40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2967: Post-war situation

"Wait, wait, wait, my mind is a little confused now, things may not develop to that bad, anyway, I still choose to believe in human wisdom and kindness."

Li Yao thought about it seriously, and said, "However, I can also understand the choices of you, Wenwen, and the boxing champion. Indeed, from your perspective, there is no way to fully believe in humans in the narrow sense, especially These immortal cultivators of the True Human Empire.

"It's just that, how did the Federation and the empire react, just watch you take the Fuxi fleet? Where are we now—I mean, where are the Ultimate Salvation and the entire Fuxi fleet? "

"Of course, the Federation and the Empire were taken aback by our sudden appearance. Although some people, that is, the participants of the'abnormal human high-end forum', knew our existence, but most of them were not very clear about our existence. With the Fuxi fleet, this matter can no longer be concealed."

Xiao Ming said, "I have no way of guessing the mentality of most human beings. I don’t think they will have a good impression of us. But, even if they are furious, what can they do? The Federation and the empire have been exhausted. It will speed up the collapse of ourselves, and will not be able to stop us at all, not to mention that Wenwen and I still control the battle net of the entire imperial capital, and the boxing king also has extremely high control authority over the'Arsonist United Fleet', of course we are not able to defeat all Opponents are more than enough.

"The triangle is the most stable structure. Relying solely on the power of the Star Federation is not enough to contend with the entire real human empire, and we immediately sent a message to the Federation in the past, willing to represent the Covenant Alliance and the Star Federation. While concluding the strongest covenant and supervising the empire's reforms with the Federation, it also welcomes federal supervision and even participation in the treatment of the Holy Alliance.

"In the circumstances at the time, the Federalists couldn't find half a reason for rejection.

"And once the Federal Expeditionary Force and the Fuxi Fleet faintly form an alliance, it is impossible for the empires for a time, let alone the ability to destroy us.

"On the contrary, if the reformist cultivator wants to completely control the entire center of the star sea, eliminate the remaining power of the four major electoral camps as soon as possible, restore the order of the star sea, and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, then the whole society will be brained and informed. The level of transformation has to be further improved. In this matter, it is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate the factor of our information life.

"Our little emperor uncle is a smart and big-picture person. On a certain level, he is even smarter than his father. He is more suitable to be a good ruler. What's more, we have been together day and night. He has a deep understanding of us. He understands that there are no ordinary people’s worries and prejudices about the information life. Therefore, he did not do those short-sighted and self-confining stupid things, but chose to accept us and provide us with the most basic materials and facilities.

"We are now on an abandoned asteroid base in the most remote and desolate planet of the polar world.

"Although the resources here are scarce, and the stars are not even visible, the various facilities built hundreds of years ago are all sealed and can be used after simple maintenance. With the materials provided by the little emperor's uncle and the reserve of the Fuxi fleet, we will temporarily I can catch my breath."

As Xiao Ming said, dozens of three-dimensional light curtains flashed behind him, showing the scene of the abandoned base regaining new life and the maintenance and construction in full swing.

It can be clearly seen that although many starships in the Fuxi fleet are riddled with holes, pits and pits, and the reactive armor is beaten to pieces, like a beggar’s rags, but after all, the basic structure is maintained intact. It retains the last vitality of the Covenant Alliance and the first hope of information life.

"It took about a week for the entire imperial capital to completely end the turmoil and restore basic order."

Xiao Ming said, "After that, our Fuxi Fleet and the Federal Expeditionary Force, together with the imperial high-levels of the little emperor's uncle, held a secret meeting of the highest level on the Celestial Star. All parties held their noses and accepted the fact that there was no alternative. , Formally established the situation of'three pillars'.

"Although this is not the most ideal state, the ending of'justice will eventually triumph over evil, and no problems will ever exist', there are still very serious differences and suspicions between each other. Maybe there will be another wave of trouble, but for the time being. At least peace has come. Peace, even if it's only for one second, is better than no second, isn't it?"

This is true, Li Yao agreed.

He just didn't expect: "So fast? You sneaked up while I was still asleep?"

"Yes, uh, everyone from the Holy League, Empire or Federation thinks it is better to meet while Dad is away."

Xiao Ming said, "In this case, the atmosphere of the meeting will be more serious, and everyone will be able to conduct intense discussions on issues of interest without hindrance."

