40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2946: Nirvana rebirth!

With the passage of time, the intensity of the psychic storm continues to increase, doubling almost every 0.1 second.

Soon, the tyrannical ripples did not only invade the spirit web and crystal brain, but increased to the extent that they were visible to the naked eye and audible to the human ear.

To describe the whole process in a more accurate way, that is-centered on the "Ultimate Rescue", the continuous output of the psychic storm, carrying a large amount of invisible radiation and high-energy particle flow, can penetrate all solid armor and The invisible barrier projects directly on the human retina and interferes with the visual nerves, causing hundreds of millions of people to see the depths of the star sea in a trance. A huge and innocent giant of light rises up from the ground, steps on the stars, waving the Milky Way, and enjoying themselves Unleash the strongest anger.

Similarly, the fusion of ripples of various frequencies also spurs the effect of wireless current. Even in the atmosphere of Celestial Star, the turbulent night sky is reverberating with thunderous roars:

"Taste this, this is-human!"

The entire battlefield, regardless of the enemy and us, fell into a brief silence and extreme shock.

Every federal, empire, and holy ally, was stunned, like a dream, quietly watching the gorgeous performance of the giant of light in the center of the universe.

Now, not only Ding Lingdang, but more and more people recognize the identity of the giant of light from the figure and roar.

"That's—Li Yao, right?"

Boss Bai opened his mouth wide, letting the juice flow from the corner of his mouth to his chest, and from his chest to the soles of his feet.

"Li, Li Yao!"

Bai Happy, Fire Ant King, Yan Liren, Peng Hai...Many Federation powerhouses are all dumbfounded. Didn't it mean that Li Yao's soul is out of his body, and it is very likely that the stars will fall? What is the situation?

"Brother Yao, it's really Brother Yao!"

Li Jialing rubbed his eyes and rubbed his eyes. Wu couldn't believe it, but the corners of his mouth rose up involuntarily, "Ha, hahahaha, it's really Brother Yao, it's really him!"

"I know that good people don't live long, and a guy like Li Yao can't die to death."

I didn't really want to be passionate with everyone, but I had no choice but to drive the giant soldier "Tianjing" into the battle, hanging behind him all the way, secretly protecting the little emperor, Long Yangjun, lazily yawned, and looked nonchalant. But there was a smile of relief gradually rippling between the eyebrows and eyes.

"Li Yao!"

"Li Yao!"

"Li Yao!"

Although I didn't understand what was going on, the entire star sea, the sky and the earth, the heroes and warriors of all parties, still shouted the same name in unison.

Their shouts were quickly answered.

The "Ultimate Salvation" psychic storm did not last for too long. After all, it was just a starship and not a star with infinite energy. The giants of light and the roar of thunder gradually dimmed and declined after shining for a while.

However, Li Yao took advantage of the momentary psychic storm and sent an indistinguishable message to all the starships on the battlefield that did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

That is a series of space coordinates accurate to the decimal point, basically narrowing the accuracy to the category of "kilometers", which is equivalent to a space the size of a needle tip in terms of the cosmic scale.

That is the total flagship of the Fuxi fleet, where Fuxi's "main brain" is located-the coordinates of the Ultimate Salvation.

Below the coordinates, Li Yao also left a clearer message:

"This is the coordinates of the enemy's heart, don't worry about me, blow it up!"

"Li Yao..."

Such a giant, such an angry roar, and such a message once again made Ding Lingdang's eyes condensed a layer of evaporating tears.

But she did not hesitate at all, nor did she have the slightest frustration, loss or fear, but deeply convinced that as long as her pair of casserole-big fists blast everything on this coordinate into powder, Li Yao will definitely return to her. Around.

"What are you waiting for, haven't you heard what Li Yao said?"

Ding Lingdang pulled out his fists and roared, "He has already pointed us the direction of victory. The enemy's heart is in front of us, the Federation Army, go forward!"

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

Ding Lingdang’s roar and Li Yao’s roar merged together, surging between the stars and the sea, resonating between every communication channel and every starship, causing more and more starships to release their last bit of fuel and turn it into The fast-moving light arrow pierced deeply into the rigid and fragile battle formation of the Saint League fleet, and the densest firepower simultaneously blasted in the direction of the "Ultimate Salvation".

The entire Fuxi fleet was instantly divided, surrounded and covered by hundreds of thousands of fireballs one after another.

"Wait for me, Li Yao, I am coming!"

Ding Lingdang was the first one again, jumping into the sea of ​​flames with great happiness.


Ultimate Salvation, Fuxi's thinking level.

To be more precise, it is in "the super crystal brain once named Fuxi, at this moment a huge database of chaos".

