40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2986: The mountain is there!


Wan Xiaotian was completely dumbfounded, every brain cell was dumbfounded, and the **** sent out unconscious, "Huh?"

"Like this, you want to capture the existence of ripples in space by measuring the curvature of the stellar light rays. It is a good idea, but you can’t figure it out with a ‘density cloud’. If it’s a ‘discrete cloud’—"

Lao Li stuffed Pi into Wan Xiaotian's hand, and dipped himself in the mop water for wiping the floor. The water flowed on the wall, and the dragons and phoenix danced. In a short while, he wrote a wall of formulas and algorithms full of Dangdang. Wan Xiaotian had never heard of it, had never seen it, but when he watched closely, he was shocked and suddenly enlightened.

"Can you understand 10%?"

Lao Li asked as he wrote.

"Poor, almost."

There was a stormy sea in Wan Xiaotian's heart, not only for the incomparably mysterious algorithm written for Lao Li, but also for Lao Li himself. His voice trembled, "Lao, Lao Li, how are you... what are you... What the hell... who are you?"

"Is it important?"

Old Li Youyou said, "For this world, I may be a returnee or a passer-by. It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is who you are and what you want to pursue. Tell me, young man, why are you? Do you want to study'hyperspace'? Is it just to achieve a four-dimensional space jump? If I tell you that in this world, a four-dimensional space jump is absolutely impossible. Do you want to bet on your life and continue to study?"

"It is absolutely impossible to jump in four-dimensional space." Many senior scholars in the academic field have said this conclusion. Even Wan Xiaotian's tutor once said it categorically, but Wan Xiaotian still didn't believe it.

However, Lao Li's deep and deep voice contained special magic power, and Wan Xiaotian couldn't help but shake.

But he felt that Lao Li had something in his words, and what Lao Li said "impossible" was not the same as the "impossible" said by his instructor.

"No, it's not like that. I don't just want to realize the space jump as simple as possible, I want to know the truth, I want to know the truth about space, the universe, and the world!"

Wan Xiaotian felt that an inexplicable force suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart. He clenched his fist and snarled, "Looking for the true self, verifying the nature of the world, and exploring the universe beyond the universe. This is not our most noble one. Is it mission? Since the universe is there, of course we have to study it, conquer it, and surpass it, just like climbers conquering the highest mountain in the world.'The mountain is there' is the only reason!"

"That's it, I didn't read the wrong person, you really are a... very interesting young man, it is worth passing on these algorithms and formulas to you."

Lao Li’s eyes bloomed with magnificent brilliance, and there was a little bit of stupidity as an intellectually disabled person on his face. He smiled and said, “Then, if I tell you, even if you have the correct formulas and algorithms, you will only get in the end. Wrong or even desperate answer, do you want to continue?"

"What do you mean?"

Wan Xiaotian held Pi Liaozi tightly, "Lao Li, do you know the mystery of hyperspace, or even the truth above the universe?"

This conjecture is really absurd.

But everything that happened to Lao Li seems to be far more than the word "absurd".

Wan Xiaotian felt that an earth-shattering secret was slowly uncovering in front of him.

"Time is endless, space is endless, and there is a universe beyond the universe. No matter how many times I seem to be stronger than you, we are all as ignorant and small in the face of the infinite universe, so how can I know the'truth', even ' Whether the truth exists is a big question mark."

Lao Li said, "We who claim to be the spirits of all things are like blind people and horses running wildly on the cliffs of evolution. The only thing I can do is to do my best to run in front of you and fall down before me. Before the cliff, use the horse's hoof of'Treading' to guide you.

"No, I don't know the truth, but we can make some interesting or terrifying assumptions to guess the ultimate picture of the universe, right to be a little thinking game."

Wan Xiaotian could not help but said, "You mean, you have guessed the truth of the universe, at least half a claw of the truth of the universe?"


Lao Li leaned on the mop and murmured, "Perhaps the universe we live in did not originate from the big bang in the past, or that it was produced by a controllable, premeditated, and purposeful big bang. It was something more. A virtual world created by a high-dimensional existence.

"And this higher-dimensional existence does not only create this virtual world, but hundreds of virtual worlds. Even with sufficient computing power and energy, it can create countless virtual worlds and form Some kind of "multiverse" concept."


Wan Xiaotian thought for a while. This kind of "high-dimensional creation theory" is not new in academia. It has been touched in many cutting-edge theories. He believes that what Lao Li wants to say is more than that simple, "Why, this high-dimensional creation theory" Why does existence create so many virtual worlds?"

