40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3038: Long Yangjun's message

It fell to the ground, like a hill that collapsed in an earthquake. The ups and downs between the chest and abdomen have not yet subsided. The original red eyes have been covered with a gray-brown haze, and the breath of life is like a broken hourglass. Keep pouring out.

Li Yao slowly stood up from the concealed place, and walked closer quietly, observing this untimely prehistoric beast-I am afraid that he did not understand what happened until he died, and why the world around him became so "terrible" "Right?

Before it died completely, many vines and fungal blankets made a "chittering, chuckling, chuckling" sound, clinging to it, like a swarm of hungry insects.

The sarcoma covering the surface of its body also trembled strangely, like a fruit that was too full, bursting out, and flying out, unexpectedly flew out a group of lavender and dark golden butterflies!

Large swaths of butterflies fly into the air, like golden and purple clouds of smoke, rising from the carcass of prehistoric beasts.

This scene made Li Yao stunned, unable to calm down for a long time.

He stretched out his fingers subconsciously, trying to catch a butterfly flying out of the dinosaur carcass, but the fingertips gave birth to a numb sensation, every cell was about to move, as if the genetic chain deep in the cell was interrupted. , Shredding and recombination, the fragments are inlaid into completely different shapes.

Li Yao felt that there were countless butterflies hidden in his fingers, and he wanted to explode from his fingertips and fly into the air.

Even his whole flesh and blood body is like hundreds of millions of butterflies, which will fall apart and disappear at any time.

Li Yao was shocked, and hurriedly used his psychic energy to suppress it. With great difficulty, he stopped the feeling of being about to move from spreading to all parts of his body.

"Is this... some kind of virus?

"No, it is not a virus. It should be said that it is a special kind of radiation. Radiation that is very rare in nature and even the entire universe can promote the demarcation, collapse, recombination and mutation of genes, allowing most cells to break through their limits. Days, a few hours or even a few minutes, it becomes totally unrecognizable, and it can even combine the genes of different species to create all kinds of strange new species.

"No wonder, the life in this area of ​​heaven and earth breeds and changes so madly, it is like losing the brake, madly advancing, constantly evolving, evolving, evolving toward the abyss of destruction!

"What should I call this special radiation-the'light of life'? Perhaps it is the strong radiation that accelerates the growth of living things, making the emperor's tomb become a rugged mountain forest in just a few days, but This'speed up' is too fast."

Li Yao was thinking hard, and suddenly a reflection of light was swept over the corner of his eyes, not like a natural generation, but like the reflection of mirrored armor.

Slightly startled, Li Yao was overjoyed. He stepped over the fast-decomposed body of Tyrannosaurus Rex and looked towards what he thought was a huge rock. Sure enough, under the cover of moss, vines and fungus blanket, he found something Large piece of starship's armor.

It turned out that what stood on his left was not "rocks" at all, but the wreckage of a starship.

It was not long before the starship crashed here, and it was covered tightly by various plants and fungi. There were no gaps the size of a needle, and the magnetic field interference here was too strong for even metal detectors. No wonder Li Yao didn't notice it just now.

The Tyrannosaurus rex staggered and rushed over and hit the wreckage of the starship, smashing the fragmented shell into a hollow, and wiped off a large blanket of fungus and moss to make it see again.

Li Yao controlled the crystal armor, wielded a hot battle axe and a flame war knife, and burned all the weeds, vines and fungus blankets covering the wreckage of the starship, finally revealing it crumpled into a horrible appearance.

Judging from the hull numbers and battle emblems on both sides of the starship, this fast assault ship is called "Lightspeed Crystal", which is Long Yangjun's vehicle.

Its surface was covered with shocking huge tears, and the turret was lifted by the entire tower, and there were traces of shock waves sunken inward. The trauma was so serious that it had been ravaged by an ancient giant.

Li Yao collected meteorite fragments in some huge cracks, but in other cracks, he collected blood stains and remnants of biological tissues.

This shows that the "Lightspeed Crystal" not only suffered from meteorite rain in the process of escaping from the attack of lightning life, but also fought the enemy after entering the tomb of the emperor.

Moreover, the latter battle was the main reason why it crashed here.

Is it a giant reptile similar to Tyrannosaurus?

Li Yao shook his head and was joking. If the most powerful Star Sea battleship of human civilization can't even deal with dinosaurs, what kind of universe would he come out to explore?

So, is Lu Qingchen?

Nor was it like, the tearing and heavy damage of the starship's shell was not like being attacked by a giant soldier, but it was like something more...primitive, brutal, and violent.


