40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3052: Lu Qingchen's new body

Li Yao's thoughts turned, and he muttered: "How do you know to find the way to the'other half Fuxi'?"

"When I remotely hacked into the database of the'other half of Fuxi' through the crystal cable, I had already located its specific location."

Lu Qingchen said quickly, "Although the space in the City of Silver has been very chaotic these days, I am trying my best to find the way to it. I really found a certain pattern by me, but the closer I get to its body, it is fierce. The more beasts and fully automated fighting puppets, the more fierce the fighting, I have run out of ammunition and food, exhausted my spirit, naturally I dare not force it, but it’s not the same if you are here, "the top master in the Pangu universe" !"


Li Yao ignored the sarcasm in Lu Qingchen’s words and continued, “You can guarantee that after finding the body of the'other half Fuxi', you will be able to control it completely, and even control all the psychic powers of the City of Silver through it. Puppets and automated defense systems to suppress the violence of the beasts and restore spatial stability?"

"Of course I'm not sure, but it's better to try everything than to sit back and wait."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "Even if the order of the Silver City cannot be restored, we can at least find the mystery of the black wall maker in the core database of the other half of Fuxi. If we can crack the mystery of the black wall maker, even If we both become'gods', even if the City of Silver is destroyed and everyone is dead, it will be worth it, right?"


Li Yao snorted heavily and sneered, "Your fox's tail is finally exposed. From beginning to end, you don't care about Ding Lingdang's life and death. You even hope that everyone will burn with the fierce beasts, jade, and the best, as long as you can' Becoming a god', any price can be paid, and the reason why you confuse me with your rhetoric is that you only hope that I will help you get the chestnut out of the fire and **** you all the way to find the body of the other half Fuxi!

"I think, when you remotely intruded into the database of the'other half Fuxi' through the crystal cable, you must have obtained a lot of precious and secret information? If you really found its body, you would share it with me so generously. At that time, your soul will be introduced into the body of the'other half Fuxi', and will be completely integrated with the entire city of silver, do I still have a way to survive?"

"It's an amazing inference, well-founded and convincing."

Lu Qingchen’s conspiracy was exposed by Li Yao, and he was not embarrassed at all. He still smiled and said, “So, what is your decision? Sit and wait or become angry and kill me directly? Anyway, I am a fish, you are a knife, choose The right is in your hands."

Li Yao was silent for a long time.

The roar of the surrounding fierce beasts is getting louder and louder. It seems that they have stayed here for too long. Many fierce beasts have already smelled the scent of psychic energy. The big wave of beasts is moving and gathering at them, and even the earth is being smashed by the beasts. The trampling on, rumbling.

"Well, let's find the'other half Fuxi'!"

Li Yaoyi gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Then, he looked around, scanning the remains of the puppet and the dead beast among the ruined walls.

After a long war spanning hundreds of thousands of years, among the collapsed high-rise buildings, you can see the debris like a mountain of garbage everywhere, and naturally there are various weapons scattered by the giants.

Li Yao quickly found his favorite weapon, a meteor hammer.

It is more than three meters in diameter and larger than the head of the "arsonist", but it is hollow inside, filled with various offensive magic weapons and fuel tanks, which can heat the shell full of sharp teeth and barbs to thousands of degrees. It also spurs a strong arc and has a strong acceleration nozzle, which can suddenly increase the speed of the meteor hammer to more than five times the speed of sound. It is used to deal with the rough and thick beasts, or through the reactive armor and strengthened ceramic composite shields. , It couldn't be better to directly bombard the rider in the Lingfu.

Li Yao drove the "arsonists", with his steel hands running like the wind, and with the dexterity of loosing oxen, he lifted the outer shell of the meteor hammer and made unrecognizable changes to the interior.

When Lu Qingchen heard that Li Yao had agreed to his suggestion, he secretly delighted at first.

But seeing Li Yao's dazzling series of transformations, he was puzzled and had an ominous premonition.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Qingchen asked in surprise, "Why do you want to transform a meteor hammer, are all your magic weapons damaged?"

"Don't worry."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "You'll know right away."

Li Yao completed the transformation of the meteor hammer in five minutes.

Then, he straightened his waist and walked towards the "Savior" with only one arm left. Divine Mind scanned the carapace and joints of the "Savior" with a malicious gaze.

Lu Qingchen was swept away by Li Yao and trembled: "You, what do you want—"

His voice stopped abruptly under Li Yao's simple and rude movements.

The right arm of the "arsonist" ignited a dark flame, condensed into sharp minions at the fingertips, inserted along the chest of the "savior" that had just been blasted, and stirred fiercely between the fragmented magic weapons units , Finally, from the part of the ordinary giant soldier that should be the "spiritual house", a magic weapon unit similar to a crystal brain was taken out.

