40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3053: The loser of billions of years

Li Yao pondered for a moment, but decided to stay close and seek further distance and walk around from the edge of the war zone.

After all, he didn't have much ammunition and fuel with him, and he didn't want the "arsonist" to fall into the same situation as the "savior".

Faced with the endless wave of ferocious beasts, the power of an individual is after all insignificant. It depends on the occasion to be a hero. It is not ashamed to defeat the strongest of the prehistoric times.

After quickly planning the route in the intricate maze map, Li Yao adjusted the "arsonist" to the "stealth mode". With a blur of air rippling, the nearly 30-meter-high body suddenly became transparent, and the force field was distorted. The light and energy fluctuations in all directions were perfectly reflected, as if the giant soldier had disappeared out of thin air.

However, Lu Qingchen told Li Yao that this alone was not enough to hide the eyes of those extremely keen beasts.

Lu Qingchen's giant soldier "Savior" also possesses very clever concealment magical powers, but when faced with the invisible light scanning of some beasts and full coverage attacks, he still showed his horse's feet and was chased and beaten.

Li Yao also thought about whether to take off the giant soldiers and put them in, and walk through the battlefields wearing only the crystal armor, so that the goal is smaller.

But the risk factor of doing so is also very high. Most of the automated battle puppets’ full-area attacks and the acid rains of the beasts are not a crystal armor that can withstand the violent storm, lightning and thunder on the battlefield. It's no different from paper paste.

Since rising to the stage of distraction, Li Yao has never been so focused and dedicated to controlling the giant soldiers.

Nearly 30 meters high and heavier than a small assault ship, the giant soldier, under his near-perfect control, looks like a fluttering feather, and the flames from all the power vents look like The transparent stream, even if it passes between the ruined walls, does not arouse any dust.

The consequence of such extreme operations is that Li Yao's psychic energy is consumed greatly.

In addition, the magnetic field interference here is extremely serious, and Li Yao's spiritual thoughts were not more than a hundred meters away, and he plunged into the vortex of chaos and was torn to pieces.

It’s like someone digs his brain with a spoon, spoon after spoon, and the pain cannot be described with pen and ink. Rao is so strong in Li Yao’s cultivation. After several attempts, he honestly took back all his thoughts. ", dare not run into the wall easily.

His own perception could not be released to a distance of 100 meters, and the detection magic weapon of the Giant God Soldier was severely disturbed. As a result, Li Yao became blind with his eyes open. The battlefield 100 meters away seemed to be enveloped by a dense layer. He couldn't see or hear anything in the airtight gray fog.

After crossing three blocks without risk, good luck finally ran out.

When the one hundred-meter-high super beast stood in front of him, it was like a rolling mountain falling from the sky.

The size of the Tyrannosaurus rex is already huge and without friends. This fierce beast is more like a fusion of the flesh and minions of a dozen or twenty Tyrannosaurus rex.

It has a height of at least one hundred and twenty-three meters, and its carapace, which is stronger than composite armor, is covered with ugly ridges. There are arcs shining between every fold of its body, as if it is covered with a blue beautiful wheel. The beautiful stripes, with two thick and heavy tails facing in different directions, shook unscrupulously between the high-rise buildings. Each swing would cut off a high-rise building and collapsed "rumbled".

Its weight is so large that it cannot even support the ground of the City of Silver. Every step it takes, it sinks deeply into the ground, crushing all the drainage pipes, psychic energy transmission pipes, and underground facilities set up under the street. A ruin.

In all fairness, this gigantic super fierce beast didn't pay attention to the sneaking "arsonist" at all.

It's just that it just broke the strange tail of a skyscraper, unbiased, and just dumped on the "arsonist".

Li Yao felt like he was hit by ten thousand starship main guns.

Even with the nine-layer composite armor of the "arsonist", Xiao Hei's liquid cushioning and even the protection of the mustard combat suit, it is enough to break the muscles and the internal organs are turned into pus and blood. The impact force still penetrates without leaking.

The "arsonist" flew out seven or eight hundred meters and was deeply embedded in the silver-white exterior wall of a building, turning into a "big" character.

Just the condensed psychic shield, which offsets more than 90% of the destructive power, consumes 5% of the psychic reserve of the "arsonist". There is a harsh buzzing in the spiritual house, and all performance parameters are like sitting on it. High and low like a roller coaster.

This giant beast also sensed the existence of the "arsonist", bent down, showing a fierce look, and staring at Li Yao firmly.

It also looks as cruel and ugly as dozens of Tyrannosaurus rex combined-at least, the head of an ordinary Tyrannosaurus will not have so many criss-crossing folds that look like scars, and there will not be hundreds of green oils growing in the folds. , Zi Yingying, Huang Chengcheng's eyes.