On Li Yao's retina, all the offensive magic weapons in the crystal armor and the universe ring rolled down instantly in the form of a list, ensuring that each magic weapon can be extracted within 0.01 second and activated to a "destructive state."

"Long Yang Jun? Long Yang Jun?"

Li Yao activated the communication system again, but there was still no reaction at all.

He followed a huge tear that almost cut off the "Lightspeed Crystal" and cautiously entered the starship.

The interior of the starship is also filled with various vines, moss and fungus blankets, as well as a large number of strange-shaped and colorful snakes, insects, rats and ants. One of the rodents is almost like a mixture of mice and sand worms, with a The mouthparts like a rock crusher can spray out extremely corrosive acid, and no metal can escape its gnawing. This kind of beast gnaws the wreckage of the starship into softness. When he steps on a hole, what is there? Nothing of value is left.

Fortunately, Li Yao did not find the crystal armor and corpses of the crew, especially those of important figures such as Long Yangjun.

It seems that they escaped in time before the starship crashed.

Hope Ding Lingdang's starship is the same.

Although he didn't hold much hope, Li Yao still pinched his nose and fumbled all the way to the bridge.

Sure enough, the master crystal brain was also completely unrecognizable, crawling with nests after nests of super mice, Li Yao pouted for a long time before pulling out a few storage chips with burnt surfaces.

With the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Li Yao held his breath, using ultra-micro grinding and engraving technology, it took a lot of effort to polish the lines of these memory chips.

After connecting them to his portable crystal brain, and searching through countless junk data for a long time, Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief and finally found a message from Long Yangjun.

Fortunately, that was exactly the message for him.

Unfortunately, the memory chip was eroded so badly that two thirds of the information could not be recovered, and the remaining third was mottled and intermittent.

"Legend... the legend is true, deep in the tomb of the emperor, there really is a way to freeze time!"

In the picture, Long Yangjun looked in a trance and shouted, "Time and space are like a long frozen river. This place has been frozen for too long and too long in the long years. Now, the'upstream' is gradually thawing, and the'downstream' is gradually frozen. It's still blocked, it's like a flood, out of control!"

Li Yao didn't understand, what did these words mean, time is frozen, time is thawed? What a mess.

The next crucial explanation was swallowed by unrecoverable junk messages. When the picture became clear again, Long Yangjun's expression became even more bizarre, the camera shook violently, and the sound of gunfire and shouting were heard from far away.

"It's alive."

Long Yangjun's expression couldn't tell whether it was "crazy" or "excited", she repeated madly, "It's alive, it's awakened from hundreds of thousands of years, no, from hundreds of millions of years of sleep!" "

What does this mean?

Li Yao couldn't wait to blow the light curtain with a punch.

Then, as the picture turned, it became more vague and dark, and Long Yangjun's tone became more and more impatient: "Listen, Li Yao, we are all wrong, we are all wrong!

"About the ancient sacred world of my hometown, the Nuwa battleship and Pangu underground palace that have entangled me for half my life-we have always thought that there is a cutting-edge biochemical research institute hidden in the Pangu underground palace, which is a place for the Pangu people to study how to pass on civilization, right? Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, the two powerhouses of **** transformation, were also attacked by monsters in the underground palace while they were exploring the Pangu underground palace. Their flesh and blood bodies continued to expand, and they almost became a new Pangu clan, right?

"Haha, it's not right, it's totally wrong, we completely got the purpose of this cutting-edge biochemical research institute wrong!

"Remember how Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun describe their feelings of being injected with biochemical potions by monsters? They feel that their thoughts are gradually dissolving and disintegrating, their emotions are being deprived of layers, and in the end, they almost become killing machines!

"If this is the way the Pangu tribe uses to preserve its civilization, then even if biochemical agents can create countless killing machines that look like the Pangu tribe after hundreds of thousands of years, what's the use? The Pangu tribe is not born to kill people. They are'civilized people' with a high degree of rationality and sociality! Their purpose is to pass on their spirit, will, wisdom, and way of thinking. They are by no means to create a large number of ghosts with empty skins but no souls.

"No, what was carried out in the Pangu Underground Palace of the Yongye Icefield was not a'inheritance test' at all, but a'destruction test'. There was something that could destroy the ancient civilization. It was too dangerous and had to be put to the ground. The ancient sacred world shrouded by the dark nebula can be tested!

"Unfortunately, or fortunately, the Pangu tribe’s experiment finally succeeded. That terrible biochemical drug or genetic virus destroyed the Pangu tribe, the Nuwa tribe and all the prehistoric races. Only humans survived and opened up a whole new one. One page.

"But now, haha, now..."

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