40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3025: Plasma life

"What the **** is this?"

Every hair on Li Yao's body stood up steeply as if it had been connected to high-voltage electricity.

He noticed that this group of "super plasma torrents" had completely separated from the atmosphere of the ancient giant star, like a group of energy storms in the shape of a Cancer, with teeth and claws rushing towards the battlefield.

That hideous posture is not like a naturally occurring weather or astronomical phenomenon, but rather like a monster with life, a head or a group of "electric monsters"!

"Yan Liren, isn't your sword known as chasing the wind to switch electricity, slaying gods and extinguishing demons, and can even be easily smashed by lightning?"

Li Yao's voice changed, "Such a strong bolt of lightning, are you interested in going up and weighing it?"

"I am a sword idiot, not an idiot."

Yan Liren refused without hesitation, "This plasma storm is at least thousands of kilometers in diameter, enough to swallow an asteroid, how do you want me to cut it? No interest!"

"Your Majesty, how about you?"

Li Yao continued to ask Li Jialing, "Don't you have the courage to crown the three armies, claiming to be the emperor of the galaxy and the ruler of the universe, so that hundreds of millions of stars and black holes will surrender to your feet? Now everyone is the only one who looks ahead! "

"...The Lord must not be angry and raise his armies."

Li Jialing swallowed with difficulty, "I think this super plasma torrent is so strange, there is no need to fight with it, it is better to retreat and try to figure it out slowly, or, Black Wind King, you are the real Pangu universe. The first master, the invincible existence of the distracting stage, even I admire you very much, it is better to let you go first and uncover the mystery of this strange energy body for us-not long ago, you personally said that you must A finite life is invested in infinite universe exploration, even if we are just a tiny dust, when facing the vast and vast universe, should we go forward bravely without fear of life and death?"

"Well, I did say that, of course, we don't need to be afraid of this small universe strategically, but tactically, uh, this and this, we still can't take it lightly, so..."

Li Yao took a deep breath and yelled, "What the **** are you going to do, drive 120,000 cents of horsepower, run!"

run! In the face of the overwhelming and overwhelming torrent of plasma, no matter whether the giant soldier, crystal armor, space shuttle or star sea battleship, there is only one word, run!

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to run away.

The speed difference between the two parties is obvious. The super plasma torrent is an energy body, and the propagation speed must be a hundred times faster than that of starships and giant soldiers. Even if the two sides are initially separated by hundreds of thousands or even millions of kilometers, when everyone "sees" lightning rushing When it leaves the atmosphere, it is too late.

Li Yao watched the super plasma torrent split into four or five tributaries, like a demon's claws spreading five fingers, he slammed it from the fast assault ship closest to the ancient giant, and saw a series of dazzling lights. The electric lights and fireballs of the fast attack ship smashed and disappeared like a sugar shell thin as a cicada's wings. The turret, power unit and the raised parts of the shell melted, and the original black black The armor was burnt to orange-red.

The power of thunder, horror, and a single claw completely paralyzed a fast assault ship.

"Raise the horns! Raise the horns!"

Li Linghai used the communication channel to call this arc-winding, spark-splashing fast assault ship in vain. The only response to her was the rustle of electromagnetic interference, including the remote-monitored starship's various parameters, which showed the other party. Completely separated from the battle net, all the crew members are very bad luck.

"Free attack, hit hard!"

Li Linghai gritted his teeth and gave the order. While many starships moved around the gravel star belt and ran wildly, while pouring blazing gusts of rain towards the rear, they once again wielded thousands of colorful light spears towards the super electric The torrent of slurry stabbed away fiercely.

However, tens of thousands of light spears pierced into the super plasma torrent, but like a mud cow into the sea, not only failed to destroy the opponent's form, but made the opponent appear clearer and larger, and even aroused the opponent's "violence", stretching out thousands of Lightning tentacles, from all directions, attacked the entire exploratory fleet.

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

Dozens of starships were struck by lightning in an instant.

The energy contained in these split lightning tentacles has been lowered by a level, and the psychic shields of many starships are still crumbling and will be annihilated at any time.

Invisible radiation and high-energy particle flow, even through the psychic shield, penetrates the armor, hull and bulkhead, severely agitated the life magnetic field of each crew member, causing their hair to stand up and their nails The film exploded, and the clothes made a "cracking" sound, bursting out small sparks.

The strong psychic interference caused disorder and paralysis of the main control brains of each starship. Even the communication channels were filled with squally winds and the sound of lightning and thunder. Everyone must shout hoarsely. Only by yelling can others hear your own voice.

