40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3030: Poems of life!

No one knows exactly how lightning life appeared, just as no one knows how the original organic molecules such as amino acids were born from the crazy collisions and fierce reactions of inorganic substances. In short, in the atmosphere of ancient giant stars over the past billions of years, fierce energy Waves were released and exploded in the form of lightning countless times. Relying on incredible coincidences, lightning caught some unusual particles-rare elements from the depths of ancient giant stars or outer space, such as argon, and so on.

When the strong lightning penetrates the core of the argon element, it is immediately vaporized by the extremely high temperature into crystal clear and perfect plasma balls. The free electrons with negative charges form its outer layer, which carries a positive charge. Ions form its inner layer, and the inner and outer layers form a clear boundary, but they allow energy to circulate and transform freely, just like the membrane and wall of biological cells, a great yin and yang that can communicate with the heavens and the earth.

In other words, the coincidence of countless lightning surges created a miracle of life, a gaseous, pure energy, and plasma "cell".

Of course, this "plasma cell" is not the same as a cell in the sense of carbon-based life, and it does not have the so-called "genetic material".

However, the form of life is inherently gorgeous and colorful. Genetic information does not need to be transmitted by genes. The five definitions of cells are defined-capable of self-replication, capable of transmitting information, having a metabolic mechanism, capable of self-growth, and having a clear boundary separate from the outside world. Conditions, "plasma cells" are all met.

Although at the beginning, its "life" can only last a few subtleties, but in its short and brilliant life, it can also continuously draw energy from the outside world, expand and even split. It can stretch out the tentacles of lightning and move the surrounding area. The neutral elements, such as argon, helium, and even methane, ethane, etc., are adsorbed, adding their own energy response, glowing colorful light, and even splitting themselves into two different plasma cells , Every plasma cell carries the same electromagnetic characteristics.

It can even transmit information by radiating electromagnetic wave energy into other plasma cells, so that the atoms in each plasma cell maintain the same oscillation frequency.

If this is not a "cell" and this is not a "life", then what is the meaning of the definition of life?

Li Yao noticed that this kind of wonderful lightning elves did not appear for a long time, far less than the glorious 100,000-year history of human civilization, and it is even more incomparable with the civilization of Pangu civilization or even the "black wall maker" hundreds of millions of years ago. Up.

Their "history" is only about two to three thousand years.

Two or three thousand years ago, that was the time when the two high-quality stars close to the ancient giant star entered the end of their lives and began to bloom violently, and the signs of "supernova explosion" appeared.

Perhaps it was the dying violent ejection of matter and energy that injected new vitality into the atmosphere of the ancient giant star before the star's decay, which led to the birth of these lightning elves.

They are out and about, "children of the sun."

Although they only have a history of two to three thousand years, they have crossed the journey of carbon-based intelligent life that took hundreds of millions of years to complete.

Their lives are short and fierce. Each lightning pierces the sky of the ancient giant star. It can only last a few seconds to ten seconds at most. Within ten seconds of this sparkling stone fire, hundreds of millions of plasmas Cells are born in lightning. Lightning is their river of life and their eternal destination. They will continue to absorb various elements in the atmosphere within a dozen seconds, try new discharge structures and electromagnetic binding force fields, and try to Let themselves and the lightning last longer, even a microsecond. If they fail to do this, they will split and multiply crazily, and try to "jump" to another lightning that has just been born before the lightning is annihilated. on.

"Survive, survive, survive!"

Li Yao seemed to be able to hear that the newly born plasma cells roared with infinite desire in the "cracking" arc.

That's right, the meaning of life is definitely not just survival, but if you can't even survive the original, then no amount of meaning can be found.

At the source of any life just born, especially at such a harsh and cruel source, survival itself is the only meaning.

Every brain cell of Li Yao was surrounded by lightning.

He is full of respect and "appreciates" this poem of life that has lasted for thousands of years and hundreds of millions of years.

He "sees" that countless plasma cells are holding on to just a few subtle lives, constantly adsorbing and swallowing the surrounding elements, trying to use various elements and atomic oscillation frequencies to form the cornerstone of his life.

Among them, 99.99% of the attempts ended in failure. Those plasma cells that swallowed the wrong element and used the wrong oscillation frequency were instantly annihilated, not even a single ripple was left. In exchange, 0.001% of the lucky ones were able to destroy them. His life lasted more than 0.001 microseconds.

