40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3000: Battle of monsters!

A large amount of matter is wrapped in a super-high load of energy, and it condenses with each other under the collision of extremely high speed, becoming bigger and bigger, forming its own gravitational field and magnetic field, and finally giving birth to all kinds of planets-this kind of phenomenon, in the universe The early days of the Big Bang were very common, and now most of the high-density and massive celestial bodies such as stars and planets in the universe are formed in this way.

However, since the birth of the Pangu universe, at least hundreds of billions of years have passed the best period of creating stars and planets, and has entered a relatively stable maturity period.

In this stage of the universe, celestial bodies that are conditionally born are often already born. Generally speaking, massive celestial bodies above the planetary level are rarely produced.

The simultaneous supernova explosion of two stars, ejecting a large amount of matter and energy, is a miracle, and it also creates a rare condition for the birth of new celestial bodies.

But the conditions are only conditions. Based on the analysis of the environment and astronomical parameters of this Gemini Nebula, the possibility of the birth of new stars or planets is still very slim.

The matter and energy storms caused by supernova explosions spread in all directions. The matter and energy that actually collided accounted for only a small part of the mass of the two nebulae.

Matter and energy have not yet reached the critical point for the birth of a new celestial body. Just a few steps away, two neutron stars are constantly interfering and tearing. The new celestial body is destined to be "dead in the womb." After several futile struggles, it barely condenses. The mass of matter completely disintegrated, and since then has it entered the true stable period of the Gemini Nebula.

However, compared to the vast ocean of stars and huge and unreliable stars, neutron stars, high-density nebulae, and radiation vortices, humans and human starships are really smaller than dust. Even if they are not yet formed, they will almost certainly die. Zhongxin celestial bodies can also cause great interference and damage to human voyages in the stars, and even, in the worst situation, completely destroy the human fleet.

Therefore, the astronomical environment in the depths of the Gemini Nebula is unprecedentedly complex, and it is completely unsuitable for the large-scale Star Sea Fleet to emerge from the nest. Only a handful of elites can be dispatched to surpass all human beings to cut through the waves and break through storms and turbulence. Take the shining and dangerous crown left over hundreds of millions of years ago.

——This is also the biggest reason why Li Linghai did not dare to hide from the Federation and the Holy League and lead the imperial army to "eat alone".

If the empire army is in the depths of the Gemini Nebula and just encounters two star sea storms colliding with each other, breaking the halberd and sinking the sand, and the entire army is annihilated, then the empire and Xiuxian Avenue will be all over.

On the other hand, if the capture and exploration team is lucky enough to break through the Gemini Nebula and enter the "Golden Holy See, the Sky Realm", you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Linghai told the powerful people present that the "Golden Sacred Seat, High Heaven Realm" has a very stable spatial structure. It may be a refuge artificially built by the Pangu tribe or the black wall maker. You are not afraid of the wind and waves from the outside, as long as you enter it, No matter how severe the high-energy particle stream and ray bursts outside are, they will not be hurt at all.

When he explored the "Golden Holy See, the High Heaven Realm" last time, Li Linghai left a lot of exploration tools, weapons, ammunition, and food supplies, even including a full set of warnings and automatic attack restrictions. Unless the dead return their souls, they should There is not much danger.

Of course, this only refers to the outermost layer of the "Golden Holy See, High Heaven Realm".

The outermost treasure was emptied by Li Linghai long ago, and there is no value for exploration. Their goal this time is to follow the footsteps of the Pangu tribe and explore the things left by the black wall makers.

To enter the second level, theoretically, one must rely on Li Linghai and Li Yao's half key.

But such a vital base or refuge must be more than just a simple way to enter with a key. At least, the highest authority to control the entire base should be controlled by the "other half Fuxi", and Lu Qingchen owns " Can the "half of Fuxi" data fragments bypass the key entry link and find other ways to penetrate it?

You know, Lu Qingchen has no entity at all, and can sneak with the ripples. As long as he finds an invisible gap, he can penetrate like a wisp of smoke, and then open the door from the inside to let his giant soldiers and The puppet warrior drove straight in.

Seize every second to finalize the preliminary details. For the next seven days, the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League are like machines that run to their limits. The "Rumble" starts to move, the most powerful, the most sophisticated starship, and the giant. God soldiers and crystal armor, as well as the most abundant crystal marrow and strengthening potions, have been transported to the forward base set up in the Seven Seas Star Region.

This is almost an action that does not require discussion and "unify thinking".

One level higher than Pangu civilization, the inheritance and mystery left by the "Black Wall Makers" may make the entire Pangu universe "suddenly open up" and upgrade the "Three Thousand Worlds" to "Thirty Thousand Worlds" or even "Three Hundreds". "Ten Thousand Worlds", how much value this action means, has broken everyone's imagination.

