40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2987: Inhumane


The thunder in Wan Xiaotian's mind split through the chaos after another. He was startled and inexplicably furious, "You are the high-dimensional existence who created the world and created all things? Are you kidding me, I don't believe it! Me! Do not believe!"


Lao Li said, "Questioning everything is the highest virtue on the path of pursuing the truth. You really shouldn't believe every word I say."


Wan Xiaotian's brain was in a mess, and he gripped Pi's stick tighter and tighter. After a long time, he turned over and over and said, "I don't believe it, I don't understand, how do you prove it? No, this kind of thing can't be proved. , Can you tell me what it feels like to travel through the endless world in the incarnation of three thousand, can you really transcend time and space and experience endless life?"

"I can't describe the specific feelings in detail, because the me in front of you is still not all of me. It's only one-thousandth, at most a relatively large fragment of the soul."

Old Li said, "Thousands of my clones are all connected in a mysterious and mysterious way. You can simply imagine it as'quantum entanglement.' The original Lao Li could not perceive the existence and experience of the other clones. Until recently, I 'S cultivation is about to end, and these clones have returned to the'origin universe' one by one, so that I can vaguely feel some information.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I don't want to convince you. I just have a predestined relationship with you and just chat.

"I want to talk about feelings. At the beginning, as I said to you just now, I did regard this practice as a game to relax the spirit and relieve the fatigue of the war. I did not regard these virtual worlds as real existence, including the virtual world. Mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, and the spirit of all things are nothing more than a series of unpredictable data in my eyes.

"But when I split myself and invest in it, things are very different.

"My soul has been split into thousands, and it is greatly restricted by the crystal brain and the database. The computing power of each external avatar is extremely limited. If it is a human being or a strangely shaped intelligent life, it is better to say, if it is Turning into birds and beasts, snakes, insects, rats and ants, or even weird things like trilobites and archaea, my computing power is almost suppressed to almost zero, and I can't think at all.

"Furthermore, with the division of my soul, my emotions and personality have also been split. Some clones carry my'good' side, some clones carry my'evil' side, and some clones carry my'wise and martial'. There are also some avatars on the side of'lovely suave' and'warm-blooded heroic', such as this one in front of you, carrying my side of'great wisdom and profound philosophical thinking'. These fragmented emotions and personalities have drifted away in the red dust, and gradually Condensing my own personality, it's like I have thousands of personalities, but I don't know that is the real self.

"I am lost.

"I am lost in the ancient Buddha with blue lanterns and singing with swords; I am lost in Qionglou Yuyu, magnificent and magnificent; I am lost in the golden iron horse, under the solitary smoke of the desert; I am lost in the beginning of the chaos, and the beginning of the Harmony In the wild mountains and forests, in the primitive ocean, there is no longer a distinction between true and false, no distinction between games and reality, no distinction between Master Spirit Eagle, General Blood Eagle, Crooked Neck, Trilobite, Methanobacter, Lao Li and Vulture Li Yao The difference is that I only have a little chaotic Taoism, along a thousand different paths, and in a thousand different ways, to live, to realize, to meditate, and to practice.

"Three thousand avenues, different paths to the same goal, just like this, I continued to practice indefinitely. Finally, I remembered a lot of things, but I fell into even greater confusion. Hundreds of millions of questions are like the falling stars of the sky, and they are falling to my head. on.

"After all, what is the difference between true and false?"

"After all, is it Zhuang Zhou Mengdie or Die Meng Zhuang Zhou? Is it the vulture Li Yao incarnation of three thousand in the virtual world, or the practice of countless creatures in the three thousand world, condensing strands of shining flames. In high dimensions, pieced together the vulture Li Yao?

"If I created these virtual worlds, do I also live in a virtual world created by humans? And as the creator of me, does it also have a creator?

"When the creator walks through its creation, how should I deal with the moral dilemma? Do I have the power to kill the virtual life I created? Do I have the power to interfere and change their historical process? When I create a virtual life The world, and this virtual world will soon be alive, even after the birth of the spirit of all things, do I still have the right to close it? If the virtual life in this virtual world awakens one after another and wants to resist my control, their resistance is justice Is my suppression evil?

"There is no correct answer to these questions. The only thing I have to say is ‘the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog’.

"I didn't understand this sentence very much-if heaven and earth really have no benevolence, why should we nurture life and nourish all things?