Before the annihilation, these lucky ones immediately used electromagnetic radiation to transmit information such as brand-new elements and vibration frequencies, and share it with all the "comrades" in the same lightning.

And these "comrades" either split madly, increasing the number of plasma **** in the lightning geometrically, or tried to jump out of the lightning like a moth to a fire, to chop the waves in the sea of ​​methane and helium, and find another way. The nascent lightning will buy a few more seconds or ten seconds for the entire race.

It was such a crazy attempt. Tens of thousands of generations of "people" struggled and sacrificed within a dozen seconds. Gradually, the survival time of the plasma ball increased from a few subtle to close to one second, and the lightning that they inhabited was also transformed by them. Different from ordinary lightning, it can last for a few minutes, tens of minutes or even longer. They even consciously seduce a few lightnings together, and in an incredible way, "weave" into an ingenious three-dimensional geometric shape, everything, Just to improve the survival time of lightning in the atmosphere and the ability to transmit over long distances.

They are building their own "star-sea battleships, spaceships", and they have refined lightning into their own spaceships!

Li Yao "sees" and upgrades the lightning into the plasma cell of the "battleship". In the fierce life battlefield, he gradually has a high degree of self-organization ability, and their exploration of the entire planet is also unfolded, no longer limited. Where the lightning is the most intense, it is driving the lightning, surrounding the magnetic field, and spreading to all directions of the ancient giant star.

Then, they discovered the place that allowed life to leap further and evolve into "civilization", that is, the most obvious Great Red Spot on the ancient giant star.

The Great Red Spot is a super cyclone with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers, often lasting more than a hundred years.

Within the super cyclone, the drastic changes in air pressure can make the lightning discharge reaction more violent, quicker, and change more possibilities.

The super cyclone continuously stirs the surrounding matter, and even absorbs a large amount of matter spewing out from the depths of the ancient giant star. It is like a volcanic eruption in the depths of the primitive ocean. The cradle can also bring more abundant elements to the plasma cells.

The special substance "red phosphorus" that constitutes the Great Red Spot can release magnificent and unpredictable flames in the super-high-speed friction of lightning, and become a carrier of "civilization".

That’s right, each “red phosphorous fire” can only last for a few minutes or at most a few hours. It is a “transitory” thing measured by human time scale, but it can be passed on from generation to generation in a few subtle and few seconds. As far as plasma cells are concerned, the burning of a beam of flame has been long enough, just like paper that can last for decades to be immortal, it can be used to make "books" and pass on "wisdom."

In this way, the plasma cells are driving lightning, looking for one big red spot, multiplying and prospering, and establishing a real "lightning civilization".

Their civilization, of course, is completely different from the civilization built by carbon-based intelligent life. At least, Li Yao reads 99% of the information, which is incomprehensible—he has no idea what these plasma cells are doing or building. , What are you pursuing.

On the other hand, if the "Lightning Civilization" can observe the wealth of the human world, love and hatred, the rise and fall of the country, the epic of heroes, etc., they will certainly not be able to understand that these highly self-organized carbon elements are condensed. Body, what are you doing?

However, there are some things that all "civilizations" have in common.

Li Yao "watched" that plasma cells in the depths of the Great Red Spot, actively ignited one after another red phosphorous fire, and used the volatile flame to record specific information.

Perhaps that was their major research discovery, their knowledge of the world and the universe, their secret method of passing on life, and the method of constructing a more powerful "Lightning Warship".

It is also possible that it is their poems chanting "faith" and "love", a gorgeous and useless show off, and even developed based on their origins, superstitious religious spells of the sun.

Similarly, just as they tried to modify the lightning where they were in the past, now they are beginning to modify the super cyclone where they are. They accurately manipulate the current, charge and voltage, manipulate the clouds of helium and methane, and manipulate the speed and speed of the storm. The angle is just to make the Great Red Spot where you are located larger and stable, which can last longer, and can draw more elements from the depths of the ancient giant stars, and be able to carry more magnificent red phosphorous fires.

The naturally occurring Great Red Spot can only last for hundreds of years, but after their transformation, it can last for three to five hundred years-on the scale of the Lightning Civilization, this is almost eternal.

Then, there is war.

-War, especially civil war, is an indispensable part of the growth of all civilizations.

The war between two great red spots, billions of lightning, and incalculable plasma cells has begun!

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