40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3063: A copy of the Dragon God!

The emperor's last words used a very advanced method of information transmission and interaction, allowing Li Yao to experience everything he felt before—even when he was in an embryonic state.

It was an innate picture that was embedded in the emperor's gene fragments hundreds of millions of years ago.

Li Yao seemed to have seen everything, or that the emperor's last words activated the mystery that was also embedded in the depths of his gene pool.

In an instant, Li Yao saw a sea of ​​brilliant stars, magnificent and huge, no matter the stable state of the three-dimensional space or the super storm in the four-dimensional space, on the giant ship that can stand on the ground, countless human beings stand out. ——Not the ordinary humans like today, but the "real humans" surrounded by electric arcs and energy networks, and the skin is changing with golden flow patterns and little silver rays.

Li Yao saw these hundreds of millions of years ago humans travel through the multiverse, studying white dwarfs and neutron stars, black holes and wormholes, and even the mysteries of four-dimensional space. He saw them conquering one after another strange civilizations, and countless civilizations that looked like gods and demons were all there. Shaking under the sword of mankind, he gave everything in fear and trepidation—technology, wisdom, social organization, and even a genetic map. All of this has been transformed into a mysterious and complicated information flow, which has been ultra-highly compressed and encrypted. Engraved on the human genetic chain.

That is equivalent to turning human civilization into a giant dragon, swallowing different carbon-based civilizations one after another, and becoming the "king of kings" of the multiverse. As the gene chain gets longer and longer, the glory of mankind will finally It spread to almost every corner of the multiverse.


Prosperity and decline are the inevitability of history. No matter how splendid and splendid civilization has been created by mankind, there will inevitably be a day of decline.

Presumably, hundreds of millions of years ago, human civilization encountered a "flood" when it was at its strongest, and was knocked down by the flood and turned into a dog of loss.

This period of history is not very clear in the emperor’s genetic chain and has not been resolved yet. Therefore, Li Yao could only see a fragmented and rusty fleet fleeing between the stars and being destroyed one by one. The bleak picture.

Even so, the picture just seen in front of him is enough to blast 10,000 thunderbolts in the depths of Li Yao's brain cells, and every strand of gene chain is about to move, to fully bloom.

"Such magnificent, so splendid, so magnificent and incredible ancient human civilization! This, what is going on with all this!"

Li Yao screamed in his heart, "It turns out that the emperor was not desperate to find hope in the depths of the archaic relics when he was still alive. He was originally born here, maybe a certain laboratory in the Tongtian Tower is his' hometown'!

"But why is it like this? Even if the Pangu civilization wants to create humans, it will take up to ten months for humans to go from the seeds of life to embryos to croaking and falling to the ground. Why did the emperor grow up after being conceived for three full years... so Weird golden meatball?

"Furthermore, he is still in an embryonic state, able to awaken so many ancient memories, and even mastered the self-awareness and clear thinking comparable to adults. This is too exaggerated!"

Li Yao's mind turned around, faintly thinking of a possibility.

"Right, it's like Long Yangjun."

Li Yao thought, "Long Yang Jun herself was a human warrior in the Great Era hundreds of thousands of years ago, but she was extracted with genes and seeds of life, condensed into an embryo, and hibernated for hundreds of thousands of years in an incredible way. After that, it was bred again.

"You must know that when Long Yangjun was conceived more than a hundred years ago, the Nuwa battleship was empty. It was only by automated cultivation magic weapon to complete her modulation-proving that at that time, this gene The technology bred by replication and automation is already very mature, and it is very likely that it was passed down from the archaic relics.

"So, does the emperor's genes come from the creators of the black wall hundreds of millions of years ago?

"Yes, yes, it must be so!

"If you want to uncover the mysteries of the ancient times and break the black wall that seals the Pangu universe, what other method is better than to'copy' a real black wall maker?

"The experts and scholars of the Pangu civilization must try their best to collect the genes of some black wall creators from the depths of the ancient ruins, perhaps their corpses, perhaps the blood stains sealed in some kind of magic weapon, or simply made by the black wall. The inheritance left by the author.

"The technology of modern human civilization has been advanced to the point that only two seeds of life are needed to automatically nurture the next generation. Since the Nuwa people in the prehistoric civilization are born experts in gene modulation, then only a drop of the black wall maker's With blood, a brand-new black wall maker can be copied without exceeding the technical limit.

