40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3073: The head of the beast

Detailed topographical maps of the ancient ruins, from this secret laboratory to the secret passage of the Tongtian Tower and even the teleportation array; there are also many magical powers of the emperor in the past in the Xinghai; and two super giant soldiers "Golden Sun" and "Doomsday Catastrophe" Li Yao’s detailed structure diagram and driving method... everything flashed in Li Yao’s mind, like raindrops moisturizing things, permeating into his soul.

Li Yao stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly in the void.

I immediately perceive light golden ripples, spreading out in the form of palms, echoing throughout the laboratory, and all the corpses of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, war machines left over from ancient civilizations, and even various unknown magic weapons The internal structure was scanned clearly by him, and even various performance parameters appeared in his field of vision.

Not to mention the fatigue and trauma of the whole body, they have been thrown out of the sky. He feels that every cell is like a grape that is full to explode, not to mention how refreshing the taste of gestures!

Li Yao couldn't help but let out a long scream, expressing his pleasure.

When the boiling brain gradually calmed down, he remembered that he was still carrying a compatriot who was unsuspecting.


Li Yao glanced at Lu Qingchen, and said strangely, "You didn't even take advantage of the time when I swallowed the emperor's inheritance-this is not your style!"

"I really want to shoot, but you are firmly wrapped in this weird black slime, I really can't find a chance, and you scream like a **** or devil inside, and from time to time there is a sword-like golden light shining. Come out, every one can chop my remnant soul in half, and I am not sure that it will definitely kill you."

Lu Qingchen said lightly, "What's more, I have already said that all my actions, no matter how cruel and frenzied they seem, are based on the highest interests of the Star Federation and even the whole mankind, and they will be inherited by the emperor. , It does not go against the interests of the Federation, why should I be a villain, fighting with you to hurt both sides, and let the emperor's inheritance fall into the hands of others-most likely non-federal people?"

"If this is from your heart, and you can guarantee to keep thinking and doing this, I don’t regret letting you go, and I hope you can stay alive until we pass the test and send you back to the Federation for trial. That day."

Li Yao looked at Lu Qingchen and said, "If you could have thought of this a long time ago, how good would it be?"

Lu Qingchen laughed.

"You are so confident, is the'right person' the emperor is waiting for, must it be you?"

Lu Qingchen said lightly, "Yes, you have indeed got the inheritance of the emperor, and can even control giant soldiers like the'Golden Sun' and the'Doomsday Catastrophe', so what? The emperor is right, you want to pass The black wall maker’s "ultimate test", strength and wisdom must not be the key, because if we simply compete for power and wisdom, we will not be able to catch up with the black wall maker’s footsteps in one million years of development. They just keep a few. Dao problems are enough to lock us all, and the annihilation of a hundred ancient civilizations also proves this.

"I think this must not be the original intention of the black wall makers. Since they have painstakingly built the tower and left the ultimate test, there must be a way to pass the test.

"So, it’s no big deal for you to get the emperor’s inheritance. This kind of power is even a drag-the stronger the power, the more dazzling, the easier it is to become the target of war machines and beast riots, and be gathered by both sides. Fire attack is regarded as the most important target by'testing'. How can I not make a profit after you are exhausted and the oil well lamp is dead, and pass the test from another angle that you did not expect?

"However, there is one thing, I really made a huge mistake.

"Unexpectedly, in the depths of human flesh and blood, those seemingly useless garbage gene fragments contain so many ancient mysteries. If we can completely unlock the ancient blood, we can make a qualitative leap in our civilization. I originally abandoned the body and only retained the brain, not even the brain. The idea of ​​making all mankind purely virtualized and energized is not wrong, but it is too hasty-it should be able to unlock 100% of the Primordial bloodline and thoroughly explore it. After the mystery hidden in our body, the'Void Spirit Project' will be implemented.

"Think about it. Human genes are a very efficient form of information compression and storage. No medium is more suitable for storing the power and glory of hundreds of millions of civilizations than human cells. Super crystal brains can indeed All this can be done, but the energy consumption far exceeds that of simple cells.

"Every body, every cell, and the depths of every strand of gene chain are condensed into a whole civilization... How did I not expect such a wonderful answer?"

"really not easy."

Li Yao said, "Listening to you personally admit that you have made a mistake, it seems more difficult than killing you ten thousand times. If this is not another conspiracy and trick by you, but sincerely acknowledging your mistakes, then just like the emperor, use Your life comes to atonement!"

"It depends on whether you decide to break into the'Tongtian Tower' and activate the'Ultimate Test'."

Lu Qingchen's spirit swept over Li Yao, and said, "Will you?"

Li Yao pondered for a long time.

He stretched his hand to Xiao Hei.

