40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3070: Create ancestors

"Sure enough!"

Li Yao set off a great uproar in his heart.

Although Lu Qingchen said the same just now, including the results of Li Yao's own exploration and scanning, the weight of these words from the emperor's last words is naturally very different.

The inheritance of the black wall maker is not only a great opportunity, but it may also become a fatal catastrophe. If it is not handled properly, all mankind will face a real end.

The only thing that can give Li Yao a sigh of relief is that the emperor said that the “curvature of time” in the archaic relics will return to normal after “twelve thousand to fifteen thousand years” when he returns here for the second time. The fierce beasts and war machines in the city will lift their seals, raging and destroying again.

Calculated according to time, that is now, at most one or two thousand years later.

Li Yao once thought that it was his limited ability and negligence to let Lv Qingchen away. After Lv Qingchen integrated the Fuxi database, he became more frantic, recklessly, and desperately fled to the archaic relics, and went through a series of Only by accidentally hitting and bumping can this silver city sealed in "Amber of Time" be activated.

This chain reaction brought great psychological pressure to Li Yao.

Now it seems that it is not that simple. The time seal left by the black wall maker cannot be broken by Lu Qingchen and Ding Lingdang's reckless efforts.

The time-solidification state was originally slowly being lifted, and Ding Lingdang's attack on Lu Qingchen only slightly accelerated this "dissolution" and "dissolution" at most.

Even without the actions of himself, Ding Lingdang, Lu Qingchen and others, the Archaic Relics will be awakened within one to two thousand years-and the human civilization at that time was not at all vigilant about it. It may be ignorant and ignorant. Obliterated, the ending will only be worse.

Since there is no escape, there is only one fight. At this moment, perhaps the best chance to find the answer!

"Experts and scholars of Pangu civilization have studied dozens of ancient civilization relics, including the decayed corpses of warriors and fragmented war machines, and discovered that some ancient civilizations are good at refining machinery, refining countless hollow crystal filaments that are thinner than cow's hair. Leading true energy into the crystal silk, driving all kinds of mysterious, complicated and ingenious machinery, developed a splendid mechanical civilization; some ancient civilizations took the path of pure martial arts, and they used psychic energy to temper the secrets of the body, which is better than the Pangu civilization. Any race in the world must be subtle, and can truly cultivate individuals of carbon-based life to a level that is larger and more powerful than mountains; there are also some ancient civilizations that have long since embarked on the road of separation of spirits and bodies, and they wrapped the spirits with psychic energy. , Ignoring the stellar radiation and the invasion of star sea storms, wandering freely between the stars and the sea, has also developed a bizarre and varied phantom civilization."

Tomb-keeping humanity, "In short, since every ancient civilization can dominate the Pangu universe, it naturally has extraordinary skills and skills, and when faced with the "test" of the black wall makers, they also follow their own ideas and differ from each other. Deciphering from different angles, mechanical, martial arts, phonology, optics, spirituality... It's a pity that every road has proved to be a dead end. Hundreds of once glorious civilizations have come to an end.

"Pangu civilization has discovered that no matter how sophisticated its research in a certain field is, there is always an ancient civilization that is better than them, but all kinds of whimsical, unbelievable, and unimaginable attempts by the Pangu civilization, the result is nothing but another. It proved a dead end.

"Even in the field of'large-scale telepathy' that the Pangu people are most proud of, they have discovered an ancient race with a larger'third brain' and extracorporeal circulation heat dissipation system than them-you know, Pangu In order to obtain the gifted magical powers of'large-scale telepathy', the tribe had to inflate its brain indefinitely, along with its own body, cooling system, heat dissipation system, and even to evolve a special hormone secretion organ. Stimulates the production of coolant. These cumbersome organs make the Pangu people’s body become larger and larger, unable to adapt to the life of most high-gravity planets, and the internal heat dissipation efficiency of the bloated brain is always inferior. In the fierce battle and super It is very likely to be paralyzed, burned or even exploded during high-speed operation.

"This is an inherent chronic disease of the Pangu tribe, a terminal illness that restricts their further development.

"But there is an ancient race that solved this problem in an ingenious way.

"This ancient race has the same large-scale telepathy ability as the Pangu tribe. In order to release and receive a huge flow of brainwave information, they, who are also carbon-based intelligent lives, have to grow huge brains.