"And listening to the meaning between the lines in the emperor's words, the black wall maker seems to have the ability to compress and embed the genes of countless carbon-based intelligent life in the multiverse into their own gene chain. Then, the emperor's embryo also contains Including the Black Wall Makers, countless information about the super civilization of the Primordial Era, he has not been completely conceived, it is not surprising that he has such a keen thinking and perception ability!

"As for Pangu civilization to be afraid of his awakening...it couldn't be more normal.

"Assuming that today's human civilization wants to replicate a living Pangu or Nuwa tribe, it must be cautious and fearful, full of expectations, and raising the guard to the limit, right?"

Li Yao settled his mind and continued to read the emperor's last words.

"They... these prehistoric carbon-based intelligent lives are afraid of my awakening, but they look forward to my awakening, eager to use my abilities, and extremely fearful of my abilities."

The grave guard continued to murmur, "They tried every means to stimulate me to unlock the unknown gene chains, trying to fully analyze the secrets hidden in my gene chains, but they refined various... which can be called'branding.' 'Things, from the dual level of gene and spirit, trying to seal and control me, and even want to plant a'bomb' in my gene chain, and use a'gene bomb' to destroy me when necessary.

"Of course, these are all later things. It was when I came back here to examine everything a long, long time later, that suddenly came to my mind.

"At the time, I was just an ignorant embryo after all, not even a true intelligent life. Everything I put on me was treated as a fun game and I had a lot of fun.

"In this way, I grow slowly, gradually expand, and grow bigger and bigger, and have stronger and stronger abilities. When I am still sealed in the crystal tower, I can manipulate everything around me, including everything and everything... people."

Before Li Yao's eyes, an incredible picture appeared again.

In the huge laboratory, centered on the crystal tower where the emperor’s embryos are stored, all the experimental magic weapons and instruments around are dangling into the air, as if they are being manipulated by invisible hands and dancing and colliding with each other. "Ding Ding Dang Dong" rattles.

In the second picture, as the light golden meat ball sinks and floats in the nutrient solution, all the surrounding crystal brains are automatically turned on and run at super high speed, shooting out bunches of three-dimensional light curtains, the light curtains are full of rich ink and color. , The extremely gorgeous pattern-it's like a fleet of Primordial humans, the trail left by the mighty passage through the four-dimensional space.

In the third picture, the experimental equipment and the brain are all safe and sound, but dozens of experimenters who are conducting research seem to have been hypnotized, staring straight at the emperor’s embryo, and muttering to themselves , Both legs trembled slightly, as if being suppressed by the power of a small embryo, completely taking away the soul.

"My abilities are getting stronger and stronger, my consciousness and thinking are getting clearer, and I can even communicate directly with some of the most sensitive researchers."

The tomb guard continued to tell the story of the emperor, "I even have a...friend, the daughter of the director of this laboratory, a small Nuwa clan, and also a very talented and outstanding Expert in genetic research."

Before Li Yao's eyes, a new picture appeared.

In a messy laboratory, a Nuwa tribe who is only three or four meters tall and has a very immature face, lying in front of the crystal tower that seals the emperor's embryo, silently staring at the golden ball inside, there is nothing on his face. The "solemn" and "sacred" feelings of other Nuwa tribes are like human girls. They are suddenly happy, suddenly charming, suddenly frowning, and suddenly smiling, their eyes are bright, and their expressions are wonderful.

"From this...friend's mouth, I know a lot of things, and I have a preliminary concept of the universe in which I am now."

The tone of the tombkeeper suddenly became softer, but after the softening, it was doubly stunned, "At least I know that I am not the only one to be sealed, my friends and her people are also sealed here. In a small piece of "primordial ruins", far away from their real hometown, they have been fighting for the sacred mission for countless years, but the hope of finding hope is still very slim. They don't know how long they will stay here.

"My friend grew up here and grew up in the Silver City. He has never left the archaic relics and returned to her real hometown.

"I once asked her why, she only told me three words-the quarantine area.

"I also want to exchange more information with her, what is the'quarantine area', what mission do they have, and what is going on with the images that are constantly flashing back in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, I can be bred, just like her Do you have real hands, feet and ability to move? Why do researchers other than her, those'adults' fear me so much? Since they are deeply afraid of me, why should they nurture me, make me, and stimulate me?

"I have a lot of questions to ask her, but her father, the person in charge of the laboratory and the "Manufacturing Project" really disliked that her daughter and this weird meatball of mine were alone together. She sneaked into the laboratory during non-research hours to find me. After being discovered by her father, she was forced to leave the project, and the'seal' and'punishment' against me were intensified."

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