40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3039: The living Pangu!

Long Yangjun wanted to continue, but a fierce flame exploded from behind her, and the heat wave and shock wave ruined the entire picture. Only in the depths of the flames, there was a black shadow with teeth and claws dancing wildly.

This is the only valid message Long Yangjun left to Li Yao.

Li Yao took a deep breath, calmed down his anxiety, integrated all the information collected in the past, and slowly connected them into a gleaming necklace.

First of all, the legend is true. There is something in the depths of the emperor’s tomb... a magical power or magic weapon that can freeze time.

Perhaps it was something a hundred times more subtle than the Pangu hibernation system they had seen in the Kunlun Secret Realm, some kind of..."super hibernation system."

It's possible, it's possible.

Because the hibernation system in the Kunlun Secret Realm was only built by the Pangu civilization itself, and the "hibernation system" deep in the tomb of the emperor—the tomb of the gods—the black tomb is most likely to be the “black wall maker”, Na Yuan Since the ancient super civilization was built, it is even possible that there are still living "black wall makers" frozen!

"Yes, if this is really the'black wall hub' that controls whether billions of stars shine, then it is reasonable to arrange several tribesmen to control the switch. These tribes must monitor the operation of the black wall at all times for hundreds of millions of years, and What is better than a long hibernation?"

Li Yao deliberated, there is no big problem with this logic.

Including the legend that when the emperor was seriously injured and dying, he also entered the depths of the ancient tomb, trying to find the freezing time, putting himself in a "non-life non-death superposition state" and forcibly saving his life-this can also be viewed from the side Confirm Li Yao's speculation.

Then there is the "light of life", this kind of weird radiation that can accelerate cell activity and gene division and recombination.

Li Yao estimated that this was used to "thaw time."

The reason is simple. Suppose a piece of meat has been frozen for a long time and it has become a hard rock. How can it be quickly defrosted? Of course it is to burn it with fire!

The hibernation technology used by Pangu civilization and human civilization. When a person sleeps in the hibernation warehouse for too long and needs to wake up, he will also inject some stimulating ingredients into the hibernation medicine to accelerate metabolism, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. , So that the hibernator slowly wake up.

If something is really "frozen" in the depths of the ancient tomb, which has been frozen for hundreds of millions of years, what could provide a better "stimulation" and "thawing" effect than the weird radiation of the "light of life" ?

It's just that once this kind of radiation spills, it will be less friendly to creatures that are not in a long hibernation state-that is what Li Yao has seen, all life begins to grow and divide wildly from the genetic level. , Mutation, and annihilation are the causes of this terrifying wild jungle.

Finally, Long Yangjun mentioned the virus. The Pangu Underground Palace in the Arctic of the Ancient Sacred World was where the Pangu civilization developed cutting-edge biochemical weapons?

It makes sense. Li Yao originally thought that using such a terrifying virus to carry on "civilization inheritance" would be too simple and rude—since humans themselves are the brand new and most perfect carbon-based carriers made by the Pangu tribe to inherit civilization. , So why bother to change the human form back to a tall, clumsy, and extremely energy-consuming giant?

If you are studying some kind of biochemical weapon that directly attacks genes, then it makes sense.

When Li Yao confronted Fuxi on the "Ultimate Salvation", Fuxi also said that the Pangu tribe, Nuwa tribe and all the prehistoric intelligent races were destroyed by the hands of biochemical weapons-originally used to attack each other The virus, however, has undergone unexpected mutations during countless releases and spreads. It has evolved into a doomsday weapon that can kill the vast majority of creatures. It has destroyed the entire prehistoric land. Only a few humans have natural immunity. Escaped.

Now, there are only two questions.

First, if humans had immunity to this virus, how could Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun get infected with this virus? Was the initial virus not stable enough, or did humans at that time have not yet gained immunity?

This question is very important, because it determines whether Li Yao, Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing, Li Linghai... and all the exploration team members who enter the tomb will also be infected with the same virus.

Second, and more importantly, shouldn’t the depths of the emperor’s tomb be a refuge for Pangu civilization. It is guarded by the "other half of Fuxi". Why is there a virus here?

Li Yao was confused, but finally saw the faint light, only hoping to find more evidence and traces, and slowly piece together the truth.

Leaving the bridge, he searched the wreckage of the starship up and down again, and at any rate found some ultra-high compression high-energy nutrients, and some magical components that were not corroded.

A big hole was broken in the back of the starship near the power cabin. It seemed that the power unit had been operating to its limit, and the whole thing exploded, blowing up the starship's "butt".

