40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2953: Farmer and snake

"I don't need to use my grandfather to stimulate me. I am very sober now, I know exactly what I am doing, and I will never repeat the same mistakes of my grandfather!"

Lu Qingchen waved his hand, and as expected he returned to extreme calmness. He analyzed every word, "Grandpa's ruin is mainly because he made two mistakes.

"First, he shouldn't stretch the butcher knife to his own neck, shouldn't abandon the oath he made when he joined the Secret Sword Bureau-he tried his best to protect every Federalist, but he killed him on Federation Square. Thousands of innocent people.

"Second, and more importantly, even if his plan succeeds, the Tianyuan Realm can really swallow the Blood Demon Realm with difficulty, and it is impossible to resist the Black Wind Fleet that follows. His plan is doomed to fail from the beginning because the problem is fundamental. Not a monster, but a cultivator!

"So, from the beginning, his plan was to struggle with fish in the bottom of the tank, which was useless.

"However, my plan is different.

"My plan does not involve any federal civilians. I did not kill an innocent federal man, did I? Of course, in the process of attacking the imperial capital, the federal expeditionary force is very likely to suffer heavy losses, but these are all soldiers. It was a bet on life and dignity to conquer the center of Xinghai and give the Federation a way to survive. They were prepared for sacrifice long ago, and I will let their sacrifices create the greatest value!

"Secondly, unlike Grandpa's reckless impulse, the real human empire is our last enemy. As long as we kill them, there will be no more enemies in the Pangu universe, and there will be no more'Black Wind Fleet' to threaten us. Therefore, even if the cost of this battle is a little bit more, it doesn’t matter. We can spend hundreds of years to recuperate and rejuvenate, and then implement our Taoism, realize our ideas, and plan to break out of the Pangu Universe for hundreds of millions of years. , What's wrong?"

"Not good, very bad."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "If we really do this, countless civilians will still be killed and injured, the imperial capital, the world around the capital, and the civilians in the outer world who are still in chaos at this moment, hoping to quickly restore order."

"They are all civilians of the enemy country. Wouldn't you be so kind that you even care about the civilians of the enemy country? You can't bear to trample on the flowers and plants of the enemy country? , It's better to surrender!"

Lu Qingchen sternly said, "Don’t forget, from the very beginning, the Black Wind Fleet belonging to the True Human Empire first attacked the Federation and undeclared war against us! From that moment, the Federation and the Empire entered a state of war. Up to this moment, there may be some secret agreements, but we still haven't signed an armistice agreement, and no one party surrenders, right?

"Since everyone is still in a state of war, any kindness is the benevolence of women. Of course, I am willing to follow the principle of humanitarianism and never torture or deliberately slaughter the civilians of the enemy country. However, the'collateral loss' in the course of the war is still considered Got so much?

"Hmph, you are so soft-hearted and put the interests of the empire first, but people may not think so. You must have heard the story of the farmer and the snake. Be careful of the snake in the empire, it is poisonous!"

With Lu Qingchen's sneer, the light, shadow and data behind him continued to change, revealing the entanglement of the Federal Expeditionary Force and the empire's several fleets.

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore? The empires will not understand such a simple truth. Now our Federal Expeditionary Force is lying in the heart of the empire, and you, a cultivator, are the constant-star magic weapon that controls the imperial capital. With Battle.net, this is more than the'side of the couch', it is simply a thorn in the eyes of the empires."

Lu Qingchen said, "Even if the Federation and the Empire are in the'honeymoon period', everyone can reluctantly cooperate for the common benefit, but with the collapse of the Holy League, the basis for mutual cooperation is rapidly collapsing. Do you think that immortal cultivators can Tolerate the cultivators staying in their hearts, tolerate you and your children, continue to control the Golden Tower and the battle net of the imperial capital? Finally, do you think that the empire can tolerate a fast-rising federation, fill the void of the Holy League, and become their biggest Competitor?

"Impossible, no matter how nice the cultivator's lips are, they make all kinds of promises, but they are easy to change, and their nature is hard to change. They are destined to not tolerate the cultivators and the Federation.

"In the final analysis, the Pangu Universe is too small for one mountain to accommodate two tigers!

"No one hurts the tiger, the tiger has the heart, Li Yao, let me say it again, don't let your'ordinary virtue' interfere with the ruthless general deduction, and eventually push the Federation into the abyss of immortality! Take it, and take the blame. This is the only opportunity for the Federation to control its own destiny. If you hesitate, all Federation members will be killed by you!"

