40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3083: Moonwatcher

Li Yao couldn't check the specific performance parameters of the Giant God Soldier, but first scanned the Nuwa girl who fell not far away.

Although she escaped the engulfing of the super avalanche, the gap that fell thousands of meters deep, stumbling back and forth between the folds of the ice layer, still threw her hard.

In particular, she did not have human legs, and her lower limbs were similar to reptiles. It was difficult to find a place to exert force on the smooth, mirror-like ice. Once she fell to the bottom, she struggled for a long time before she managed to get up.

Li Yao noticed that there were colorful glimmers on her body, just like rainbows fainting, revealing warm breath and vitality.

It turned out to be a battle suit that was as thin as a cicada's wings and almost a second skin.

It seems that this suit not only has the function of absorbing shock waves, accumulating energy, and releasing cushioning at critical moments, but also has super-performance heat preservation magical powers.

Otherwise, due to the special physiological structure of the cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals of the Nuwa tribe, it would have long been frozen into an ice lolly in an environment of almost absolute zero like the Daxue Mountain.

This Nuwa girl has the boldness and composure that surpasses her peers. She has just escaped the mortal avalanche, and fell into the ice valley with Li Yao, a "stranger alien", and plunged into the deep blue labyrinth. She still hasn't A little flustered, when Li Yao was looking at her, she was also tilting her head and looking at Li Yao, her eyes bursting with a deep and magnificent light.

Li Yao's heart was in his throat, fearing that the Nuwa girl would not say anything. She took out the magic weapon, raised her hand and hit it, and all her previous efforts would be lost.

He hurriedly opened the hands of the "Sun Catastrophe" to show that he was absolutely innocent, and then turned his heart back, and simply opened the giant **** soldier's spiritual house, let Xiao Hei retreat to half, revealing his true form.

"I have no malice!"

Li Yao didn't know whether the Nuwa girls could understand, and the dead horses were alive and they cried out, "I'm here for peace and friendship, I just want to talk to you!"

The Nuwa girl stared at him for a long time, and her "second skin" bloomed with thousands of colors that were distinct and brilliant like a whirlpool, which seemed to reveal how confused and hesitant she was.

A faint blood stain leaked from the corner of her mouth, her breathing was a little short, and her huge tail kept wagging.

"You are hurt?"

Li Yao asked cautiously, "Is it injured when I fell from the top, or was it injured by the shock wave of the big avalanche earlier? Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you off, but, here it is. The only safe place is that there are still a lot of medicines in my universe ring, what do you need?"

Li Yao took off a few Universe Rings very slowly, and pushed them towards the Nuwa girl.

Even in the Pangu civilization in the ancient civilization, space folding and storage are very precious existences. Li Yao believes that this Nuwa girl can understand his kindness.

The Nuwa girl glanced at Qian Kun Jie, and then at the left and right arms of "Sun Catastrophe". The pattern on the "Second Skin" suddenly became sharp and jagged.

Although he did not speak, Li Yao suddenly understood what she meant—she discovered the existence of Lu Qingchen and the Scarlet Heart Demon.

"These are my two companions, uh, maybe the '1.5' companions, how can I explain their life forms to you? Anyway, in the Pangu civilization, there should also be information life, energy life, or lingering ghosts. The magnetic field of life? Even if there is no Pangu civilization, there must be such a life form among the 100 ancient races that have been born in the Pangu universe."

Li Yaodao, "We really have no malice, we just want to figure out the truth behind the archaic relics, the origins and reasons of everything, this... isn't it the reason you created us?"

Li Yao went straight to the point and threw the key ball to the Nuwa girl. He stared at the other side, and his heartbeat accelerated to the limit.

The Nuwa girls clearly understood what he said, especially the phrase "the reason you created us".

On her face, there are surprises, surprises, losses, and worries, but there is also relief that doesn't matter.

She finally shook her huge tail, climbed towards Li Yao, and stretched the colorful tail towards Li Yao.

To be honest, it was absolutely uncomfortable to be stared at by a starry alien with a height of seven or eight meters, with a human head and a snake body, and the other party extended a thicker tail than a bucket in front of him.

Even if it was a girl who seemed "innocent and innocent", but the "girl" whose head was three times bigger than Li Yao, was a very weird existence in itself.

But this is the first real communication between human civilization and Pangu civilization. No matter how his heart beats like a drum, Li Yao must pretend to be calm and not to shame human civilization.

He just didn't understand what the other party was going to do.

On the tip of the tail of the girl of the Nuwa tribe, there was a rustling sound.

She stretched out a finger and motioned to Li Yao to follow suit.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, did not refuse, pointed at the opponent's tail, and stretched out the index finger of his left hand.

The tip of the Nuwa girl’s tail touched Li Yao’s index finger lightly, and Li Yao’s fingertips suddenly felt a tingling sensation, as if a drop of blood had been collected by the other party, and as if the other party had incorporated a drop of blood into Li Yao’s fingertips. His body.

