40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3044: Fall of the Silver City

"The so-called'entity' does not exist at all, even if 99.99% of the space inside the indivisible atom is empty force field and energy, and exploring the nature of the 0.001% of the atomic nucleus and electrons is just an infinite amount of energy. The string' is just a collection.

"Matter is energy, the heavens and stars, the splendid universe, there is nothing but an endless string of energy-ripples.

"The black gaps are ripples, the crystal armor is ripples, my flesh and soul are ripples, then, just adjust the ripples to a special frequency..."

Li Yao gritted his teeth, and countless delicate curves burst out in his mind. Every cell and every string of his gene chain rippled and scattered on the curve, gradually blending into the black gap.

This is a taste that cannot be described with pen and ink.

Every atom that made up his body was squeezed into the dense matter that made up the black gap.

As his head also submerged, the world outside suddenly disappeared, and an absolutely dark world appeared before his eyes.

Sight and hearing were all swallowed by darkness, only the sense of touch and perception became extremely keen. Li Yao felt like a four-legged snake digging into a crack in the rock. The more he drilled in, the narrower the crack and the more distorted it forced him. I had to change the shape of the limbs, almost crushing the bones, twisting all the limbs into seventeen or eighteen segments, in order to adapt to the folds deep in the gap.

For a moment, Li Yao gave birth to hesitation and hesitation, not sure whether this was the gate to the ancient ruins, or a deadly trap, or even the throat of a giant beast.

Want to go backwards, but it's too late.

As the whole person was completely submerged, a soft but firm impetus faintly came from behind him, and the surrounding "rock walls" were also covered with invisible barbs, making him only able to move forward, unable to look back.

Besides, Ding Lingdang, Li Jialing, Long Yangjun, Boss Bai, Li Linghai, and most of the strong are all caught in it. What's the point of retreating all by himself?

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao gritted his teeth and continued to squeeze into the darker darkness.

"Cracking crackling, crackling crackling", there were various noises and fault warning sounds from JingBao, as if it was under pressure of millions of tons from all sides. The lighting system had long been scrapped, and the heat insulation and oxygen circulation systems were also After struggling hard, the extremely distorted readings on the mottled light curtain made Li Yao hallucinated, not sure whether he was walking in the depths of the earth or on the surface of a neutron star.


The heavy pressure lingered on and the soul continued to ruin his limbs, first his hands and feet, then his torso, and finally his head. Li Yao felt that he was squeezed into a hand and foot that was tens of meters long, hundreds of meters long, and his head also changed. The deformed monster in the shape of an oval couldn't help but scream.

And this is far from the end. The pressure has penetrated into his flesh and blood like black venom, directly squeezing and reshaping his cells. Every cell is like a full grape being trampled on, sending out "bobobo". The explosion of the "wave" first turned into a pool of mud, and then grew uncontrollably like cancer cells.

"Me, what have I become?"

Rao is Li Yao who has gone through hundreds of battles, no matter how silly and unpredictable, he has stepped through countless dragons and tigers, still giving birth to an unstoppable chill.

If he was given a mirror at this time, he would definitely not dare to look at what he was like now.

This omnipresent and irresistible "squeeze feeling" lasted for about ten minutes, or even ten hours or even ten days and nights. Li Yao finally couldn't bear it. A colorful fountain appeared in front of him, composed of billions of lights. The rainbow curtain unfolded slowly, and all kinds of hallucinations and auditory hallucinations came in full—one's own life, the laughter of relatives and friends, and the appearance of home, naturally, there is no less mysterious earth.

This is an extremely clear near-death experience.

Then, everything is like a roller coaster slowly driving to the top, falling abruptly and accelerating to the limit.

Li Yao felt that he had reached the speed of light.

All illusions and gorgeous rainbows have been dragged into endless stretches of light. The light crisscrosses and spirals entangled, forming an endless labyrinth without entrances and exits.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Each "wall" of the maze first gleamed with a dazzling white light, then a circle of black ripples appeared, and finally formed a vivid three-dimensional picture, the picture also changed from black and white to gorgeous.

All the pictures reflect a splendid big city, just like a city cast with silver and mirrors.

The shape and architectural style of the city are somewhat similar to that of the Pangu tribe city that Li Yao discovered in the Kunlun Secret Realm. Rows of tall buildings are constructed with square and square geometry, without an extra line or unnecessary decoration.

It's just that the Pangu tribe city in the Kunlun Secret Realm is lifeless and black. In addition to being solemn and solemn, it gives people a very depressive feeling.

