40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3019: Ancient thirteen

All the pores that Li Yao had just opened were closed again.

"No, no one, isn't that just an analogy, there is not such a specific'pink skull' at all, okay?"

Li Yao stammered.

"That is to say, there is no concrete, real pink skull, but you have experienced thousands of women and refined their commonalities to create an abstract pink skull concept?"

Ding Lingdang thoughtfully.

"Yes, no, oh, oh, oh, no, there are ‘thousands and tens of thousands’, there are none, only you, my dear wife!"

Li Yao's face was pale.

"Since there is no one, to whom are you'uninterested'?"

Ding Lingdang blinked his big watery eyes, full of curiosity and curiosity.


Li Yaodao.

"You said just now that there is no one, and now there are'them' again?"

Ding Lingdang squinted with a smile.

"They are not real, but in an abstract sense, they are in fantasy!"

Li Yao was furious.

"So, in an abstract sense, in a fantasy, you have tasted their taste, otherwise, how do you know'so boring'?"

Ding Lingdang sealed his throat with a sword.


Li Yao has nothing to say.

"Also, what's the matter of the dispute between you and the planets, comets, and supernovas? After the dispute, even the fantasy lady in pink is completely dull?"

Ding Lingdang continued to attack.


Li Yao was speechless and gave up the struggle.

"Husband, you should know that I am not an unreasonable, jealous, unreasonable woman, and I have always supported your cause of exploring the stars and conquering the universe, right?"

Ding Lingdang said quietly.

"Of course, you have a broad mind and noble sentiment. You are a strange woman who takes the world and the universe as her own mission. This is what I admire you most!"

Li Yao saw a glimmer of hope again, and he was busy.

"Yes, so I decided to give you another chance to answer the last question. As long as you tell the answer in my heart, then I will trust you in everything!"

Ding Lingdang smiled slightly and asked a question, "Excuse me, if I and a planet fall into a black hole at the same speed, your first reaction is to save me or the planet first?"

Li Yao’s brain made a super-high-speed “buzzing” sound. After 0.1 seconds, he did not hesitate to say the answer: “Of course it’s to save the planet first, because my wife, you are such a tyrannical woman, what about a black hole? Can you be trapped? You don’t need me to save you. You punched the black hole and walked out with a whistle! Speaking of which, it’s really bad luck for this black hole to meet you. This means that there is a way to heaven. Go, **** has no way to break in. It doesn't work to swallow some universe or celestial body. If you want to swallow you, the consequences must be extremely tragic, terrible, horrible, and terrible!"

"Congratulations, you got the right answer, you really know me best!"

Ding Lingdang turned his anger into joy, and helped Li Yao a few more presses, and then he patted him on the chest, "Get up, Empress Li has found something over there."

"So fast?"

Li Yao lifted his spirits and jumped up, "Did they find the entrance to the Emperor's Tomb?"


Maybe it's very Tailai. After experiencing the desperate contest of the ancient giant star's gravitational circle, the scanning and exploration progress of the expert team is very smooth, and quickly collected a large number of astronomical parameters inside and outside the ancient giant star, especially the orbital parameters of most satellites.

The principle of finding the entrance to the tomb of the emperor by satellite orbit is quite simple.

Because the “Golden Holy See, High Heaven Realm” where the Emperor’s ancient tomb is located, is itself a fragmented world on a very large scale. Judging from the “God’s Tomb” and the “Black Tomb” hidden deeper, this The space and quality of the fragmented world far exceed people's estimates.

Then, when such an ultra-high-quality fragmented world, due to the discontinuity and instability of space, drills out of a huge wormhole into a three-dimensional universe and temporarily merges with the space around the ancient giant star, it means the ancient giant star. The originally unstable satellite rotation system has become more and more unstable.

Ancient giant stars themselves have huge gravitational forces, and there are gravitational checks and balances between satellites, interference and involvement. The "tidal forces" of dozens of satellites interact with each other, and it takes hundreds of millions of years to form dozens of stable orbits.

The weight and tidal power of "Golden Holy See, High Heaven Realm" is no less than that of any satellite.

It can also be simply understood as a brand new satellite abruptly appeared outside the gravitational circle of the ancient giant star.

Such a sudden incident is bound to cause an uproar and interfere with the orbits of one or several satellites, causing these satellites to deflect, collide or even fall into the depths of the ancient giant stars, causing an unimaginable collision between the world and the earth, releasing endless energy. .

