40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3069: Swire test

Li Yao listened attentively, until this moment, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that the truth is like this. It really is a lot more tortuous and reasonable than the version in the historical classics."

Li Yao secretly thought, "It's just that there are still many details. In the emperor's last words, the words are unclear. According to legend, he was transformed into two clones to practice from the beginning-the'Splitting Heaven Emperor' and the'Xinghai Battle Emperor'. What's going on? Also, in addition to the strongest clone of the Doomsday Blood God Child, he has a total of nineteen clones. Does it represent a certain aspect of his personality? What is the ending of these clones? What?"

History is like a sand painting in the wind and huge waves. Time will erode all traces clean. I am afraid that there will never be a correct answer to these questions. Even the emperor’s last words may not be 100% true. Those details that go away with the wind can only be left to future generations to imagine and comment.

At least on the whole, the emperor fulfilled his promise and killed the three freaks he created by one hand-the doomsday mad blood **** son, the star sea empire, including himself. This has led the entire mankind, but it may also be suppressed. The "Emperor" of all mankind!

After thousands of years of darkness and chaos, when the stars and the sea were unified again, they did not adopt the monarchy anymore, but were reborn as the "Xinghai Republic". After that, under the influence of the remnants of the blood **** son, they experienced the real human empire. Restoration, but at the shore of the sea, new hopes such as the Xingyao Federation have also emerged. Any authoritarian ruler, whether in the name of emperor, supreme, true god, or whatever, can't cover the sky with one hand, and it will never be possible!

For the remorseful emperor, this may be his best salvation and the most hopeful ending, right?

Sure enough, there was a touch of warmth in the voice of the grave guard.

"As you know, this is my last word. I have recorded more than one copy of similar things. For different endings, there is a one-to-one corresponding last word for the starry sea that will be completely unrecognizable after thousands of years."

Keep the grave humane, "I am very happy that this last word is presented to you, because it means that the magic weapon I sent to the outside world to collect information has scanned, the outside world is a vibrant world, and human civilization has finally gained Freedom and liberation-even if it is only a small beginning, it is also moving in a brighter and brighter direction.

"Perhaps, you like this are more qualified than us in the past, to complete... the mission hidden in the depths of the ancient ruins!

"To make a long story short, in the Celestial Star Wars, I almost killed the Doomsday Mad Blood God Child and destroyed his main rebel force. However, I myself was dying.

"Death to me is just another familiar long sleep. I am not afraid of death, but I am not willing to go into smoke with so much confusion. After all, where did we humans come from? Are we the natives of the Pangu universe? , Or from the more vast and terrifying multiverse outside, what kind of power can drive us here, even forcing us to completely erase our existence, dormant for hundreds of millions of years before daring to regenerate and sprout? There are ancient relics in the depths. What, what are the Pangu civilization and those ancient civilizations looking for? If I were the only successful embryo created by the Pangu civilization, then why did the Pangu universe, hundreds of thousands of years later, become the world of mankind? It is hidden in my gene pool. What's the matter with the supernatural power of the place? Why can only I be activated and released? Can I find a way to make all mankind become like me? If it is really possible, for the overall benefit of human civilization, such a change Is it good or bad?

"With so many questions, I haven't found the answer. I really don't want to die just like this with infinite regret.

"Naturally, I thought of my hometown, the archaic relics that were still in a frozen state in time. I dragged my incomplete and crumbling body back here.

"At this time, I have a high level of awareness of the dangers of the ancient ruins. I neither want to involve more innocent people to die for me, nor do I want these reckless guys to trigger the organs deep in the ancient ruins, so I don’t Carrying any subordinates, just oneself, before that, most of the information about the archaic relics was destroyed, and bluffs and intricate puzzles were arranged.

"Including the Pangu civilization, so many advanced and developed ancient civilizations failed to find the answer. Instead, they were completely wiped out and disappeared cleanly. I don't want human civilization to follow in their footsteps. So, at least wait for my compatriots. Promote civilization for thousands of years and become more wise, rational and courageous—this is my original intention for not wanting to tell the whole truth ten thousand years ago.

"The feeling of entering the Archaic Ruins again after a hundred years is slightly different from the past. If I have to describe it accurately, the feeling of'jelly-like sticky' is slightly thinner. When I walked through the solidified battlefield, there was no It used to be so laborious, and I was able to drag objects and even corpses out of the more and more gray mist vortex to conduct my research.

