40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2999: Relic Nebula

Li Linghai was impassioned and his voice was deafening.

Even though the many powerhouses of the three major forces have long passed the age of impetuous and passionate blood, and knowing that Li Linghai's incitement contained his own purpose, she still said that she was surging with emotions and blood.

That’s right, opening up the territory, breaking the mountains and cutting the temples, with the sword in hand, is the most sacred mission and the most sacred mission for the tribesmen to fight for the people. Brilliant glory.

What's more, Li Linghai's words were direct enough, and there was no room for rebuttal.

The current three major forces of the Empire, the Federation and the Holy League, due to a series of coincidences, are all in a special stage of exhaustion and recuperation, in order to maintain a fragile peace.

But even Li Yao, no one can guarantee that this peace will last for a thousand years or a hundred years.

The hostility between the cultivator and the cultivator, the alertness of the carbon-based intelligent life to the information life... Too many contradictions, just like crackling sparks, will ignite an uncontrollable raging fire at any time.

To resolve the conflicts between each other and completely solve the problem of "limited resources", only by entering the outer domain, cracking the mystery of the black wall, and using blood and courage in the protracted expedition, can we deepen our understanding and strengthen our friendship. Human civilization is completely united.

This is destined to be a difficult and hopeless road.

But it's better than just sitting around and watching all resources dwindle, and then everyone fights.

"how is it?"

Li Linghai's eyes were shining like thunder and lightning, and his eyes flicked over Li Yao, Ding Lingdang and others, categorically cutting the railway. "The Fuxi fleet has caused serious damage to the imperial capital. There is no reason to write off this account. , Although Fuxi has been fragmented, Lu Qingchen has swallowed the largest part of its data fragments and is regarded as its inheritor. Then, the empire will definitely catch this culprit and make him pay a painful price!

"In addition, we will definitely unlock the secret of the'Emperor’s Tomb-God Tomb-Shady'. We believe that this is the way to ensure permanent peace within human civilization. , Cruelty... all applied to the outside of the black wall, the Xinghai alien races in the multiverse, fight for our common glory, the glory of the Pangu universe!

"The Emperor’s Tomb contains many mysteries and dangers. The power of the empire alone may not be able to explore 100% clearly. That’s why I can be honest and open. With 120% sincerity, I invite the tyrants of the Federation, the Holy League and the whole Xinghai to participate this time. action.

"But even if you think the risk is too great after careful consideration, and refuse to take risks with the immortal cultivator, it will not interfere with our determination. The immortal cultivator will pursue and explore alone. No matter what the consequences are, we... only have one step forward!"

Li Linghai gave the right to choose to the hands of the Federation and the Saint Alliance.

But in fact, no one, including Li Linghai, had a choice.

Letting it go, letting the empires enter the tomb of the emperor alone to hunt and explore is the same as the consequences of letting Lu Qingchen mess around.

If the operation goes smoothly, the imperial people have caught Lu Qingchen and figured out the secrets of the black wall. To the worst, an undamaged super fleet is unearthed from the depths of the ruins, a little bit that the Federation and the Holy League can hardly obtain. The strategic advantage will be wiped out again, and it will be reduced to fish on the chopping board again, letting the empires kill it.

If the action does not go smoothly, the imperial people awakened the furious Pangu tribe and the mysterious flood tide legion, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

Therefore, both the Federation and the Saint Alliance have only one choice, and that is to participate in this time together with the Empire, an unprecedented, nine-dead arrest and exploration.

"Lu Qingchen is a member of our Federation, and before he left the Federation, he seriously violated the law and owed a blood debt. The Federation has never stopped the wanted and pursued him."

Ding Lingdang said with a stern face, "Xingyao Federation will not allow such a most dangerous wanted criminal to fall into the hands of others. The Federation will gather the most elite teams to participate in exploratory operations."

"Lu Qingchen stole a lot of secrets of the Saint League, including the five supreme battle castles, and fled to the depths of the Xinghai."

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen also said in unison, "Of course we must also participate in the hunt and exploration, and take back the things that belong to the Holy League!"


The response of the two major forces had long been expected by Li Linghai. She did not waste even a second of her time and immediately entered the link of detailed consultation.

First of all, it is the entrance coordinates of this "Emperor Tomb-God Tomb-Black Tomb".

The so-called "Emperor's Tomb", where it is known as the "Golden Sacred Throne, Lingxiao Realm", is theoretically an extremely special debris space or "Little Thousand World".

It is special because it is not closely integrated with the three-dimensional universe. It is like a ghost island in the stormy sea. It requires extremely precise calculations or excellent luck to find it.

