40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2985: In the middle of the world, outside the body!

This trilobite is about to die.

It would not have died so early. As one of the few overlords in the Cambrian sea, there are few creatures larger and more ferocious in this primitive and chaotic ocean. Even if it encounters a strong enemy, it is strong. The crustacean can also provide adequate protection, and near the ancient coral bushes where it inhabits, crinoids, sponges, coelenterates and plankton are all available as food, which can be called "plenty".

If it wants to, it can continue to swim in the sea comfortably and unambiguously, prey on plankton, and spend a life exactly like the billions of similar species—its structure and the operating rules of this world determine its race At least in this form, after hundreds of millions of years can be spent safely, it will end without a disease in a mass extinction that has spread to the world.

But since three days ago, this adult, healthy, and strong trilobite voluntarily gave up eating, letting his hard body drift with the waves in the sea, ups and downs, but did not make any movements.

It's like... it's thinking, it's meditating, it's exploring the meaning of life.

This of course is very absurd.

It will take hundreds of millions of years and good luck before the birth of the spirit of all things in this world that will think about itself. The trilobite's simple nerves can't even be called a "system", how can it collide with sparks and thinking of wisdom The light?

However, through its compound eyes made of calcite, there are clear rays of wisdom flowing out, shining on this chaotic world, and exchanging endless information with this pristine ocean.

For three days and nights, the trilobites remained motionless.

Some brachiopods, cephalopods, and coelenterates were cautiously patrolling around it, thinking it was dead, and couldn't wait to swallow its decayed body tissues.

At this moment, the sea fluctuated and the small animals ran away, but it was a stubborn strange shrimp who found it.

The strange shrimp is one of the largest and most ferocious carnivorous creatures in the Cambrian sea. The largest strange shrimp can grow to more than one meter in size, which is one round larger than the trilobite.

The prawns are naturally not afraid of trilobites, but the two marine overlords usually have enough food, and they rarely become enemies directly.

However, a trilobite that is dying and can't fight back is naturally another matter.

The strange shrimp shook the handle eyes, waved its huge forelimbs and sharp abdominal thorns, and rushed towards the dying trilobite.

This was originally a sure-fire attack, but the eager shrimp who was determined to win went all out.

It turned around, and the handle eye caught a beautiful scene-in the turbid sea behind it, the trilobite's body gradually became crystal clear, until it was completely transparent, and thousands of splendor bloomed from the transparency. The color of the rainbow becomes one, two, and countless rainbows, dissipating in the entire ocean, the entire world.


Unlike trilobites, the life of archaea may be as short as one day.

They live in the more ancient depths of the primitive ocean, near the crater of high temperature and pressure, in extremely extreme environments.

In just one day, they must frantically absorb the nutrients and calories ejected from the submarine volcanoes, make polymeric peptides and proteins, and then split frantically, in order to inherit their life information, and find the most precious among endless changes. Possibility.

Every second is extremely precious, and every split represents a new possibility, even after hundreds of millions of years, whether a certain new ethnic group can evolve into a true "civilization".

This Methanobacter lives in such a harsh, mysterious and sacred environment, thinking, meditating, and using every 0.1 second of every second to practice.

Finally, when it perceives the restlessness of life, the fragmentation and spread of information, and the origin of civilization, in an instant, Methanobacter emits a seven-color mysterious light that is more dazzling than a submarine volcanic eruption, turning into a rainbow of ripples and disappearing.


It's not just these worlds.

It's not just monks, generals, beggars, cavemen, trilobites and archaea.

There are also many worlds, all kinds of identities, all seem to be drawn by some invisible fetters in the dark, while living, thinking, meditating, practicing, enlightening, turning rainbows, and soaring.

In some worlds, he is a lewd and innocent emperor who has been living and drunk for decades, and only after being attacked by rebels into the imperial city did he gain epiphany and liberation.

In some worlds, he is a big tree standing on the top of the mountain for thousands of years, silent for thousands of years, soaring in one go.

In some worlds, he is plankton, flowers and plants, amphibians, snakes, lizards, dinosaurs, cavemen, early Homo sapiens who killed and eaten cavemen, and bluestones on the old streets. Light breeze and moon...

Infinite worlds, infinite rainbows, one after another soaring into the air, breaking through the barriers of the worlds, flying to a higher level of the world, where they gather together, with new perceptions, experiences and fragments of the Taoist heart, or In the terminology of the ancient repair world, with "a few seconds, decades to thousands of years of Taoism", a brand-new existence that is as pure as a child and powerful as a **** or devil is reshaped.

Now, there is only the last world left, the last rainbow.

This is also a world that has been ups and downs in the "virtual data sea", has been deduced to the extreme, evolved to the most advanced, and produced the most developed civilization.

There are many criteria for judging the degree of evolution of a civilization.

From a macro perspective, can this civilization jump out of its home planet and march into the endless universe?

At the micro level, does this civilization develop supercomputing tools similar to "crystal brains" that can create its own virtual world, even the simplest virtual game.

