40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2964: Lord of Fuxi

"You swallowed Fuxi's chaotic data fragments?"

Li Yao was shocked.

Fuxi's data fragments are not something that can be swallowed casually.

Although Fuxi's core database is fragmented, and the underlying logical structure is all disintegrated, which is equivalent to "annihilation of the soul", there is no independent self-consciousness.

However, the amount of data and information remaining in it is too huge. On some data fragments, it is still possible to maintain instructions that resemble the instinct of a beast or even a virus.

The instinct of the fierce beast is to attack and swallow, and the instinct of the virus is to erode and spread. Even if such things are contaminated with little by little, it is extremely troublesome.

It is as if Lu Qingchen "killed" Fuxi and swallowed its "corpse" in one bite, but still being affected by Fuxi's instinct while imperceptibly, he slowly became second without knowing it. Fuxi.

Li Yao tried his best, even at the expense of his life, just not wanting Xiao Ming and Wenwen to be eroded by Fuxi's data fragments, but he didn't expect to fail in the end.

In other words, it was Xiao Ming and Wen Wen who took the initiative to come back to save him and face him together, their "instinct" like a wild beast!

However, the current situation seems to be slightly different from what he expected. Although Xiao Ming's form has changed drastically and the entire core database has been completely renewed, he is still himself. There is no, at least not too strong "Fuxi breath". ".

"Yes, it's not me, Wenwen, and the champion, and even my dad swallowed a lot of Fuxi's remaining messy data. This gave us the opportunity to further upgrade and launch a new breakthrough."

Xiao Ming smiled and said, "Isn't Dad not aware of it?"


Of course, Li Yao noticed the strangeness of his own soul. He once again looked at his palm, which was formed by the torrent of thousands of data and information. After a while, he muttered, "How long have I slept, and what happened during this period?"

"Dad slept for a total of forty-two days, seven hours and twenty-five seconds. During this period, many things happened in the entire Pangu universe-the Empire, the Holy League, and the Federation, including your relatives and friends. Don’t worry. , I will slowly tell my father one by one."

Xiao Ming explained with a smile, "As you said,'Fuxi Data' is a very dangerous thing. As a prehistoric age, it has awakened consciousness and has survived and accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of super artificial intelligence, whether it is ordinary humans or ours. Such an information life, if anyone is blinded by greed and swallows it whole, even if he can still control himself at the time, over time, the only result is to be corroded and polluted by it, and eventually rebel against the object and become its minion. Even slaves.

"But if so many of us divide it up together, and everyone swallows part of the'Fuxi Data', then there is an extremely weak possibility to digest it completely and take away its memory, algorithms, computing power and control. Permission, but not affected by it.

"In the battle more than a month ago, Lu Qingchen had completely swallowed Fuxi’s database. If nothing else, this practice of swallowing elephants with snakes would definitely cause indigestion and even cause many side effects and sequelae. In the end, Lu Qingchen turned into Fuxi's slave.

"However, the emergence of the boxing king, especially when he poured magical power into the iron fist, slammed into Lu Qingchen's soul, triggering the problem of incompatibility between Lu Qingchen and Fuxi's data in advance, causing Lu Qingchen spit out a lot of Fuxi data-according to our after-event estimates, Lu Qingchen spit out about half to two-thirds of Fuxi data. On the contrary, it made this guy'a blessing in disguise', able to lay down his burden, pack light and get back 100% of the control of Shenhun can also firmly suppress the remaining one-third of Fuxi's data, and eventually fly away and escape.

"And if the two-thirds of Fuxi's data were originally carried by my father alone, your soul is so powerful that you will definitely not be able to bear it. Even if you can escape from birth, it will be in the days to come. Constantly eroded and entangled, and eventually, with the same way of thinking as Fuxi and even the "Dao Xin", then you will completely become another Fuxi.

"Fortunately, we are back.

"I, Wenwen, boxing champion, dad, by the way, and the Scarlet Heart Demon, the five of us face two-thirds of Fuxi’s data fragments together, which is equivalent to everyone swallowing one-tenth of Fuxi’s Dao Heart ','will' or'thinking', the consequences will not be so serious, at least for now, everyone can barely suppress it and try to completely refine it."

"It turned out to be so."

Li Yao let out a sigh of relief.

Thinking about that battle for more than a month, it was really dangerous and lifeless, and if it weren't for the insertion of chances and accidents again and again, maybe his bones and sticks could beat the drums and gongs.

Fortunately, fortunately!

However, thinking of Lu Qingchen, Li Yao's soul tensed again, "By the way, what about Lu Qingchen, he swallowed one-third of Fuxi's data and authority, and where did he escape?"

"do not know."

