40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3031: The last struggle

That is a war that humans—and any carbon-based intelligent life cannot imagine.

On the cruel battlefield of ancient superstars thousands of times the standard gravity, two Great Red Spots with a diameter of more than one thousand kilometers, super cyclones that are more violent than 13-level hurricanes on ordinary planets, collided fiercely.

On the front face where the two cyclones touched, billions of lightning bolts pierced each other's bodies deeply like spears, building a death bridge to annihilation.

Countless plasma cells rushed to the enemy through the lightning bridge. They burned only a few seconds or even a few subtle lives, released the strongest electromagnetic radiation, and "bombed" their own atomic oscillation frequencies on the opponent.

If the plasma cell on the opposite side cannot withstand the attacker’s “indiscriminate bombing” and unknowingly changes its own atomic oscillation frequency to become consistent with the attacker’s, it is tantamount to being “infected” and “transformed” into A member of the attacker.

The two clusters of plasma cells, just like this, "swiftly meet each other", swallowing and transforming each other, or equal, no one can transform each other, but after exhausting all the electromagnetic radiation, they are annihilated together in the form of flashes.

This is the Shura slaughterhouse of hand-to-hand combat.

In the higher-scale and larger-scale battlefield, there are still a large number of plasma cells that did not directly participate in the battle, but did their best to increase the wind pressure and wind speed of the Great Red Spot where they were located, releasing the cantilever of the storm, trying to directly break it. The opponent's Great Red Spot swallowed the opponent's super cyclone in one gulp.

Such "wars" can often last for several days and nights. On the time scale of plasma cells, it is an epic battle that lasts for a century or even a thousand years.

In such a protracted battle, the red phosphorous fires of both sides will be raging, increasing the brightness of the two large red spots by one level.

Perhaps this is the poet, singer and historian of Lightning Civilization, singing and sighing, recording brilliant, cruel, sad, moving, magnificent, evocable, meaningless war!

In the end, one of them was defeated, all the lightning was annihilated, all the red phosphorous fires were dimmed, and the atomic oscillation frequencies of all plasma cells were forcibly changed into the appearance of a winner, and even the Great Red Spot where they lived was shattered. It was swallowed by the victor's erythema in one bite and turned into a super erythema with a diameter of more than three to five thousand kilometers.

The strong eat the weak, and the survival of the fittest, even in the world of energy life, is justified.

The war between the Great Red Spot and the Great Red Spot lasted for a whole thousand years.

Countless lightning civilizations in the Great Red Spot were wiped out, and more civilizations were born from the new Great Red Spot. Of course, there were also the “Lightning Empires” that flourished to the limit, but the Great Red Spot on which they depended for survival has reached the limit of life. Fragmented and disintegrated, the "tragedy" that destroyed the civilization that has lasted for hundreds of millions of generations occurred.

In short, at this point in time when Lu Qingchen, Li Yao, and the human exploration fleet arrived outside the ancient giant star, the Lightning Civilization has developed to an unprecedentedly developed and extremely brilliant level.

Basically, lightning life has been able to highly condense and control a large number of plasma cells, construct various delicate and complex structures, and explore almost all the great red spots in the atmosphere of ancient giants, and find and occupy every place suitable for the development of civilization. The fertile soil, they also have the basic star sea navigation ability, can build thousands of kilometers long "Lightning Battleship", get rid of the gravity of the ancient giant star, stay for a short time near the ancient giant star-that is what Li Yao saw, they are brilliant and The form of horror.

However, this is the limit.

The world they were born in made a cruel joke with them. Their civilization has just been born. In just two thousand years on the cosmic scale, not even a moment, they ushered in the end.

In other words, as early as when the first plasma cells awakened from ignorance and struggled fiercely to survive, they had been sealed by desperate fate.

-It is the precursor of the supernova explosion, bringing a lot of rare elements and special radiation to the ancient giants, creating this miraculous life form and evolving into a diverse and unique civilization.

However, the complete explosion of supernovae will have a serious impact on the ancient giant stars, and will completely destroy the entire world they depend on for survival.

They are beings living in lightning, and the birth of lightning is inseparable from energy, magnetic field and atmosphere. Not to mention the complete collapse of ancient giant stars, and the mere loss of atmosphere and magnetic field is a catastrophe that they cannot bear.

Lightning life has been keenly aware of the changes in the magnetic field of ancient giant stars decades ago.

A few months ago, the emergence of the "Golden Holy See, the Sky Realm" suddenly changed the gravitational and magnetic field conditions of ancient giant stars and their satellite systems, and made the living environment of lightning life even worse.

