40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3036: Distortion, cutting and cohesion of space

Saying "not seen" is a bit inaccurate, because Li Yao has been dizzy since "falling from the sky" and did not really see the inside of the "entrance".

But based on Li Linghai’s experience and Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s memory fragments, there should also be a nearly perfect mercury sphere inside the emperor’s tomb. Li Linghai built the forward base around the "entrance" as well. He always stationed his camp directly under the entrance. So the coordinates of Li Yao's entry should be able to see it at a glance.

Of course, the exact coordinates of the emperor’s tomb are located in the depths of the four-dimensional space, between a certain stormy sea, and its entrance appears occasionally in the three-dimensional universe. Maybe it has "disappeared" from the three-dimensional universe by now. What?

But this possibility is very slim. According to Li Linghai, the worse the astronomical environment outside, the larger the rift opened by the three-dimensional universe, the more stable the entrance to the emperor’s tomb and the longer it can last.

This time, they calculated the coordinates of the entrance almost before the emperor's tomb was opened, and arrived the first time. How could there be any reason to close it so quickly?

"What's going on? Why is it different from Li Linghai's and Wu Yingqi's exploration experience in all respects? If there is no way out, could it be that I and the entire exploratory fleet will be locked in this ghost place for decades or even hundreds of years, until the next Only once an "entrance and exit" emerges in the three-dimensional universe, can one escape from birth?"

Li Yaohan was raining.

Even if the environment here is very suitable for human survival, with the strength of many powerful people, it is really no difficulty to survive here for decades, but the idea that the entire human elite of the Pangu universe will be sealed here for decades is still absurd. .

"There must be a way out, but I want to see what exactly is this place!"

Li Yao made a fierce vigor, turned his heart, and took the dilapidated giant soldier back into the universe ring, leaped forward and flew into the air.

"Chiji, chick, chick!"

Regardless of the small black round head and round brain, the naive appearance, it has been shown in the form of a "black wing sword" for decades before, and it can be described as one of the fastest flying swords in the Star Federation. Naturally, it was hard to resist, but it turned into a black streamer, wrapping Li Yao in it, speeding up to the limit, breaking through the clouds.

One thousand meters, two kilometers, three kilometers, five kilometers!

Li Yao kept accelerating, and the earth was gradually blurred under his feet. The green forests, blue oceans and red mountains were all distinct, resembling a chessboard.

Li Yao really wanted to know whether he would rush out of the atmosphere and even break through the sky if he kept accelerating towards the sky in this way to see the whole picture of the tomb of the emperor under his feet.

Or, he will touch the invisible barrier, just like most fragmented worlds?

But what happened next made him never think of it.

When the earth and ocean under his feet were covered by thick foggy clouds, and a brilliant starry sky appeared above his head, he suddenly felt the magnetic field of the heavens and the earth flipped, and he became top-heavy. come down.

"what the hell!"

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank, and the clouds above his head separated, and it was the same ground as before!

That's right, he clearly remembers the dividing line between the coast, the wilderness, the jungle and the mountains. Judging from the shape of the dividing line, this is the land he just set off and wanted to escape from!

How, how is it possible? He obviously leaped upwards, why did he fall downwards? He clearly set out from this world, why did he return here after he drove extremely fast?

Li Yao floated in midair, staring at the ground more than a thousand meters below his feet in a daze.

Taking a deep breath and gritting his teeth, he changed direction and flew toward the sky again, that is, turning back toward the way he came.

Sure enough, after flying for about half a minute, he experienced another magnetic field reversal. The gravitational force originally from under his feet suddenly became from the top of his head. He changed from "flying into the sky" to "falling from the sky", and "should be above and below." , Or the familiar land.


Li Yao was stunned for a while, and flew to the horizon at the fastest speed, while flying, while overlooking the earth, drawing a map of here.

If the true face of the Emperor’s Tomb is a planet, then, from the analysis of gravity and natural environment here, its mass and radius should be similar to Celestial Star and Celestial Star, and no more than twice that of Celestial Star and Celestial Star. size.

With Li Yao's current cultivation base, it is easy to circle such a planet.

However, strange things happened again.

Li Yao clearly observed in mid-air that the earth and ocean here have subtle arcs, like the surface of a planet, but when he set off from the east coast of the continent, he crossed the continent and the west coast all the way, and across a vast ocean. Absolutely, there is absolutely no circle around the sphere, not even a quarter of a circle, and it is back to the starting point!

