40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3035: Unrecognizable ancient tomb

Li Yao carefully scanned the surface of the entrance to the tomb, but he found nothing except his own clear reflection. Like Li Linghai at the beginning, he did not know what the so-called "entrance" was-it was an artificial celestial body, a super teleportation array. Or did the "black wall maker" capture and condense one wormhole or a hundred wormholes together with supreme magical powers to create such a spectacle?

Li Yao's mind was completely taken away by the entrance of the ancient tomb, and he couldn't help but manipulate the giant soldier to touch the mercury-like surface.

The surface of the entrance of the ancient tomb immediately rippled with ripples, like a tunnel leading to the unknown. Before Li Yao was ready, an inexplicable suction force was generated, sucking him and the "arsonist" together. Went in.

It is not simply swallowing, but surging out a large amount of "mercury" that seems to have life, completely enveloping, melting, and fusing the giant soldier.

This feeling is somewhat similar to Xinghai Jump, which completely decomposes the jumper from a three-dimensional level.

However, compared to the simple and rude Xinghai jumping technique of humans, the technique used by the "Black Wall Maker" is much more sophisticated. The whole process is very warm, soft, comfortable, and the warm "mercury" is not It only wrapped the giant soldier, and also wrapped Li Yao's skin and every cell in his body, giving him the greatest degree of protection, unknowingly crossing the barriers of time and space, and came to——

Li Yao felt that he was falling rapidly.

He appeared out of thin air among the blue sky and white clouds, falling towards the lush earth.

"Puff! Puff, puff, puff!"

The power spout of the Titan Soldier made an unpleasant noise. Regardless of the strength of the power unit, the metal fatigue of the overall structure, or the fuel consumption, it reached its limit. Li Yao could not even activate the anti-gravity unit, and could only barely spew out a few. The weak flame, coupled with its own gravity control magical powers, helped the giant soldier to slow down, and eventually fell to the ground "crashing", falling all over, smashing into a human-shaped pit.

Fortunately, the bottom is not hard metal or concrete, but soft soil, which reduces the impact by more than 90%.


The protective hatch of the Ling Palace popped open automatically, and Li Yao used both hands and feet to crawl out with difficulty.

The "Black Wing-Xiao Hei" that followed him since he was a child has also condensed into a form suitable for high-speed sports and exploration and adventure, that is, a fleshy round ball, like a small round pinch of black sesame and glutinous rice, shaking shortly. The short wings hovered over Li Yao's head.

"This is the legendary...the tomb of the emperor, the golden throne, and the realm of the sky?"

Li Yao scratched his messy hair, opened his swollen eyes as much as he could, his nose moved, sniffing the impurities in the air, always feeling...something was wrong.

This is a barely successful landing. Although the appearance of the giant soldier is horrible, it finally did not damage the main structure. If there are suitable materials and fuels, Li Yao can restore more than 70% of its fighter performance; and the ancient tomb The internal gravity is between Tianyuan Star and Celestial Star, which is the most suitable for human beings to survive on carbon-based intelligent life of about two meters. Similarly, although the air is full of unpleasant sulfur, sulfur dioxide and other highly toxic gases The ingredients are within the range that ordinary people can bear in a short time. There are no extreme climate and geological changes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions or tornadoes. The humidity of the air convinced Li Yao that there should be lakes nearby. , The sea or a water system with abundant reserves.

In general, it can be called a paradise for carbon-based intelligent life, and it is not surprising that the original carbon-based intelligent life originated here.

The facts are also true.

This place is full of vitality, no, the mediocre word "lively" is simply not enough to describe the abundance of creatures here. Here, here, there has just been a big biological explosion!

Looking around, there are vast primal forests everywhere. Plants tens of meters high are entwined with vines, woven into an intricate three-dimensional ecological network. The howls of various beasts and the neighs of birds are heard from the depths of the jungle. Even in the transition zone between forest and forest, that is, Li Yao’s landing site, there are large tracts of grassland.

The grass here is different from any plant Li Yao has seen on any planet. Their water content is astonishingly high, and a thick and viscous sap is sprayed out with a light step, filling the air with freshness. And the sweet smell, and the cracks will even grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and will soon return to the original state and become more robust.

Even if the giant soldiers descended from the sky just five minutes ago and just destroyed and burned a large area of ​​grassland, now, more grass is creeping to cover the giant soldiers. God, they are still from the moist soil. The root system stretched out, like a creeper, trying to climb onto the giant soldier and drown the steel giant completely!

"how so?"

Li Yao couldn't figure out 10,000.

He flew into the air together with Xiao Hei, overlooking the entire land from about two hundred meters high. As far as his eyes could be, there was a colorful, lush green, surrounded by primitive jungles and vast grasslands, looking far away until The same goes for the end of the horizon.

