40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3089: The beginning of the civil war

Li Yao moved in his heart and couldn't help but cried out: "That's the'Emperor'!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a miraculous embryo. Before it was conceived, I had a strong sense of self, and I could even cut off air defenses and interfere with other people's brain waves, and communicate with me in this way."

The Moonwatcher said, "In the beginning, I just wanted to use it to find a way to wake up my mother, but as the communication deepened, I gradually became addicted to the fragments of ancient memory released by it, and even regarded it as Seeing it by a living person, and sincerely made friends with it-listen to you, after it was conceived and became'him', it still remembers my good friend from the embryonic age. Looking back, it's really another Sorry, and moved."

"That's it."

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief. The Moonwatcher said here, everything is connected, he just doesn't understand, "Since the project of'copying the original ancestor' is so important, and breakthrough progress has been made in the'Emperor'. , Why did it stop suddenly, as the emperor guessed it, because his revealed ability was too powerful, and you were worried that you could not control it, so you were forced to stop it?"

"No, at least not the main reason."

The Moonwatcher shook his head and said, "We have a deep understanding of the strength of the original ancestors-we can create a huge archaic relic and a mysterious Tongtian Pagoda, and can easily destroy itself for hundreds of millions of years. To obliterate a hundred ancient civilizations, the original ancestor is of course unfathomably powerful! If we are afraid of the power of the original ancestor, we should not start the project of "copying the original ancestor" from the beginning.

"The reason for the suspension of the'copy of the original ancestors' project and even the closure of the entire archaeological site, completely isolating the fairy palace from the outside world, is mainly due to the proliferation of taboo technology caused by leaks and the civil war."


Li Yao said, "What does leaking mean, isn't the technology in the fairy palace shared with the outside world?"

"Yes or not."

The Moonwatcher explained, “When the Immortal Palace was first established, all experts, scholars and researchers made an oath that all the technologies and mysteries in the ancient ruins belonged to all races of the entire Pangu civilization. No race or anyone could take them According to our own, in the next two thousand years, we did abide by our oath and spread most of the technology without reservation.

"But, you know, the ancient ruins contain many extremely dangerous military technologies, including weapons of mass destruction or methods of manufacturing deadly viruses. Once these things spread, they will bring destruction to our civilization. .

"The top experts in the fairy palace are very aware of the dangers of these technologies. Since the entire Pangu universe is in a relatively peaceful stage, what is the need to develop genetic weapons that can instantly kill the intelligent life of an entire galaxy? ?

"Therefore, many of the technologies in this area have been sealed by the top experts in the fairy palace. They have not studied in depth, and naturally they have not been spread to the outside world.

"However, outside politicians, soldiers and careerists have different ideas.

"They used the excuse of'resisting the coming flood,' and they continued to force the experts in the fairy palace to export more, more advanced, and more destructive military technology. After being rejected by the experts in the fairy palace, they did not even So it didn't have to penetrate into the fairy palace, bought some experts, stole a lot of technology, and studied it outside.

"This situation has intensified. When it reached its worst, they even stole a lot of secrets about the'Flood Tide Legion', and carried out thousands of extremely dangerous studies outside the world, making the taboo technology completely out of control.

"You know, the reason why all the research on the starships and captives of the'Hongchao Corps' was carried out in the fairy palace was to consider the isolation here, even if the Hongchao Corps contains dangers that we don't know. And contagion can also minimize the loss, but their eagerness for quick success and quick gains has spread the power of a part of the'Flood Tide Legion', and may even erode the Pangu and Nuwa tribes in the outside world. The new Hongchao Corps-who knows that the subsequent civil war broke out, is there any factor in this aspect?

"The thing that people in the fairy palace can't tolerate the most is their snooping and stealing of the'copy original ancestor' project.

"The people in the fairy palace are very aware of the power hidden in the original ancestor. When copying the original ancestor, they always take 120,000 points of safety measures. For each original ancestor that is copied, even if it seems that there is no hand Power, without awakening the slightest power, will pay close attention to it, and will never allow the slightest omission.

"In our communication with the outside world, we also pointed out very seriously that this is a big deal and other technologies can be handed over to the outside world, but the technology of copying the original ancestors, including the precious'proto-ancestral genes', cannot be spread out for the time being. , So as not to lead to an uncontrollable situation.

"Unexpectedly, the more we say this, the more external soldiers, politicians and careerists covet the original ancestor’s related technology. No matter how we guard against it, this technology includes the original ancestor’s genes or is secretly passed on. When we discover At that time, many large worlds outside, including military fortresses, had long established their own'man-making factories' and began to manufacture the original ancestors-humans on a large scale and in batches."

