40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3054: Destruction and restart

"Hundreds of civilizations are all gathered here?"

Li Yao was shocked, only to feel that his head was "buzzing", and the mystery and complexity of the archaic relics had suddenly increased by hundreds of times.

"Is it weird?"

Lu Qingchen disapproved, "Any civilization that develops to the point where it can control the entire Pangu universe, it is very likely that this ancient relic will be discovered? And once they snoop into the mystery of the'Black Wall Maker', Of course, it is to gather the most elite experts, scholars, warriors and explorers of the entire civilization, plus the most cutting-edge weapons, tools, magic weapons, and crystal brains, and try to solve it! It is a pity that countless generations of civilizations have not solved the ancient mystery. , Including the Pangu civilization.

"Although the mystery of the'Black Wall Makers' is difficult to crack, the technological level and way of thinking of the civilizations of hundreds of millions of years will not be too different from the Pangu civilization and the human civilization. After all, everyone is Pangu. The intelligent life born in the universe, no matter how strange the physiological structure and social form are, there may be inexhaustible inheritance and kinship between each other.

"Therefore, before the Pangu civilization has cracked the mystery of the'Black Wall Makers', it has cracked many cutting-edge technologies and weapons left over from previous civilizations, including such things as the'Starry Sky Cavalry.' Isn't it reasonable?

"In the City of Silver, such things abound, and I can't tell you, whether the guards were desperate, the dogs jumped over the wall and released these steel behemoths for experimentation, or the control center was destroyed and they fled by themselves. Came out."

Li Yao carefully scanned it and found that this big guy, who was called "Starry Knight" by Lu Qingchen, was indeed quite different from several common styles in Pangu civilization from the perspective of the refining style and the runes engraved on the surface.

Including that after it is eroded by the acid, the densely packed gears, bearings, and lever structures inside are exposed, and the nerves, muscles, and bones are as sophisticated as biological, beyond imagination.

Obviously, it can be seen that the "Starry Sky Knight" is quite rough in the technology of transforming spar into psychic energy, and the waste of psychic energy is very serious. Therefore, there are various colors and unparalleled sound and light effects around the mountain-like body. , It's like colorful steam.

However, in the field of metal smelting and mechanical transmission structure, they are far superior to Pangu civilization and human civilization, and they can even refine metal to the degree of softness and toughness like muscle fibers.

Pangu civilization is similar to human civilization. Although various magic weapons have been invented to destroy the world, it is actually based on individual cultivation, emphasizing the direct absorption, transformation and release of psychic energy by cells. The tools are only auxiliary, and the magic weapon is to help the flesh and blood. Body increases strength.

And the creator of "Starry Sky Cavalry" obviously took a path of "mechanical civilization". What a sight is that really fascinating.

Pangu civilization can never create such a thing.

Therefore, Lu Qingchen did not lie, he just...

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Yao watched the "Starry Sky Knight" rampage on top of his head, always wondering if it would sit down and crush itself into meatloaf, "How many things are you hiding from me?"

"The situation is so critical, of course, it is important to race against time to get things right, and you didn't ask, how can there be idle time to talk about these trivial matters?"

Lu Qingchen said very innocently, "Could it be that the fierce beast riots are coming to us from all directions, do I have to make a pot of tea and talk to you about everything?

"Furthermore, I don't know the details of these hundreds of civilizations that have long since disappeared. I just speculate from the few words in the Fuxi database that their demise is very likely to be related to the ancient ruins and the creators of the black wall."

"How can I say this."

Li Yao widened his eyes, "What is your basis?"

"There is no basis, but don’t you think it’s weird? From the time the Pangu universe was completely wrapped up by the'Black Wall Makers' to today, at least hundreds of millions of years have passed, and hundreds of generations of powerful civilizations have been born in the Black Wall—at least It is so powerful that it has the ability to navigate the stars and can discover the entrance of the ancient ruins.

Lu Qingchen said, "But these ancient civilizations are all extinct. The extinction was clean and thorough, and there was no scum left behind, including our previous generation of Pangu civilization. It also started from scratch, from bacteria and marine organisms. , Amphibians, reptiles... this slowly developed.

"At least, judging from the Pangu civilization classics we have collected, they don't know much about their'father civilization'. They were not born in the laboratory like us, but evolved naturally, so there is no clear.' The concept of "father civilization" is only vaguely known that my birth is related to the creator of the black wall hundreds of millions of years ago. This "blood relationship" is too thin.

"But it doesn't make sense.

"For hundreds of millions of years, hundreds of generations of civilizations that have the ability to navigate the stars and seas, don't they have the ability to leave behind, no civilization tries to keep their fire, and no civilization can prosper for more than ten million years?

