40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3029: Lightning life!

"Ding Lingdang and Li Linghai accelerated."

Li Yao smiled and muttered to himself, "Great, I know you can. No matter how dense and violent the meteorites are, it is impossible to destroy your starship. Now, let's go, start at full speed, and go farther and farther. it is good.

"And this **** beast, this incomparable'electric demon', I will definitely help you hold it, don't worry!"

The super plasma torrent hesitated.

It also keenly perceives the glowing flames and surging psychic shields of dozens of starships in the distance, which is the most "fat" prey.

However, Li Yao has lured it to the depths of the gravel star belt, close to the surface of the "Ancient Thirteen", and it is too far away from the exploration fleet. It is not sure whether it can travel a long distance to catch up with the exploration fleet, let alone know. How much more energy is needed to change the hunting plan, and whether it can be made up for enough from the exploration fleet.

At this moment, Li Yao detonated all the remaining shells.

In addition, he extracted almost all the spar reserves from Qiankun Ring, and put them into the brightest fireworks together, adding 100,000 colorful ripples to the blooming of hundreds of fireworks.

"Do you only have this ability?"

A series of explosions of hundreds of bombs and tons of spars set off stormy waves at the feet of the giant “arsonists”, and the waves of destruction lifted the “arsonists” high up like gods and demons.

Li Yao raised his arms and manipulated the "arsonists" to shoot hundreds of kilometers of sword lights, using his own life to provoke the mighty alien race in the starry sky, "Don't look around, the battle between us is not over yet, today or forever, you only have An enemy, that's me—Vulture Li Yao!"

The "arsonist"'s Baili Dao light resembles Li Yao's high raised middle finger, which must be inserted into the nostrils of the super plasma torrent-if it has nostrils.

The super plasma torrent was deeply angered.

Even if it is a certain form of life, it is far from evolving wisdom or the instincts of beasts. It is not so much a beast, it is more like an ignorant archaic, controlled by more primitive instructions than the beast instinct.

With its "wisdom", it is still impossible to understand what is called a trap, let alone that there will be such a wonderful "carbon-based life" in the world, and there is such a wonderful existence as "Li Yao" in the carbon-based life.

It immediately gave up the distant target, speeded up and attacked Li Yao, waving thousands of lightning, making it look like a shiny octopus, or a jellyfish magnified one hundred thousand times.

Li Yao turned around and ran.

Every cell in the body and every talisman formation of the Titan Soldier was squeezed to the limit of almost collapse. Every fist-sized meteorite around, and even dust the size of gravel, was squeezed out of the use value by him, and he ran A route more bizarre than lightning came out.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes.

Persevere, even if the flesh and blood are worn out, the cells burn out, and the giant soldiers fall apart, and every magic weapon unit is blown into scrap copper and rotten iron, you must persist to the end. If you persist for a second, you can consume an extra point of the super plasma torrent. With energy, Ding Lingdang and Li Linghai could escape a safe distance and enter the tomb of the emperor to capture Lu Qingchen's hope.

"Haha, haha, huhuhuhuhu, no one can catch me, no **** or devil can catch me, no power can catch me!"

The coolant ran out, Xiao Hei screamed, and Li Yao's face was bulging with thick and criss-crossed blood vessels. Each blood vessel was shiny and faintly glowing red. Mang, as if the blood in it was replaced with magma, the pooled magma couldn't help breaking through the seal of the Tianling Cap, and a volcanic eruption occurred on his head.

Before Li Yao's eyes, there was a hallucination. He suddenly forgot where he was, and forgot that he was in the surging gravel star belt, but thought he was on an endless track full of thorns and flames. Race against Lightning, Thunder, Gods and Demons, Lu Qingchen, Pangu Clan, Black Wall Makers, Hong Tide Legion, and their own shadows and their creators.

Run, run, run even if the blood evaporates, run even if the muscles are torn, the bone marrow burns, run even if the bones are ground into powder, run even if the cells are withered, even if only one person is left, even if the world changes In black and white, even if there is no end to the road ahead, even if it is just another more rugged track after crossing the finish line, you have to run, run, and run!

Because the journey of life is a never-ending and joyful run!

There was a sharp buzzer and a scream of "Squeaky" in my ears. It was a moan that even the super giant "arson" couldn't bear Li Yao's will, and was about to paralyze.

Li Yao still didn't mean to slow down at all. He still made the most fierce sprint with his back to the enemy at a frequency of changing directions between the meteorites seventeen or eight times per second, and the corners of his grinned mouth, except for a burst of strong jets. In addition to the white smoke, there was also a wild laugh with a winning ticket.