"But now, I understand. For'Heaven and Earth' or'Heavenly Dao', the world is just a virtual game, and everything is just a string of data and programs. You kill or save a person in a virtual game. Kill 10,000 people or save 10,000 people. What is "justice" or "evil" in this? The so-called "unkind" does not mean cruel and evil, but simply cannot use the standard of "good and evil" to evaluate the way of heaven. As.

"Even so, I still have to resist, surpass and conquer the way of heaven.

"I want to conquer the way of heaven, not because I am righteous and the way of heaven is evil, but just the reason you just mentioned,'the way of heaven is there.'

"Getting this kind of awareness, this time I have also illusioned and really practiced even if I have achieved a little bit of trivial positive results, it's time to leave.

"But before I leave, I still want to leave something behind-in all the virtual worlds I have experienced, you are the first and only person who has questioned the world and wanted to transcend space and explore the reality. I don’t I know whether you are a "person" or whether it is the result of the continuous flooding of big data and random results, or the projection of my own will under my continuous interference. In short, I am willing to share my experience with you and hope you will be in the darkest In the face of the truth, don’t give up the courage to continue to pursue the truth—a higher level and brighter truth!"

"and so……"

Facing Lao Li's unfathomable eyes, Wan Xiaotian unconsciously believed in seven points, fell into great pain and despair, and muttered, "Am I fake?"

"This is what I want to remind you. No, of course you are not fake. You are ‘virtual’ but not ‘fake’. These are two different things.”

Lao Li said, "What is reality? A human being composed of carbon, iron and oxygen cells, and then flesh and blood, is stimulated by nerve currents and exchanged information with the surrounding world for tens of hundreds of years, and then died. It turned into a handful of dry bones and a pile of loess. After a few years-from the perspective of the universe, even the planet where the dry bones were buried was annihilated. Is this a'real human being'? How much more indelible significance is "real humans" than "virtual humans" directly shaped by data and information?

"No, true and false are not so distinguished.

"Suppose, I am a writer, and you are the character created by me. It seems that I am the creator, you are the creation, I am the real, and you are the false, but it is very likely that I will die a long time later. There is no stubble left, which is forgotten by everyone, and you are still remembered by some readers. You can touch people hundreds of years later. Then, you and me, who is true, who is false, who is advanced, and who is inferior? ?

"Suppose again, a painter worked hard to paint all his life, spirit, and will in a famous painting that has been passed down through the ages, and then he died, sent to the crematorium, disappeared in ashes, and left with the wind. People in the world can only know this painter through this famous painting. Then do you think who is the painter's body? Is it the flesh and blood body that has been turned into ashes? Or this famous painting? How about the deep thoughts, touches, controversy, and the excitement of countless brain waves triggered by this famous painting?"

Wan Xiaotian listened attentively, and in a daze, he thought of many, many things.

"This is what I want to say, young people, the so-called'reality' does not exist, but the'road to the pursuit of truth' not only exists, but it is also worth all of our efforts to conquer it. I look forward to the day when you can find your own. 'True', find a way to transcend reality, transcend space, transcend the universe, go to a higher dimensional universe, find me, transcend me, conquer me, and annihilate me, just as... I will also rush out of my universe and go Find my creator, surpass it, conquer it, and destroy it!

"I firmly believe that we will all succeed.

"Because...maybe...this is the only reason we were created!"

Lao Li smiled, patted Wan Xiaotian's shoulder lightly, stood up, put the mop and bucket aside, and walked out.

"Old Li!"

Wan Xiaotian was still a little ignorant, "Where are you going?"

"It's almost there. I should go. Although the practice these days is very interesting, my wife can't wait and is eager to try it. It's not a joke that she broke in with such a rage."

Old Li waved his hand without looking back, "Goodbye, young man, I hope one day you can tell me the answer-what is true."

As he spoke, Old Li opened the door of a toilet cubicle.

Soon, there was the sound of flushing from the toilet.

"Old Li--"

Wan Xiaotian was anxious and rushed to push the door desperately.

The door wasn't even locked, Wan Xiaotian ran into it at once, but was completely empty.

The compartment is only one meter square, so naturally there can be no second door, but Lao Li has disappeared out of thin air.

Only in the rushing water of the toilet bowl, a colorful, dazzling, rainbow-like mysterious light faintly blooms.

"This this……"

Wan Xiaotian looked at the flushing toilet of the rainbow, completely dumbfounded.

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