Li Linghai once cited a more powerful example, which is like crumpling a piece of white paper into a paper ball, drawing a circle on the paper ball, and then opening the paper ball. The circle has long been fragmented and becomes irregular. Dark spots and ink spots-These dark spots and ink spots are the trajectory of the "Golden Holy See, the Sky Realm". How to grasp the law of its appearance?

Therefore, even Li Linghai himself, since he left the "Golden Holy See, High Heaven Realm" last more than ten years ago, has not been able to find its entrance again, until Li Linghai became the leader of the reformists and captured the imperial capital. The super crystal brain of the imperial capital was used to perform calculations, and the most mysterious relic in the legend "surfaced" once again.

However, this time its "surfacing" position is really not so good.

It is between two nebulae.

The so-called nebula is one of the most common celestial bodies in the universe except for dense celestial bodies such as stars and planets.

An ordinary nebula is composed of hydrogen, dust, and radiation. The density of the nebula is very low. The total mass of the nebula is often dozens of light-years in diameter. The total mass is not as good as ten or eight stars. Many places inside the nebula are almost "vacuum.

Such a nebula is not dangerous. Even if a starship breaks into the nebula unintentionally, it will at most cause some interference to the exploration range and communication with each other. Always pay attention to the loss of the psionic shield and power unit.

However, the shapes and causes of nebulae are ever-changing, and some nebulae are extremely dangerous.

"Relic Nebula" is one of them.

This kind of nebula is formed by a supernova explosion violently ejecting a large amount of matter and radiation. The supernova explosion is almost the most spectacular in the universe and the most powerful astronomical phenomenon with the strongest energy output. Even if the explosion is only a short time, its consequences can be hundreds of millions of years. It also appeared later, that is, the "Relic Nebula".

Such a nebula is like flooding floods, turbulent vortices, full of high-energy particle streams, super radiation, and even gravel star belts ejected by supernova explosions. What’s more, if the exploding supernova mass is large enough, At the core of the "Relic Nebula", a neutron star will remain.

Neutron stars with extremely high gravity and density are one of the most terrifying traps in the universe except for black holes. It is extremely troublesome to accidentally jump into the gravitational circle of neutron stars.

However, having said that, the rich energy and material contained in the Relic Nebula has also become a source of nourishment for all things. Many galaxies close to the Relic Nebula have been selflessly gifted and become a hotbed for the birth of intelligent life, and intelligent life is mastering the travel of the stars. After the ability, I also like to find the relic nebula to become a new foothold, at least to use the energy of the relic nebula and neutron star to build important bases, arsenals, laboratories, and the like.

The first pot of gold "Kunlun Secret Realm" on the road to the rise of the Star Federation is built within a crab-shaped relic nebula, relying on a pulsed neutron star to provide a steady stream of energy.

The origin of the true human empire, the "Wuying Realm" and the "Sand Barbaric Realm", and many other large worlds, are all located near the very dazzling Scorpion Nebula, and the radiation and matter rushing out of the Scorpion Nebula are not only nourished. Several creatures of the great world have also become an important opportunity for Li Yao to break through the Nascent Soul and become a god.

Then, it is not surprising that there is a relic nebula on the trajectory of the "Golden Holy See, the Sky Realm".

What is amazing is that now it is not just a relic nebula, but two!

The two massive stars close at hand passed their youth and mature years at the same time, and stepped helplessly into their twilight years. They gradually decayed inside and stopped the most violent reaction. After they stopped the most violent reaction, their size continued to expand, and their light grew more and more. The brighter, in the end, in the most brilliant explosion, a lot of light, heat and matter were ejected, leaving a thick and colorful, extremely splendid stroke in the dark and endless universe. No, it was two strokes, which turned into two. A piece of colorful, relics of new clouds with teeth and claws, and two neutron stars.

This is a very rare astronomical phenomenon, called a cosmic wonder.

However, the sea of ​​stars is vast, and the number of stars is an "astronomical number" in the true sense. Even if the probability of occurrence is one in a billion, it will definitely happen within eternal time and infinite space.

The distance between the two stars was originally about 7.5 light-years, and they belonged to two star systems that did not interfere with each other.

However, after the supernova exploded, they turned into two relic nebulae. The diameter of the nebulae suddenly expanded to dozens of light years, and they inevitably collided, entangled, conflicted, convectioned, swallowed, annihilated, and exploded again.

It was like throwing two spar bombs full of destruction fragments into a room, and the two bombs exploded at the same time, and the destruction and shock wave collided. It is almost impossible to estimate how terrible the destructive power can be.

What’s more terrible is that when the empire’s astronomers began to observe this "Gemini Nebula", they found that the chaotic turbulence between the two "Relic Nebulae" showed signs of gradually condensing together. It was like a new one. The star of is about to be born in the collision of two nebulae!

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