In this world, the intelligent beings who claim to be "Tianhai Civilization" have initially analyzed the mysteries of stars, tried every means to use the energy of stars to explore the universe, and developed a supercomputing tool called "Ultra Brain" that can concentrate. Calculate large amounts of data and information, and perform simple virtual deductions.

"Wan Xiaotian, you are here again, what are you kidding about, it's impossible to jump in four-dimensional space, don't you get out!"

In the most prestigious "Tianhai Civilization" "Tianhai University", in the Stellar Research Institute, a young man with red eyes and disheveled hair was driven out of the office by his tutor, and fell to the ground.

After that, he spent half a year of hard work, writing a paper full of hyperspace jumping formulas, but was also thrown out, "crashing" scattered all over the place.


The door of Tianhai Civilization's leading stellar research expert was heavily closed in front of him, and his nose was gray.

The brothers and sisters in the corridor, with sarcasm on their faces, pointed to him:

"He is Wan Xiaotian, that little lunatic who doesn't do business all day and just thinks about transcending space!"

"I heard that he was originally a top student in the department. Before he was twenty, he published seven formulas on the composition and operation of stars. He was a sensational genius, and he was specially recruited to our cutting-edge stellar research institute. After coming, he didn't expect that he didn't know what he was going crazy, so he abandoned the promising star research and went to study some hyperspace. He lived up to his tutor's expectations, abandoned his career, and almost turned into a human being."

"He has not passed the assessment in the research institute for three consecutive months. According to the regulations, he is not qualified to stay. The tutor kindly gave him one last chance. As a result, he still abandons himself and is obsessed with the'hyperspace formula'. It's really pitiful and hateful to waste countless precious resources. At this moment, I can only leave people alone!"

The academic circle is not pure. For funding, resources, and laboratory use time, all researchers have to fight against each other. Wan Xiaotian was originally too strong, but recently he went his own way, crazy and unpopular.

However, since he was determined to explore the mystery of transcending space and even transcending the universe, he has had an incomparable consciousness. He did not take cold words to his heart, but bit his lips, silently picking up his own papers and manuscripts.

At this time, a pair of rough hands stretched out to help him clean up.

Naturally, it is not the brothers and sisters who want him to leave immediately.

It's the cleaner in the Stellar Research Institute, Lao Li.

While tidying up, he smiled innocently and honestly at him, and even looked at his paper with great interest. The cleaner, Lao Li, acted as if he could really understand it.

The sneers all around became louder and louder, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Because this cleaner, Lao Li, has a round head and a fat body, and a natural stupid look. He is a handicapped person with mild intellectual disability.

"Look, Lao Li can understand Wan Xiaotian's calculations, they are friends!"

I don't know who said that, and it drew bursts of brisk laughter, alleviating the tremendous pressure of researchers in the vast computing world.

Wan Xiaotian frowned. He himself was not afraid of embarrassment, but he did not want Lao Li to be ridiculed. Perhaps everyone in the Stellar Research Institute looked down on Lao Li, even "invisible" Lao Li, and only treated Lao Li as a flush toilet. But he is different. He is an orphan. In the orphanage where he grew up, there are many children with various disabilities like Lao Li, who are his relatives.

When he saw Lao Li, he thought of his brothers and sisters.

To a certain extent, he and Lao Li are "the same people who have fallen into the world", and they are both outliers in the Stellar Research Institute.

"Old Li, let's go."

Wan Xiaotian tidied up the manuscripts and papers as quickly as possible, braving everyone's sneers, pushed the silly Lao Li out of the corridor.

Out of the corridor, with nowhere to go, he was at a loss, but Lao Li dragged him into the toilet.

At the end of the toilet, there is a small tool room, which can be regarded as Lao Li's "office".

Everyone disliked Lao Li Jianxang. Wan Xiaotian was in the orphanage, but he had seen the dirty and smelly scenes, and he didn't care so much. Sometimes I saw Lao Li poor, and he was willing to come here to talk to him.

"Old Li, I'm leaving tomorrow!"

Seeing Lao Li smiling like a child weighing two hundred catties, without the slightest worry, Wan Xiaotian was both envious and distressed, and sighed, "I'm afraid I won't have the chance to come back to see you in the future - they won't let me in. of."

"Why, why?"

Old Li was holding a puck and asked vaguely, "Why are you leaving?"

"It's not my draft, they don't understand it, they all say it's rubbish."

Wan Xiaotian shook the manuscript paper, then smiled, "Forget it, you don't understand it after you say it, don't say it."

"I understand, really, your manuscript was originally rubbish."

Old Li still smiled, but his voice suddenly became clear, "You want to use superstring theory to deduce the existence of the entire universe, and then find the gap between the three-dimensional and four-dimensional universe. This was originally not a mistake, but you made the wrong choice. The “density cloud algorithm” used to calculate the structure and operation of stars is used as the basis for running the superstring theory. It is as if it is impossible to count all the sand in the desert one by one. You are indeed Wasting one's own time and resources, what is it if it is not rubbish?

"Well, **** is rubbish, but you are a young man who has some whimsical creativity after all. It is stronger than them, not completely hopeless. Have you ever thought about introducing the'discrete cloud algorithm' into your hyperspace Where to go in the formula?"

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