"But they can freely control the shrinkage and expansion of the brain, allowing the brain to switch perfectly between the'normal state' and the'combat state', and they also have a special kind of spirit beast in captivity, and they have a symbiotic relationship with them. Their bodies joined together seamlessly.

"The blood of such spirit beasts is a natural coolant. Whenever they need to enter a fighting state, their brains will expand rapidly, and spirit beasts will fuse behind them to cool their brains even if a fierce battle is over. , A spirit beast will be killed, but as far as the owner's brain is concerned, it will not suffer any damage.

"Such whimsical thoughts stunned the Pangu tribe, and even dreamed of it.

"It's a pity that the evolution of the Pangu tribe is almost complete at this time. They don't have natural enemies in the Pangu universe, and it is impossible for them to carry out such intense evolution.

"What's more, the ancient civilization with such advanced large-scale telepathy magical powers failed to pass the test of the black wall maker in the end. It still fell a civilization and ended in nothing, even if the Pangu tribe could greatly What's the use of improving your telepathy ability besides repeating the same mistakes?

"At this time, the researchers of Pangu civilization discovered two things.

"First, indeed, the ancient civilization surpassed the Pangu civilization in almost every field. Only in the field of gene research, more precisely, in the field of gene duplication and fusion, it was slightly inferior to the Pangu civilization.

"The Nuwas in the Pangu civilization are natural experts in gene fusion and replication, and their bodies are simply moving genetic research laboratories.

"Second, they inadvertently found some traces left by the creator of the black wall in the'Tongtian Pagoda', perhaps hair, blood and other body tissues.

"A crazy idea flashed in the minds of experts and scholars in the Pangu civilization.

"Since a whole hundred remains of ancient civilizations have proved that even the most powerful civilization cannot pass the test, does it mean that only the black wall maker himself can pass this test?

"Using Pangu civilization’s advanced gene fusion and replication technology to create a 100%, pure, real black wall maker, and then testing on behalf of Pangu civilization, will it be possible to completely uncover the mystery of the ancient relics? ?

"This is a completely crazy idea with a very low probability of success. It is simply a desperate gamble.

"But the Pangu civilization has no choice.

"Before the discovery of the ancient ruins, the expeditionary force of the Pangu civilization had crossed the almost infinite black wall, had seen the vastness, vastness, desolation and despair of the multiverse, and had also seen the fierceness, cruelty, and hidden in the flood tide army. Behind the Legion, how terrifying the real'Hong Tide' is.

"Communication is two-way.

"Since Pangu civilization can break through the black wall and rush out, then Hong Chao and its minions can naturally break through the black wall and break in and destroy Pangu civilization.

"Pangu civilization did capture most of the flood tide legion, but there is no guarantee that no one or two fish that slipped through the net will summon a more powerful fleet, and a force far above the Xinghai Fleet.

"In order to survive, they must grasp greater power and find out more truth before the next wave of enemy offensives arrive.

"The enemy's enemy is a friend. The black wall makers don’t look particularly friendly. They treat all the carbon-based intelligent life born in the Pangu universe cruelly, but from the information they leave, they are also Hong Chao drove here, hiding in panic forever. Since Hong Chao is everyone’s common enemy, then if Pangu civilization can replicate a new black wall maker, the two parties may be able to communicate, and Pangu civilization may be able to make use of the black wall directly. The power of the person does not need to carry out the mysterious'test'.

"With this original intention, the project of'Copying the Black Wall Maker' was launched, and it was supported by the most abundant resources and the most elite research team of Pangu civilization.

"It's a pity that, with Pangu civilization's genetic technology, if you want to replicate a black wall maker whose civilization is a hundred times more advanced than yourself, it's like ants wanting to breed elephants. It's more difficult to reach the sky.

"The progress of the project was very unsuccessful. Indeed, it didn't take long for them to replicate a group of'human beings' who looked like black wall makers, but these people were just in shape, without the wisdom and power of black wall makers. It's like a hairless monkey.

"In other words, it is easy to create human beings, but to release 100% of the power sealed deep in the human gene chain, it is far from what Pangu civilization can do.

"Even with the genetic talent of the Nuwa tribe, it is still an impossible task to sort out the intricate and unfathomable genetic chain of human beings. How does any small cell in the human body work? As far as Pangu civilization is concerned, they are all in a'black box state.' With the most powerful super crystal brain at the time, equipped with the'Fuxi System', and hurried to the limit for calculation, it will take at least...10 billion years to fully analyze the human gene chain. !"

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