Suddenly, Li Yao naturally had a feeling, as if he knew everything about the Nuwa girl’s physical and psychological conditions at the moment, and knew that the other party’s internal organs had shifted a bit, and a moderate concussion had occurred, and she did retain it. A normal mind is just curious about Li Yao, and has no desire for malicious or wanton attacks.

Similarly, Li Yao believed that his physical and psychological parameters were also contained in that drop of blood, collected, analyzed, digested and absorbed by the other party.

"It turns out that the Nuwa people used this method to'greet'!"

Li Yao suddenly realized, “The Nuwas were originally experts in genetic analysis and fusion. This method of exchanging blood can instantly analyze the secretion of hormones in the body and various physiological parameters, thereby judging the race and civilization of the other party. Even changes in mentality, including whether it is kind or malicious-for example, if you are ill-intentioned and want to plot a girl from the Nuwa clan with wicked eyes, your body's hormone secretion will definitely be under the envelope of an extremely nervous mood. If there is an abnormality, even if you can accurately control every breath and heartbeat, it is impossible to control the hormone secretion to an'absolutely goodwill state'. Then, as long as a drop of blood, the other party can see it!

This is equivalent to that the tail of the Nuwa tribe is a natural "lie detector"!

This approach is to break the "chain of suspicion" between people, and to ensure whether the other party is good or malicious, the simplest and most effective method. As a multi-ethnic alliance such as Pangu civilization, it is indeed an indispensable magical power. .

Of course, this exchange of blood without protective measures will spread a variety of diseases and even cause a major outbreak of plague, that is another question-perhaps the destruction of Pangu civilization also has this reason?

The Nuwa girl carefully analyzed Li Yao's blood, her expression further relaxed.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Li Yao said, "My name is Li Yao, what is your name?"

In this sentence, he not only used the vocal cords to oscillate the air, and the sound waves that shook out to transmit it, but also used the brain waves to carry it and transmit it with divine thoughts.

Time is pressing. After all, the amount of information that human sonic language can carry is too small, and the communication efficiency is too low. Li Yao tried to find an efficient communication method that can be understood by both parties.

The Nuwa girl blinked her eyelids, making a "hissing" sound deep in her throat, and then spit out nine bendy teeth, mysterious and complicated syllables.

Although there are only nine syllables, it seems to overlap the nine hundred syllables of human language. Each syllable contains infinite changes, like an intricate information labyrinth.

Along with these syllables, the Nuwa girls also stirred up ripples of brain waves, and strengthened the amount of information of the syllables through divine thoughts.

The same is the double superposition of language and brainwaves, but her communication method is obviously more advanced and reasonable than Li Yao's. Li Yao just used the phrase "I am Li Yao, who are you" in simple language and brainwaves. This method is repeated, but her brain waves and syllables are complementary to each other, like doing a language "multiplication".

Li Yao once found some traces of the language of the Pangu civilization in the Kunlun ruins and the Pangu underground palace, and he also worked hard to study the writings of the ancient era.

Coupled with the promotion to the distraction period, his brain has become as powerful as an array-type super crystal brain.

Therefore, even though it was the first time I heard a living Nuwa speaking, I could roughly analyze what the other party wanted to express.

The Nuwa girl is also reporting her family, but her name is different from the human name, and she contains much more information.

Human names are only two or three, at most four characters, but the name of the Nuwa tribe is like a picture, a video, or even a very subtle mood, emotion and aspiration that cannot be described with pen and ink.

In Li Yao's mind, a picture emerged of a tall and majestic Nuwa tribe with deep eyes, struggling to crawl out of the mud on their primitive planet, looking up at the starry sky, his eyes were huge and bright red. Attracted by the bright moon, it seems to have been enlightened by the original wisdom.

This is the ancestor of the girl of the Nuwa ethnic group. This picture is the surname of the girl of the Nuwa ethnic group. It has to be translated in human language. It can only be called "moon-watcher", but such simple and crude three words are Most of the recklessness, ancient clumsiness, and profound artistic conception contained in that picture have been damaged.

In another picture, the girl and her father are looking at the gray sky in the ancient ruins, the city of silver. They want to "watch the moon" but can't see any celestial bodies. They have never left here in their entire lives. I haven't seen how bright the moon in my hometown is, how magnificent the new moon is, and how gentle the moonlight is on my body, I can only bow my head silently, silently thinking of my hometown I have never been to, and my relatives I have never seen before.

Even though they are so melancholy, for the sake of their hometown and their relatives, even if they burn their lives, they will not be able to return to their hometown for the rest of their lives and the whole lives of their descendants, and they will not be able to see the moon in their hometown. They have to fulfill their mission. They cannot see the moon in this place Keep going on the dark road.

This is what the Nüwa girl means after the nine syllables and brainwave information are mixed, and it is also the name given to her by her father, the leader of the "manufacturing" project.

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