"Why on earth did they perish? Even if they perish, what should be left behind? How could they... disappear into dust, and leave nothing behind?

"It's not like the natural extinction of the oil well lamp, but it's like a man-made restart. It is very likely that all of the entire civilization will be wiped out in an instant.

"And what about Pangu Civilization? You have also seen that their exploration of the Primordial Relics did not reach the final step, so they stopped the exploration in time and solidified the entire Primordial Relics, so the'destruction and restart' of the Pangu Civilization was not complete. Although the Pangu and Nuwa tribes outside are all extinct, there are still a few fish that slipped through the net here.

"It's just that, with the awakening of the Primordial Relics, these fish that slipped through the net seem to have died soon. After all, the Pangu civilization could not escape the fate of hundreds of ancient civilizations, and it will be completely wiped out. 'Restart' it!"

Lu Qingchen's words made Li Yao think of Long Yangjun's message for no reason.

"It's alive, it's awakened!"

At first, Li Yao thought that "it" that Long Yangjun referred to was the Pangu tribe.

But now, the truth seems to be a hundred times more terrifying.

"You seem to have something in your words."

Li Yao murmured, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "Assuming that there is something like...'self-consciousness' in the ancient relics, then in its judgment criteria, are Pangu civilization and human civilization considered the same civilization? If it is because For some reason, if we want to implement a'restart' for the entire Pangu universe, is our human civilization within the scope of its'restart'?"

This question made Li Yao ponder for a long time.

Then, there was a cold shiver.


Above the two of them, a thick and short cannon protruded from the chest of the "Starry Sky Knight", which seemed to directly shoot out thousands of fragments of the crystal marrow, and suddenly blasted the head of the "Tyrannosaurus". After half of it fell, three or four steel arms of the "Star Knight" were inserted into the wound at the same time and bombarded wildly, finally causing the small mountain-like beast to completely lose its physiological function, and collapsed obliquely.

However, before it died, it severely compressed the nine hearts in its body, and shot a large amount of extremely corrosive body fluids at the "Starry Sky Knight", and also eroded the latter's outer shell and the sophisticated mechanical internal organs.

The "Starry Sky Knight" made a harsh hiss, and thick fireballs emerged from his body, struggling desperately in the high temperature of nearly ten thousand degrees.

The "arsonist" jumped up and down between the acid rain of the fierce beast and the fireball jet of the "Starry Knight", holding his head in his arms.

"Damn it, I know that every time I come out to perform a task, it won't be that simple. This action is already extremely dangerous, but it needs to be upgraded?"

Li Yao screamed at Lu Qingchen, "Don’t tell me that these violent beasts in front of you are not the worst enemy we have to deal with. In the depths of the ancient ruins, the'Black Wall Makers' have left something behind. Something, can the Pangu universe restart again and again?"

"I don't know, maybe so?"

Lu Qingchen said, "So, to explore this kind of archaic relics hundreds of millions of years ago, you must be alive and well. Be careful and careful. You can't make mistakes the size of sesame mung beans. I was already close to success. , In the end your wife—"

"shut up!"

Li Yao's entire face was distorted, "If it weren't for you, a lunatic, to break into here, we wouldn't have formed a capture and exploration team in such a hurry. Maybe human civilization should develop for thousands of years. Thousands of years, open the archaic relics again!"

"Haha, are you telling a fairy tale? Even if I don’t enter here, Li Linghai’s imperial cultivators will secretly form a secret team, sneak in here to explore, and then the federal cultivator and the Saint League’s information life will get news, naturally Will follow closely, indispensable to intrigue, kill each other, stage a good show of conspiracy and betrayal, from this perspective, it is me who helped the three major forces of the Federation, the Empire and the Holy League have united in an unprecedented way! "

Lu Qingchen said, "Going back, if I hadn't stopped Fuxi in time, now the Federation and the empire have become vassals of the Holy League, Fuxi's puppet-and I will become like this, also fighting against Fuxi. It has been eroded by it. Strictly speaking, I am both a victim and a victim.

"In short, it won't help to turn over these old accounts until now. I still think about how to reach the control hub and regain control of everything. I have said so much, but I just want to tell you that you and I have no retreat, no choice! Going forward bravely, reaching the core, and solving the mystery of the ancient times is the only way out! In that case, not only can everyone escape from birth, but human civilization can also gain the inheritance of hundreds of generations of ancient civilizations over hundreds of millions of years and unlock the seal. All the shackles of self, become the real-'Pangu Protoss'!"

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