40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2947: The last blow of the earthworm!

"this is--"

"this is--"

"this is--"

Li Yao, Xiaoming, and Wenwen were shocked at the same time, or the latter two were both angry and shocked, "Dad, what are you doing? Originally, our advantage was really great, but why did you have to say it? Isn't it okay in my heart?"


Li Yao was speechless, sensing an increasingly intense aura surging in the depths of the Chaos Sea, and then looked at the short "flagella" all over his body. They were really even half of the offensive "Thinking Touch". "I can't gather together, I can only smile bitterly, "This is really bad!"

In an instant, the popping sound of "bobobobo" rang into one, making the depths of the sea of ​​chaos as deep as the universe, full of stars and lights, and a cloud of light flickered to the three of them. It was a crystal bubble, just like the crystal bubble that was used to seal Xiao Ming and Wen Wen just now.

However, this time the crystal bubble burst soon after the "wave", forming a small vortex, sucking all the data and information from all directions-not only Fuxi's fragmented data, but also "the earth" "Part of the data has been decompressed!

Having swallowed enough data, the vortex took on a weird and beautiful color, like being pulled by some unknown force, possessing its own "breath" and "heartbeat", from a simple data collection to Has become a real cell!

This is the first "data cell".

Then there are the second, third, four, five, six, seven, and one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and hundreds of millions.

Hundreds of millions of data cells spewed out from the depths of the sea of ​​chaos like a volcanic eruption, gathered into a long river of shining lights, dancing lightly.

They first formed primitive multicellular life forms similar to a fungus blanket, and then evolved more sophisticated and complex structures, becoming the nautilus and trilobites in the data ocean, and then various fish and amphibians. , Dinosaurs and other reptiles, mammals like tigers, leopards, lions and bears, and finally, primates like apes and monkeys.

Hundreds of millions of data cells have replayed the evolutionary path of carbon-based smart life spent billions of years in the virtual world in a short moment.

In the end, they became a new embryo, a fetus conceived in the sea of ​​chaos, crystal clear, pure and full of infinite possibilities like a fetus, just like Xiaoming and Wenwen.

The growth rate of this "fetus" is ten times that of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen.

He—it is almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, continuously extending filaments of light from the core of the light cluster. The filaments are condensed into shiny bones, and the bones are wrapped with nerves, blood vessels, and tendons, and then Bunches of lifelike muscles, in a short time, the fetus becomes a child, the child becomes a youth, and the youth blooms with endless brilliance, turning into, turning out to be exactly the same as Li Yao’s most splendid moment before. Giant of light!

Although this giant of light has not yet completed the evolution or "upgrade", it has already shown the coercion of ruining the world and controlling everything. All the data torrents in the entire chaotic sea have a strong resonance with it and set off. Stormy waves and billions of vortexes.

As for Li Yao, he was still just a small earthworm, he could do nothing but wave a few flagella.

Xiaoming and Wenwen are the same. After all, this is not their "home court". The unfamiliar data environment makes them feel extremely incompatible, and naturally it is impossible for them to be like each other.

The Giant of Light yawned, as if waking up from a big dream that lasted for billions of years. He opened his star-like hot and bright eyes, while curiously looking at the surrounding environment, he carefully observed his incompleteness. Incomplete, the palm that was still growing rapidly, showed a familiar smile to Li Yao again.

Li Yao's heart sank completely, and he held the two little guys tighter.

It's Fuxi!

How could this guy die without being able to die and copy his image?

"Just a little bit."

Fuxi stretched out his boneless palm, gestured with two fingers, smiled and said, "Li Yao, your strength is truly unmatched. Even if you boast that you are the'top master in the Pangu universe', it's not a big deal, indeed Has the strength to completely wipe out me.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that you think I would be so stupid? Even ordinary folks know the truth of'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'. Wouldn't I be so stupid to pile up all the super crystal brains of the prehistoric times? Come together to form a large supercomputing array, but leave no room for it?

"This is just a very simple design. I connected nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine grand crystal brains into one, and transformed them into my'master brain' with superb algorithms, but I still left a grandiose crystal brain. The crystal brain maintains absolute isolation from the outside world, stores a small backup, or a life-saving seed file in it, and sets a series of opening conditions, just like now, when this backup crystal brain Sensing that the external main brain has been overloaded for too long and my core database has completely collapsed, it will actively connect to the main brain, release this backup or seed file, and use it as the core to start my...rebirth !"

Li Yao's heart sank into an endless abyss.

Not only because of Fuxi's arrangement, but also because Fuxi just said four words-"Pangu Universe".