For a few months, they are thousands of generations of "human beings" for Lightning Life. Of course, they have to find ways to save themselves, survive, fight against the sky, and fight against the catastrophe.

It is a pity that no matter how they change themselves or even the shape of lightning and the Great Red Spot, they cannot prevent the collapse of ancient giant stars and the annihilation of their magnetic fields, let alone the explosion of two supernovae.

In a sense, lightning life is life at the micro level. How can it be possible to prevent the explosion of supernovae and planetary destruction at the macro level?

Then, there is only one way left.

Escape, escape, escape desperately, escape from ancient giants, and transform from "planetary life" to "star-sea life", just like humans and other carbon-based intelligent life have tried.

The planet is only the cradle of life, and the star sea is the destination of life.

Lightning Life spent about a month experimenting with various "saving ancient superstars" schemes, and came to the conclusion that "unable to save", and it took another month and countless generations of "humans" to explore all kinds of stars. Sailing method.

It's a pity that their lives are too short after all, and countless generations of "people" in the micro sense cannot find the answer in the macro sense.

Just relying on the structure of pure energy to cross the vast sea of ​​stars, the resource-poor zone, which is often dozens of hundreds of light-years away, is difficult to ascend to the sky. If he can't fly hundreds of millions of kilometers, it will be exhausted, dissipated and annihilated.

However, the mass of ancient giant stars is too large and their gravitational force is too strong, which prevents them from refining various materials into a strong and stable shell, carrying extremely active energy life.

This is an almost unbreakable problem.

But Lightning Life has no choice but to try in vain again and again under the drive of survival instinct.

The appearance of Lu Qingchen, Li Yao, and the human exploration fleet gave them a ray of life.

Something went beyond Li Yao's expectation. His initial speculation was wrong. The attack of Lightning Life on the exploration fleet was not "hunting", or even a real attack, but "exploration" on another level.

Think about it too. At this moment, the ancient giant star still contains infinite energy. If it is only for temporary survival, the lightning life does not need to work hard or even seek its own death to escape the atmosphere and the gravitational circle, and fly millions of kilometers away to swallow it. Explore the fleet.

-If the ancient giant star is always in a stable state, even if the exploratory fleet is close to the ancient giant star, I am afraid that lightning life will not have the slightest interest in humans, just as humans will not have much interest in icy rocks.

But now it is different. The ancient superstar is about to be destroyed, and the desperate Lightning Life is unwilling to miss the slightest possibility of escape from desperation.

Human starships, crystal armors, and giant soldiers, in the "eyes" of the lightning life, represent a new, fairly stable, special magnetic field and psychic cycle structure that can cross the stars.

The model of this special magnetic field, as well as the algorithm of psychic operation, have never appeared in the genetic variation of the billions of generations of lightning life.

As a result, Lightning Life sent its own "exploration fleet" to the exploration fleet of mankind, that is, two super plasma torrents one after another.

They did not have the slightest malice, nor did they feel that they were attacking and destroying, because they did not realize that the human exploration fleet is also a kind of "life", and even if they had some primitive and obscure religion, they might put the human exploration fleet Regarding the gospel given to them by "God", it is "God" who teaches them a brand-new structure that is enough to escape their homes and enter the sea of ​​stars, and is the "Ark" to save them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Therefore, when the super plasma torrent smashed two Supreme Battle Fortresses and passed dozens of starships, it would appear as the Supreme Battle Fortress and the starships—they were indeed learning, botchingly imitating, and wanting Find a way to maintain or store lightning for longer periods of time.

And Li Yaohe exploratory fleet turned off the power source and psychic shield time and time again, and stirred up the strongest spiritual flame again and again. Such a clumsy tactic would also work, because in the Lightning Life "look", this is justified and natural. Things, the strong energy will of course be annihilated after a short burst, which represents "death" and has no value for exploration.

As for the energy of "death", how can it be "resurrected" is far beyond their understanding and cognition.

Including now, all plasma cells in this super lightning torrent will be exhausted and annihilated. It is still faithfully carrying out its mission, exploring and learning the way in which the neurobiological currents in Li Yao's body agitate and operate, and strive to condense into A "human form".

It also didn't realize that magnetic fields and energy alone are not enough, and solid matter is needed to constrain and support all of this in order to make the leap from a micro-level to a macro-level.

It is just like a stupid but stubborn student, devoting a hundred times hard work to the wrong direction, constantly trying, struggling, and struggling.

This is the story of the lightning life born from the ancient superstar.

Perhaps it is also a civilization, at least a last word from before the genocide.

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