"I know that this is a sign that the'curving speed' in the archaic ruins is about to return to normal.

"It's as if you drew a war knife to chop the waves, leaving a clear arc in the water. No matter how much power you use, how powerful psionic energy you use, how deep the rift is split, the currents on both sides will eventually cause the rift. Submerge, smooth the ripples, and the small ripples will blend into the overall ripples of the vast ocean.

"There is not much time left for me and human civilization.

"The time in the archaic relics has been solidified for hundreds of thousands of years. In terms of the technology of the Pangu civilization, this is already the limit.

"Calculated from the change in the radius of curvature of the arc of time in just one hundred years, at most 12,000 to 15,000 years, the arc of time will completely disappear, the frozen time will flow at a normal speed again, and the battlefield will again Restored to the original state, the fierce beasts and war machines sealed inside would not even realize that they had slept for hundreds of thousands of years—not to mention hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years’ long sleep would not be prevented. They will continue to fight this battle of destruction.

"At the end, whether it's the fierce beast completely devouring the city of silver, or the ancient ruins unleashing its true power, like annihilating hundreds of ancient civilizations, it will completely eliminate the fierce beast riot, Pangu civilization and human civilization. It's a catastrophe for all of us.

"I'm going to die.

"The cruel experiment during the embryonic period forced the radius of curvature of the arc of time to be broken in childhood, and forced through wormholes one after another with little protection, including the torture in the slave mines of the boyhood, as well as the youth and In the prime of life in the Xinghai battlefield time and time again, dying, awakening, recovering and breaking through...All of this bombarded my body from the genetic level, making my seemingly strong body weak as a burn. Empty deadwood.

"I can feel the vitality constantly passing through every battered cell. Even the freezing time cannot save my life. It only slows down its exhaustion rate slightly. I have to race against time and conduct more experiments. , Explore more places, for the latecomers-I believe that human wisdom and courage, there will be latecomers, I must burn my soul to provide you with the final guidance."

In front of Li Yao's eyes, a gray-haired old man appeared.

At this time, he is no longer the overbearing and tough of the former "Emperor" period. He hunched his waist and panted quickly, just like a declining old man, a man who has worn out both on the road of pursuing the truth. The feet were drained of blood, but still reluctant to stop, and wanted to use their **** footprints to guide the veteran of the latecomers.

"I cautiously avoided the air bubbles and explored most areas in the Silver City, including most of the laboratories set up by the Pangu civilization, and the place where the prisoners of the'Hongchao Corps' were held. I also found a lot of corpses. There are not only the Pangu civilization, but also the beasts they transformed, and even the corpses captured by the Hongchao Corps, as well as the remains of war machines left by the ancient civilization. I conducted a very detailed dissection, disassembly and research, trying to speculate It was the purpose of countless civilizations gathering together in the ancient ruins, and the reason why Pangu civilization consumed a lot of resources and created humans at all costs. In the end, I finally found a hint."

The guardian of the tomb said, "It seems that there is no Silver City in the original archaic relics, but between the vast world, there stands a'Tongtian Pagoda' that directly connects to the universe. The Thongtian Pagoda is the creator of the black wall. Creation is also the main hub that drives the black wall that envelopes the Pangu universe. The creator of the black wall left a mysterious'test' in the'Tongtian Pagoda'. Experts and scholars of Pangu civilization believe that as long as they can pass this You can become the master of Tongtian Pagoda, inherit all the inheritance of the black wall maker, and control the freedom to open and close the black wall, making the Pangu universe a hundredfold instantaneously!

"It's just that, how easy is it to pass the test of the black wall maker? Experts and scholars of Pangu civilization found countless wrecks around the Tongtian Tower. Those fragmented war machines and terrible fossils of corpses are countless ancient civilizations' test failures. 'The tragedy left behind.

"At least a hundred ancient civilizations tried to pass the test of the Black Wall Makers, all of them failed, and the price of failure is very likely that the entire civilization will be erased!

"Such consequences naturally make the experts and scholars of Pangu civilization afraid to act rashly.

"Their research found that out of a hundred ancient civilizations, at least ten or twenty civilizations were as advanced as Pangu civilization, even surpassed Pangu civilization, and basically exhausted all the evolutionary directions of carbon-based intelligent life. Since none of these ancient civilizations succeeded, the Pan ancient civilization rushed through the barriers, and failure is also a high probability event."

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