40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2966: Homecoming


Li Yao frowned and said, "Of course I can't deprive the ability of information life to defend itself, but the Fuxi fleet, including the entire Saint League, is ultimately composed of a large number of humans, even if they do not have much emotion and free will now, but I The purpose is to hope that they will gradually awaken to themselves, how can they always be tied to the chariot of information life?"

"Wenwen and I have thought about this a long time ago."

Xiao Ming spread his hands and said relaxedly, "We don't necessarily need to manipulate the Holy Alliance. If we can replace the Holy Alliance with a large number of steel-and-iron battle puppets, they will be enriched to all combat positions, and the Fuxi fleet will eventually become without any carbon. Ji Shengming, a mechanical army with a level of 100%'informatization', all Saint Alliance members can regain their freedom, and do whatever they want. Surely they won't conflict with Dad's Dao Heart, right?

"Of course, if there is a holy alliance that feels that it is better to live with us, then we will not refuse—doesn’t Dad want to see a human and psychic puppet, carbon-based and silicon-based life in harmony and harmony. The world of Great Harmony?

"We do not have any ambitions for human civilization, and we even respect human civilization as a parent civilization. But it is precisely because we know human civilization too well that we know how to get along with human civilization to ensure peace to the greatest extent. We will never give up. The minimum force is not only for me, Wenwen and the champion, but also for the safety of my father."


Li Yao was stunned.


Xiao Ming took it for granted, "What does Dad think he is? Is it a human being or an information life?"


Li Yao looked reluctantly at his current form, scratching his head and said, "Well, I am about a transitional form between human beings and information life, like aquatic animals turning to terrestrial life. The intermediate state of animal evolution, some kind of'amphibians', but I still have a way to return to my original body, right? That body hasn't decayed yet, right?"

"Of course, as long as Dad fixes the battered soul in the virtual space, and we make this virtual space more stable and open a sufficiently stable and high-speed data channel, Dad can of course return to the original body. Go inside."

Xiao Ming said, "However, dad hasn’t realized that the body is not the point at all. The point is that your soul is inherently different from humans, but more like us. You are not human from the beginning, at least not in the narrow sense, Pangu universe , Cultivation of human beings in the 40,000 years-you are a human being on earth."

Li Yao was silent for a long time.

"Earth people, aren't they human?"

He asked.

He has asked himself this question many times, but now, he wants to hear the views of the children.

"It's hard to say. First of all, we have to make it clear-in a narrow sense, it is difficult to accurately distinguish and define human beings. For example, the demon race in the past is not considered human, but after the battle between Tianyuan and the blood demon, after the establishment of the new federation, The demon race is even a human; there are still silly holy allies, those'soldier bees' and'worker bees', perhaps in the eyes of many empires, they are not real human beings; let alone the divisions within the empires Different classes, the so-called'underground people', those humanoid monsters who have lived in the dark for tens of thousands of years, with degraded eyeballs, pale skin, hairy and blood-drinking, and no wisdom at all, can they be regarded as humans?"

Xiao Ming said seriously, "Look, in the narrow sense, the concept of human beings changes all the time, and there are even dozens of different definitions at the same time. Everyone has their own understanding of the word'human' according to their own identity and position. , And countless wars, bloodshed, destruction, and doomsday have all erupted because of differences in the concept of “humanity”, “I am a human, you are not a human,” or “I am a noble person, and you are a lower person 'Isn't this the most common excuse for starting war in the history of 100,000 years of war in human civilization?

"In a broad sense, what are the so-called human beings? Whether it’s Dad or Lu Qingchen, you didn’t propose it in the battle against Fuxi—Awakening yourself, rebelling against the law of nature, and in any case, do not allow any restraint to be imposed. Can the intelligent beings in themselves, regardless of their shape and origin, be called "human beings"?

"So, if my dad asks me whether people on earth are humans in a broad sense, I think it should be counted, because among the people on earth was born a hero who was unwilling to fate and determined to resist. He was born with perseverance, even if he wandered. There is no annihilation of the vulture plan on the edge of the universe, so the earthlings are of course the proud members of the human camp.

"However, from a narrow perspective, are people on Earth considered humans like the Pangu universe and 40,000 years of cultivation, or are they even primates, mammals, or carbon-based life? I want to raise a big question mark.