"Wait, I don't understand."

Li Yao scratched his head and said, "You are "copying the original ancestor" in the fairy palace to get the wisdom of the original ancestor and to solve the puzzle of the ultimate test. The politicians, soldiers and careerists outside create humans in batches, and again for what?"

"Of course it is to save our civilization."

The brainwaves of the moon-watcher were once again tainted with a touch of sorrow, “Perhaps the most unbearable thing for a high-level intelligent life is to sit dumbfounded and watch others save their civilization—to Those politicians, military strategists, careerists, the bravest fighters, and the fiercest powerful do nothing, and let us in the fairy palace save the entire civilization. In other words, let us decide on their fate. That is absolutely impossible.

"Perhaps, in the first thousand years, people will pin all their hopes on the people in the fairy palace.

"But with the vain effort for a whole millennium, and the lack of external resources, seeing that the entire civilization is on the verge of collapse, these top powerhouses with determination and wisdom can no longer hold back their ambitions and sense of mission. To take over the mission of "saving civilization" from the hands of the people in the fairy palace, and even think that we are a stumbling block to them.

"Under the heavy pressure of the'flood tide', any weird method may become a life-saving straw. Perhaps they think that the original ancestors-human beings are very efficient and low-energy tools, and they help the Pangu civilization. The best helper through the period of resource scarcity; or they think that the human form represents the ultimate development direction of carbon-based intelligent life, so it is necessary to manufacture human beings on a large scale, and then transfer the spirits of 13 carbon-based intelligent life to humans Perhaps they disliked the progress of the "Copy Progenitor Project" in the fairy palace. The progress was too slow. They couldn’t wait, yelling, and relied on barbaric reproduction and natural selection to activate in the vast world outside. The genes that have been in a long dormant state have allowed humans to restore the style of their former ancestors... In short, there are many reasons, and more than one research team is exploring this aspect. When we found out, hundreds of millions of Mankind, as a'multi-terrain all-weather universal tool', has spread throughout the Pangu universe.

"This incident shocked the leader of the fairy palace, and became angry from shame. For the first time, he began to seriously consider the possibility of completely isolating the fairy palace from the outside world, and accelerated the establishment of the artificial ecosystem inside the fairy palace, hoping to achieve 100%. Self-sufficiency.

"And this matter has not yet settled. Even more shocking news has come. Civil war broke out in our civilization. The flames of war led by the Pangu and Nuwa tribes have swept across the entire star sea, every one in every great world. Planet.

"This is a war of unprecedented scale and cruelty beyond imagination.

"Both sides are equipped with a large number of magic weapons and technologies that do not belong to our civilization-that is, the magic weapons and technologies that have been passed down from the fairy palace, belong to a hundred ancient civilizations, and even used to destroy a hundred ancient civilizations.

"Outside politicians, soldiers, and careerists have obtained these technologies and carried out several unreliable experiments indiscriminately, they rushed to install them on a large scale, without even considering the consequences of abusing these destructive technologies.

"By the time we found out, the star sea outside had been broken into a piece of battered, burning scorched earth. With the power of our "students" who had no power to hold the chicken, we couldn't stop it at all, and the two sides of the civil war were still very tough. The land threatened us, demanding that the fairy palace surrender to their camp, be loyal to their ideas, and provide them with a steady stream of brand-new military technology to help them win this civil war."

"So, what is their philosophy?"

Li Yao couldn't help asking, "In our original research on humans, it seems that the Pangu tribe is the more'evil' side, representing extinction emotions, repressing oneself, and being a tortoise with its head for hundreds of millions of years; while the Nuwa tribe is' The'righteous' side symbolizes vitality, courage, colorful emotions and an infinitely possible future. Is that true?"

"Justice and evil are just relative concepts. In the face of the vast and unknown starry sky, who knows what path to choose to save our civilization?"

Mochizuki said, “The ideas held by the two sides of the civil war, as well as the contradictions and conflicts between each other, are extremely numerous. Among them, the one that has the closest relationship with our fairy palace is that the leader of the Pangu tribe believes that the research in the fairy palace is too dangerous. Continuing, especially the'ultimate test', must not be carried out, they must completely seal the tower of the sky, lest a brave adventurer, impulsively, will destroy the entire civilization.

"The Nüwa clan leader believes that the ultimate test is imperative. Only by inheriting all the power of the original ancestor can we break out of the Pangu universe and find new hope. Come to form a new research and adventure team to take part in the ultimate test."

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