"What do you mean?"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, a bit wronged, "That is to say, if I were there, the atmosphere of the meeting would not be serious, right? Who said, I am the supreme of the world, the father of the federation, and the number one master of the Pangu universe. God, Black Wind King, high-dimensional universe virus, why am I not serious, why am I'blocked'?"

"...Don't get excited, Dad, we really don't despise you, but your identity is too special. Your contribution to human civilization is so great. Your great achievements have been at least in the past ten thousand years and one in the future. For thousands of years, no one can compare."

Xiaoming explained, "Look, you are from the Star Federation, and you are honored as the father of the Federation, or the husband of the current Speaker of the Federation; at the same time, you are the Black Wind King of the real human empire, one of the two most powerful warlords. First, he was the righteous brother of the emperor, and even one of the people behind the emperor's throne. In just six months, he was the person who saved the capital twice, the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, and the second The second Fuxi can be said to have been blown by your own hands. From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call you the'first person to rebuild the empire'; as for the Saint League, let alone, you Now his child has taken the place of Fuxi and is managing the entire Saint League.

"So, think about it, if you participate in such a high-level meeting, and the interests of the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League conflict at the meeting, when everyone is fighting red, who do you help?"

"This one……"

Li Yao thought for a long time, but couldn't think of an answer, so he could only mutter, "Well, it seems that I did inadvertently climb too high and too high, and the status is too detached, so it is no longer suitable for playing StarCraft. It’s a pediatric trick, these federations, empires, holy leagues, and other national issues, let's leave it to you children to deal with, and then, how are you doing?"

"As of now, it's pretty good."

Xiao Ming squeezed his finger to introduce Li Yao one by one, "First, the Fuxi fleet completely gave up the offensive and huddled up near this abandoned base on the edge of the polar world. The Imperial Army deployed dense cosmic mines between here and the Tianji star to ensure Fuxi. The fleet can no longer create new threats.

"Then, in accordance with the agreed surrender conditions, we disarmed about half of the arms, of which two-thirds were handed over to the Federation, and one third was handed over to the Empire, and provided both parties with part of the key operations of the Holy Alliance Starship. Parameters and structure diagrams.

"In exchange, the empire and the Federation accepted the surrender of the Holy League, and from the very limited supplies, gritted their teeth and provided it to us, ensuring the survival of most of the Holy League.

"At the same time, the Empire and the Federation also agreed that they will not take the initiative to attack the Holy League homeland when the humanitarian disaster in the Holy League is not completely out of control, and still maintain the existence of the Holy League as a political entity, and at the same time reluctantly accept this political The fact that entities will be under the management of artificial intelligence for a long time in the future.

"At the same time, the two countries will do their utmost to control domestic public opinion, guide the people's views on the holy ally and artificial intelligence, step by step toward mutual integration, at least mutual understanding.

"I don't know how binding such a promise is, but that's it for the time being.

"After establishing a secret agreement on the Celestial Star and supervising the Fuxi Fleet to complete the disarmament and handover of half of the armed forces, the rest, reorganization and supply of the Federation and the Empire's coalition forces have also been roughly completed. Therefore, their military front again points to the territories of the four major elector families. Huanglongjie, the heart of the old empire, launched a new offensive.

"The success of this offensive can't even be described as'destructive', but'according to transmission'. Including the Yellow Dragon Realm, the world under the control of the four major electoral families has long been panicked and chaotic. Falling into a state of self-defeating without a war, their only hope is that the new empire and the Holy League will suffer both defeats. They can fish in troubled waters and linger for a while, and now the capital is completely calmed down, and the Holy League surrendered to the empire. A powerful ally, their last hope was shattered.

"From below the Yellow Dragon Realm, the nobles of the world are vying to surrender, and even stabbing each other in order to surrender, they want to take some weighty trophies to'provide merits'. In many cases, the federation and the imperial coalition did not even dispatch a single soldier. You can hear the sound of "Long live Emperor Yongjia" from planet to planet, the mountains whistling and tsunami.

"That being said, the territories of the four major electoral families are too vast, and there are too many important facilities and jump nodes that need to be received. Even if only one squadron is stationed in each big world, the force is far from enough. Therefore, the high-level leaders of the Federation and the New Empire almost came out to supervise the surrender of the four major electoral camps and restore local order as soon as possible-this is why I am the only one to stay here."

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