Li Yao walked out along the hole, trying to search from another direction for any traces of crew escape.

Then, in the jungle outside, he saw three black figures.

Li Yao's blood was freezing all over, and it boiled in an instant, rushing into his brain like magma. He leaned down, drew a knife in his hand, released Xiao Hei, carried a few monitoring crystal eyes, and flew to the three-dimensional humanoid. Above.

Gradually approaching from above, the three human figures are still motionless. When they look closely, they find that they are not humans, but three sets of fragmented crystal armors. There is no flesh and blood in the crystal armors, but weeds, vines and fungi that are squirming. The class is full, supported by a hundred times the vitality, these things are like the exposed internal organs, making a "chittering" sound, and from the gaps in the crystal armor, they try their best to grow bunches of colorful flowers.

This kind of alienation gave Li Yao a sour feeling that nausea is not called nausea and numbness is not numbness.

Compared with real horror, he hates this kind of inexplicable weirdness.

At this moment, in front of the starship, there was another heavy footstep.

The birds and beasts in the jungle fled one after another, and even the plants in the crystal armor accelerated their creeping speed, trying to drag the heavy crystal armor away from here.

"Will there be another dinosaur?"

Li Yao frowned slightly.

But this is very possible.

Because, if there weren't more ferocious beasts chasing after him, how could the first dinosaur escape out of its native area in a panic?

Moreover, if it were not for a long time to chase and flee, the first dinosaur would not exhaust the oxygen in the body so quickly and suffocate itself alive.

Li Yao once again entered the ancient well without waves, almost hibernating, tiptoeing around the wreckage of the starship, looking forward.

He saw a man.

A giant, with his knees against the neck of the dinosaur corpse, was digging out its internal organs.

The giant was about 15 or 6 meters tall, and his skin was gray-brown, covered with wrinkles and markings. If it weren't for the round head with clear facial features, it would not look much different from the dinosaur under his knee.

His figure is a little bit cramped, with no strands on his body.

"Crack, click, click!"

He did not use any tools, but displayed amazing brute force. He broke the bones of the dinosaur one by one, and took out the plump internal organs. Without any processing, he gobbled it up with blood and blood, the standard raging and drinking!

"Pan, Pangu?"

Li Yao couldn't believe his eyes, the blood that had just boiled frozen again.

He really did not expect that he would meet a "living" Pangu tribe in this situation.

Although the Pangu tribe has occupied three thousand worlds, its appearance will also undergo subtle changes according to the living environment.

Although this Pangu tribe is drinking blood and chewing happily, it really doesn't seem to have a highly civilized intelligent life.

But Li Yao can still affirm his identity, and the mystery is the organs of his lower body.

Like human beings, the Pangu tribe is also a reproductive life of both sexes, divided into males and females.

But they awakened the ability to communicate directly with brain waves very early. They are good at large-scale "psychic" and can get great pleasure from mass telepathy. They beat brain cells all day long to temper the power of the mind. They are good for men and women. The matter is not very concerned.

When the Pangu Expeditionary Army came back from the multiverse, they discovered the horror of the "black wall maker" and even the "Hong Chao". They also obeyed Fuxi's suggestions and sealed their emotions. Naturally, they could not let the so-called love between men and women. , Disrupt the survival of the entire civilization.

Therefore, in the later period of the Pangu civilization, the organs under the Pangu people gradually shrank and degraded, and only retained the most basic functions and could output the seeds of life.

Li Yao has seen many Pangu corpses in the Kunlun Secret Realm and Pangu Underground Palace. Although most of the corpses are instantly annihilated when exposed to the air, they can retain some precious image data. Therefore, the body of the Pangu The structure is clear.

This giant's figure, skin folds, and the disproportionately small organs below all prove that he is from the Pangu tribe or from the late Pangu civilization. Under Fuxi's suggestion, the age of emotion was completely sealed.

"how so?"

Li Yao gave birth to a sense of absurdity of chaos in time and space.

To make matters worse, his giant soldier "arsonist" has not been repaired.

How do you deal with a living Pangu tribe with the crystal armor alone?

Li Yao's heartbeat slowed by half a beat.

Although this Pangu tribe is smooth and silly, and looks like a barbarian, his keen perception has not faded in the slightest. Li Yao's heartbeat and brainwave changes were instantly felt by him, and he was holding on to the overlord. The dragon's internal organs turned around and stared at Li Yao very vigilantly.

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