40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3037: The origin of chaos

Li Yao was frightened by his almost crazy speculation.

Separate a piece of space from hundreds of worlds, seamlessly blend together, and maintain the stability of the space and the circulation of air, but also produce normal animals and plants-how to hear it, it is like a story in myths and legends.

However, the super civilization has developed to the extreme, and the magical powers of moving mountains and seas and reaching the sky are the source of myths.

It seems that the old Pangu civilization and Nüwa civilization were worshipped by later humans and became myths?

Pangu civilization has been able to efficiently use the energy of stars and neutron stars, and the "black wall makers" will only be more magical and incredible than them.

Next, Li Yao inspected the situation of animals and plants, and a large amount of evidence also supported his previous speculation-he was not in a fragmented world, but constantly traversed hundreds of worlds and entered hundreds of habitable planets. a part of".

Although Li Yao is not a zoologist and botanist, he can still tell the difference. In many places, plants seem to be born in the barbaric era. They are the earliest spore plants and ancient ferns. In other places, the form of plants As well as the way of photosynthesis, it is closer to modern times. There are often dozens of plants with a span of hundreds of millions of years growing in places less than 100 meters apart. Some ferns should be extinct tomorrow morning, but they are different from "the species of later generations." "Grow together in harmony and order.

No, it is wrong to say "harmonious and orderly", because plants take root and sprout and expand their territories. It is inevitable that they will step out of their original space and invade into a completely different environment next to it. It is an environment that it absolutely cannot adapt to. Withered, withered and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, it is transformed into humus under the action of fungi and bacteria to provide a steady flow of nutrients for the growth of new plants.

"So, this is not'a virgin forest', but'hundreds of virgin forests pieced together, entangled, and merged together.' The plants are all present here one by one, one by one annihilated."

Li Yao muttered to himself.

From the plant’s emergence and collapse, he felt extremely abundant and even "unmatched" vitality. The flow of time here seemed to have been tens of thousands of times faster, and everything was growing wildly and rapidly declining. .

This is true for plants, and even more so for animals.

Li Yao found a very old mudskipper in a swamp. This is the pioneer of animals marching from the sea to the land. It has appeared hundreds of millions of years ago.

In the depths of the yakacha jungle, he also found washbasin-sized spiders and python-like centipedes. In the distant past, almost all habitable planets had a large explosion of plants, so that the air contained oxygen. Over time, the higher the oxygen content, the larger the size of organisms. Arthropods and crustaceans can grow to two or three meters, which is commonplace.

As for all kinds of ancient animals like saber-toothed tigers, thylacines, giant ancient pigs and even mammoths, which have long been extinct, it is not surprising that they are everywhere.

If it is said that the appearance of these ancient creatures is not too strange, and can barely be achieved with the level of human biochemical technology, then the creatures that appear in front of Li Yao next can be regarded as coming from myths and legends.

It was a tall and fit elk, or an elk-like creature. It had very dazzling pale golden hair and a radioactive sun pattern on its body. On both sides of its head, there were spiral big horns that looked like argali, but the big horns were in full bloom. With bunches of colorful flowers!

Li Yao saw very clearly that these flowers did not cling to its horns like a creeper, but grew directly from the horns, as if it were some kind of... a combination of plants and animals!

Li Yao stared at the golden elk for a long time.

This beautiful creature seemed to have never seen a human being, and looked at Li Yao curiously for a long time, attracting countless butterflies to fly to its corner and dance, before it took a light step and jumped into the depths of the jungle.

If Li Yao had not experienced the cultivation of "Three Thousands of Red Dust, Incarnation Outside" and was still in the state of transforming gods, he would have doubted whether he had fallen into a dream again unknowingly, and everything around him would have been virtualized.

But now, he has cultivated to the realm of distraction. The Soul has not only experienced three thousand rebirths in the red dust, but also has been tempered by the lightning life, and has become more sensitive. He should be able to distinguish between "virtual" and "reality". The difference between.


If there is some kind of existence that can create such a realistic illusion, and even the distracting powerhouses are completely blinded, the technology behind it and the resources consumed are definitely not much less than that of actually building such an emperor tomb. .

After practicing to Li Yao's realm, the boundary between reality and illusion has gradually blurred. If an illusion can completely deceive him, in a sense, it is "real".

The next day, Li Yao stepped into almost every different space, analyzing the plants and animals there, including the vicinity of the submarine volcano thousands of meters deep.

Sure enough, the more data collected, the seemingly irregular distortion of the labyrinth gradually revealed its full picture.

