40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2965: Tripartite


Li Yao was stunned for a long time, "Who is this so-called'we'?"

Xiao Ming did not directly answer Li Yao's question, but lowered his eyes and said in a different way: "Dad originally thought, how should we deal with the problems of the Fuxi fleet and so many holy allies? For example, let the entire Fuxi fleet Do you think it is appropriate to surrender to the empire?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate."


Xiao Ming said, "Regardless of whether the imperial people who are almost occupied in the capital will become angry and kill all the holy allies-I believe this is not Dad's intention.

"Even if the empires are magnanimous and leave the holy allies alive, but the Imperial Army that swallows the entire Fuxi fleet will greatly expand its strength, reaching or even surpassing ten times that of the Union Army.

"The alliance between the empire and the federation was originally not very strong. Once the strength of the two sides is too great, it will not be able to maintain a balance, and new disasters will surely be born.

"Therefore, not only us, but also our nominal mother, Ding Lingdang, the Speaker of the Federation, as well as many powerhouses and all the cultivators of the Federation, it is impossible to watch the empire annex the Fuxi fleet."

Li Yao pondered carefully, and it really made sense.

Of course he believes in Li Jialing, but Li Linghai or Lei Chenghu is hard to say. There is a saying called "Human nature is inherently good", but there is also a saying called "Don't test human nature casually."

The entire Fuxi fleet was handed over to the empires, making the empire's military power far more than ten times that of the Federation, and looking at the entire star sea, there are no new enemies for the time being-this behavior is an out-and-out "test of humanity." ", it is destined to cause catastrophe.

"So, what about the Federal Expeditionary Force taking over the Fuxi Fleet?"

Xiao Ming looked into Li Yao's eyes, "Daddy thinks, is this proposal good?"

"Good is good, of course. In this way, the power gap between the Federation and the Empire will be greatly reduced."

Li Yao said, "It's just that it's impossible for the empires to watch the Federation annex the Fuxi fleet?"

"Yes, Dad has the point. If the Fuxi Fleet is annexed by the Federal Expeditionary Force, it will further narrow the military power gap between the Federation and the Empire. The problem is that the empires obviously cannot be blinded and stupid. For the Federation people to seize the most lucrative spoils, and remain indifferent."

Xiao Ming said, "After all, this is the home of the Empire. The Empire and the Holy League have been greatly injured in the'Imperial Counterattack' in the previous twenty years. This time they even almost got rid of the nest by the Holy League. It can be said to be the last. One bullet, the last drop of blood drained, and it was hard to win—no matter how the victory came, it seems that the spoils are divided up, and these selfish cultivators are required to hand over the cooked ducks to others. may?

"If our little emperor uncle dared to give such a ridiculous order to make all the immortal cultivators stand still, but let the federal people swagger away from the Fuxi fleet, I am afraid that he will immediately become the greatest sinner in the history of the empire and immortality cultivation. , Will be overthrown by angry Imperial soldiers in the next moment.

"The situation on the battlefield at that time, the Federal Expeditionary Force and the Imperial Army's fleets were mixed together, there was no order at all. The two sides could maintain a high degree of restraint, and it would be very good if they did not wipe their guns. How about condensing the formation, sweeping the battlefield, and receiving all the Saint Alliance starships?

"What's more, it's not about taking the Saint Alliance starship back into the battlefield. Even if everything is fine-whether the Fuxi Fleet or the Federal Expeditionary Force, they are all scarred and exhausted. It is impossible to withdraw to the Federation territory through the Star Sea Leap. Do not rely on the Empires to provide docks and maintenance factories to rest, there are also a series of fuel and ammunition supplies, the treatment of severely wounded, and so on. Many problems, etc., must rely on the Empires to solve.

"Under this circumstance, can the Federationmen have the ability to capture and digest the entire Fuxi fleet? Not at all!"

"What you said makes sense."

Li Yao somewhat understood what Xiaoming meant, "I don't want to see the Fuxi fleet being swallowed by the empire, but it seems impossible for the Federation to completely digest and absorb so many powerful starships. The most important thing is , Neither the Federation nor the Empire has the ability to appease and control all the'soldier bees' and'worker bees' of the Fuxi fleet."

"Yes it is."

Xiao Ming said, "Although the Fuxi fleet has lost its head and will not take the initiative to attack the outside world, the so-called'The Way of Perfection-Three Principles of Origin' is still deeply ingrained in the brains of a large number of'soldier bees' and'worker bees'. , Among the three original laws, there is the “protect one's own safety”. That is to say, although the Fuxi fleet will not take the initiative to attack, someone must attack them first, or break into their starship to disarm them. The armed forces, they will still resist, is this a conditioned reflex?

"You know, in terms of combat power on paper, even at the very end, the Fuxi Fleet will not fall into the wind. Its ammunition and fuel are far better than the Federation and the Empire's coalition forces. In addition to the collapse of the main brain, the five supreme battles Except for the escape from the fort, the other main battleships did not suffer a devastating blow and still had the power to fight, like a highly vigilant steel hedgehog. The two exhausted paper tigers of the Federation and the Empire wanted to eat Fuxi. There is no way for the fleet to speak up.

