40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3064: The truth about the battle of the ruins

In the picture that made up the emperor’s last words, the innocent Nuwa girl was replaced with some indifferent look, like an adult researcher facing a major enemy. Whether it is Pangu, Nuwa or other intelligent races, there are condensed faces on her face. A thick ice shell seems to hide all feelings behind the thick ice.

Only then did Li Yao realize a very strange thing.

According to what he saw, all the prehistoric races that established laboratories in the ancient ruins were sealed with at least 70% of their emotions.

Perhaps they can withstand the endless, bizarre, unbelievable mysteries and fears that emerge from the ruins of the prehistoric ruins, right?

If you have normal emotions and realize that hundreds of powerful races that have never been inferior to Pangu civilization for hundreds of millions of years have all fallen and completely annihilated, even they are very likely to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, I am afraid they would have been crazy long ago. , No research can go on.

Only that young girl, perhaps because of her young age, can still express some normal emotions, probably because she is so close to the emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the screen flashed, and there was a scene where the researcher performed various intense irritating and destructive experiments on the golden meat ball.

The researchers used a strong electric arc to stimulate the defensive ability of the golden ball, and tested the self-repairing ability of the golden ball with a highly toxic and corrosive liquid, and even deliberately did not supply any nutrients to the golden ball for a long time. Its ultimate bearing capacity.

They just don't want the emperor in the golden flesh ball to be bred at all.

Such a vigilant, hostile and even malicious treatment naturally aroused the emperor's resistance.

In the next picture, a tall Pangu tribe fell on his back on the ground outside the crystal tower, his entire head exploded completely, blood and coolant splashed all over the ground.

Surrounded by horrified researchers - even if they had sealed most of their emotions, they couldn't stop them from having an unstoppable fear of the golden orb.

"I killed a researcher."

The grave guard’s voice was flat and cold. He said every word, “This guy is a geneticist and pharmacist. He is best at using various natural extracted and artificially synthesized poisons to violently crack the fragments deep in the gene chain. , He injected hundreds of venoms into my embryos to test my self-healing and immunity. He even wanted to implant a seal in my genetic chain, that is, embed a letter full of his commands The gene fragments, after I really conceived, if necessary, as long as his mind moves, my body will automatically secrete various hormones, synthesize a deadly poison, and poison myself to death.

"This is one of the seals that the prehistoric civilization came up with to contain me and all mankind.

"This is not the most effective seal, but it is indeed the most painful one. Many times, I was almost poisoned to death by his medicine, but I was rescued by his antidote. In a certain sense, I was dying. On this occasion, my sea of ​​consciousness is indeed full of bizarre illusions, just like the way of fluttering and watching flowers hundreds of millions of years ago, and was stolen by him endlessly.

"In most cases, I don’t hate what the researchers do. After all, most of the experiments have caused me little pain, and I can also read a lot of mysteries in the depths of genes through these experiments. Get to know myself better.

"But the researcher’s methods are really painful, and I don’t even hate him. I just want to get rid of this state of being worse than death. Coupled with the separation from my only friend, my heart is filled with loss and loss for the first time. Anxious, wanting to vent unscrupulously.

"So, when he came to me again with a syringe filled with venom, I gathered all my strength and implemented a small ‘push’ in his brain.

"It's hard to explain what the so-called'push' is about. It's like an upgraded version of hypnosis. A light sweep of my mind can scan clearly how his brain works, even specific to a certain piece of brain tissue. Can influence a certain decision of his, and then I can influence his decision as long as I squeeze gently in my mind.

"I hope, no, to order him to inject the venom into his body.

"In all fairness, I didn't have the idea of ​​killing him, because I knew that every time he prepared a kind of venom, he would also prepare an antidote at the same time-after all, they only wanted to stimulate my genetic memory with the venom and test mine at the same time. Self-healing and immunity are not really going to kill me. Although the antidote in the past had various side effects and the detoxification process was quite painful, they all had miraculous effects in bringing back the dead.

"So, I believe that even if he injects himself with venom, he can immediately save himself with the antidote, and he will suffer at most.

"Unexpectedly, my'push' made this Pangu researcher shocked. He subconsciously shook every brain cell to the limit, condensing all the brain waves and mental power to fight me.

