40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2952: you've changed

This laughter made Li Yao shudder, as if he was back in the horror that had been shrouded by Yan Beibei, Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, Youquan ancestor, Wu Yingqi...

"……Do not."

Li Yao murmured, although his voice was low, he appeared extremely determined amid Lu Qingchen's wild laugh and the vortex of chaos around him, "I can't do this."

Lu Qingchen's laughter stopped abruptly.

He stared, his half-cold and half-scorching gaze seemed to cut Li Yao's soul, to see through his messy thoughts.


Lu Qingchen asked incredulously, "If your soul has been hit hard and your computing power has plummeted to the bottom, I didn't think of this possibility at the beginning. I don't blame you, but now I have clearly analyzed the whole situation with you. , You should know that I don’t have the slightest rhetoric—the ultimate victory has never been so close to the Federation in such a moment—this kind of victory was originally something we could not even think of, even the most imaginative children of the Federation, I only dare to say, “One day, we will rule the entire star sea”, but now, there is no need to “one day”, that is today, this second, the Federation can win the final victory, as long as you click Nod, move your finger!"


Li Yao raised his flagella, "Sorry, I don't have fingers."


Lu Qingchen took a deep breath, the color of compassion and regret on his face became more and more intense, and said quietly, "You have changed, Li Yao, you are not like a pure patriot and cultivator anymore, why should you reject me? The motherland’s kindness even prevents the motherland from destroying its greatest enemy? Are you full of sympathy for the immortal cultivators? Are you really getting along with that cheap brother? Are you indulging in this kind of accommodating days? Do you really regard yourself as the'Black Wind King Li Yao' of the true human empire?"

"I do not have."

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "You know, I am definitely not this kind of person, and I definitely don't mean that."

"Then what do you mean, why do you hesitate and be soft-hearted at such a critical moment!"

Lu Qingchen let out an indisputable roar, "I still remember that you killed the Pangu tribe in Kunlun Secret Realm more than a hundred years ago. At that time, I was a child and could not accept the fact that Grandpa was killed by you. You hold a strong hatred, but even so, when I knew that you can kill even the'god', I was deeply shocked by your strength, firmness and coldness!

"You are a hero who can kill even gods and demons without mercy for the supreme interests of the Federation. Do you know how many children have watched you beheading the Pangu tribe over and over again in various media since childhood, and become unforgettable. Remember, and regard you as the biggest idol? Unfortunately, it seems that no matter how big heroes and idols can stand the erosion of time, more than a hundred years have passed. You have changed, you are weak, you are depraved, and you are insignificant. , You learned to compromise with the enemy!

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. I originally thought of myself as a cultivator of the Xingyao Federation. I thought that the avenue of cultivation and cultivating avenues could be merged together and become a avenue of real immortals. The empire compromised and firmly believed that only after the Xingyao Federation conquered the entire sea of ​​stars, under the leadership of the Federation, could it carry out the Dao of True Immortals. I didn't expect it to be you. You, the self-proclaimed staunchest cultivator, are in such a terrible life. Moment, retreat, weakened, compromised!

"I don't care about each other's personal grievances, I can ignore your writhing body writhing in front of me, but I didn't expect your'ordinary virtues' to reappear in the event of the rise and fall of the country. I have become a stupid and kind-hearted high school student. I am so disappointed, Vulture Li Yao, you are so disappointing!"

Lu Qingchen roared angrily, venting the emotions he had accumulated for several years--perhaps hundreds of years.

Li Yao is like a dead leaf in a strong wind, or to put it simply, an earthworm in a whirlpool, rolling back and forth between the stormy waves.

"Calm down, Lu Qingchen, listen to me, I also hope to win a battle, so that the Federation will become the master of Xinghai in an instant, and I will become the hero of the number one Tianzi on the road to the rise of the Federation, but It’s not that simple, take a long-term plan and take a long-term plan!"

Li Yao waved his flagella, struggling hard, and said with difficulty, "I promised to join hands with you, but things really can't be done like you, it will kill countless people, let's think about it, let's think about it!"

"Why, such a good opportunity, you just don't want it?"

Lu Qingchen turned a deaf ear, completely immersed in his own emotions and logic, and set off thunder and lightning and stormy waves. Suddenly, his eyes were frozen and he looked straight at Li Yao and said, "I understand, you don't believe me. "


Li Yao was busy grasping the two small "plankton" Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, and didn't understand what Lu Qingchen meant for a while.

"You don't believe that I am joining hands with you sincerely. You would rather believe in immortal cultivators than in me. You must think that I am out of my own selfish desires and ambitions, and I will do whatever I want after I control the Fuxi fleet, right?"