But this is impossible!

Li Linghai told Li Yao and everyone very clearly that although the environment in the tomb of the emperor was suitable for human survival, it was never so vibrant, primitive and natural, but full of traces of artificial excavation.

According to Li Linghai’s speculation, during the heyday of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, the emperor wanted to gather the power of the entire civilization to explore this ancient tomb. Therefore, the emperor did not hesitate to pay for it and transported a large number of warships, transport ships, and shield machines. Mobile laboratories, barracks and even metal smelting bases and fully automatic battle puppet production lines came in, turning this place into a copper-cast iron, armed to the teeth of the forward base.

When the emperor and the blood **** son were both defeated and he was about to escape into the depths of the tomb to fall asleep, he should also bring a large number of people in. It is impossible to have only a polished commander, right?

In this matter, Li Linghai should not lie, and there is no need to lie.

Even if she wanted to cheat Li Yao, she wouldn't even pit her own son Li Jialing at the same time, right?

What's more, both Li Yao and Li Jialing inherited part of the remnant soul of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and Wu Yingqi’s remnant soul has wandered in the emperor’s tomb for hundreds of years. Therefore, Li Yao and Li Jialing’s Deep in the memory, there are some shadowy fragments and flashbacks, which proves that Li Linghai's words are true.

Li Linghai unearthed a lot of treasures from the emperor's tomb, such as "Emperor Flame Orbs". In fact, they were all obtained from this advance base. They were always pure gold, and it was impossible to falsify them.

But now, right in front of Li Yao's eyes, the entire advance base of the emperor era, including "the advance base set up by Li Linghai to explore the emperor's tomb," all disappeared.

In other words, swallowed by the primitive jungle.

Obviously it was the blue sky and white clouds, and the sky was bright, but Li Yao felt the wind and the wind, and the ghosts were crying and howling.

"Ding Lingdang, Li Linghai, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun!"

Li Yao yelled hysterically at the communication channel.

But the "rustling" sound was always coming from the communication channel, and the interference was too serious.

The magnetic field here presents an extremely disordered and disordered state, and even the electromagnetic frequency fluctuates up and down. It is really not like the magnetic field produced by any natural celestial body. Not only is it difficult to implement electromagnetic or psychic communication, but also to operate. The difficulty of psychic energy, agitation of spiritual flames, and release of divine consciousness has been increased by hundreds of times. In other words, any strong person who comes here will greatly weaken his strength.

"It doesn't make sense. It has not been more than 20 or 30 years since Li Linghai came to the Emperor's Tomb. Just 20 or 30 years ago, how could such an earth-shaking change happen in the Emperor's Tomb?"

Li Yaoming thought about it for a long time, turned his head and asked Hei Yi, "Xiao Hei, if you were really taken out from here by your foster father a hundred years ago, do you remember what it was like at that time? It is like this today...Lush and lush, Primitive?"

Hei Wing shook his wings desperately, and flew out a crooked "8".

Li Yao and Hei Yi have been in communication since they were young, and they knew immediately that Xiao Hei was expressing "negation".

"No, that is to say, Li Linghai did not lie. There were indeed a lot of artificial excavations in the tomb of the emperor at that time. There was a forward base left by the emperor, and there were not so many... animals and plants?"

This time, Xiao Hei drew a big circle, expressing the affirmative meaning.

"What's going on, where did Ding Lingdang, Li Linghai, Boss Bai, and Long Yangjun go? These people are all experienced and tyrannical existences. It is not always possible to be swallowed by the jungle without leaving anything. Well, what about their starship? Li Linghai said that the entrance to the Emperor’s Tomb is large enough to accommodate warships several kilometers long, and there is no trace of half a starship outside, so they must be driving dozens of stars. The ship came in, where did these dozens of starships hide?"

Ten thousand question marks popped up in Li Yao's mind.

The first reaction was naturally that Lu Qingchen had set up some trap in the tomb of the emperor, and the fire merged with Ding Lingdang and Li Linghai and the others.

However, Lu Qingchen left all the five supreme battle castles outside. He has at most a dozen giant soldiers, and Li Yao doesn't think he has the ability to eliminate them silently and without leaving a trace. Ding Lingdang, Li Linghai, Li Jialing, Yan Liren, Boss Bai and Long Yangjun...composed of a luxurious lineup.

Even if a fierce battle really took place, the traces had long been swallowed by the wildly growing plants.

and so--

Li Yao sighed, looking at the whole world in a daze.

Then, the cold sweat on his forehead rushed out like a flood that burst a bank.

Li Yao discovered one thing, something very bad, very serious, and very strange.

The entrance to the tomb of the emperor is gone.

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