"It is very likely that the people on earth and I still have texts, and they are all information life.

"No, this statement is not accurate, so it should be said-Wenwen and I are both people on earth.

"The reason is very simple. Our father is a human being on earth, so we have at least half of the people on the earth, right? Since we are information life, how can earth people not be information life? If earth people are just pure carbon-based How can life, mammals, primates, and hairless monkeys travel through the multiverse and enlighten new life information?

"Also, the boxing king is also an out-and-out information life, but his most original database contains a large number of runes from the magic universe, and this rune can be seen everywhere on the earth in my father's memory. Right? In other words, the earth and magical civilization, including information life like Boxing King, are also deeply involved.

"With so much evidence in front of us, isn't my father willing to admit that people on earth are most likely not pure flesh and blood, but some kind of higher dimensional "super data aggregate" with infinite mysteries, more Advanced information life?"


Li Yao was a little uncomfortable with Xiao Ming's sharp teeth and aggressiveness for a while, but missed the two little plankton that would only drill into his arms, "So, what you mean is that the earth does not exist, at least not... real?"

"Really, dad didn't understand everything when he was fighting Fuxi, why is he back now? Is this "caring is chaos, the authorities are obsessed"?"

Xiao Ming said, "Standing at the height of the multidimensional and super-dimensional universe, what is true, what is false, what is existence, and what is nothingness? If there is some kind of four-dimensional intelligent life, perhaps in its eyes, the whole three-dimensional universe is A virtual game, and the strong and weak forces in the three-dimensional universe, universal gravitation, atoms, molecules and cells, single-cell life and multi-cell life... all these are a combination of a string of data and information? And this seems like The four-dimensional intelligent life like the omnipotent gods and demons, knowing that he is the peak existence, there will be no one five-dimensional intelligent life in the dark, while yawning, while boringly tampering with the four-dimensional universe A certain parameter in, set off a four-dimensional storm that destroys the world?

"In short, in a multidimensional and extra-dimensional universe,'truth and falsehood' are the least important issue. What is important is that we must believe that we are real, and draw strength from reality, exhaust our lives, and explore And to defend this truth, Dad thinks, am I right?"


Li Yao was stunned for a long time before saying, the corners of his eyes were a little lonely, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared. The kind of little guys have finally grown up, and he can safely leave everything to them and feel happy.

"So, we, like Dad, are all earthlings, and earthlings are most likely a mysterious and unpredictable super information life-for the entire Pangu universe, especially the empires who have been ravaged by information life. In other words, this is not good news."

Xiao Ming further explained, "Of course, we can do our best to explain to the empires that'Fuxi' is not a real information life, it is only a weak artificial intelligence, and it is a very bad and stupid weak artificial intelligence. However, the imperial people who have suffered from the poison and ravages of the Holy League for thousands of years, in the arrogance of victory and devastated fury, will they listen to us to explain? For our information and life control the battle net of the imperial capital, including the constant star magic treasure Jin Jing Will there be any doubts about the tower? Even if one day Dad wants to unleash the power of the Pangu universe and get a certain degree of connection with the earth, will this matter cause an uproar?

"Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. Now father, even the legendary Fuxi has been punched by you-although the truth is not the case, this is what outsiders see? Of course the federal propaganda machine will be on. Full horsepower, strong ink and color, add fuel and vinegar, rendering you the most powerful human hero in the last ten thousand years, and even the emperor in the legend; but on the side of the empire, whether Li Linghai or Lei Chenghu are willing to wait and see you , A cultivator, who is so in the limelight? If they want to suppress your limelight, what is your biggest taint? Isn’t it the one you have in contact with information life?"

"That's true."

Li Yao twisted his chin, "Except for the information life, I can say it is perfect. They want to pour dirty water on me, and they can't find the slightest flaw."

"So, once there is a generation of unpredictable people who stirs up the fire of human suspicion about the life of information, the fire will get out of control every minute."

Xiao Ming said, "If such a tragedy happens really unfortunately, I think there is only a powerful fleet that can calm the fanatical brains of these guys, and protect us, as well as our dad.

"If the human civilization of the Pangu universe really doesn't welcome us, we'll leave, and accompany my father to find the earth and return to our true hometown."

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