40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3074: challenge accepted!

"The auras of these two leaders are so strong, even if they are prying through the light curtain, they faintly make me feel frightened. You must know that I am already a powerhouse of the distraction series, and I have also received the blessing of the emperor's inheritance. With extremely strong vigilance against them, can it be said that the strength of these two leaders is above the distraction period?"

Li Yao secretly guessed, "These two leaders obviously have intelligence. They attacked the'Tongtian Tower' at the same time. It is by no means a coincidence. Could it be that they also want to rush to the'Tongtian Tower' to conduct the'ultimate test' of the black wall maker. ?"

Li Yao was shocked in his heart.

Regardless of the Pangu tribe or the Nuwa tribe, the chances of these two leaders successfully passing the test are slim. If the test fails, they will only bring their own civilization, and even the human civilization, into destruction.

While he was pondering, Li Yao suddenly felt a few familiar figures shaking in the corner. He fixed his eyes and almost screamed. It was not Ding Lingdang, Li Linghai, Long Yangjun, and Boss Bai who appeared in the corner of the monitoring screen. , Boxing King and others, but who are they?

After several days and nights of fighting and groping, the strongest of these human exploration teams finally converged.

Led by superb masters such as Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Boxing King, and Yan Liren, dozens of slaying tigers and dragons, and invincible giant soldiers gathered together. It is the most powerful steel torrent, even in the face of fierce beasts. All can have a head-on collision.

What's more, most of the fierce beasts were assembled under the "Tongtian Tower", and the pressure in the rest of the place was greatly reduced. Ding Lingdang and Long Yangjun were finally safe and sound, and they were slowly approaching the "Tongtian Tower".

Thinking about it, they also discovered the movement of the beast tide, and realized the importance of the "Tongtian Tower", knowing that this is the core of the entire Silver City and even the ancient relics.

Li Yao discovered Li Linghai's giant soldiers among the many giant soldiers.


Li Yaoxin said, "Li Linghai still holds a'key' in his hand. The emperor said that these two keys were collected from various places in the archaic relics. They are proof of qualification for the'test', and according to the Pangu civilization According to the data from, there are far more than two similar keys, in other words, more than two people, but many people are eligible for the test-they have even started the test!"

Therefore, it is not a question of whether Li Yao is willing to take risks.

He has no choice.

He could neither watch the leaders of the Pangu tribe or Nuwa tribe to conduct the test, nor could he watch Li Linghai, Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun and others step into the ignorant and ignorant test and stand by, if they had to face it. The challenge of the black wall maker, if the'ultimate test' is launched, then he must be the first to solve the mystery of the ancient times and protect his civilization!

"I, Vulture Li Yao, represent the Star Federation and human civilization, accept the challenge!"

Li Yao clenched his fists, his palm seemed to be crushed by an invisible diamond, and wisps of hot smoke floated between his fingers.

If you want to pass the test, you must first repair and strengthen the giant soldier.

Although the emperor said that force is not the key to passing the test, but it is an indispensable foundation. Without sufficient force, he can't even rush through the simplest fierce beast riot in the first stage.

Li Yao's gaze swept over the three surrounding giant soldiers one by one.

His own giant “arsonist” has reached the edge of the oil well lamp. Its reactive armor is all lifted off, the fuel and ammunition pipelines are completely distorted, and the metal fatigue strength of key parts exceeds the limit, even if the beast touches the slightest. Touching may cause joints to burst. Even the simplest small-range maneuver and acceleration of changes in direction may cause the most terrifying aerial disintegration. Without the assistance of a whole team of refiners, even Li Yao is a magic weapon. Experts, there is no way to bring it back to life.

It has faithfully performed its mission and sent Li Yao to the front of the emperor. Now, it is quietly kneeling on the ground, like a cold and tragic statue. Only part of the magic weapon unit and weapon system can be disassembled to serve as Spare components and enhanced packages.

Then, there is the "Doomsday Holocaust", the giant soldier of the God Child of Doomsday War.

This giant soldier was acquired by the emperor after the Great Celestial World War, and was taken by the emperor to the ancient ruins, but the mysterious power hidden deep in the brain of the giant soldier crystal almost eroded the emperor’s mind. The emperor split into a new dark personality, the second blood god.

It can be said to be the most powerful, most dangerous, and most likely giant soldier within the star sea.

Perhaps, because of the fear that it would counteract the mysterious power of the rider at any time, the emperor dismantled it. The core crystal brain and spiritual palace were shattered to pieces, and there was no possibility of reorganization, just like the "arsonist." , Can only serve as a repair and strengthening component.

Finally, it is the legendary "Golden Sun" of the Xinghai Empire, representing the infinite brilliance and light of the super giant soldier!