"We believe that Dad's intention is not to completely eliminate all the brainwashed holy allies, but to save them and help them slowly recover their emotions and will-destroying their mastermind is one thing, but how to maintain a minimum It’s another matter. Wenwen and I don’t think that the Federation people are in harmony with each other, so that they can let go of their hearts and receive a certain degree of'treatment', and during this period, they will not cause more troubles. The empires can do this. After all, they don't have the authority to control the entire Fuxi fleet."


Li Yao looked at Xiao Ming and murmured, "We have all swallowed part of Fuxi's data. This place was originally the flagship of the Fuxi fleet. Only we have the authority."


Xiao Ming said frankly, "The basic database of Wenwen and I originated from the "Civilization" game of the Star Federation, and we, including the boxing champion, believe that human civilization maintains a state of deterrence and balance between several major forces, which is more than a single one. It is more conducive to our brand-new information lives to survive in the cracks. Therefore, we are all willing to stand on the side of the Federation and help the Federation to check and balance the empire.

"Since the Federation cannot directly annex the Fuxi fleet, and all the sullen'soldier bees' and'worker bees' of the Saint League need to maintain a temporary and minimum order, or that they can't leave Fuxi's control all at once, they have to make progress gradually. , Find yourself step by step.

"So, before all the holy alliance members have found themselves, and the Federation and the empire will have new disputes at any time, who is more suitable to control the Fuxi fleet and then the entire holy alliance?

"After a brief analysis and discussion, we came to this conclusion, Wen Wen, and the boxing champion acted immediately and put together the three of our control authorities from Fuxi, thus controlling the entire Fuxi fleet. And it showed our existence and attitude to the leadership of both the federation and the empire-we are not Fuxi, we are willing to surrender, and conditionally disarm part of the arms, retreat to the edge of the extreme heavens, and when the time is right, we will still Go back to the homeland of the Holy League, but we must get the minimum supply to ensure the survival of all the "soldier bees" and "workers" on the ship, and we don't want to see new conflicts between the Federation and the empire, if the storm recurs , The party that creates the conflict will be treated as our only enemy and will be hit hardest by us!"

Li Yao was dumbfounded.

"that is--"

He brewed for a long time, and then cautiously said at the end, "Fighting and fighting for a long time, in fact, you have replaced Fuxi's position, leading the Fuxi fleet and even... the entire Holy League?"

"It's not ‘you’, it’s ‘us’."

Xiao Ming said unceremoniously, “Dad also swallowed a lot of Fuxi data and has certain authority to exert influence on a large number of ‘soldier bees’ and ‘workers’ bees. Therefore, we are jointly leading the entire Holy League.

"Don't look at me like that. To be honest, I'm not interested in leading mothers-in-laws such as Shengmeng. Dad should know that my database is more focused on war, exploration, conquest, and colonization. I have the Fuxi fleet. No, it’s Wenwen who has been around and verbose, saying that we must never give up the ordinary people of the Holy League. If we don’t lead, manage, and treat them, they will fall into famine and famine if we don’t lead, manage, and treat them. Chaos, human beings on hundreds of planets will all be extinct.

"I don’t really care whether humans are extinct or not, but Wenwen’s words make sense-if we can manage and treat all humans in the entire Shengmeng, and solve the biggest'humanitarian crisis' in the history of the Pangu universe, perhaps humans are right. The view of information life will be different, and it will become more positive and positive, which is very good for our survival and development, so I can only reluctantly do it!"

The coldness that Xiao Ming revealed between the lines was as if he had withdrawn from Fu Xi.

Of course, he was like this long before he met Fuxi, and even when he was still in the Xingyao Federation.

——If information life really possesses humanity, this "humanity" is definitely different from the "humanity" in the usual sense of human beings.

"and so……"

Li Yao looked at the familiar and unfamiliar teenager in front of him, with a bit of emotion, "The child has grown up and is no longer under the control of mom and dad." "You are all for the Federation, and even to solve the'humanitarian crisis.' Actively control the Fuxi fleet?"

"Of course not. It is mainly for our own survival. We cannot base our lives on human compassion and goodwill. Since our existence can no longer be concealed, and as the truth of the Holy League is exposed, mankind has shown interest in Fuxi. Such artificial intelligence will definitely increase hostility, and then we must also have enough force to protect ourselves."

Xiao Ming said generously and without any concealment, "Dad feels that humans have enough rationality, wisdom and patience to distinguish between us and Fuxi, the difference between'good artificial intelligence' and'bad artificial intelligence," and then he opened his arms completely. Accept us? Maybe there is, maybe not, we can’t and don’t need to bet, it’s better to control a powerful fleet by ourselves, fight as you want, and leave as you want."

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