40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3082: Together

The Daxueshan suddenly turned into a **** of red and white.

Many fierce beasts and war machines didn't expect that a volcano that had been silent for thousands of years would suddenly erupt, and they were hit by the meteor shower.

Even with the strong carapace of the "Tyrannosaurus" and the defensive field of the "Star Knight", it is difficult to withstand the whistling of extremely high temperature magma, which penetrates their bodies in the form of a nearly particle stream.

The behemoths were shot all over the place, fell from the mountainside, and turned into huge snowballs, which rolled bigger and bigger, and involved more unlucky beasts and war machines.

The magma splashes directly on the snow slopes and ice rocks, melting the ice crystals that have been frozen for thousands of years, turning it into a huge flood, which is like hundreds of waterfalls on the snowy mountain. After the waterfall rammed for a while, all gathered into a white mudslide.

This was an unprecedented avalanche, and a towering white wall appeared in front of Li Yao.

He heard the turbulent waves hitting the shore, the roar of the ground shaking and the shaking of the mountains, the white wall was getting higher and higher, and it soon joined the fire cloud in the sky, as if to swallow the whole world, and one more. The flaming volcanic rock dragged the black tail flames, penetrating the white wall like angry bullets, and carried out carpet bombing on Li Yao and all the climbers first.

"I know it, I **** know it, there is no way to find the way out so easily and simply!"

With sharp eyes, Li Yao saw many fierce beasts and war machines that were about to climb to the top of Daxue Mountain. He was also the first to be involved in the avalanche.

This white wall covering the sky and the sun is not only composed of snow and ice and rock, but also mixed with extremely fierce wind and wind, like a thermal magnetic field that can directly destroy the human body or magical treasures, human beings, beasts, and beasts. The Pangu tribe, Nuwa tribe, and war machine were all frozen into ice lumps.

Li Yao saw with his own eyes that after a Tyrannosaurus that was too late to dodge was swallowed by a white wall, it was frozen into a huge icicle between several ups and downs, and the magma immediately slammed the icicle against it. It was smashed and tortured repeatedly between absolute zero and extreme high temperature. Every cell of this Tyrannosaurus was turned into powder, followed by the ice lump, and was smashed into a horrible crash.

Li Yao didn't want to use the "sun catastrophe" to test whether the wind in the big avalanche reached absolute zero, nor did he want to know how many rare elements are contained in the magma torrent that would destroy the magnetic field of life and the cycle of psychic energy. He had only one choice. , That is, like most fierce beasts and war machines, turn around and run!

Running, running, panicking and trying their best, countless beasts and war machines, including Li Yao, are all racing against the avalanche of life and death.

Putting it in a normal environment, using the "sun catastrophe", you can easily soar to a super-fast speed above five times the speed of sound. There is no need to worry about being caught up by an avalanche. No matter what, you can fly into the air to avoid the avalanche.

However, the ultra-low temperature of this extremely cold **** and the ubiquitous cold winds have made every magic weapon unit and every psionic pipeline of the giant soldier almost frozen, and the original simplest actions have become extremely complicated, Li Yao didn’t even dare to easily close any of the nozzles of the auxiliary power unit, because once closed, the nozzles may be frozen in just three seconds.

Rao is a super giant soldier like the "Sun Catastrophe", and his embarrassed posture when he fled, is no better than those fierce beasts who lost their helmets and unarmed, rolling and sliding down all the way.

"what is that?"

Just as Li Yao gritted his teeth and stirred the flames to ensure that every magic weapon unit of the Titan Soldier can function normally, trying his best to avoid the magma falling from the sky, and frantically stimulate his brain, planning an escape route, the Scarlet Heart Demon suddenly screamed. .

Li Yao was startled slightly, splitting a ray of divine thought, barely struggling and swimming in the piercing wind, rushing to the direction pointed by the Scarlet Inner Demon.

He saw a Nuwa tribe.

On Daxue Mountain, there were originally many guards from the Pangu, Nuwa, and various prehistoric races, intercepting the invading beasts, and buying time for the high-levels to detonate the spar bombs in the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

And when the avalanche happened and the sand and stone fell, these guards were not immune to disaster, but they rolled down with the beasts and war machines, in the ice and magma, survival and death, the beast storm and the black wall. The secrets left by the author drifted with the flow, struggling hard.

But this Nuwa ethnic group is different from other Nuwa ethnic groups.

She is Li Yao after entering the ancient ruins and saw the youngest Nuwa clan. Seeing that childish expression and bright eyes and gaze, she revealed a bit of innocence, and she actually looked like a Nuwa clan. Girl in the middle.

