40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3051: The only option

"make it clear."

Li Yaodao, "How is the resurrection method?"

"It's like something is thawing from the air, and it's like some indestructible existence is instantly shattered. In short, my soul ripples are hundreds of times stronger in an instant, and all the holy allies who follow me have their heartbeats and pulses. It is also a hundred times stronger, and some people with insufficient cultivation level even squirt blood, dance and dance, and fall into confusion."

Lu Qingchen said, "Although I don't have a body of flesh and blood myself, I still have a very strange feeling. It's like the cells in everyone's body are all awakened, with their own thinking and will, and they have to be broken down physically. It’s the same."

Li Yao thought of the dinosaur that crashed to the ground for no reason.

After the dinosaur fell, a large butterfly flew out of its corpse and danced in mid-air.

This scene seemed to contain signs of horror, hovering in Li Yao's mind, lingering for a long time.

"When my men and Ding Lingdang and those explorers were at war, they heard'rumbling' explosions and shocks from outside. It was like... the snow-capped mountains that had been frozen for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly encountered a rare The high temperature, the snow that was tens of meters thick, has melted, and the floods have been flooding, and it's out of control."

Lu Qingchen continued, "When we perceive something wrong, it's too late. The silver light and gray mist on the fierce beasts and guards have all dispersed. They regained the ability to breathe and kill, and they occupied the silver. The streets and alleys and ruined walls of the city, even the mid-air are firmly locked by flying swords and acid. Anyone or beast flying in mid-air within three seconds will be collected by at least thirty or fifty kinds of magic weapons and supernatural powers. Fire attack.

"This is really'fire at the city gate, causing the pond fish'. Although neither of us is the primary target of attack, their magic weapons and supernatural powers are so powerful that they can easily destroy a high-rise building and level a block. We have to avoid it completely. The attack of artillery fire is simply impossible.

"Those fierce beasts have completely lost their sanity and only retain the most primitive killing instincts, so that they won't care about the difference between us and the guards. For the guards, they have long been red eyes, as long as there is no way to retreat. The targets that do not exist on the Identification Friend or Foe System are all targets of their attacks.

"Presumably you can see that most of the beasts are transformed by guards. In other words, this is not only a fierce beast tide offensive and defensive battle, but also a large-scale terrifying plague. The killing will never stop until the guard is transformed into a beast.

"Under this circumstance, Ding Lingdang and I didn't care about attacking each other, but were bombarded by the sudden artillery fire. Our first thought was to run away and escape from this **** ghost. Let's talk about the place.

"But, as I have just said, this is an extremely unstable spatial discontinuity zone. Maybe we accidentally triggered some mechanism. The whole city of silver is split like an iceberg drifting away from the North Pole, even if it looks The exits close at hand are all blocked by invisible barriers. After a dazzling change, the streets will become high walls, and high walls will become tunnels. We are completely lost in the mysterious and ever-changing maze. , No longer find the way to come.

"I even suspect that the flow of time here is different from the outside - the magnetic interference here is so serious that it has damaged all my timekeeping magic weapons, and there is no difference between day and night, so that I don't know how long I have been there. .

"During the long escape and fighting, all my subordinates killed the beasts, I also ran out of ammunition and food, the giant soldiers reached the fatigue limit, and the psychic energy was exhausted-otherwise, they would not be easily picked up by you. It’s cheaper."

"That's it."

Li Yao's thoughts turned around, confirming every word Lu Qingchen said and everything he saw.

Perhaps Lu Qingchen was deliberately unpredictable, but the credibility of these remarks is still extremely high. He may have concealed something, but he probably didn't deliberately lie.

Even so, Li Yao still has many joints and can’t figure it out. "Wait, do you know the cause and effect of this war? At least, do you know who the two sides are? I think most of the attackers are fierce beasts, and the defensive Fang is a coalition of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, not like a civil war."

"It's really not like."

Lu Qingchen said, "When these guys were just resurrected, many people on the offensive side did not lose their minds, nor were they infected with the virus and turned into wicked behemoths. They still retain the appearance of the Pangu tribe or the Nuwa tribe-in other words, This is a war between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes against the Pangu and Nuwa tribes.

"It's really weird. A group of Pangu tribes and a group of Nuwa tribes are going to kill another group of Pangu tribes and another group of Nuwa tribes. At the end of the prehistoric war, it is really incredible.