Then, by calculating the changes in the satellite's orbit, and detecting the residual ripples in space and the recent high-energy response, the "uninvited guests" can be initially found.

In just twelve hours, the expert team initially locked three suspicious star regions.

In the previous several explorations, Li Linghai had long left a special magic weapon of psionic feedback in the tomb of the emperor. As long as he launched a special frequency ripple to the suspicious area, he could get a weak response.

In this way, the goal is further narrowed, almost certainly, just in -


In the video conference, Li Linghai summoned a three-dimensional image, including a large number of charts and numbers. It was a deformed satellite, and it was extremely rare to have its own halo. No, it was not a halo, but a cloud-like gravel star belt. , Wrapped it tightly, and even extended its teeth and claws around, as if a "material bridge" was built between it and the ancient giant star.

"This is the thirteenth satellite of the ancient giant star, an ordinary solid planet. Everyone sees its irregular appearance, as if it has been eaten by a dog, especially the huge crater here. Eroded to its core."

Li Linghai pointed to the "Ancient Thirteen", "Generally speaking, this kind of satellite with higher density and slower rotation is unable to resist its own gravitational force, and the shape is quite precise spherical, rarely olive-shaped or even straw hat-shaped. Change, let alone such a severe incompleteness.

"The only explanation is that its shape is not naturally generated in the past hundreds of millions of years, but it has suffered a severe impact recently. A smaller satellite or satellite fragment hit it hard and smashed it into this pair. Terrible appearance.

"Did you see the cotton-like halo around you? This is another strong evidence. This is not a natural halo formed by the'Ancient Thirteen', but the debris of the satellite and its own material that were smashed in the previous impact. , Caused by a large number of gushing out, it will not take long for these fragmented remains to get rid of its gravitational restraint, either fall into the ancient giant star, or fly into the distance and become interstellar dust.

"But, pay attention here. What's the matter with these'material bridges' with flaring teeth and claws? Is it the material that the ancient giant star escaped after competing with his'little brother' for these crushings? No, it doesn't look like it. , Here is still the gravitational range of the ancient giant star, the gravitational force of the ancient giant star is not so strong, and the material bridge is not directly facing the ancient giant star.

"The expert team's speculation is that there is still a high-density, high-quality mysterious celestial body very close to the ancient thirteen, which competes with the ancient thirteen for these substances. The gravitational pull of the two is almost the same, and the stalemate. , Has formed such a peculiar'material bridge' phenomenon.

"Now, fellow daoists, you can draw conclusions.

"The entrance to the tomb of the emperor should be near the'Gu Shisan'. Its sudden appearance first changed the orbits of the'Gu Shisan' and several nearby satellites, making one of the smaller satellites severely The impact on the body of'Gu Shisan' caused an earth-shattering explosion, causing the'Gu Shisan' to lose a large amount of material and form a chaotic gravel and dust belt around. Subsequently, the mass of the ancient tomb itself, It generates a strong gravitational force again, forming a temporary'dual satellite system' with the'Gu Shisan', and competes with the'Gu Shisan' for the escaped gravel and dust. In this way, it also clearly exposes itself. At least,'Gu Shisan' will become the brightest lighthouse for us to find the entrance to the Emperor's Tomb!

This was the opinion of the expert team, and was approved by Li Linghai, who had experienced it, neither the combat cultivator nor the cultivator refuted it.

"The environment is really bad."

Li Yao looked at the astronomical parameters around the 13th satellite of the ancient giant star and exclaimed, "Why is this kind of secret treasure entrance hidden in the most extreme environment every time, and can't it appear in a place with beautiful scenery and calm waves?"

"A place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, forcibly squeezed in a super high-quality space, will cause a huge change in the world."

Li Linghai said coldly, "And where the calm and the waves do not release any violent radiation and particle flow, how do we find and lock in?

"However, your feelings are not entirely unreasonable. Although the entrance to the tomb of the emperor has appeared in a very bad environment several times before, it has never been as bad as today. We do not know the specific composition of the'Ancient Thirteen' The constituent elements, I don’t know how violent the energy reaction is when the two satellites collide, whether there is lethal radiation and particle flow turned into turbulence and vortex, and I don’t know if the ancient thirteen is collapsing. It even splits completely and falls into the ancient giant star. If such a large satellite smashes into the ancient giant star, I don't need to say more about the consequences?

"The road ahead is dangerous, but we have no choice. Now that we have reached this point, fellow daoists, there is no need to say anything. If you meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Let's conquer everything in front of us!"

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