It’s like having just experienced the annihilation and rebirth of the entire universe, all data has been released, all laws have been destroyed, tampered with and reconstructed, all underlying logic has become illogical, it’s like a big pot of extremely high temperature. An extremely chaotic soup of elementary particles, or a primitive ocean full of sulfur, rich in various single-celled organisms, archaea, and complex nutrients.

Li Yao’s soul sank and floated in this primitive and chaotic sea of ​​thinking, greedily absorbing information and data from all directions, trying to evolve a series of "thinking touches" again, exploring the surroundings, even he didn’t know it. How to describe and control the world.

At this moment, his situation is indeed not "bad" to describe it.

Fuxi can be called the most powerful computing power in the entire Pangu universe, and the most terrifying existence in the virtual world is more than ten times more difficult than the former "Tian Demon Mo Xuan"?

Despite the help of the right time and place, Li Yao weakened it to the limit. He even launched a compressed data packet about the earth as the ultimate weapon. It was a way of almost "destruction of the soul" to cause fatal damage to it.

Now, Fuxi's breath has disappeared without a trace, but Li Yao is also in a state of a pure, flawless and extremely weak baby like a reborn and rebirth.

Uh, to say "baby" is to put gold on his face. In fact, he is now more like a small earthworm, arching and arching in the sea of ​​chaos, and just growing out, a short "thinking" , It is more like the "flagella" of primitive creatures.

But that's okay.

This warm and vast "Sea of ​​Chaos" is a collection of all the data and information left after Fuxi's collapse. Of course, it also includes the memory fragments after the explosion of the "Earth Data Pack", these "Fuxi's legacy", but Endless treasures.

Li Yao believes that as long as his little earthworm swallows the entire ocean of data and information, and digests and absorbs all Fuxi’s power, he will grow into an unprecedented dragon and set foot on the ground. It has been in the past 100,000 years. An unknown realm that has never appeared before.

Perhaps this is the "perfect upgrade" that Fuxi is looking forward to in the true sense, right?

But before he officially started devouring and practicing, he had to make sure of one thing.

"Xiao Ming! Wenwen! Where are you?"

Li Yao struggled to wriggle his worm-like spirit, and tried his best to wave a short flagella, rippling ripples into the depths of the chaotic sea.

The entire ocean is extremely chaotic, with vortexes of information and turbulence of data everywhere, and Li Yao is easily involved in a fragmented virtual space if he is not paying attention-it may be a humanity laboratory in a broken world, or it may be Fuxi. A boring memory in the past hundreds of thousands of years, although it is not difficult to get out, it is always a waste of time.

Therefore, Li Yao cautiously avoided these things, calling out the names of the two little guys over and over again.

"Dad, daddy, here we are!"

Finally, after he wandered around and searched for a long time anxiously, two pale golden light spots drilled from the depths of the sea of ​​chaos, like two small fireflies, briskly spinning around him.

"Too, great!"

Li Yao looked at the two little guys up and down several times, only to feel that their small and exquisite database had inserted a lot of data from Fuxi, and they were also affected by the big bang just now, and they were extremely weak, like the wind. The candle in the middle, looks like it will go out at any time.

However, in a fierce battle against a powerful enemy like "Fuxi", such damage is acceptable.

At least, the two little guys, like Li Yao, are still alive, still have infinite possibilities, and are willing to keep fighting in order to turn the endless impossible into possibility-that's enough!

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoming, Wenwen, don't be afraid, Dad is here, Dad has completely smashed that **** villain, we have won, we have won, haha, Dad's heroic appearance just now, super invincible and handsome, right? Hahahaha!"

Li Yao circled the spirits and let the two little guys drill between his spirits, as if holding them in his arms, and smiled, "The Fuxi fleet has lost its main brain, even if the five supreme battle castles are all Is it panic, chaos, and paralyzed ninety-nine percent, right?

"Our advantage is so great that we don't need any tactical command at all. As long as Ding Lingdang, Li Jialing, Boss and Lei Chenghu are all around them, they can be calmed down easily.

"Haha, the battle is about to end, and all that is left is to clean the battlefield. I will see my dear wife soon, and you will also see your kind mother. I didn’t expect that this time seems to have no chance of winning. The war in China will end in such a least costly way. Are you surprised or happy?"


Xiao Ming and Wen Wen looked at each other, flashing an unknown light.

"what's happenin?"

Li Yao's smile froze, and he keenly sensed the vigilance and fear of the two little guys.

"I don't know, it was fine at first, but suddenly shuddered for no reason."


"It's not for nothing, but just as Dad said this, we shuddered at the same time, as if something was looking at us in the depths of this sea of ​​information and data."

Xiao Ming said.


Before the two little guys spoke, in the depths of the sea of ​​chaos, suddenly there was a sound of...something bursting.

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