Originally, there were still many elder monks who looked forward and thought about it, and were full of doubts, believing that risking exposure to the Pangu civilization, the black wall makers and even the Hongchao legion would lead to their own exposure. So, should they "take a long-term view" and develop silently for hundreds of years. Years, thousands of years later?

Now, even such worries are all dispelled, because Lu Qingchen has already gone!

This misfortune, even if others are unwilling to break into it, Lu Qingchen will definitely break into it.

What's more, even if Lu Qingchen didn't break through, the immortal cultivator would definitely break through. It's not like living together and dying, letting go.

In this way, in just seven days, the three major forces of the Pangu universe completed an incredible assembly with the highest efficiency. Almost all the powerful men above the middle and high levels of the Nascent Soul Stage have gathered in the Seven Seas Stars, as the mainstay of the fighting monks. , Is a lot more, all staff are in place.

All starships, giant soldiers, crystal armors, and various auxiliary exploration magic weapons have completed the final overhaul, and the last shell and the last spar are also in place.

Now, there is only one last thing left.


On the periphery of the Seven Seas Stars, in a vacuum far away from the illumination of the stars, the Seven Seas Stars, the most massive planet, is in a circular orbit composed of debris and dust.

The rubble screamed, forming a torrent of destruction at a very high speed, surrounding the huge brown planet, endlessly rushing.

When the star’s light is completely obscured by Planet 7, the temperature will suddenly drop to below zero, and all the rubble will turn into solid ice crystals; and when the violent stellar radiation appears, the temperature will rise instantly, making the real ice crystals. It's going to burn raging.

Sudden changes in temperature, devastating torrents of rubble, coupled with the huge gravitational field of Planet 7 itself, turned this seemingly beautiful and shining halo into a forbidden zone for life, and even the sea of ​​stars. When warships make use of the huge gravitational field of this planet to make a "gravitational slingshot" to accelerate, they must be 120,000 points of energy, and be careful not to let themselves be swallowed by the halo and planets.

However, just today, an incredible scene was staged in the burning halo.

It's humans. Hundreds of humans appeared in the halo, one by one flying like a bullet, between the rubble that collided and exploded like a cannonball.

These humans...

Each one is strong and strong, with a strong aura, and the whole body is filled with colorful spiritual flames with teeth and claws. There are even a dragon, like a thunderbolt of arcs, constantly changing into various forms, engulfing the surrounding dust and debris. The stone, incorporated into the agitation of its own magnetic field, is constantly accelerating, turning into a fireball and spherical lightning!

Huge planets, spectacular halos, and stellar radiation like a sea of ​​fire-in such a magnificent background, these humans are like legendary gods and demons.

Looking carefully, these humans have different equipment, and they are faintly divided into three levels.

The slightly dimmed spirit flames accounted for about half of them. They were dressed in exquisite and gorgeous crystal armors, hand-held super alloys, and they were armed with magic weapon inlaid with crystal marrow.

One-third of the people did not wear crystal armor, but wore a thin layer of battle armor and mustard combat uniforms equipped with a complete sealed life support system.

There were even a handful of people who didn’t even wear their battle armor. They didn’t even have a sealed life support system attached to the mustard combat suit. In other words, they didn’t even carry compressed oxygen, so they appeared in the direct rays of the star, and the temperature was sudden. Change, in the vacuum of gravel lasing!

Are these humans or monsters, or, in other words, the new direction of human evolution after hundreds of millions of years?

No, it may not take hundreds of millions of years. Under the threat of survival, the speed of evolution has always been faster than everyone thinks.

These hundreds of "humanoid monsters" are naturally the strongest representing the cutting-edge combat power of the Federation, the Empire and the Holy League.

This was the final running-in training before the tripartite joint capture and exploration team set off.

The three parties have joined forces and the relationship is unprecedentedly complex. When entering the depths of the mysterious tomb, no one can predict the changes in the situation. There are huge problems in communication, scheduling or orders.

Not to mention, in front of the Primordial Treasures with infinite power, the inside of every power, the Dao Heart of every strongest person, may instantaneously transform, sublimate, or degenerate, making him another person in an instant.

It only takes a second for a cultivator to become an immortal cultivator, and an immortal cultivator can become a frenzied beast. Even the information beings like Xiaoming and Wenwen know that the data will not overflow and the underlying logic will not collapse?

Therefore, in a running-in training to the best of our ability, we should understand each other’s strengths as much as possible, strengthen everyone’s understanding, know who is the master, and at least deeply realize that "more than one hundred here are all monsters. The Primordial Treasure, being attacked by all the other monsters, there must be no place for burial.” Such a simple truth is necessary.

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