40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3018: Can you pursue it a little bit?

Li Yao's question silenced everyone.

No one can be a mediocre person who can cultivate to the realm of Nascent Soul and God Transformation. They have a little bit of lofty ambitions to change the day. They just face the rapids of the times and society, and many times they can’t help themselves. Involved in it, gradually anesthetized and degenerate, forgetting the sincere original intention long ago.

Even the most selfish cultivator, facing Li Yaozhi's question, is ashamed and difficult to bow his head-looking back, they really can't say without conscience that they have really enjoyed their life, understand, magnanimous, and transparent.

"I don’t know how you are. At least for me, it’s not enough, unpleasant, unexciting, unsatisfied. I feel that I have not lived to the most exciting, strong, and most enjoyable level, but everything in the world has been Can't satisfy me anymore."

Li Yao’s voice became deeper and more distant, as if he had forgotten everyone, but was talking to his own soul. He muttered to himself, “I have seen neutron pulsars emit tens of thousands of colors of radiation, forming A gorgeous picture a hundred times more magnificent than the aurora, this picture is like a soft jellyfish, which wraps me tightly; I have also seen the energetic particles of the star sea storm flow towards me, like a rain of gleaming gravel; I have seen ancient bacterial creatures survive tenaciously on a dying planet, constantly changing their genes, looking for ways to break fate; I have also seen the Pangu tribe hundreds of thousands of years ago in the Kunlun Secret Realm. His throne disappeared in the wind.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, a mere hundreds of thousands of years, placed on the scale of the universe, it is just a short moment, that tall, magnificent, magnificent, and indestructible throne, and what powerhouse, overlord sits on the throne, The generals and tyrants were all wiped out. Together with their great achievements and countless crimes, they were completely wiped out, completely annihilated, and a bit of information was not left.

"I have seen the most incredible scenes in the universe, and have experienced the most thrilling adventures. My soul has even experienced the reincarnation of a hundred times. Then I returned to the crowd, but found lonely that everything in the world was...too not enough , Too unstimulating, too unable to satisfy my appetite.

"No matter how much dragon, liver and phoenix marrow I eat, it tastes like chewing wax; I drank the most mellow wine, the hot taste is not as good as the deadly cosmic radiation; I heard the cheers of the crowd and the consternation of the enemy. Jue screamed, but I remembered that I was alone in the deepest cave of the wild planet, the sound of water droplets, and the babble of myself and myself; I have experienced interactions with planets, stars, supernovae, nebulae, After the battle between the gravel star belt and the star sea storm, even the most charming and alluring beauties have become dull, they are nothing but pink skulls.

"I can't go back. At this time, I suddenly realized that I have gone too far and I can't go back. Money is really dung to me, and the intrigue between the overlord and the king, the fight for power, is nothing but Kindergarten children play house games, I am not without desire, I also have my own ambitions, even more arrogant than the ambitions of all of you combined, but the small Pangu universe is not enough to realize my ambitions. My ambition is at the end of the multiverse!

"So, I don't understand, I really don't understand you-how can you indulge in such a boring, plain and boring game for so long? You are Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, you are billions The most fortunate product after countless mutations in the best genes of mankind, and your unremitting efforts and crazy cultivation acquired are completely worthy of this fortune. You have gone so far on your respective roads. Why should you stop even? Back down, why waste your precious talents and more precious lives on these silly things like fighting for power, killing each other, and money status?

"What you are looking for-whether it is money, status, the awe of others, and the prosperity of the family... Even a rich landlord in a remote country can do it with a little bit of tricks, this rich landlord. You don't need a little bit of psychic power to be able to rule and dominate your own independent kingdom, let your servants and maids regard him as a god!

"But you are not the rich man of the earth, you are the **** Nascent Soul and the God of Transformation. You have killed storms, bombarded the thunder, and watched the stars burning up close, wandering in the shining cosmic dust. To the vast sea of ​​stars, wave your fists! How on earth do you like this self-anaesthetize and desperately suppress all your pursuits and ambitions, and trample your noble head into the dust?

"Really, everyone is a few hundred years old. It took so much pain and effort to cultivate to the realm of Nascent Infant and God Transformation. Can't we have a higher level of spiritual pursuit? We can't find something. With the excitement of no one before, do you go to a place that is extremely deep and far away? We must fight for things that have been contended for a long time ago, and then be like those Pangu tribes, or just like nothing Is it utterly annihilated like savory shit, passing away with the wind?"