"However, who knows, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. If it is for the great benefit-for example, the secrets of the black wall maker, even a common enemy who does not share the sky can become a united force and fight side by side. Good brother, just like you and me."

"Stop, don't put gold on your face. In the battle against Fuxi, I have deeply realized the consequences of fighting side by side with you."

Li Yao frowned, "Leave this question aside for the time being. There is another very important thing. Have you seen the'Emperor', even his corpse, or evidence of his existence?"


Lu Qingchen smiled bitterly, "At this moment, don't you understand that the so-called'Emperor's Tomb' was originally absurd and rumored to be a story. The emperor did not build any glorious tombs here, let alone leave behind. An invincible army was buried with him-think about it and know that when the Xinghai Empire is going to collapse, even if it is as strong as the emperor, it is impossible to let himself'being a great funeral'. He did transport a large number of engineering troops. Entered with the explorer and built a very large-scale forward base, but all of this continued to erode with the passage of time, and finally disappeared.

"If the emperor really entered the core of the ruins, the city of silver under our feet, maybe he, like my men, would have died tragically between the minions of the beast, or be gasified by the guard's magic weapon. Even, he has become a fierce beast, the one you just killed?"


Li Yao really didn't want to believe that the legendary emperor, the number one master in the history of human civilization, would fall to such a tragic end.

Also, what is the relationship between the emperor and the archaic relics? Where did his powerful supernatural power come from!

"Don't be nervous, just kidding."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "The great fortune in misfortune, the only good news is that we humans seem to be immune to this terrifying virus-you have also seen it, regardless of the Pangu, Nuwa, Houyi, Kuafu, Zhu Rong is still a co-worker. These carbon-based intelligent lives of the primitive age will be infected once they touch the blood of an infected person or the mist that bursts out. In just a few minutes, they can complete the process from intelligent life to killing the beasts.的mutation.

"But we humans, even the weakest explorers, even if they are overwhelmed by the blood of the beasts, there are very few accidents. Individual cases always exist, but more than 95% of people have absolute immunity. force.

"If the emperor is really alive, his immunity is definitely stronger than that of ordinary people. Presumably he should still be hiding in the depths of the Silver City, in an unknown corner, right?"

"It seems so."

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Human beings have immunity to the "Ferocious Beast Virus". This may be the first good news he has heard since he entered the ancient ruins.

But being immune to virus infection does not mean that they are immune to the violent attacks of the beasts. They must find a way to stop the chaos here and escape with all the secrets!

"You mentioned'cooperation' just now."

Li Yao said, "So, do you have a way to escape?"

"very difficult."

Lu Qingchen said, "Actually, my suggestion is that we simply find a place to hide-the City of Silver is a super city built according to the figure of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes. The sewers, ventilation ducts and crystal cables are here. The pipes are amazingly large in size. We can find a hidden sewer pipe and go in and hide for a while. Isn’t this what you are best at?

"These fierce beasts seem to be huge, but they have acquired such a large mass out of thin air. They have to drag tens of thousands of tons of bodies for high-intensity battles. The energy consumption per second is astronomical. From my analysis and these days Observation shows that the lifespan of fierce beasts is not long, even calculated by'days' or'hours'. They are like...one-time consumables, which are used to perform suicide missions and die together with the enemy.

"So, as long as we hide for another ten and a half days, maybe all the beasts and guards will die together, and we will be able to become the masters of the City of Silver without any effort.

"Of course, of course, there are risks in doing so, that is, we don’t know whether there is any more deadly magic weapon left by the black wall maker in the depths of the Silver City. It is not a planetary star or a constant star, but the universe. The magic weapon of'Destroy Grade', in case the fierce beast riot is too serious, and the trigger conditions of this doomsday magic weapon are reached, the black wall maker will wipe out all the carbon-based intelligent life in the Pangu universe, that would be terrible."

Li Yao involuntarily took a breath.

Although Lu Qingchen's words are not without alarmist suspicion, after thinking about it carefully, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

"If you don't want to sit and wait like this, and control the destiny of yourself and all mankind in the hands of others, there is only one way."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "Together with me, find the'other half Fuxi', which is where the main crystal brain of the City of Silver is located. Then, we will manipulate the main crystal brain together to exert its former functions and suppress everything. Riot, restore order here."

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