40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3026: Race against lightning!

"The speed is so fast, we can't get rid of it at all!"

"There is no lightning that can last so long in a vacuum without being exhausted and annihilated. What is it!"

"Fuel! Most of my ship's fuel has disappeared out of thin air, as if it had been swallowed by some invisible existence! Could it be that it is not only releasing energy, but also absorbing our energy!"

"The psychic field is too unstable. The main control crystal brain and a large number of magic weapon units of our ship are all paralyzed!"

The exclamation in the communication channel, wave after wave.

And the noise of the "sizzling, sizzling" electric current has become more and more sharp and high-pitched, just like a fierce beast made up of electric current, rubbing its sharp fangs.

Even the "Saker Falcon" that Li Yao was on was repeatedly pierced by electric arcs. A large number of magic weapon units and control chips burst out with blue flames and dazzling electric sparks, which dimmed one compartment after another.

Li Yao himself was penetrated by invisible electricity.

It was a very strange feeling, like a sour draught passing through his limbs and bones, carefully scanning every blood vessel, nerve and every cell of his.

In particular, the biological currents that wander between nerves and cells are clearly spied by lightning.

Li Yao faintly nauseated when he smelled the burning smell of his hair.

At this moment, an even stranger scene took place.

Not far from the exploration fleet, it was simulated like a deadwood battle fort. The huge ball of lightning split suddenly, turning into hundreds of smaller electric awns. Each electric awn jumped and squirmed like a life. , Has formed the long and narrow shape of a starship!

That look, it happened to be a one-to-one "replica" of all the starships of the Exploration Fleet, a blue exploration fleet that was exactly the same as them, but made up of lightning.

Although it is smaller in size, it is faster and moves more agile. This "exploration fleet" composed of a torrent of lightning strikes towards the real exploration fleet from all directions, like a ghost looking for a "stand-in". Come to the real world!

"Calm down, think about it clearly, they are definitely not intelligent beings in the true sense, they must have weaknesses and flaws, otherwise it is impossible for Lu Qingchen to escape after discovering them, and arrange such a deadly trap!"

Seeing the lightning army getting closer and closer, Li Yao's teeth were deeply embedded in his lips, and the corners of his mouth flowed with meandering blood stains. He was soon burned into curls of blue smoke by the electric arc. His eyeballs were covered with blood, and his eye sockets almost burst. , Murmured nervously, "It is not an intelligent life, it is just imitating unconsciously. How exactly does it lock the'prey'? It seems to be particularly sensitive to various energy reactions, can it be said..."

Li Yao's pupils suddenly expanded to the limit.

Through a trivial detection eye and sporadic blurry images, he found a very strange thing.

The starship that was unfortunately swept by the super lightning torrent at the beginning completely lost its psionic shield and power output, and was paralyzed in a vacuum like a cold iron coffin.

However, it was clearly close to the "electric demon" with its teeth and claws, but the super lightning torrent never touched it halfway, and had no intention of tearing it apart completely.

Li Yao even saw several bolts of lightning that were as strong as a strange python passing by the paralyzed starship, but he was not interested in moving his paws on it, completely ignoring it.

I think of Lu Qingchen’s series of actions, including he did not hesitate to sacrifice two supreme battle fortresses, to release strange psychic ripples, entangle all the starships of the exploration fleet, and do on their psychic shields. A certain "mark".

"Suppose, suppose that this horrible torrent of plasma is really some kind of weird'life'. It is also completely different from carbon-based life in the usual sense. It has no facial features, naturally there is no sight, and there is no hearing in a vacuum. In any sense, it is most likely to scan and locate prey by means of psionic fluctuations."

Li Yao's eyes lit up, "So, as long as we converge all psychic fluctuations..."


The Saker Falcon was attacked by Plasma again, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark, and it took a long time before the emergency light was lit with a dim green light.

Without time to think about it, every bloodshot in Li Yao's eyes jumped like lightning. He turned his mind and hurriedly through the battle plan in his mind. After confirming that there was a 30% success rate, he gritted his teeth and leaped forward. Enter the giant soldier who has just completed the overhaul.

"Turn off the Psionic Shield!"

He just opened the communication channel for all the staff in the Titans, he shouted hoarsely, "The emperor, the queen mother, Ding Lingdang, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun, Lei Chenghu, and everyone, there is no time to explain. Immediately turn off the psychic shield, psychic field and power output, turn off all the magic units on your starship that will release a tiny bit of psychic energy fluctuations, so that everyone can converge their psychic energy, lock the pores, and change your starship. Into a cold iron coffin, fast, fast, fast!"


There was silence in the communication channel, followed by Li Linghai's surprised voice, "However, we are in the torrential gravel star belt!"