The magnetic field here is too chaotic. He can't distinguish between east, west, south and north. However, assuming that the journey just now is in the "east-west direction", the situation in the "north-south direction" is the same. Li Yao originally wanted to find the "South Pole" and "North Pole", but after a while, it returned to the starting point.

"Well, if it's not that the magnetic interference here is too strong, and it also interferes with my brain, crystal armor and Xiaohei's navigation system, then it would be the legendary'Ghost Strike the Wall'."

Li Yao pondered, "Or, to put it in a higher-end way of thinking, what is the concept of "space folding" and "space distortion". Someone deliberately disturbed the space here and set up a maze that can't go out. , Used to act as a shielding layer for the'black wall control hub', it is also normal."

The problem is that this was not the case the last time Li Linghai and Wu Yingqi came here to explore.

At that time, the tomb of the emperor was no different from the ordinary fragmented world. Both had fuzzy boundaries, a very stable structure, harmless to humans and animals, and an honest look.

Could it be that something, a certain factor, or even...a certain "person" activated a certain system in the depths of the tomb, a certain defensive measure?

No matter what it was, it gave Li Yao a vague feeling.

"No wonder Ding Lingdang and the others did not come back outside to find me after setting up the forward base, because the space here is distorted and they can't find a way out."

Li Yao continued to think, "However, is it only ‘space’ that is distorted?"

In the process of exploring east, west, south, north and up and down, Li Yao took many photos with very high resolution, and collected a lot of climate and magnetic field data.

The gift he received from "Lightning Life" not long ago gave him a keen perception and understanding of magnetic fields that were ten thousand times more acute than that of homing pigeons, and he was able to deduce many things from the clues of magnetic field abnormalities.

Li Yao noticed that in this small, enclosed space, there is not only one climate system operating, but dozens of completely different environments.

The place where he first landed was indeed calm and pleasant in weather.

But there are also some places where the snow is flying and the ice is frozen for thousands of miles.

In other places, including the depths of the sea, volcanoes erupted and plate activities were extremely violent.

The weird thing is that no matter how drastic the climate and geological changes, it will not affect the neighboring areas close at hand, even if they are only a hundred meters apart, here is a volcanic eruption, the ground is shaking, and the other side is snowy. The iceberg stayed still.

"This is impossible."

Li Yao inputted all the collected climate data into his brain, performed intricate calculations, and came to a very absurd conclusion, "The environment between the heavens and the earth is almost like a different stage after the birth of a planet, the most obvious It is the content of various components in the air-some areas are like the stage where the planet has just been born and are full of deadly poisonous gas, and the oxygen content in some places is too high and too high, such as the early days of plants just born; and some places The air is relatively normal, which is the most perfect stage of the habitable planet.

"But, isn't the air fluidity the strongest? The atmosphere here has obvious convection. How could it be possible that the air on one side belongs to the primitive planet, the air on the other belongs to the wild planet, and the air on the other belongs to the modern planet? It's totally unreasonable!"

Li Yao couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it.

He boldly hypothesized and carefully verified. At the beginning, he imagined whether there is some invisible barrier in the air, which isolates the air in different areas, forming a "laboratory" with different blocks.

But the air is easy to explain. What about the drastic changes in the magnetic field and the discontinuity of the crustal movement? What kind of barrier can make the mountain shake a hundred meters away, but calm within a hundred meters?

Moreover, such a hypothesis is too simple and rough, and it seems to be completely inconsistent with the exquisiteness, perfection and shock created by the "black wall maker" at the entrance and exit.

This is a human approach, not a super civilization that can create a "black wall".

"What kind of place is this? I seem to be on different planets every minute!"

Li Yao muttered to himself.

Then, stiff, shivered coldly.

That's right, different planets, the seemingly perfect world in front of him is like the product of hundreds of different planets combined together!

"Yes, is it possible?"

Li Yao asked himself softly, "Cut the ‘space’ originating from hundreds of different planets as if cutting a cake, and then put them together, without leaving any trace of the ‘joint’?

"To put it in a more concise and clear way-the so-called tomb of the emperor, the'Golden Holy See, High Heaven Realm', is not a fragmented world, but a collection of hundreds of fragmented worlds?"

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