"That's not the case, Lu Qingchen, calm down and listen to me. Of course, I have also considered the issue of'a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers', and I will not have too many naive fantasies about the cultivator, but now it is for the cultivator and the cultivator. There is indeed a long way to peace between them."

Li Yao said painfully, "I believe that the reformist cultivators are different from the past cultivators. First, they have personally experienced the fall and corruption of the old empire, and they know how greedy, stupid and weak the past cultivators are. Dadao is a dead end, even for their own survival, they will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Second, in order to seize the supreme power of the empire, the reformist cultivators had to mobilize the power of the middle and lower classes and even ordinary people. After this'rebellion against the emperor, reform the empire', the middle and lower classes of the entire empire and the ordinary people Awakened-once people have seen the light, they can no longer bear the darkness.

"Third, the current imperial emperor Li Jialing is a person who tends to integrate Xiuzhen Dao and Xiuxian Dao, and carry out the reform to the end. I even think his Dao is very similar to your Dao. I don’t know his future. What will become, but at least, it can never be like Wu Yingqi.

"Fourth, you also said that we control the Jinjing Tower and the battle net of the imperial capital, and even control most of the Fuxi fleet. These forces can be used as a deterrent to the existence of the empire, supervising and assisting the empire to reform, step by step Going on the right path and assimilating immortal cultivators into cultivators minimizes the risk of loss of control, chaos, and destruction. Don’t you think this is the safest way?"


Lu Qingchen remained unmoved and sneered, "Speaking of which, you still have to hand over the safety of the Federation and even the fate of human civilization to the empires and immortal cultivators, and the little emperor to decide our future? "

"I don't want this, but we have no choice."

Li Yao was so sincere that he was about to vomit blood, "It is easy to break the old order, but it is really harder to rebuild the new order than to climb to the sky. With our current strength, we can't do it at all.

"Yes, if everything goes according to your plan, it is indeed possible to conquer the imperial capital, suffocate all the hopes of the reformist immortal cultivators in the infants, and make the entire Xinghai fall into'no new empire, nor old empire'. The power of the vacuum state.

"The question is, then?

"The center of Xinghai has already suffered apocalyptic catastrophe. All worlds are in panic and chaos. Many worlds lack trade with the outside world. They are reduced to islands in the dark. There is a shortage of materials, no order exists, and everything is there at any time. May fall into a state of famine and civil war.

"At this time, if there is news that the Federation is turning over and the new empire is destroyed, believe me, the entire Xinghai will be reduced to purgatory in an instant.

"At that time, why should our little federation suppress the crazy rebels, soldiers and careerists of the world? Why should we restore local order and send the most basic food and water to the hundreds of hungry victims? Why should we get through the paralyzed Xinghai business network? And why should we be confident to say that we represent justice and are here to help them? No, we are the culprits of creating purgatory, and we have been able to establish a little bit after a lot of hard work. The trust in cultivators will disintegrate. No cultivator and ordinary people in the middle of the star sea will believe us, believe in the avenue of cultivation, and believe in the Federation!

"The city gate catches fire, and the pond fish is affected. If the entire star sea is turned into a purgatory, do you think the Federation can take care of itself? Have you thought about all this?

"Again, young people are often too superstitious about violence, thinking that the outcome of a war is enough to determine everything, but as your uncle, a senior who has solved many problems with violence, but discovered more problems, I really want to persuade you, it’s not that simple! Right now in the center of Xinghai is like a dying, dying patient, even if your intentions are good, and you have a scalpel that is unparalleled in the world, he still remains Will die!

"For such a critically ill patient, major surgery is absolutely not allowed now. You can only use decoctions to fine-tune it first, at least to strengthen his body, and then slowly use a series of minor operations to slowly figure it out. Of course, it is very It's complicated, tangled, and easy to repeat, and it doesn't guarantee a 100% success rate, but this is the only way. Do you understand it?"

"I see, you are worried about reconstruction after the war."

Lu Qingchen pondered for a moment, and said, "You are worried that even if we capture the imperial capital, there is no way to clean the bureaucracy and civil servants of the entire empire, even if we can clean the blood vessels and nerve endings of the entire empire. There are also not enough managers capable of taking over many low-level positions. So, as long as those immortal cultivators of the old system are still entrenched in their nerve endings, they will still be full of greed, corruption and depravity. It is impossible to obey our orders and will only worsen. Doing harm to the country and the people, using our guise to reap benefits?"


Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "Your understanding seems to be a bit biased, but it also makes sense. The empire is too large and the accumulated frauds are too much. In a short time, it is impossible to be wiped out."

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