40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3034: Entrance to Super Civilization

Li Yao's nose and chest cavity were again blocked by something sour and inexplicable.

He exhausted the last trace of his strength, stretched out his hand tremblingly, manipulating the arm of the steel giant, and bid farewell to the fading lightning life.

"Goodbye, my friend, although there may not even be a billionth of a chance, I still hope that part of you, at least one plasma cell, can return to the ancient giant star and take everything in this wonderful encounter between us. , Have spread and passed on.

"Maybe I should save you, maybe I should destroy you more, but I am also struggling for my own survival and destruction. I also want to go to more mysterious and dangerous places to find my origin, my destiny, and my answer.

"So, let's stop here and look forward to seeing each other again in the future.

"Today's encounter is too hasty and embarrassment after all. I really look forward to the day when we or our descendants can contact in a more decent, calm and wise manner, or, ha ha, a more vigorous and exciting war can be staged!


The lightning life became smaller and smaller in Li Yao's field of vision, and gradually merged into the huge and unfriended figure of the ancient superstar, and was no longer visible.

Li Yao was also in this desperate fight and the subsequent information exchange. The thief went to the empty building, the lamp was exhausted, and all his psychic energy was consumed.

He doesn't even have the strength to tremble his little finger now.

Tiredness and sleepiness were like black and sticky tides, gradually rushing to him, swallowing every brain cell in him.

Before falling into a coma, he had only time to use his eyeballs and the release of brain waves to turn on the auto-navigation system of the Giant God Soldier, allowing the "arsonists" to search for the road signs left by Li Linghai and Ding Lingdang along the way, and chase the footsteps of the large troops , Arrived at the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb.

Li Yao didn't know whether the shattered, almost paralyzed giant soldier could accomplish this task.

He is just like a lightning life, facing despair, holding hope, going forward, going forward, going forward!

Li Yao slept for a long time, his dreams were full of lightning and thunder and almost endless energy models.

When he woke up leisurely, his condition was not much better than before he was in a coma. He was still tired, sleepy and hungry, and every cell in his body was screaming.

The Giant God Soldier originally stored a large amount of high-energy nutrients, Xiao Hei should inject and treat him in time.

But these high-energy nutrients were electrolyzed and gasified during the life of lightning, and the nutrients almost disappeared.

Li Yao checked the voyage log of the master Jingnao, and was surprised to find that he actually slept for seven days!

The loss of control and coma for such a long time were rare things in his entire cultivation career.

Fortunately, according to the logbook, during the time he was in a coma, the Titan Soldiers faithfully followed his instructions, and the road signs left by Li Linghai and Ding Lingdang were clear enough to make him on the correct route and away from the emperor. The entrance to the tomb of the emperor is getting closer and closer.

Considering the damage of the giant soldier and the amount of fuel left, this is an uncompromising miracle.

"is it you?"

Li Yao rubbed his aching brain, feeling the lightning still lingering in the depths of his mind.

He didn't know if the Lightning Life got into the fuel tank of the Giant God Soldier, changed the structure and composition of the spar fuel, and squeezed out more energy in some way that the carbon-based intelligent life couldn't understand.

Just as he didn't know, at this moment, the gleaming of nerve currents in the depths of his brain also had the characteristics of lightning life.

No matter how cruel the universe is, life will always find a way out, right?

Li Yao laughed.

Looking at the ancient superstars drifting behind him for seven days and seven nights, and still feeling "close at hand", that brilliant planet like the sun, Li Yao suddenly felt that the originally deserted and lonely universe had become lively and vibrant.

Who says that human beings are lonely? Maybe there are countless kinds of wonderful and splendid lives in different levels of this universe. Human beings just need to polish their eyes and find them out.

It is like a lush forest, on different levels, with towering trees, shrubs and grasses, jackals, tigers, leopards, antelopes and fawns, as well as reptiles and insects, even fungi and bacteria.

Jackals, tigers and leopards may never realize that there may be countless intricately structured and well-organized ant colonies and colonies in the soil under their feet. The war between ants is as majestic and magnificent as the fighting of fierce beasts. .

They just hunt and kill blindly.

But humans are not jackals, tigers and leopards.

Nor should it be, and never should.

Li Yao suddenly felt that the term "dark forest" was so contradictory, how... groundless worries!

"Most plants need sunlight to achieve photosynthesis. Therefore, the existence of the forest itself means the existence of light. No matter how dark the forest looks, there must be light outside the forest!