Although this "Silver City" has adopted the same construction and planning style, the buildings are generally taller, slender, and slender. With the shining silver-white light, it creates a light and sophisticated , The feeling of the future.

Li Yao has never seen such a beautiful city.

I have not felt such a strong breath of "research, exploration, and decryption" in the sky above any city. This is really a city that belongs to the stars and the future!

It's a pity that this is just a few of the three-dimensional images of the city of Silver in the past.

In most of the three-dimensional images, the City of Silver has become a battlefield, a raging burning battlefield full of explosions, collapses and roars.

In other three-dimensional images, the City of Silver has even become a ruined, lifeless tomb. The shining light of the future is tainted with dried blood and brains.

"this is……"

Li Yao didn’t understand why so many shocking and shocking images suddenly appeared in front of him, as if some kind of force directly interfered with his visual nerves and even brain cells, transmitting precious information to him, so that he could learn from From different perspectives, observe the fall and destruction of the Silver City.

However, regardless of the identity of the guard or the attacker, Li Yao was dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

He originally thought that this was a battle between the Pangu tribe against the Nuwa tribe.

However, the guards of the City of Silver, which stood behind the city wall, were the Pangu tribe, Nuwa tribe, Kuafu tribe, and Houyi tribe... all of the thirteen races of the Pangu Civilization Alliance were all present.

They are wearing the most advanced prehistoric battle armor-it is a powerful magic weapon carrying platform that can rival the giant soldiers. The various magic weapons in their hands can not even be seen by Li Yao, and they are standing and floating behind them with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The floating battle fort, the arc rippling on the surface is like a dragon with life

But none of this can make their enemies shudder, because those attackers who are about to destroy the entire Silver City do not have rational and intelligent life at all, but...the height is generally more than twenty or thirty meters, even as high as 100 meters. beast.

It is like a product obtained by fusing hundreds of the most hideous and ugly reptiles and arthropods together, and then magnifying them hundreds of times by radiation mutation.

The ugly skin covered with wrinkles is naturally capable of releasing strong electric arcs, interference fields and psychic shields, giving these hill-like beasts the magical powers of "invulnerability".

And they can destroy a city wall with high-voltage electricity or completely destroy a skyscraper several hundred meters high with a single impact.

This may be the most ferocious "beast tide" in the entire Pangu universe, and only three or five such beasts in the blood demon world in the past were enough to break through the capital of the Xingyao Federation.

This is also an epic battle. Although the fierce beast is so large, fierce and hideous, the defender still relies on all kinds of incredible magic weapons and dazzling attacks to guard the final line of defense—their swords can provoke nearly ten thousand. At high temperatures, the shoulder-mounted crystal magnetic cannon can bombard a barrage that is stronger than human super arsenal ships. There is even a special palm thunder energy that instantly swallows all the psychic reactions within a few kilometers in a radius, making all the behemoths The interference force field and the anti-gravity field supporting the body completely collapsed. As a result, the behemoth, hundreds of meters high, crushed itself with its own weight, and the pressure of the atmosphere squeezed all the internal organs along the throat.

——According to this style of play, no matter how huge the beast is, no matter how violent it is, it will not be able to break through the defensive line. Civilization will eventually defeat barbarism.

But not long after each beast crashed down, there seemed to be an extremely violent reaction between the internal organs and brain plasma, causing their chests, abdomen and carapace to bulge, bursting with a "boom". Tufts of lavender, crimson, or off-white fog.

The defensive side was extremely afraid of these weird fogs and didn't dare to touch it at all.

But the two sides entered the stage of head-to-head charge and blood-to-blood combat. No matter how powerful the defensive side's magic weapon is, it will inevitably be contaminated with the brain and blood of the beast, and its head will inevitably be shrouded in mist.

So, not long after, an extremely shocking scene appeared before Li Yao.

A Pangu warrior who belonged to the defender with a top helmet and braided armor, every inch of his skin was tightly protected by the armor, and it was obvious that he was immersed in the mist for too long. Being hit by the fierce beast, a series of tiny cracks invisible to the naked eye were knocked out. The mist penetrated through the gap like an invisible worm. He was holding up his sword to chop a fierce beast, and suddenly convulsed violently. Throwing aside the saber, he danced with his hands.

"Crack, click, click!"

The indestructible battle armor was broken and squeezed from the inside, exposing gray skin covered with sarcomas and folds. At this moment, from between the folds, countless bright red granules grew, which expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. The sturdy tentacles, in turn, entangled the Pangu warrior himself!

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