Seeing Da Ma Jin Dao sitting on the maintenance rack, surrounded by the spirit of the real dragon emperor, the majestic and domineering "Golden Sun", Li Yao's heartbeat was like a drum, and both temples couldn't help being chaotic Jump, like when I first saw the Giant God Soldier "Great Flame Dragon Sparrow", he was so dry and at a loss what to do.

"I can really control it... the golden sun?"

Li Yao swallowed hard, feeling smoke all over his throat.

A whole round bigger than the original, Xiao Hei, who became more and more round and naive, flapped his wings and flew around his head, encouraging him, and inspiring 120,000 points of courage and strength.

"Yes, from the Earth to the Heavenly Origin Star, from the Xingyao Federation to the real human empire, and then from the empire to here, there seems to be some kind of power guiding me in the depths of the ancient ruins."

Li Yao secretly said, "I am the ‘right person’. This is my mission. This is... my giant soldier, no power can stop me from controlling it and creating new miracles!"

In Li Yao's eyes, golden runes flashed again.


"Golden Sun", "Apocalyptic Catastrophe", "Arson", the detailed structure diagram of the three giant soldiers and the thought map of the possibility of hundreds of thousands of heavy reinforcement modifications, instantly appeared in his mind, totaling tens of millions. Zhang Xuan'ao's complicated three-dimensional pictures, hundreds of millions of data and formulas, are swiftly spinning, constantly colliding.

"Distraction state, secret technique, schizophrenia calculation method, activate!"

Li Yao used the magical powers just obtained from the emperor’s inheritance to divide the entire sea of ​​knowledge into one hundred equal parts, like a whirlpool of one hundred thoughts, and divide the content that needs to be deduced and calculated into one hundred parts. Import one by one and perform calculations at the same time.

Strands of golden light appeared on his face, rushing to his temples, just like on his temples on both sides, and at the same time a golden eye grew.

At the same time, Li Yao's "think touch" and the supernatural powers of the distance from the sky were also stimulated to the limit. With the assistance of Xiao Hei, all the magic platforms in the maintenance workshop were opened, and even countless maintenance puppets in a dormant state were activated. , A dazzling array of repair magic weapons popped out of the body.

Li Yao took a deep breath, and the golden flow patterns under his eyes all converged into criss-crossing golden lines, which outlined a brand-new image of a giant soldier.

Reaching out and pressing on the chest of the "Golden Sun", golden streamers surging out along the palm of the palm, wrapping the "Golden Sun" softly and closely.


The "Golden Sun" made a faint sound at the cracks of the armor. Pieces of arc-shaped armor and shields were disassembled, revealing the fine and smooth crystal lines inside, like blood vessels and nerves, as well as the precise occlusion and seamless magic unit. .

The wreckage of the "doomsday catastrophe" and the "arsonist" were the invisible big hands that were condensed by Li Yao with the supernatural powers of the air defense, and they were dismantled into the finest parts.

"Whirring whirring!"

Several refining furnaces rumbling, under the blessing of Li Yao Lingyan, the raging flames instantly raged to tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature. The magical components of "Apocalypse" and "Arsonists" were sent into the furnace and processed into ingenious craftsmanship. The incredible shapes converged into a mighty stream of red and black, blasting towards the "Golden Sun".

In an instant, the golden light on Li Yao's eyes and temples, as well as the golden light covering the "Golden Sun", exploded at the same time.

It was as if Li Yao's soul intruded directly into the "Golden Sun" master crystal brain, and let out a low growl in the "Golden Sun" chest.

The "Golden Sun" is no longer like a cold war machine, but like a wild beast with life, even a **** and demon that descended from the four-dimensional universe. It is not modified and repaired, but all the crystal filaments are ejected and mouthed." Swallowing the components of the “end-time catastrophe” and the “arsonists”, these components are not inlaid or fitted together, but naturally “grow” on the skeleton of the “golden sun”.

"this is--"

Even Lu Qingchen was deeply shocked and surprised inexplicably.

With the "Fuxi Database", he is naturally proficient in countless methods of repairing, refitting, and strengthening refining of giant soldiers, but he has never seen such an incredible transformation technology. The hardest strengthening alloy is smelted by Li Yao's Soul Fire. , Really turned into slender, soft and sensitive blood vessels, nerves and muscle fibers. The giant soldiers refitted in this way can not only transform the three giants of "Golden Sun", "Apocalypse" and "Arson". The magic weapon is perfectly integrated and naturally integrated, and has the perception of almost a living thing, which can perfectly match Li Yao's soul 100%, just like his enlarged version of the body.

"It's really... a monster!"

Lu Qingchen didn't know whether he was talking about Li Yao or the giant soldier that Li Yao had transformed.

But this sentence was not finished yet, from the depths of the "Golden Sun" machine body, numerous strands of crystal lines sprang out, which firmly wrapped the meteor hammer he was hiding in, dragged it over, and swallowed it!

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