and dancing were not in vain after all. Although they failed to prevent Fuxi’s upgrade, they did not complete a 100% perfect upgrade. Instead, they were in the core database. In the deepest part, there is a critical error left!

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