"For cultivation, or for his evolution, to find his true self."

Lao Li said, "Perhaps, this high-dimensional existence, in his...'origin universe', has evolved to the limit, has touched a barrier that is difficult to break, is trapped in many causes and effects, and has fallen into the'authoritarian' mystery. 'The desperate situation.

"He needs new experience, new enlightenment, and new opportunity to break out of the cocoon and surpass the peak.

"So, he created or used thousands of virtual worlds, split his consciousness into thousands of parts, and put them into these virtual worlds separately, which is equivalent to using thousands of clones to practice in the Hongmeng World and the Billowing Red Dust.

"With a thousand clones practicing at the same time, the speed of cultivation will be increased by at least a hundred times, and it will be possible to see every fold and gap of one's soul through countless periods of illusion and real experience.

"No, it's not just intelligent beings like you and me, he even turned into a butterfly or an earthworm, to experience experiences that would never be experienced as a'human', and then gather all the clones together to refine Create a new true self!"

Wan Xiaotian listened, his chin collapsed involuntarily: "This, this is too mysterious!"

"Too mysterious? Then I will repeat it in an easy-to-understand way—"

Old Li rubbed his nose and said, "You assume that there is a man who is extremely bored, and because of some unimportant reason, he is not ready to meet his wife, so he downloaded thousands of virtual games and enjoyed it. I am happy, and I think I have gained a lot of valuable experience and new life insights in the game. When I say this, is it easier to understand?"


Wan Xiaotian nodded.

"So, the point is, how do you know that you are not the virtual character in the virtual game this boring man is playing?"

Lao Li looked at Wan Xiaotian, his eyes became extremely deep, "Yes, of course you feel that you have flesh and blood, hot emotions and strong thoughts, but these can all be virtualized, as long as there is a large enough database, storage All inclusive data, and running in accordance with the logic to the extreme, can output a nearly perfect answer for all input conditions.

"So, how do you know that you are not a virtual database? What you think, feel, and answer now are the results of mechanical screening and conditioned reflex, and how can I be sure that I am talking to a'person', Instead of mumbling to a virtual database?"

Lao Li squinted his eyes, obviously he didn't drink, but he seemed to be a little drunk, so drunk and sleepy, like sleeping but not sleeping, like awake but not awake.

Wan Xiaotian never thought about this problem.

In other words, most normal people don't think about such absurd problems. Isn't this unfounded worry?

"Hey, young man, has an idiom flashed in your mind just now, called ‘worry for the sky’?"

Old Li suddenly asked.

Wan Xiaotian was taken aback: "How do you know!"

"Don't get me wrong, I can't read your thoughts, I just guess casually, because the four words "worry about the sky" seem to be the best way to describe my problem."

Old Li leaned over, with a weird smile on his face, "But one thing, don’t you find it strange? In the history of your'Tianhai Civilization', there is clearly no country or place called'Qi',' How did the idiom "worry for the sky" come up out of thin air?"

Wan Xiaotian was stunned.

This question was like a lightning spell, smashing into his brain fiercely. In an instant, he felt that each of his brain cells had split apart, bursting out endless, shining data from it, as if Both myself and the whole world must collapse at the same time!


Wan Xiaotian hugged his head and wanted to roll in pain.

Strangely speaking, the toilets on this floor are usually very lively and there are always people who want to come in and use them, but they have been here for a long time, but the outside is always quiet, as if the whole world is frozen.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or even desperate, nor did I mean that you must be false, and I am much more real than you."

Lao Li said, "In fact, we are all fallen into the world. Just like you, I am not sure whether I am virtual or real. I am not sure whether my world and I have been created by others. I am not sure whether what I think is true or not. Of'I want'.

"For the vast majority of people, this almost nonsense philosophical question has no meaning at all. It is indeed a'groundless worry'.

"Only a very small number of people can't help but ponder, think, practice, give everything that is most precious in most people's eyes, and pursue the illusory truth that may never be found. There is only one reason, that is, what you said. ,'The mountain is there'.

"You and I are the same kind of people. We are all'climbers' in our respective worlds. The immortal roads are vast, the avenues are rugged, and the people seeking up and down are so lonely. How lucky it is to find a like-minded friend. This is When I ended the cultivation of the'Three Thousand Void Realms, Outer Incarnation', I specially bid you farewell."

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