The super plasma torrent is no longer good.

Li Yao didn’t have time to calculate the precise time, but this life-and-death hurricane with the gravel star belt as the track lasted for at least two hours. For such a long time, the super plasma torrent not only had to control its own magnetic field and proceed regularly. The rapid change of direction also shattered an unknown number of meteorites, and its "life force" was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now it has long lost its original dazzling, hugeness and activity. It is as clumsy as a stranded whale, and as haggard as an old wolf hungry in the cold wind and advancing awkwardly.

It changed from bright purple to deep purple, and from deep purple to faint blue, occasionally mixed with orange-red ripples. In the end, all the colors faded and turned into a weak gray-white.

Its diameter has also shrunk from the original thousands of kilometers to the current tens of kilometers, and it can be cut by Li Yao. Of course, even if it shrinks to only a few kilometers, it will soon be annihilated by itself. I really can't lift even a little finger to cut it.

It is the same. In the initial chase, the arc was released extravagantly. As long as there is a slight possibility, thousands of arcs will be released to form an overwhelming power grid to capture Li Yao. But now, even at a distance within reach. , It is difficult to blast even a bleak arc.

This pair of chasers and fugitives can no longer tell who is the hunter and who is the prey. Perhaps they have forgotten the meaning of chasing and hunting, they just habitually run and stray.

Suddenly, just before the super plasma torrent is about to be completely annihilated-


The main power unit on the left side of the "arsonist" reactor made a low roar, and bursts of pungent black smoke, which condensed into a series of black balloons in a vacuum.

Li Yao's horizontally trained muscles and bones, even the steel body of the giant soldier was not enough to carry, he was abruptly dragged down by him!

His thinking was chaotic and his brain was almost blank. Li Yao, who was running for his life only by instinct, had no time to predict and deal with the paralysis of the left power source. The "arsonist" staggered and could no longer control the direction. The result of unilateral output of power. It was spinning fast in the torrent of meteorites, and was hit by hundreds of meteorites in an instant, and in the next moment, it was pierced by the dying super plasma torrent.

In other words, two exhausted "life" who are very eager to survive, hug each other tightly.


Every nerve of Li Yao was instantly penetrated by super currents and pain that could not be described with pen and ink. He was "crystal clear" by the electricity, and every bone, blood vessel, and internal organs in his body were reflected by the current. Clearly.

And what’s more weird than the super electric arc is information. A large amount of information like a torrent of wild beasts rushed into his body along the arc, rushed into his mind, and even wanted to penetrate into his brain cells, deeply imprinted on his soul. Above.

This feeling is different from robbing the house.

Li Yao didn’t know if he was crazy. He knew very well that the other party didn’t mean to seize the house at all. He was just “recording”, using Li Yao’s brain and flesh and blood as tools to record some information. It is as if human beings use tortoise shells, stone slabs, and bamboo slips as carriers and use a sharp knife to engrave information on them.

Also, if these "lightning beings" regard themselves as the only and natural life forms in the universe, then a flesh and blood body like Li Yao, carbon-based life, in its "eyes", it is likely to be a piece of lifeless " "Slate" only.

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

In Li Yao's mind, countless waves of thunder exploded at the same time, just as ancient humans used stone hammers and spears to chisel the stone slabs, carve out the marks of civilization.

He "saw" it, saw the origin of the super plasma torrent, a magnificent and heart-stirring epic, an endless journey of struggling to survive like human civilization and exploring in the dark.

His initial guess was correct. This super plasma torrent, including the one that tried to attack the "Iron Fist" earlier, was indeed a very special life form native to the atmosphere of the ancient giant star.

The atmosphere of ancient giant stars has a gravitational force thousands of times higher than that of celestial stars. It is full of deadly elements such as liquid hydrogen and methane. The super storms that have swept over the years have even permanently changed the appearance of the earth's surface, turning the entire planet's appearance into A series of parallel huge ribbons, where the wind converges, even form a huge cyclone with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, and each cyclone can last for hundreds to thousands of years!

In the extremely harsh environment, there is no carbon-based life, even archaea that can survive in submarine volcanic craters, can be born and survive here.

But life will always find the most suitable form and emerge from the ground very stubbornly.

In the Thunder Sea, where even anaerobic archaeal bacteria can't survive, a brand new life form that is completely different from carbon-based life, with "lightning" as the carrier, has appeared!

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