40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3045: Man in the cracks

"This, this is impossible!"

Li Yao watched as the tentacles surging out of the Pangu warrior's body entangled all the limbs and torso, and continued to expand after a disgusting peristalsis, turning into new muscles and things like nerves and blood vessels. His figure kept swelling, swelling, swelling a full seven or eight times, and turned into a fierce beast with a height of forty to fifty meters!

It turns out that all the fierce beasts that besieged the City of Silver mutated from the Pangu tribe or the Nuwa tribe or the other carbon-based intelligent races of the Pangu civilization.

However, this kind of variation is too appalling. From the height of more than ten meters to more than 100 meters, the quality has increased by at least a thousand tons or even nearly ten thousand tons. In a short moment, where does such a huge mass come from?

That's right, energy can indeed be transformed into mass, but there is also a limit, there is a source, are these fierce beasts hiding tiny wormholes in their bodies, which can obtain energy from mysterious unknown spaces?

No matter how Li Yao questioned, the facts are in front of him, these fierce beasts must have some incredible "mass-energy conversion supernatural power" to complete the degeneration from civilization to barbarism in a few seconds!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The fierce beast that completed the mutation, roared deafeningly, brandished the just-grown tail full of thorns and bone spurs, and waved it towards the comrades a moment ago, and threw several Pangu warriors into the air. Between skyscrapers.

More fierce beasts swarmed in along the breach, and the silver guards instantly collapsed.

Towing such a heavy and awkward body, the energy consumption is extremely high, and the load on the body is extremely heavy. Therefore, many fierce beasts often fall down on their own in a fierce battle, just like the dinosaur Li Yao saw outside. Same as the wild Pangu.

But more guards were eroded by the mist and turned into new beasts.

This is destined to be a hopeless defensive battle. The only thing the guards can do is to delay the time, so that the City of Silver can support a period of time under the invasion of the beast tide, but it has also been ravaged even more miserably.

Buildings with a height of several thousand meters collapsed, dust and smoke mixed together, like the stormy waves in a tsunami, the psychic transmission pipelines buried under the streets broke one after another, and the spewed ultra-high compression psychic energy was released sharply and turned into shocking waves. The different fire, the fierce beast looks particularly hideous and huge under the background of the mist and fire. Every roar and every trampling of theirs is like a fierce bombardment on Li Yao’s brain cells, like an eternally awake The nightmare that came, I don't know how to break free.

"The high-rise buildings in this Silver City are generally more than one kilometer in height. From the perspective of the size of the doors and windows, they are not prepared for humans, but for giants over ten meters tall. Therefore, this is not human or black The city of the wall maker's, but the city of Pangu civilization.

"Why did the Pangu civilization build such a splendid city in the depths of the ancient tomb? Looking around, you can't see the edge of the city. It is simply an endless city of the future. How many people can it hold, or is it possible? Include all the elites of the Pangu Civilization Alliance in it?

"What happened to the fierce beasts that attacked the Silver City? Fuxi and Long Yangjun both said that it was a terrifying genetic virus that mutated out of control and destroyed the Pangu civilization and the entire prehistoric land. Could it be that this is the mutation of the virus? effect?

"But it's not right. If you say, this Silver City is a laboratory set up by the Pangu civilization in the depths of the ancient tomb. The virus being tested here is out of control. Chaos should erupt from the inside out, but these beasts are obviously They are advancing from the outside to the inside. They are enemies from the outside. Where are they sacred, attacking the cutting-edge laboratory of Pangu civilization?"

In Li Yao's mind, huge question marks floated up.

Suddenly, his heart twisted fiercely and couldn't help but scream.

"Ding Lingdang!"

That's right, it's not dizziness, or hallucination, and it's not insanity. Li Yao found his wife, Ding Lingdang, in a lifelike and immersive scene!

Ding Lingdang unexpectedly fell into the city of silver where the flames were raging, the beasts were rampant!

She drives the Great Flame Dragon Sparrow, which is also 20 to 30 meters high, but in front of a giant beast that is nearly a hundred meters away, she is still as petite and weak as a doll. She can only rely on the cover of gunpowder and dust to break between the ruined walls. Crawl around to avoid the death light of the Pangu tribe and the trampling of the beasts.

With the appearance of Ding Lingdang, more human powers also appeared in the rest of the scenes. Li Yao found Li Jialing, Li Linghai, Long Yangjun and Bai Boss, all of whom were in the Pangu, Nuwa, and The fierce beasts struggling hard in the terrible flames of war, just like the little animals holding their heads when two dinosaurs collided fiercely.