The gravitational circle of the "Ancient Thirteen", the extremely unstable gravel star belt, each gravel-sized meteorite is accelerated to the limit, carrying the kinetic energy and destructive power as much as the starship cannon, and it can only rely on the spirit. Only by being able to protect the shield and the psychic magnetic field can the kinetic energy be neutralized or "thrown out".

To close the psychic shield and the psychic magnetic field, it is necessary to rely on the armor to resist the meteorite torrents of swift storms, and Li Yao also wants them to cut off their power output, which means that they can't even dodge and can only stand by. Seeing the endless meteorite rain, he smashed his head and head on his face.

Even if the composite armor of a starship is harder, how long can it last for indiscriminate bombing?

In such a dangerous environment, as long as a meteorite penetrates the armor, it is a disaster.

"I know, but I have no choice."

Li Yao's eyes were bloodshot and he gritted his teeth, "Have you not found out yet? This group of...'Lightning Life' relies on energy fluctuations to search for targets. It is precisely because Lu Qingchen detonated two Supreme Battle Fortresses in our battlefield. An extremely strong energy ripple fold area is created nearby before it can be regarded as a'hunting area', and the psionic shield, psychic magnetic field and plume gushing of our starship all continuously release energy to the outside world-it is simply It's as stupid as dancing and yelling in a silent dark forest!

"It's a pure energy body, and its speed is much faster than us. If we continue to stalemate like this, even if we smash the defensive magic to the limit, the psychic shield and the psychic field will be blown up by it. It's better to take a fight!"

"How to fight?"

Boss Bai joined the discussion, with an unprecedented serious voice, "Turn off the psychic shield and the psychic magnetic field. We stay in such a violent gravel star belt for at most half an hour to an hour, and if all the power is cut off, we will not escape at all. , Like the dead leaves between the stormy waves, can only drift with the waves, and in the end, is it not the end of the bones?

"Do you want to bet on whether it will be annihilated or retreated within half an hour?

"If it's ordinary lightning, half an hour is enough for it to release all its energy, but for this...very weird plasma flood, I really don't want to bet!"

"To bet, of course it is to bet."

The corners of Li Yao's mouth were raised high, revealing a confident and crazy smile, "It's just that I never like to give dice to others to throw. Sitting and waiting for the enemy to die is definitely not my style. I want to roll the dice by myself!

"Listen, the next operation is very important. Everything is subject to my arrangements. This determines the life and death of everyone and the rise and death of the entire civilization!

"Next, immediately shut down all the magic weapon units of all starships, including the psionic shield, psychic field, power unit, external communications, and even the artificial gravity and life-sustaining systems inside the starship. All of them are closed to ensure that there is no trace of psionic ripples. It will spread out, so that all crew members will wear mustard seed battle suits and crystal armors, and use compressed oxygen to survive. Boss Bai, like your ambush in the blue sky star field, turns yourself into an icy meteorite, even Don't put half a fart.

"I know that the environment here is ten thousand times worse than that of the Blue Sky Star Territory. Once the psychic shield and power output are turned off, you will be engulfed in the material torrent released by the'Ancient Thirteen' every minute and washed away to unknown places. However, there is no way, you must hold on, for half an hour to forty-five minutes, even if the starship is shot full of holes, even if someone is seriously injured in the meteorite attack, they must not move!

"During this time, I will find a way to divert this super plasma torrent to a certain safe distance, and then you will turn on the psychic shield and power unit, go forward at full speed, and rush into the tomb of the emperor. Entrance.

"I guess, since Lu Qingchen is willing to sacrifice all five Supreme Battle Fortresses to set up this round, he must have taken the battle lightly and entered the tomb of the emperor. You must race against time and catch him sooner-he is completely crazy. Now, he sacrificed all the Supreme Battle Fortress without blinking his eyelids. No matter how humanity is wiped out, he can never let him control the core power of the Emperor's Tomb!"

"Li Yao, do you want to distract it?"

Ding Lingdang’s voice joined in, “You’re crazy. The diameter of this mass is at least a thousand kilometers. It’s like tiny suns with a core temperature of at least tens of thousands of degrees. Once you are swallowed by them, you will immediately be wiped out. Don't even want to escape half of your spiritual thoughts!"

"I know, but there is no better way. It's dead to hide here, it's better to give it a try."

Li Yao paused, and said with relief, "And, uh, I know in my heart that after my most thorough calculations, the risk factor is not as big as it seems — it relies on psionic ripples to search for prey, as long as I can be precise Control your own spiritual flame output, converge all psychic energy and vitality when necessary, and disguise yourself as a small meteorite. There will be no problem, nothing will happen!"

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