"Even if there is an environment of'absolute darkness', the life naturally bred in this'absolute darkness' will not evolve light-sensitive organs such as'eyes' from the beginning, so whether it is dark around them, What's the point, and what trouble is it?

"Even if they did not evolve the'eyes', they must have a way to perceive the information around them, communicate with their peers or even heterogeneous, and communication, whether willingly or not, is the first, even the only motivation for continuous evolution!

"As long as we can contact and communicate with each other, no matter how dark our eyes are, light is destined to be born in the dark. Our human civilization can go to this day. It was originally a product of light. Now, we only need to spread this light. ,Handed down!"

Li Yao stretched out a finger.

"Cracking", a trivial ball of lightning was born at the fingertips, no more than five millimeters in diameter, but constantly changing into a variety of exquisite shapes, turning into hundreds of intricate three-dimensional structures, even like a flower Flowers bloom slowly, dancing like a butterfly, inadvertently showing Li Yao's energy structure and manipulation ability beyond humans and even Pangu tribe.

This is the gift of the Lightning Life, just as he gave the Lightning Life the ability to smelt metal and manipulate matter.

"If there is even a lightning life with a history of only two thousand years and an individual life of no more than ten seconds, facing the catastrophe of supernova explosions and galaxy collapse, we have never given up hope. We human beings, the greatest miracle in the multiverse, face the mere floods, Is there any reason to give up hope?"

Li Yao smiled slightly, sucked the lightning back into his palm, and drove the giant soldier for the final sprint.

An hour later, at the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb, the pearl quietly suspended in the sea of ​​stars appeared again in his field of vision.

And he also received the message that Ding Lingdang had left him from a crystal brain floating not far from the entrance of the Emperor's tomb.

"Li Yao, if you can see this message, that would be great!"

Ding Lingdang in the light curtain was exhausted, and the bridge behind him was smoky. "Meteorite storms and electromagnetic interference are too serious. Our fleet has suffered heavy losses. Many starships have lost the ability to sail and fight.

"What's worse is that the navigation and communication of many starships have been completely destroyed, and they have drifted to unknown places. Now we have only found a dozen ships. The remaining starships have to wait for them to repair themselves. Will come.

"Time is running out, we can't wait any longer. We are going to enter the tomb of the emperor to capture Lu Qingchen, so we set up an information node here. If there is an abnormal change in the tomb of the emperor, we will send a message in time.

"If there is no abnormal change, it means that we are still in the process of arresting Li Yao, or everyone who has read this message, please enter the Emperor's Tomb immediately to support us!"

This message was sent five days ago.

Afterwards, there were still some fragmented and disorganized messages, like "squeaking" and "hissing" noises, which seemed to be sent by Ding Lingdang and the others who had encountered serious interference in the tomb of the emperor. The information is destroyed.

Five days ago, Ding Lingdang and the others entered the tomb of the emperor. They haven't come out yet. Didn't they catch Lu Qingchen, or...

Li Yao didn't dare to think about it anymore, increasing his speed and approaching the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb.

This group of mercury and pearl-like spheres showed completely different characteristics from the ancient giants.

If the ancient superstar symbolizes primitiveness, nature, wildness and roughness, then it is a symbol of absolute precision and control, and a man-made product of super civilization.

The "arsonist" is only less than a hundred meters away from the entrance of the Emperor's Tomb, but at such a short distance, Li Yao still can't detect the slightest defects and unevenness on its surface. It is more than a few kilometers in diameter. On the surface, there is no ups and downs of 0.001 microns.

——Based on Li Yao's knowledge of materials science and metal processing, even processing solid metal materials into such a precise sphere is absolutely impossible.

What's more, it is not a solid at all, but an unknown material that resembles liquid metal but is far more magical. It is an "entrance" that can travel freely.

It is so quiet, faint, uncontested, blooming with its own light, showing its own strength, so that all latecomers will have the feeling of high mountains and standing up.

It is no longer appropriate to call it the "Entrance of the Emperor's Tomb".

Because Li Yao was certain that even the strongest emperor of human civilization would not have the ability to create such an entrance.

Even judging from the remains of the Pangu tribe and the warships of the Nuwa tribe, their metal smelting and processing capabilities are far, far from reaching this level.

Li Linghai was right. This ruin was neither made by the emperor nor by the Pangu civilization. It can only be the product of the "black wall maker". It was created by those who obscured hundreds of millions of stars and completely sealed the Pangu universe. The hand of super civilization!

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