There was a substantive stench from its mouth, and even the tightly fitted giant soldiers could not resist it. Li Yao was smoked and almost fainted, and even vaguely envied Lu Qingchen. At least Lu Qingchen had no flesh and blood. Body, don't suffer such torture.


Lu Qingchen screamed, "It is this kind of fierce beast that destroyed my three giant soldiers in an instant. I consumed half of the fuel and ammunition of the'Savior' on it, and then I managed to escape. God, we are definitely not its opponents, run!"

For the first time, Li Yao very much agreed with Lu Qingchen's opinion.

It's a pity that the fierce beast has already spotted it, and it's not so easy to run.

When the "arsonist" quickly gathered psychic energy, input the power unit, and turned into a strong light, the arc around the beast suddenly became bright and sharp, and the dark purple stripes all turned into bright purple, all converging to it. Immediately afterwards, the blood basin with a diameter of more than ten meters widened to the limit, and a flood of plasma rushed towards Li Yao!


In an instant, Li Yao even exploded the hair on his heart, gathering all the fuel, soul, and vitality like a conditioned reflex, and opening an indestructible psychic shield in front of him. For that matter, his heart is still very much. Next, I don't know if it can withstand one-tenth of the attack of the beast.

Unexpectedly, the torrent of plasma that ruined the heavens and the earth swept across the "arsonist"'s head, pierced through the building where it was located, and exploded hundreds of meters behind Li Yao.

The powerful shock wave was like a huge wave, the entire building collapsed, and the "arsonists" were buried deep in the ruins and gunpowder smoke.

When Li Yao managed to dig out himself, he happened to see a behemoth stepping over the head of the "arsonist", like an adult stepping over an infant.

"what is this!"

Li Yao couldn't believe his eyes at all.

If you insist, this is a super-giant psionic puppet with a height of one hundred meters, just like the "big iron city" used by the boxing champion.

But its width is more than twice that of the "Big Iron City", and it is like a floating battle fort with dozens or twenty freely rotating psychic arms, and seven or eight pairs of lower limbs full of crawlers and anti-gravity units.

It is not so much the patron saint of the city, it is better to say that it is the destroyer of the city. The strong air current and the deafening roar that it sprays when it moves are enough to destroy the City of Silver.

The super-giant psionic puppet stepped over the "arsonist" and hugged the huge beast. The surface of all the psychic arms produced violent arcs, which turned into mysterious light under the restraint of the spiral magnetic field. The drill bit slammed into the fierce beast's body.

Blood was splattered, flesh and blood flew across, and a crimson downpour fell in the air. The beasts were in pain, and the mouth of the blood basin burst out a group of electric arcs larger than the head of the "arsonist", desperately Bombarding the super giant psionic puppet.

The hand-to-hand combat of the two giants is comparable to the close fire of the main guns of the two starships. The surrounding ruins were completely crushed into ruins by them, and even the "arsonists" were almost stepped on by them. Underfoot, it turns into a thin layer of iron

"How can the Pangu civilization refine... such a cruel and crude thing?"

After all, Li Yao is a very bright refiner. The shock passed for an instant, he looked at the super giant psionic puppet with a very professional eye, and looked at it, and a question mark appeared in his heart, "Such a primitive and rough thing, we are in Kunlun. The secret realm and the ancient sacred world have never been discovered, it doesn't look like the style of Pangu civilization!"


Lu Qingchen said, "This is indeed not the creation of Pangu civilization, but the ultimate weapon of the earlier generation before Pangu civilization appeared. It is called the'Starry Knight'. This guy is powerful enough to resist the'Tyrannosaurus. 'It's a pity that even Pangu civilization can't be controlled 100%. In case of going crazy, the whole block will be blown up. Let's go quickly!"


Li Yao was stunned, "The previous generation of Pangu civilization?"

"Of course, you wouldn't think that from the'Black Wall Makers' hundreds of millions of years ago to the'Pangu Civilization' hundreds of thousands of years ago, the entire civilization history of the Pangu universe was blank, or there were only some bacteria. Snakes, insects, rats and ants, right?"

Lu Qingchen said quickly, "Although you have targeted me time and time again, and have extremely distrusted and even hated me, I still decided to retaliate with virtue and tell you more precious information for free. Not only is there a black wall maker in the ancient ruins. The mystery of 'also contains the secret treasures of at least hundreds of civilizations for hundreds of millions of years. It seems that in the past hundreds of millions of years, no less than a hundred civilizations were born in the Pangu universe and developed to a very superb and splendid degree, all of which were discovered The place of the ancient ruins, I want to explore here, uncover the mystery of the'Black Wall Makers', and inherit their legacy.

"It's just that these hundreds of civilizations, without exception, have not succeeded, and they have disappeared somehow, leaving only things such as the'Starry Sky Cavalry'."

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