40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3084: The One Hundred and Second Fallen

In the brain waves transmitted by the girl, Li Yao saw a wrinkled, deep-eyed, and calm-looking middle-aged Nuwa, standing among hundreds of crystal towers, and even swept the sight of the emperor who once bred the emperor. The pale golden embryo of.

It seems that the girl's father has turned his life's hard work and ambitions into a kind of "spiritual brand", embodied in his daughter's name.

She is indeed the "old friend" of the emperor.

This is certainly not a coincidence.

If it weren’t for the girl to perceive the emperor’s breath in Li Yao, I’m afraid she would not be in a big avalanche. When the power of destroying the world is chasing after her ass, she will have to separate a ray of perception to scan the "sun". Catastrophe", which was discovered by the Scarlet Heart Demon.

Li Yao didn’t know how to use human language to explain the girl’s name. No matter how he described it, he couldn’t interpret the saintly piety, martyr-like sadness, and moths into the fire that the girl’s father was embedded in the name. Unprecedented heroism.

He can only simply use the girl's last name and call it "moon-watcher".

Looking at Li Yao in thought, two crescent-like arcs rose in the depths of the moon-watcher's bright eyes, and the light of the "second skin" became soft and warm, even bringing bursts of light to Li Yao. Warmth.

Between her lips and her shell teeth, dozens of syllables were gently spit out, and with the help of brain waves, they poured into Li Yao's brain.

"You are not him."

In Li Yao's mind, a silver bell-like sound suddenly rang, and an image of a pale golden embryo slowly rotating appeared. It was the girl who communicated with him further through this method, "But you have the right to communicate with him. The very similar aura, including your strength, is no less than most of the elite warriors of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes.

"Are you the inheritor of his genes? It seems that the ‘Original Ancestor’’s ‘Time Arc Curvature Interference Magic Weapon’ is indeed effective. It’s been a long, long time since the time outside!"

Li Yao immediately understood that the "he" the girl was talking about was the emperor.

And the "primitive ancestor" in her mouth is probably the "black wall maker" in the mouth of mankind.

"If you mean the carbon-based intelligent life bred from that pale golden embryo, then I am indeed not him, but he occupies a very important position in our civilization. Almost all modern humans recognize that we are his descendants. , And I'm still his direct successor. Not long ago, I just got his last words and some of his power, and even heard him personally mention...you."

Li Yao imitated the way the Moonwatcher vibrated his throat and stimulated his brain waves, and communicated with her awkwardly.

Everyone is a carbon-based intelligent life. There is no essential difference between the Nuwa vocal cords and human vocal cords, except that the vibration frequency range is much wider and can emit infrasound and ultrasonic waves that cannot be distinguished by ordinary human ears.

After practicing to the realm of Li Yao, no matter what frequency the sound waves are, they can naturally be heard clearly, and no matter how mysterious and complicated the way of communication is, it is just a matter of smashing the window paper.

Naturally, at the beginning, Li Yao "speaking" stuttered and turned upside down, and had to use gestures and body posture to reinforce the message.

However, the moon-watcher was very patient and listened very attentively. He smiled and encouraged him to continue speaking, and even sent a steady stream of new brainwaves over to help Li Yao adjust the frequency and method of brainwave transmission, and taught Li Yao this brand new one by one. Interactive mode.

"It has been at least half a million years since you were sealed here."

Li Yao was observing his words, feelings, and perceiving the other's brainwaves and changes in physiological parameters. He really couldn't perceive the girl's any aberrations. On the contrary, he couldn't hold his breath and curiously asked, "Why are you not surprised?"

"Should I be surprised?"

The Moonwatcher smiled, "For what?"

"For... time has passed so long, and your civilization is almost destroyed!"

Li Yao thought about it and thought it was neither necessary nor possible to conceal it. The Moonwatcher and her father must have known through various channels a long time ago, "I'm sorry, in the outside world, the glory of Pangu civilization has been extinguished for a long time. Now is the era of human civilization, and every large world is full of human beings like me.

"Uh, I don't know how to say it. In short, if I encounter the same thing, I will definitely feel extremely shocked and surprised. You know, civilization is annihilated, living space, vicissitudes of life, goodwill, malice, intrigue, etc. Yes, I definitely can't keep calm like you."

"I know."

Moonwatcher’s smile did not change at all, “Long before our leader activated the'Time Curvature Magic Weapon', that is, when the fierce beasts stormed into the Silver City, we knew that Pangu civilization had been irretrievably destroyed. That is not the problem of human beings like you, but that we ourselves have committed an unforgivable mistake. It is a protracted civil war that will destroy everything.