More importantly, it was not that the Scarlet Heart Demon discovered this "Nuwa girl" first, but the other party first discovered them, cast a curious look at them, and even sent them an intricate flow of information, which seemed like doubts. , It's like being curious again, it's more like saying hello to them...?

If Li Yao didn't understand what she meant wrong, then she was the first Nuwa clan that Li Yao encountered in the ancient ruins!

"Hey, do you remember that the emperor said not long ago that when he was an embryo, a girl from the Nuwa tribe was very interested in him and became a good friend in a certain sense with him? ."

Scarlet Heart Demon said, "I think there are definitely not too many Nuwa girls in the ancient ruins."

"Yes it is."

Li Yao said, "The emperor also said that when the Pangu or Nuwa tribe in the ancient ruins enters adulthood and has to formally assume the role of a'researcher', they will suppress the seven emotions and six desires to the limit. Only in this way can they be eccentric in the ancient ruins. , Keep calm in front of the incredible, even in the face of the black wall maker and the vastness and power of the flood, you will not have a mental breakdown.

"However, those underage children often live in the'living area' of the Silver City and have not really been exposed to the horror and treacherous secrets. Therefore, they retain part of their emotions, have their own will, and may not obey orders blindly. , Maybe it can be communicated.

"In other words, even if this girl from the Nuwa clan is not the emperor's'old friend', she may tell us a lot of precious information and help us solve the mystery of the ancient times!"

It was too late, it was fast, Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon only exchanged a few divine thoughts, and the Nuwa girl exclaimed, almost being engulfed in magma, burning, and roaring rubble. hit.

She was singed by magma and half of her hair was removed.

The magma also blasted a stormy shock wave around her. The snow and air waves rolled up and shook her out. She was about to lose her balance and fell into the snow, turning into a snow that was getting bigger and bigger. ball.

Before he could think about it, Li Yao could only make a desperate move, driving the "Sun Catastrophe" to a sudden stop and change the direction, and the speed suddenly doubled. Before the Nuwa girl completely fell into the snow, he picked her up.


There was a harsh noise from the power unit of the Titan Soldier.

However, under the extremely low temperature, the metal instantly exceeded the limit of fatigue, and deformed and deformed that was invisible to the naked eye. There were also gaps that were thinner than the hair, and the speed and balance were greatly reduced.

"The Catastrophe of the Sun" staggered, almost buried in the snow with the girl of the Nuwa clan.

The roar behind it became stronger and stronger, like a tens of thousands of horses galloping over, trampled by hundreds of millions of spiked iron hoofs.

Suddenly, the boiling snow line is getting closer and closer to them, and the snow wave in the front is at least several hundred meters high, really like a moving copper wall and iron wall.

"Down, down!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon screamed.

Li Yao turned his mind and instantly understood what he meant.

The snow under their feet seems to be slightly fluffy than the snow next to them. This is also the reason why the Nuwa girls and the "Sun Catastrophe" have fallen and staggered one after another.

The reason why this piece of snow is relatively fluffy is that under the snow that is nearly 100 meters thick, it is not a solid rock, but a bottomless crack, or a dark and rugged valley.

In normal times, Li Yao has absolutely no interest in exploring the valley below.

But now, this unfathomable valley has become the best refuge.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The electric battle axe swung wildly downwards, and the power unit spouts on the soles of the giant soldiers' feet were also constantly gushing with high-heat flames. Before the avalanche came, they opened a road to the depths of the ice valley. , Dragging the Nuwa girls all the way down, while falling, while slamming ice bombs above their heads, as the faint blue spiritual flames continue to bloom, a thick layer of ice condenses on their heads again, supporting the white The mudslides rumbled past.

Li Yao didn't know how long he had fallen in the gap formed by the freezing of ice and snow for hundreds of millions of years.

When the "Sun Catastrophe" finally touched the solid ground, they had arrived at a deep blue palace.

The folds of the glacier form a variety of teeth and claws, with a bizarre appearance. The air seems to be compressed into quicksand and flying flocks. The spiritual veins are embedded in the ice that has not changed for thousands of years, exuding beautiful beauty. Huan's light is like the beautiful corpse of an ancient beast.

Looking up, you can vaguely see a winding white line, that is where they took the initiative to fall, there seems to be no sign of ice crust breaking and snow falling.

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, limp in the spiritual mansion, listening to the "Crunch" sound from the magic weapon units of "Sun Catastrophe", as if the giant soldier had arthritis.

It is safe for the time being.

But this kind of "safety" is like a survivor in a shipwreck, temporarily climbing on a piece of broken driftwood and taking a breath. It doesn't make much sense.

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