"For me, this level of mental confrontation is nothing but a game in the gentle wind and drizzle. I indifferently strengthened the force of'pushing'. Unexpectedly, this guy's eyes widened, and every inch of his skin was flushed with expression. Pieces of cracked ice shells were horrified to the extreme, and the folds on the back of the head'chichichichi' jetted a stream of heat, and finally, before the other researchers could react, the entire head exploded completely.

"I got into a disaster.

"In other words, I have shown too powerful abilities and extremely terrifying potential. It is no longer the Pangu civilization that can be suppressed by conventional means. They decided to suspend the research project, which caused me to fall into a super long-term hibernation state, thousands of years, tens of thousands. Years, hundreds of thousands of years...or forever, until they have made progress in their research in other fields and are confident that they can absolutely control me, and then unfreeze me and conduct new research.

"For this ending, I have no room for resistance.

"At that time, I was just a small embryo after all. Even though there are many mysteries in the depth of my genes, I still can't do anything in the absence of nutrition, energy, and flesh and blood---hypnotize a little bit. Defenseless researcher is one thing. At the same time, hypnotizing hundreds of mental warfare experts who are on the verge of an enemy, are highly alert, and possess various magic weapons such as'brain wave amplifiers'. It is another completely different matter, the latter. The difficulty must be increased by a hundredfold.

"Knowing that they injected hibernation potions and all kinds of weird nutrients around me, turning the crystal tower that carried me into a huge crystal clear amber, I can't do anything.

"The sea of ​​consciousness, which was originally vibrant and full of turbulent waves, gradually calmed and solidified.

"I can perceive the range and approach around me, and it is slowly shrinking and dissipating.

"Earlier, I could perceive at least dozens of visible light, invisible light, and high-frequency magnetic fluctuations within a few hundred meters of a radius. I could hear the heartbeat, blood flow rate, and brain waves of countless researchers. But those The splendid light and noisy sound were all deprived one by one, but sleepiness surged up uncontrollably like a thick black tide, and a layer of black film was wrapped around the golden fleshy ball.

"Originally, I should just fall asleep like this, maybe I will never wake up again.

"But at this moment, there was a deafening noise and a shaking explosion outside the laboratory. Even when I was about to hibernate, I could perceive a strong, pungent killing breath.

"Since I have been injected with a large amount of hibernation medicine and completed 95% of the hibernation procedures, I think there will be no more waves. All the researchers ignored me and ran out one after another.

"I don't know how long it took, but my friend rushed in and threw himself in front of the crystal tower that sealed me.

"She was stained with blood stains, smeared with strong gunpowder smoke, and she looked panicked and uncontrollable.

"She told me that they—all the Pangu, Nuwa, and researchers of various ethnic groups living in the archaic ruins, have all been betrayed by outsiders.

"Just as they feared the'real humans' of the Primordial Era, the people of the Pangu civilization outside feared them, and they were afraid of studying the mysteries of the Primordial age day and night, so they mastered the superior technology and the ancient magic weapons. The people outside wanted them to study everything. All the materials and the war machines unearthed were handed over, and they even asked the clansmen outside to teach how to use war machines such as the "Starry Sky Cavalry".

"However, these are just excuses.

"My friend told me that outside of the Archaic Ruins, her people had already started a protracted civil war. The civil war almost destroyed the entire Pangu civilization, as well as the Pangu, Nuwa, Zhurong, and Gonggong tribes. , Kuafu tribe, Houyi tribe...All the beautiful emotions and moral laws deep in the hearts of all prehistoric carbon-based intelligent races.

"Even if both sides of the civil war are at the end of their lives, they are like two vipers biting each other's seven inches, and they would rather die together than let go at the same time.

“The desperate and eagerly jumping over the wall both focused their sights on the ancient ruins, and both wanted to attract experts, scholars and researchers in the ancient ruins to become their own'secret weapons'. At the same time, they were afraid that these were relatively simple compared to soldiers and politicians. The deceptive non-combatants will be drawn over by the opposing faction-if this is the case, they would rather act first, and destroy all the experts and scholars together with their research results!

"It sounds incredible, but the war is originally the most unreasonable thing. The two parties who killed the red eye did not have the slightest scruples. They both claimed to be the true masters and orthodox inheritors of the Pangu civilization, and they also have the power to order the people of the ancient ruins. If the experts, scholars and researchers in the ancient ruins do not obey their orders, they are traitors to the entire civilization, and of course they can be punished mercilessly!"


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