"The Saker Falcon was hit and temporarily lost 30% of its power. It is expected that the Psionic Shield can sustain two attacks of the same level!"

"Stainless Steel Rat was hit and temporarily lost 25% of its power. Hell, what the **** is this? It burned my master crystal brain!"

"The Alloy Virus was hit. It's weird. How did it lock us? It's as easy as lightning strikes a lightning rod!"

Howling ghosts and wolves came from the communication channel.

No one knows what this terrifying super plasma torrent or thunderstorm is.

In the next second, it staged an even more incredible and appalling change in front of everyone.

It is like a huge jellyfish floating on the periphery of the gravel star belt. The tens of thousands of lightning bolts condensed into its "body" are constantly wriggling and dancing, unexpectedly showing a certain weird pattern, turning it into Some kind of... has a clear hierarchy and a rigorous structure, like a man-made form.

"Witherbark War Fort!"

There were bursts of cold air in the communication channel.

That's right, this group of "lightning with life" or "electric magic", after a moment of wriggling, transformed into the appearance of a deadwood battle castle, including the slender main body of the battle castle and hundreds of "roots". In the eyes, the details are almost the same except that they are completely composed of jumping lightning.

Even, through the scanning of the high-resolution detection crystal eye, many powerful men saw that there are countless small blue light spots floating around this lightning-shrouded "Deadwood War Fort". With complete heads, they are surprisingly small, composed of electric currents and magnetic fields.

Composed of tens of thousands of electric currents, faintly blue little people floating in a dark vacuum, staring straight at the collapsed exploratory fleet-such a scene would not even appear in the most absurd nightmare.

"Is it... the ghost army?"

Such a terrifying scene, it is really hard not to let people think whether Lu Qingchen mastered a certain evil secret method and sacrificed the lives of all the crew members in the Withered Wood War Fort to a certain demon who was dormant on the ancient giant star. The living soldiers have been turned into an army of ghosts, and even the Witherbark War Fort has been "energed" and turned into a "Pure Energy War Fort"!

In the Pangu universe, ghosts exist objectively. Ghosts are originally a set of fluctuations, which may not be impossible if they are constrained by a magnetic field and further energized and actualized.

"What a joke, absolutely impossible!"

Li Yao could not accept this speculation.

Even if the human spirit could be purely energy and still possess lightning-like power, how could Lu Qingchen command these "energetic puppets" to attack the exploration fleet? Could it be that the "soldier bee" and "worker bee" of the holy league, whose bodies were wiped out, still obey Lu Qingchen's orders?

Moreover, even if the human spirit can become...a lightning-like form, how can it be completely transformed into a huge ball of lightning?

Lu Qingchen was absolutely impossible to control all of this. He at most unintentionally discovered that something extremely strange, composed of lightning, was hung in the atmosphere of the ancient giant star, and only thought of a way to use it.

So, what is this, some kind of life? Some kind of "energy life" composed of lightning and living in the atmosphere of an ancient giant star?

Such a life form far exceeded Li Yao's imagination.

It is not that his narrow conception can only accept carbon-based intelligent life, but that even if he can accept the existence of energy life, and even he is gradually evolving in the direction of energy life, the foundation of energy life is always carbon-based life. , And should live in a more stable place with a more stable spiritual magnetic environment.

The ancient superstars swept through storms all year round, lightning, thunder, and raging violent atmosphere is really not life, at least not a paradise for intelligent life.

"Then, for the time being, treat you as some kind of... a fierce beast condensed by lightning. You should only have the instinct of hunting and devouring, and there is no'wisdom' in the conventional sense? Because if you have wisdom, we will all Oh sorrow!"

Li Yao was sweating and murmured, "How can you take the form of Witherbark and the crew? Could it be that after you swallowed the Witherbark and all the crew, you analyzed the witherbark's psionic transmission line and the crew's The magnetic field of life simulates what they look like, why, are you...studying? What exactly do you want to do, how do you find and lock us, you arc-winding beast!"

This question is of vital importance. It is decided whether the exploration fleet can escape the hunting range of this "electric monster".

boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The lightning torrent condensed into the form of the Supreme Battle Fort and the crew launched another attack. Waves of plasma torrents slammed on every starship in the exploration fleet, and many starships’ psychic shields It was extremely dim and lost more than half of its power. It was smashed by the more violent meteorite rain and collapsed in all directions.

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