"That said, I have lived here since I was a child, and I have seen a whole hundred relics and corpses of ancient civilizations-they are all the powerful civilizations that once dazzled the entire Pangu universe. They are our common ancestors. And'brothers', but they were all destroyed, many of them were destroyed by cannibalism, the bloodiest civil war.

"I am accustomed to all of this, why would I think that Pangu civilization is different? Creation and annihilation are the two sharp edges of the sword of evolution. After all, our civilization has not escaped the cold and ruthless laws of nature and has reached the end. , Became the one hundred and one fallen ancient civilization, nothing more.

"Now, the last wise men and warriors of the Pangu civilization are doing their best to use their will and courage to try to turn the tide and fight for the first line of life for the revival of our civilization, and it is the first time in hundreds of millions of years that the'time curvature change magic weapon' has been activated. Human civilization has also been involved in this unpredictable test. It is very rare that two civilizations face the'ultimate test' together. Will this bring a subtle change to the'ultimate test'? , Let us find the answer that a hundred ancient civilizations could not find-this is the question we should hurry up and think about.

"Otherwise, not only will Pangu civilization be completely solidified in the crystal coffin of the '101st Annihilation Civilization', human civilization will also become the '102nd Annihilation Civilization' and be buried together with the Pangu Civilization. It may take hundreds of millions of years before a new civilization will come here and unearth our fragmented corpses-this is probably not the result you want, right?

"Under this situation, I don’t feel the need to be vigilant and hostile to each other. After all, all people born in the Pangu universe are descendants of the original ancestor. We are originally the same kind of carbon-based intelligent life. Variations represent different evolutionary directions and solutions. We are both father and son civilizations, brother civilizations, and even the ever-changing reflection of the same civilization in the starry sky. I only hope that this time, you who are closest to the original ancestor can give Pangu. Civilization also brings some good luck!"

Moonwatchers have a calmness and wisdom that far surpasses those of their age.

Of course, Li Yao doesn’t know how old she actually is—the average life span of the Nuwa tribe has always been an eternal mystery that has not been solved by human biologists. Perhaps she has lived in the archaic ruins for hundreds of years. Unknown.

Li Yao couldn't think about her actual age, but all her mind was deeply attracted by the dangerous information she turned into a hidden danger-this "Tongtian Pagoda" is indeed the ultimate left by the black wall maker, that is, the "origin ancestor". Test, and once the test fails, it may lead to the annihilation of the glorious civilization and the restart of the Pangu universe.

The emperor’s speculation is true!

"I have learned some information about the ancient ruins from the emperor, but compared to the vastness of the truth, what I know is still a fraction of a fraction. I still need to know more truths and secrets. Tell me?"

Li Yaodao, "Of course, I can also share the wisdom and information of human civilization with you. Today, hundreds of thousands of years later, the latest intelligence of the Pangu universe, and even some speculations and evidence about the multiverse."

In this sentence, Li Yao condensed the overview of the "Emperor" into a mysterious, complicated and radiant flow of information, sent to the moonwatcher, Quandang is a "gift" for the moonwatcher. .

Li Yao didn't know whether Mochizuki was satisfied with this gift. In short, the speed of the brilliance of her eyes suddenly accelerated, as if she was caught in long thoughts and distant memories. After a long time, she sighed softly and said: " This is a long, long story. Even if we use our communication methods, it takes a long time to transmit. Fortunately, it is safe. The big avalanches and volcanic eruptions above our heads will continue for a long time. During this period, not only us, don’t The testers of "Tongtian Tower" are hidden in the deepest part of the volcano. Only when the eruption releases more than 95% of the energy, the testers can venture into the slightly cooled lava lake. Before that, everyone was on the same starting line.

"The emperor... the human... the prehistoric war... the monster race... the vulture Li Yao... even the whole new generation, completely free of the information life, energy life and magnetic life life from the limitation of carbon-based intelligent life, it is really colorful, incredible new The universe!"

In order to express his sincerity, Li Yao integrated the current overview of the Pangu universe into an ultra-highly compressed data package, and added some trivial information about himself, including how he got from the unknown person in the magic treasure tomb. , Grew into the No. 1 master of the Pangu universe in just a hundred years, and so on, sent it to the past.

Rao is based on the special brain structure of the Nuwa tribe. To fully analyze and digest and absorb this information, it still consumes a lot of the brain power of Mochizuki. It is like a girl from the Nuwa tribe who froze for a long time, and then cast a particularly different look at Li Yao. .

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