Two drops of crystal clear tears suddenly flowed from the bottom of Lu Qingchen's eyes. They were composed of countless sad, aggrieved, and lonely messages. Even in the violent ocean of data, they seemed particularly dazzling, "How can you do this? You can. Doubt everything about me, but how can you doubt my loyalty to the motherland? "For the highest interests of the Federation, the cultivator can give everything." Isn't this the truth you taught me more than a hundred years ago?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't say I didn't believe you!"

Li Yao smiled reluctantly, "Nephew Lu Xian, listen to me—"

"shut up!"

Lu Qingchen's eyes were crimson, a little crazy, and he hammered his chest hard, "You think I worked so hard to plan all this, fighting wits and courage with such ten thousand-year-old monsters like Fuxi, and even the spirit of suffering twice as life as death blew himself up. Suffering, what is all this for? Just for self-interest, for my personal ambitions? No, you are wrong, you are wrong, if the reason that supports me to fight all the way is just for myself, It is impossible for me to withstand the engulfing and erosion of Fuxi in the reincarnation again and again, it is impossible for me to crawl out of the abyss of death and become what I am now!

"I'm not for myself, but for the Federation. What I said before the second explosion was true. It was from the bottom of my heart. I didn't lie to you. Even if it turned into a remnant soul and drifted between the stars, I was thinking hard. Looking at the future of the Federation, and when I was captured by this old monster Fuxi, and aware of the big secret hidden behind the Holy League, I was even more surprised and pleased. The surprise was that the Federation may not be able to withstand such evil forces. This power has the possibility of one in a billion, and it can be used by me and used by the Federation.

"No matter how much torment I endure, how many times I suffer in the cycle of reincarnation, I must remain awake for the last time. Even if I forget that I am Lu Qingchen and forget everything, I cannot forget the Xingyao Federation, and I cannot forget that I am a Federation member.

"I must defeat Fuxi, devour its power, and then use this power to defeat the empire, send my motherland to the throne of the overlord of the Star Sea, and burn my life to protect the motherland and become the guardian of the Star Federation and even human civilization. Forever!

"This is my brand new Dao Heart. Without the power of the entire Federation, how can I wake up from hundreds of millions of reincarnations, how can I release such a powerful force and completely swallow Fuxi?

"If you doubt my motives, okay, I am willing to open my most secret soul data to you, so that you can monitor my every move. I even want to share the control of the entire Fuxi fleet with you. Let's come together. Give an offensive order to the Fuxi fleet.

"Even, if you think I must be responsible for the losses caused by the'Void Spirit Project', I am willing to go to the federal court. After all, looking back now, that plan is indeed impulsive, there are many unnecessary omissions, and even... Killed some loyal Federation fighters.

"I am willing to accept the sanctions of the national law, defend the seriousness of the law, and satisfy your over-filled sense of justice. Anyway, in my current life form, no matter how harsh the punishment is, I can withstand it. I have carried it through countless reincarnations. Now, what's the big deal?

"But, but the prerequisite for all this is what I just said. We must first join hands to kill the empire, completely destroy the basis of force for the existence of the real human empire, and make the Xingyao Federation the most powerful country in the star sea, and even the only country. , To restore the glory of the Xinghai Empire thousands of years ago.

"It's all about it, trust me once, Vulture Li Yao!"

Lu Qingchen spoke earnestly and even burst into tears.

Li Yao had never felt so entangled. The current Lu Qingchen was obviously a hundred times more difficult than Lu Qingchen during the "Void Spirit Project", and Li Yao couldn't even give birth to the thought of being an enemy of him.

"I really didn't believe you, Lu Qingchen, I know that yours is indeed a true patriot, but, but—"

Li Yao struggled to organize his words, "As you said, stupid kindness may lead to a tragic ending. A staunch patriot may also seriously harm the interests of the motherland, or even completely abandon the concept of the motherland! I'm just I feel that your current mental condition is very wrong. Yes, you did swallow Fuxi, but Fuxi’s huge database and optimized thinking logic over hundreds of thousands of years are definitely not something you can fully digest in a while. You seem to be affected by it. According to its logic to understand the matter of'protecting the motherland and protecting civilization', your state is very dangerous. The battle between you and Fuxi is still not over. You can't use your computing power indiscriminately now. Be calm so as not to be counterattacked by it, or to put it in a more understandable way, don't you think that your current self is very much like Lu Zui in the'Patriot Incident' a hundred years ago?"

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