Xiao Ming said, "Lv Qingchen is very smart. He knows that he controls only one-third of Fuxi's data and permissions. He was hit hard by the boxing champion when he was reborn in Nirvana, and his soul strength and ultimate computing power fell to the bottom. , Is not enough to control the entire Fuxi fleet.

"Therefore, he only snatched a super giant soldier from the "Ultimate Salvation", the "Descent" that Fuxi had prepared for him, and also controlled the five supreme battle castles. With the cover of many starships, he passed through the stars. Jump and escape.

"He probably didn't escape back to the Holy League, because in preparation for this strategic decisive battle, the Holy League has already drained all the resources of each of its big worlds. Now, most of the habitable planets in the Holy League are in collapse. Edge-in fact, if it weren't the unique character of the Holy League, which was indifferent as a machine and meek as a sheep, their entire society would have fallen apart a long time ago.

"Even if you fled back to the hinterland of the Saint League, you won't be able to get effective supplies, let alone re-assemble the second Fuxi Fleet. Lu Qingchen simply gave up the entire Saint League, only carrying the five supreme battle castles, drifting in the dark star sea. Going deep, no one knows where he fled, what he wants to do next-in theory, he should not be able to make any waves."

"So, isn't it very hopeless, although the sea of ​​stars is big, there are few places with resources, the five supreme battle castles are five behemoths of gold swallowing, and the resources consumed every day are astronomical numbers, even if he has Fuxi's data And authority, but without manpower and material resources and a large amount of resources to supply, and five super battle castles empty, what can we do?"

Li Yao was a little bit emotional, and didn't know how to evaluate Lu Qingchen and his future.

Star Wars Castle alone is useless.

Without resource planets and habitable planets, or even a base for mooring and maintenance, the five star battle castles will only collapse in a very short period of time-the larger the battle castle, the more resources it consumes and the personnel The more complex the structure and relationship of the, the faster the collapse.

Unless Lu Qingchen can find a new path before the collapse of the five supreme battle castles, he is just lingering and struggling.

Therefore, Xiao Ming was right, Lu Qingchen should be the rabbit's tail can not grow, can not make any waves.

It was only a pity for Li Yao. Lu Qingchen had so many opportunities, but they had leaked through his fingers, and finally chose the darkest, most decisive, and hardest path.

"Damn, my personality charm is so strong, and I'm so polite and tempting, why does Lu Qingchen refuse to put me in my arms? Why is this? There is no reason at all!"

Li Yao really couldn't figure it out.

However, there are too many problems he has to think about right now, and Lu Qingchen, who has lost his foundation and turned into a Piaoping, should still sigh slowly when he is free.

"That is to say, the'Defensive War of the Imperial Capital' has ended, shall we finally defend the Imperial Capital?"

Li Yao said, "Lu Qingchen only took away the five supreme battle fortresses, and what about the remaining Fuxi fleet? This fleet has been painstakingly gathered by Fuxi. The essence of the entire Saint League's thousand-year accumulation, in the previous stage of the battle against the Imperial Forest Army, It shouldn’t have been hit too much, and the establishment is still being completed. What will happen to this fleet and the tens of thousands of holy allies on it? Also, the Federal Expeditionary Force is okay, the empire is cultivating immortals. The person didn’t do any stupid things like'the bird hides the bow and the rabbit dies and the dog cooks'?"

This is what Li Yao worries most.

Although he vowed in front of Lu Qingchen, he firmly believed that the little emperor-Li Jialing would not betray him.

But what Lu Qingchen said was not unreasonable. Li Jialing was Li Jialing, the reformists were reformists, and the true human empire was the true human empire.

Li Jialing may not be able to control the entire reformist, and the reformist may not be able to represent the entire empire. After all, the cultivators and the cultivators have a thousand-year old grievances. When facing a common strong enemy, they can abandon their previous suspicions and fight side by side. They will not face each other head-to-head.

The high-level thoughts are one thing, and the low-level stereotypes and conflicts of interest are another. Sometimes, the low-level cultivators and the immortal cultivators may misfire, and it will ferment into the doomsday magic flame that sweeps the entire star sea.

If Li Yao was righteous in front of Lu Qingchen and beat the opponent away with a righteous iron fist, and then turned around to find that the Federation and the Empire were really beaten up as Lu Qingchen said, it would be very embarrassing.

"These two questions have a common answer."

Xiao Ming looked at Li Yao, his eyes sparkling with self-confidence and stubborn brilliance, which made Li Yao vaguely see the aggressive edge of his youth. "The Fuxi fleet still exists, and it has not been defeated by the Federation and the Empire. Today, it is firmly established. In control of—our hands!"

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