Li Yao's voice became louder and louder, and his expression became more and more ferocious, with a bit of gritted teeth and an indisputable taste.

Everyone, no matter the cultivator or the immortal cultivator, was struck by lightning and froze on the spot.

Their expressions are a little trance, their eyes are a little uncertain, and their confused thoughts do not know where they are flying.

That's right, in front of such a huge planet, especially after a thrilling, nine-dead "Superstar War", everyone's hearts have been baptized to some extent, and everything in the world has indeed become... It's tasteless.

"I'm not targeting anyone, let alone labeling everyone as a ‘cultivator’ or a ‘cultivator of immortality’.”

Li Yao smiled and continued, "In the past, I cared about my identity as a'cultivator', but now I want to understand that people are humans, and the human nature is the same. There is no need to distinguish between practitioners and immortals. Federation The reason why soldiers have stronger willpower is because we have known from the beginning that there is a wider world outside the Federation. Our mission is to march into the universe. Our world is open and the road is clear. So We are more united internally, and all ambitions and strengths have been turned into war knives for external conquests.

"But for the warriors of the'Old Empire', they thought they occupied the entire universe, and there was no possibility of external exploration and conquest. Therefore, as the entire universe was closed, their hearts gradually closed, except for willful ravages. Apart from your own compatriots, how can they conceal their frustration and despair?

"The same person, in the environment of the Federation, may become an aggressive and high-spirited cultivator; and in the closed and cannibalistic environment of the'Old Empire', he has to become selfish. , A cultivator who fears the head and tail, otherwise he will not live to grow up at all!

"And everything we have to do today, including what we have done just now, is to drill a hole in the dark and boundless'shell' of the Pangu universe, find a bright path, and find human civilization in the next million years. The direction of rapid progress! Only in this way, we can drill a golden road in our gradually closed heart, so that each of us can figure out why we are alive, what we want to pursue, what to achieve, and stay What, what should I do to have a complete and happy life!

"These are all from my heart. Really, I really don't want to talk to everyone for some... power, strength, heritage, the treasure of the ancient times, these boring things will fight each other out of each other's brains. It's boring. , It’s so boring! I don’t care that this trip to the tomb of the gods can discover a few ancient treasures. In my opinion, if my words can touch the heart of any Taoist friend, it will remind you the most A pure original intention, a higher level of pursuits and ideals, is the real "treasure". If most of our daoists can be touched, we can bring hundreds of such "treasures" back. , Our civilization has—hope!"

After Li Yao finished speaking, he fixed his eyes and stared at all the Nascent Souls and Huashens in the picture.

His gaze was so scorching hot and filled with such strong expectations that most people, including Li Linghai, were afraid to look directly. They lowered their heads, but his chest swelled up involuntarily, but it was filled with tumbling. Bloody.

The original heart, when they broke through the atmosphere for the first time, stood out among the brilliant stars and looked at the universe's original heart!


Li Yao's words made everyone think for a long, long time.

It seems that the entire exploratory fleet is slowly tempering itself in the oven of the universe.

And Li Yao fell asleep, and spent an hour completely repairing his damaged cells and body.

When I woke up, every pore on my body was as happy and comfortable as singing.

A familiar and warm feeling came from the two temples. Ding Lingdang was standing behind him, helping him gently massage.

Li Yao smiled.


He held Ding Lingdang's wrist, hummed comfortably, closed his eyes to enjoy, and didn't want to get up.

"Husband, you said too well just now."

Ding Lingdang's voice was softer than ever before, "I think that many Taoists are meditating, and they are very touched."

"Really, it is necessary. I have typed the draft many times, and I have always wanted to find a chance to say it ‘unintentionally’, but I never had a chance. It seemed too deliberate."

Li Yao grinned and said, "I was caught by me today!"

"So, my husband is awesome."

Ding Lingdang continued to massage Li Yao, "There is one. I didn’t understand it too well. Husband, can you tell me about it again? You said, “I have experienced a relationship with planets, stars, supernovae, nebulae, and gravel stars. After the battle of the avenue of the Star Sea Storm, even the most charming and alluring beauties have become dull, but they are just pink skulls.' This is what you said, not a single word wronged you. Explain, what is a "pink skull", who is a pink skull, why is it boring, you explain? Also, how did you fight with a supernova, come on, tell others chant?"

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