Li Yao discovered that the arrangement of most spaces is still regular. They seem to be arranged in a sequence of rings, just like there is a certain "center" or "origin."

The farther away from the "center" or "origin", the older the air composition, crustal features, animal and plant forms, and the closer to the "center" or "origin", the higher the level of evolution and the richer life. Colorful, presenting a state of explosive development.

And this "center" or "origin" is in the center of the continent under your feet.

Li Yao extracted all the strengthening potions and nutritional potions in the Universe Ring, regardless of whether they were disturbed by the lightning life or not, and whether they were still effective, he swallowed them all.

Several giant octopus and whale-like animals with a body length of more than ten to twenty meters were caught from the sea. After testing and confirming that they were non-toxic, they gorged and chewed.

I found an unobstructed beach with a wide horizon on the seashore, set a warning line, and absorbed all nutrients through deep meditation to nourish the dried cells, meridians, blood vessels and meridians.

Three hours later, a faint flow of heat emerged from the pores of the whole body again. After countless deductions and calculations, the life magnetic field was fine-tuned by him to a form more adapted to the chaotic space. Li Yao suddenly got up and marched into the "origin" of the chaotic space. .

The closer to the "origin", the more disordered the magnetic field of heaven and earth, flying in the sky is too dangerous, and he also wanted to observe the world more closely, so he chose to hike in the wild mountains and forests.

The closer to the "origin", the more colorful the life forms, countless weeds, shrubs, vines and towering trees are growing "chittering, chuckling, chuckling", and all kinds of fungi are creeping and expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. , And decayed, it was like a carpet of life.

There are also animals, all kinds of weird animals that seem to escape from the nightmare, in the depths of this wild growth and annihilation of the jungle, fiercely slaying, burning the instincts engraved in the depths of each other's genes, and also bringing strongness to the jungle. The **** breath.

There was no road ahead. Li Yao had to clear the way with a spirit flame war knife, occasionally entering an area with too high oxygen content. A small spark would burn blazingly. It would be out of control and burn down the entire mountain forest, but he didn't need to care too much, because After a minute or half an hour, new plants will be born again, completely covering the dead wood that has not burned out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly there was heavy footsteps ahead, like thunder rising from the ground.

This was the first time Li Yao had a premonition of danger, and it seemed that a big guy had arrived.

Li Yao immediately condensed all his psychic energy and breath, and rolled on the spot, his whole body covered with mud and humus, curled up under a big tree, and even allowed the vines on the trunk to hang down and entangle him.

"Crack, click, boom!"

As he finished his disguise, the big tree in front of him collapsed, and a gray iron tower-like figure appeared in front of him, majestic, mighty, majestic, and savage. It was a symbol of ferocity and violence—it resembled a Tyrannosaurus rex. Great reptile.


Although with Li Yao's fighting power, he was not afraid of any huge reptiles, it didn't matter if thirty or fifty real Tyrannosaurus rex together.

But the memory of his ancestors hidden in the depths of his cells still made him express a sincere admiration in front of the overlords and tyrants of this wild era.

In the era when Li Yao lived, almost all the habitable planets in the three thousand worlds were occupied by humans and transformed into shapes suitable for the survival of primates. Ancient reptiles such as dinosaurs cannot exist naturally.

The biochemical experts in the blood demon world have indeed used the genes of dinosaurs to develop some biochemical beasts with huge stature and ferocious character, but no matter how large and fierce the thing is, it will inevitably have a sharp and sharp aura. This naturally born tyrant is incomparable.

This behemoth resembling a Tyrannosaurus rex was covered with lumpy sarcomas, which seemed to be draped in a layer of solid armor, with bright purple stripes on the whole body, and it was difficult to distinguish whether it was a natural color or a feather.

But it seemed to have reached the end of the road, dying, and after a few painful growls, its heavy footsteps staggered, suddenly standing unsteadily, and hitting a huge rock next to it that was covered with vines and moss. After the past, there was a loud "bang" that knocked the rocks into a deep depression, and he tilted his head and fell to the ground.

Li Yao blinked his eyes and instantly understood.

The large size and relatively primitive structure of dinosaurs make them extremely demanding on the oxygen content in the air, and they can almost only live under a certain oxygen saturation, and the oxygen content is slightly less than a few percentage points. On countless habitable planets, behemoths similar to dinosaurs have often appeared, but they have become extinct one by one.

This fierce beast resembling a Tyrannosaurus must have been born in the outer space farther from the "origin", in an older geological age and ecological environment, but inadvertently left its homeland and broke into a lower oxygen content. The space, no accident, was suffocated alive.

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