After fusing with the liquid crystal brain that was originally dormant in the secret laboratory, Xiao Hei has been fully upgraded and has the authority to control the entire laboratory.

The emperor even carried a large number of surveillance magic weapons in this laboratory. From here, he could clearly see the pictures on the ground, inside the City of Silver, especially around the "Tongtian Pagoda".


Hundreds of light curtains emerged from the void, forming a virtual city of silver, allowing Li Yao and Lu Qingchen to clearly see the whole picture and every detail of the battlefield.

It took Li Yao a full six hours to pass on the emperor's inheritance, digesting and assimilating the emperor's inheritance to a minimum.

In these six hours, the situation on the battlefield has changed suddenly and unexpected changes have taken place.

The fierce beast riots that besieged the "Tongtian Tower" made breakthrough progress. Originally, the "Tongtian Tower" was circled in a scattered pattern. The canine-toothed battle fort and firepower were all swallowed by the black-pressed beast wave. Countless guards were not brutally affected by the beasts. Tearing and gnawing, even if he was infected with the virus, he mutated into a deformed beast.

Even several battle castles floating in mid-air were eroded by the long-range acid and poisonous mist of the fierce beasts, and lost the ability to resist gravity. They fell heavily from mid-air and turned into groups of burning and twisted wreckage.

A large number of fierce beasts flooded into the "Tongtian Pagoda" like a tide.

The roots of "Tongtian Pagoda" are like the intertwined roots of a large tree. At this moment, they are eroded by deadly toxins. From the spotless silvery white to ugly gray and black, it is just like a piece of mold, which continues to spread upward. Soon, it covered the bottom third of the "Tongtian Pagoda".

Under the erosion of black spots and mold, black whirlpools even appeared on the surface of "Tongtian Pagoda". A large number of fierce beasts plunged into the whirlpool and disappeared, as if through the whirlpool, they directly intruded into the "Tongtian Pagoda".

I don’t know what’s going on inside the “Tongtian Tower”, whether all the guards who still possess the sense of reason have died, and before they die, will these guards also alienate into physical and spiritual beasts, and produce some incomparable beasts. Crazy things.

For example, completely activate the "Tongtian Tower", destroy everything inside and outside the Primordial Relics, and restart the entire Pangu universe?

Li Yao couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Looking closely at the fierce beast riots on the chaotic battlefield, Li Yao gradually saw the strangeness.

He originally thought that the fierce beast riots belonged to the same camp, an army.

Only now has it discovered that the fierce beasts are different from the fierce beasts, and they seem to be faintly divided into two camps.

Or sometimes, among the vast majority of completely crazy fierce beasts, there are still some prehistoric warriors, although their bodies have undergone partial mutations, they still retain a fairly clear sense of reason.

They are the true commanders of the fierce beast riots, but they are divided into two hostile camps. They all aim to "capture the Tongtian Pagoda". They will also have fierce friction and conflict with each other, and they will fight endlessly.

However, most of the beasts are driven by the desire to kill and destroy, and their degree of control is very low, and they are eager to invade the "Tongtian Tower" and do not want to lose both before the "Tongtian Tower" falls, so they have not brewed. Into a full-scale conflict.

Li Yao concentrated on scanning the entire battlefield.

With the inheritance of the emperor, his intelligence analysis ability has been greatly improved than before, and he quickly locked the top commander of the two ferocious beast riots.

Behind the storm of fierce beasts to the east is a tall as a mountain, but on the left half of the body is deformed and deformed, and a huge sarcoma grows on his shoulder, which looks like a Pangu tribe with two heads on his shoulders.

Although half of his body was severely deformed, the powerful aura emanating from him still seemed to penetrate the barrier between the surveillance magic weapon and the light curtain, piercing Li Yao's eyes.

And the malformed sarcoma is more like a heart bulging, and there is a faintly crystal ball rolling inside, just like a huge sealed eyeball, indescribably strange and terrifying.

Between the folds of the Pangu tribe leader, frantic white mist spewed frantically, showing that his brain was overloaded, releasing strong brain waves, driving the army under his command and advancing horribly.

Behind the murderer riot to the west, there is also an extremely hideous Nuwa tribe.

The Ordinary Nuwa tribe is a human head with a snake body, but her body is like a condensate of a python and a centipede. From the ribs and back, dozens of shimmering claw blades grow out, and a pair of skinny wings grow behind. Wing, covered with blood-red skin, even her face looks like a skull with blood drained, driven by a certain crazy force to release a flame of destruction.

The leader of the Nuwa clan also wields a saber, driving a wave of fierce beasts under his command.

The two leaders quickly disappeared in the whirlpool of the beast tide, and merged into the huge "mold" and "black spots"-perhaps one step ahead of Li Yao and entered the "Tongtian Pagoda"!

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