"This is the master brain of the'Savior', right? Your soul should be hiding in it, right?"

Li Yao asked Lu Qingchen.

This is knowingly asked.

Because at the moment when he took out the crystal brain, Li Yao's life magnetic field had already swelled to hundreds of times the strength, and the bioelectricity generated by the friction of the cells condensed into dazzling lightning, which penetrated into the crystal brain one by one, locked tightly. The soul of Lu Qingchen.

"Fizz, Fizz!"

Lu Qingchen’s spirit screamed like a snake being skinned, and screamed, "You, what are you doing? The'Savior' has a total of seven master crystal brains, which are placed in various parts of the body to accommodate me. A powerful soul, just relying on a master crystal brain, my calculation power and thinking ability will be greatly reduced! Moreover, you also cut off my psychic supply! Do you want to reach the control center of the Silver City, think I don't want to know the mystery of the black wall maker!"

"Don't worry, I will connect you with new energy immediately."

Li Yao randomly stuffed the master crystal brain that stored Lu Qingchen's soul into the inside of the meteor hammer, and connected the crystal brain's psychic energy pipe to the built-in power source of the meteor hammer.

During this process, Lu Qingchen's spirit naturally opened its teeth and claws, desperately struggling to escape, but was severely suppressed by Li Yao's incomparable spirit and life magnetic field, and shot back again and again.


Li Yao closed the shell of the meteor hammer, locked it, and activated all the talisman formations inside the meteor hammer. "The size of the'savior' is too large, and it is a burden along the way. In order to increase our success rate, this is what I will do for you. How about the prepared new body? Does it feel okay?"


Lu Qingchen's furious spirit ripples continued to spread from the meteor hammer, "What the **** is this? A meteor hammer? You actually stuffed me into a meteor hammer! It can only be stored in it. How much psionic power is simply not enough to maintain the super-high-strength operation of my master crystal brain. Also, this kind of sophisticated meteor hammer is too fragile. If you swipe it twice, its shell will burst completely. The master crystal brain will fly out!"

"Yes, so my suggestion is, you'd better let your soul rest more, use less precious computing power to ponder conspiracies and tricks, and of course don't consume the little psionic energy left to drive the meteor hammer to fly around. It’s very embarrassing if you run out of spirit and you are rolling around on the ground like a ball."

Li Yaodao, "As for the question of whether the structure is sturdy, please rest assured that I, as the top craftsman of the Pangu universe, can’t look at it—"

Before Li Yao finished his words, he suddenly picked up the meteor hammer and turned hundreds of times in mid-air. When the meteor hammer accelerated to the limit, he shouted violently and smashed at the wreck of the "Savior". It was nothing. A meteor, but a horrifying meteor shower, completely smashed the remains of the'savior' into scrap copper and iron.

Naturally, it also made Lu Qingchen spin around, dizzy, almost torn apart, and disappeared in smoke.

If he still had flesh and blood, even his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys must have been vomiting out at this moment.


Lu Qingchen felt that the "Savior" and the six crystal brains in it were completely turned into powder, and he almost wanted to cry without tears.

"All right."

Li Yao was content to look at the "masterpiece" he had created with his own hand. He wrapped the chain of the meteor hammer on his right arm and held the "Lv Qingchen's head" directly in his palm. "Now, take all the maps you scanned these days. Transfer it over, by the way, point out the coordinates of the control hub, and then just stay, I will plan the best route."

Lu Qingchen said nothing, absolutely silent.

Li Yao snorted coldly, and once again made a gesture to wield the meteor hammer.

Lu Qingchen finally surrendered, unwilling to transfer a large amount of data over and presented it on the operation interface of the "arsonist".

Li Yao was also not afraid that Lu Qingchen would take the opportunity to do tricks. The map data was mixed with the crystal brain virus, which in turn eroded the master crystal brain of the "arsonist"-everyone’s spirit strength was originally evenly divided, and Li Yao was slightly better. And Lu Qingchen's storage medium was severely weakened by Li Yao, and he could only mobilize at most one-fifth of his power, which was similar to Li Yao who was included in the "Red Pig".

If Li Yao couldn't resist Lu Qingchen's erosion in this situation, then he might as well hang himself directly and explore some ancient secrets!

Judging from the map transmitted by Lu Qingchen, the straight line distance between the control center of the City of Silver and them is not far.

But the middle was blocked by the war zone, and many beasts and fighting puppets were entrenched between many high-rise buildings and ruined walls.

If you go around on both sides, the distance is too far, and Lu Qingchen also smeared a lot of chaotic lines on the map, representing the space distortion area.

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