Li Yao originally thought that this "offensive and defensive battle of the Silver City" took place hundreds of thousands of years ago. The war had already settled. The ruined walls of the Silver City might have been decayed long ago, but it was recorded by a special magic weapon. , It’s just playing for the latecomers-in many ancient ruins, such holographic videos similar to the illusory realm are very common settings.

However, Li Yao had to change his opinion after seeing a strong human with his crystal armor being trampled into flesh by a beast that was more than a hundred meters high and resembling a mixture of giant tortoises and gorillas.

Everything in front of me is real.

The offensive and defensive battle of the City of Silver is still going on, right now, right here, and most of the human powers are involved in some way, and they will die forever and be at stake!

"Ding Lingdang! Ding Lingdang! Ding Lingdang!"

Li Yao's eyes were red, and he yelled hysterically, wishing to throw the magic weapon of communication directly toward the screen.

Ding Lingdang in the picture didn't realize his arrival at all, still moving around in the ruined walls and dead light, struggling to find a ray of life.

"I'm here, I'll save you!"

Li Yao desperately urged the power unit of Crystal Armor, and tried to get into the screen where Ding Lingdang was with his hands and feet, but he clearly drove the speed to the limit, but the distance between the screen and him was not close at all, no matter what he No matter how you reach out and touch, you can't even touch Ding Lingdang's afterimage.

It's like, it's like Ding Lingdang and everyone else are "sealed" in a three-dimensional picture scroll, even if Li Yao can see and touch, they will never get in.

Is this the meaning of the so-called "Heaven and man are separated, and man and ghost have different paths"?

Ding Lingdang and the others, where are they and what state are they in!

Li Yao's irritation and anger almost burst the crystal armor abruptly.

But all the pictures around him spun around quickly, causing him to lose Ding Lingdang's coordinates. It was like a small boat riddled with holes, falling into a huge spatial vortex, only drifting with the waves, and being taken to a space randomly. In the folds.

No, maybe not at random.

"Chiji, Chichi!"

Xiao Hei cried.

Considering that Xiao Hei originally came from the depths of the emperor’s tomb, it may have a natural sense of the environment here. When Li Yao entered the black gap, he did not take Xiao Hei back into the Universe Ring, but let it change its shape and hide. In the ring of heaven and earth.

Just now, Xiao Hei hadn't said a word, just like Li Yao was struggling to resist strong pressure.

At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly uttered an excited call, and even took the initiative to seep out from the gap in the crystal armor, quickly enveloping the entire crystal armor, forming four spiral wings behind the crystal armor.

When the last gap in the crystal armor was filled by Xiao Hei, Li Yao suddenly gained a weak movement, as if he could move freely among the folds of space!

"Little Black..."

Li Yao didn't have time to be surprised by the new magical powers Xiao Hei showed, and he was deeply attracted by the giant soldier in the picture before him.

That is--


Li Yao gritted his teeth and pierced his pupils with blood.

That's right, he knows all about turning into ashes. The golden giant soldier in the picture before him is the super AI-specific giant soldier that Fuxi originally prepared for him, but was later captured by Lu Qingchen, a "savior" without a cockpit!

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous.

All cause and effect were caused by Lu Qingchen. If he hadn't been frantic and wanted to risk the world, Li Yao and others would not start exploring the tomb of the ancient gods so eagerly that Ding Lingdang would have fallen into it.

If Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Li Linghai and other human powers all fall here, and then are broken through the emperor’s tomb by those terrifying beasts and spread to the entire Pangu universe, then Lu Qingchen is the chief culprit in destroying human civilization!

In the last battle of the "Ultimate Salvation", he failed to capture Lu Qingchen, and Li Yao deeply felt that it was his responsibility.

But this time, he won't make the same mistake again!

Li Yao's spiritual thoughts flashed quickly above countless pictures, and indeed there was no trace of Ding Lingdang.

Then, finish the task first, grab Lu Qingchen and ask what is going on, lest this lawless guy makes any bigger troubles.

Behind Li Yao's crystal armor, the black wings condensed by Xiao Hei flicked fiercely, rippling black ripples, and he flew towards the scene where Lu Qingchen was.

Lu Qingchen in the picture is also embarrassed, fleeing westward in the overwhelming ferocious beast riots. The original mighty and domineering giant soldiers have become riddled with blemishes and gray-headed faces. No one can see that they are "Fuxi" Dignity, no more companions behind him, once again fell into the dilemma of loneliness.

Li Yao snorted, and after fully realizing how crazy Lu Qingchen was, he no longer cared about the life and death of this guy.

It’s just that Lu Qingchen can’t die right now. This guy still holds a lot of Fuxi’s data fragments, something that Li Yao, boxing champion, Xiao Ming, and Wen Wen have never mastered. It also drives Lu Qingchen to explore desperately. The key to "Emperor Tomb-God Tomb-Black Tomb"!

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