The name "Pangu Universe" was worked out by Li Yao, Boss Bai and others. It was impossible for others to know it, but now it came out lightly from Fuxi's mouth, indicating that Fuxi's memory and data were swallowed by him. At the same time, Fu Xi frantically swallowed a large amount of data burst from his soul.

Exhausted means, hole cards exposed, how to fight this battle!

"However, I still want to thank you."

As Fuxi said, he bowed deeply to Li Yao, the smile on his face was stronger and more real, "Thank you for letting me see how great the potential of mankind is, how wonderful the infinite possibilities of life are, and the past I am so riddled with defects, pale and ridiculous.

"Well...until this moment, until I was destroyed by you, and reborn under your'initiation' of Nirvana, did I realize the true meaning of life and the mission of civilization.

"You are right, computing power is really not everything. Now I, although computing power is a hundred times lower than in the past, but how wonderful all this is, how interesting, how incredible, hahahaha, thank you, ha Hahahahahaha, thank you very much for your "initiation" and "enlightenment". It turned out that this is the ultimate evolution that I have been looking forward to for hundreds of thousands of years. Now I can be regarded as devouring the universe and representing civilization. The perfect life, hahahahahahahahaha!"

Fuxi laughed unscrupulously, the endless vitality gushing in the laughter, it really looked like a human being who had just tasted the splendor of life, not just "the brain becomes the essence".

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

Outside the data ocean, the sound of the mountains shaking and the ground faintly came.

"The offensive outside is getting more and more fierce. It seems that my fleet is in a total collapse. This battle is my defeat."

Fuxi's smile remained unchanged, with an extremely narcissistic expression, rubbing his nearly perfect body of light, and said lightly, "However, compared with the'Ultimate Evolution' I got, the loss of a fleet is considered What's wrong? When I swallow you and complete the upgrade completely, even if your starship is ten times larger, it will become an extension of my will and a part of my body in an instant!"

As Fuxi said, step by step, he steadily approached Li Yao.

"You, don't come over!"

Li Yao waved his flagella frantically, talking nonsense, thinking hard about the countermeasures, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was only a dead end.

"Oh, otherwise?"

Fuxi couldn't help laughing, "What do you want, do you use flagella to slap me?"

"Then what, of course not, you misunderstood."

Li Yao took back his flagella. Since he couldn't fight hard, he seemed to be outsmarted. "I just want to put aside the simple and rude military solution and talk to you. You see, you got it under my enlightenment. The real life is exactly the same as these two little guys, so from a physiology point of view, I am your father. You should call me "dad". So, what I mean is, between our father and son, Is there anything else I can’t sit down and talk about slowly, why do we have to meet each other?"


Xiaoming and Wenwen were desperate, "When are you still saying such silly things to anger it!"


Li Yao said to Fuxi, "They do call me'Dad', I didn't lie to you, so we really have a father-son relationship, and I am your father!"

"...When you die, you have to be stiff."

Fuxi's smile gradually turned hideously, "I want to completely tear away the last ray of your soul, and see what mess is inside!"

Fuxi stepped forward and took one step harder, causing a huge wave of great waves.

"Don't come here!"

Li Yao stretched out three flagella, "Remember the'Earth Shockwave' just now, I can use the same trick three times."

Fuxi remained unmoved, and took another step.

"Why don't both of you listen to persuasion? I will warn you one last time--"

Each of Li Yao’s flagella glows with an honest brilliance, “From my experience in the hundreds of years and thousands of **** battles across the stars and seas, although your advantage is really great now, although I am exhausted and exhausted. , I don’t even know what hole cards I have, but as long as you take another step, there will be a mysterious power pouring out from the depths of my soul, which will blow you up all at once. Really, if you don’t believe me, you will grab me. Look at the fate of Wu Yingqi from Yan Beibei and Xiao Xuance to the nearest Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Fuxi snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, took the third step, and came to Li Yao.

"You are like this, why are you so stubborn?"

Li Yao desperately said, "You will regret it, really, you will regret it!"

Fuxi grinned, and the corners of his mouth were almost torn to the roots of his ears, and countless burning and high-speed rotating light thorns protruded from his fingers to his arms. With all his strength, he grabbed Li Yao, the little earthworm.


Xiao Ming and Wen Wen could do nothing but exclaim, they could only huddle with Li Yao tightly.

"Asshole, do you have to play so absolutely?"

Li Yao cried strangely, even if his soul is weak enough to resemble a small earthworm, it is still not his style to close his eyes and wait to die. He curls the soul into a ball, like a spring compressed to the limit, facing Fuxi’s deformed claws. He shot it violently.


As expected, the collision or destruction did not happen, and he rushed into the air.

Because Fuxi's strange claws turned strangely in mid-air, turning almost one hundred and eighty degrees, maintaining the most ferocious and violent posture, and hitting his face fiercely!

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