40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3090: Forcibly break through

Li Yao's position is very tangled.

At this point, as Mochizuki said, the boundary between justice and evil has been blurred.

He originally thought that the Pangu tribe was the embodiment of pure evil and coldness, but now it seems that the reason for the Pangu tribe to launch a civil war may not be incomprehensible.

Things such as the Primordial Relics, Tongtian Tower, and the Ultimate Test are so weird and terrifying. A little carelessness can destroy civilization and "restart" the universe. Except for the Primordial Relics, the destroyed civilization can't even leave a trace. Down, is simply the most humiliating way to die.

Whoever is changed, if you want to conduct such a **** test, you have to think all the way, think about it, look forward and backward, and be cautious.

A whole hundred examples of victims are in front of us. The probability of Pangu civilization passing the test is less than 1%. As the leader of the entire civilization alliance, temporarily sealing the Tongtian Pagoda is indeed the most responsible choice the Pangu people can make. .

It seems that Li Yao hesitated at the beginning as to whether to set up his own exploration team of human civilization to go deep into the ancient ruins.

If they did come here and found the Tongtian Pagoda and all the "civilized corpses", I am afraid their brains would be extremely calm, and even give birth to a boundless chill, would they not dare to act rashly?

From this perspective, Li Yao's choice is actually the same as that of the Pangu tribe.

On the contrary, it was Lu Qingchen, a lunatic, who was not afraid of the sky, and was frantic to the extreme. Even if he knew that the result of the test failure was the complete destruction of human civilization, he would definitely be gearing up and eager to try.

In this matter, Lu Qingchen was on the side with the Nuwa clan.

The question is, Pangu tribe and Nuwa tribe, Li Yao and Lu Qingchen, which choice is the right one, can push the great wheel of history forward, and be more likely to save their own civilization?

I don't know, I really don't know, facing the vast and unknown sea of ​​stars, the only thing they know is that they don't know anything!

Li Yao sighed as he listened to the Moon Watcher to continue.

The next story is very simple.

The people in the fairy palace knew that a civil war broke out outside, and the ideas of the two sides of the civil war were unsatisfactory. These scholars who would not hesitate to burn dozens of people’s lives to save their compatriots and civilizations, let alone continue to provide destructive weapons. , To help those careerists to slaughter their own tribe, so they chose to close the ancient ruins, completely isolate the fairy palace from the outside world, and even think of various ways to hide the entrance to the ancient ruins, and become a unified entity.

For a period of time, their approach was really effective. No matter how hot the civil war outside was, how many great worlds were turned into scorched earth, and countless powerful people fell one after another, but the storm of destruction never spread to the fairy palace.

It's a pity that I can't hide from the first day of the first year, but not the 15th.

It has been a long time since the Pangu civilization discovered the archaic relics. With the advanced star sea navigation technology, the appearance and trajectory of the entrance to the relics can be accurately surveyed. As the civil war intensified, the strength of both sides has fallen sharply, and even the battle is dying. When the time comes to die together, the importance of the "life-saving straw" of the fairy palace becomes more and more prominent.

At this point, it can be said that whoever can master the fairy palace can win the civil war, become the new master of Pangu civilization, and implement his own ideas to the end.

Conversely, if the two sides of the civil war really lose both sides, the people in the fairy palace are very likely to use their superior technology and magic weapons to rush out of the ancient ruins, clean up the mess, and rule the Pangu civilization-this is something that both sides of the civil war absolutely cannot tolerate.

Therefore, on the periphery of the Primordial Relics, the high wall that had been closed for hundreds of years was finally broken by the two sides of the civil war. They almost simultaneously pointed their final edge to the fairy palace and encountered it unexpectedly.

"At this point in the Civil War, those wise, wise, and overall-view politicians and military strategists have all fallen, and the last trace of rationality and tolerance on both sides has also been annihilated in the burning fire, commanding the two teams. The remnants have become the most extreme madmen and lunatics."

The Moonwatcher said, "These madmen and lunatics are really a little bit of apostasy cleverness. They even merged several genetic weapons circulated in the ancient ruins, and extracted some of the dormant genes in the original ancestors. There have been several biochemical weapons that are powerful but have very serious side effects.

"On the one hand, they want to use this kind of biochemical weapon on themselves, so that they also have the power of the original ancestors-in an ideal state, the Pangu tribe, who was originally more than ten or twenty meters high, would be injected with this kind of biochemical weapon. , Can instantly expand into a one-two-hundred-meter-high Primordial Fierce Beast, but still maintains a clear intelligence and a controllable self. It can not only perform highly complex tactical tasks, but also restore its original appearance after the task is completed, reducing energy and energy. The consumption of life.

"But on the other hand, they have also developed induced biochemical weapons against each other, hoping to interfere with the enemy's gene pool to the greatest extent, induce the enemy to undergo terrible mutations, and turn the enemy into a confession of six relatives, madness and madness. Monster.

"A large number of biological and chemical weapons have been continuously put on the battlefield, and they have been fused with other deadly viruses that have long been spread on the battlefield. A series of mutations that no one knows have occurred, and finally the'monster' that destroys the entire civilization was born. virus'.

"You have seen the power of this virus just now. It can turn a normal predecessor into a terrifying ancient beast. In most cases, it completely wipes out the reason and wisdom in his mind. Retain and strengthen the instinct to kill and destroy.

"Only a very small number of strong people with special genes or extremely high cultivation levels can survive, and they still retain a trace of reason under the erosion of the monster virus.

"You know, the Pangu civilization at this time is already in a state of dying. The vast majority of people are hiding in underground refuges or starships in panic. In a closed environment like refuges and starships, the spread of the virus is Very quickly, as long as one civilian was infected with the virus and mutated into a terrifying Primordial Beast, the entire refuge and the entire starship would not be spared.

"In the end, the Pangu civilization in the outside world was destroyed by the'monster virus' that we created ourselves.

"And the culprit who caused all this, after discovering that he had caused a catastrophe, he tightened the life-saving straw of Immortal Palace even tighter.

"They are convinced that now they have no choice but to enter the Tongtian Pagoda, pass the'ultimate test', and obtain all the inheritance of the original ancestor, in order to heal the frantic tribe and save the Pangu civilization-this time, even the commander of the Pangu tribe. , The position is not so firm, but the sacrifices of hundreds of millions of people, condensed into blood feuds enough to dye every star in the sea of ​​stars, are not so easy to dissipate.

"So, both sides of the Civil War sent their last, most elite, and craziest force to raid the Immortal Palace.

"Among them, the commander of the Pangu assault team is called'Miezhongdao', and the commander of the Nuwa assault team is called'Longlianzi'."

What the Moonwatcher said, of course, is not the six words "Miezhong Dao" and "Dragon Lotus Seed", but a series of mysterious and complicated overlapping syllables containing infinite information.

From this series of overlapping syllables, Li Yao could perceive the strength of the two commanders, and even "see" the **** battles they had fought in a trance.

They are peerless powerhouses who can move mountains and seas and destroy the world with just a gesture.

After being infected with the "monster virus", they were able to maintain their self and rationality with strong willpower, and the strength of these two commanders rose to a higher level, to the extent that Li Yao was cold all over his body.

"It turned out to be the last elite of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes. No wonder just looking at him through the surveillance video made me give birth to the strongest warning signs."

Li Yao secretly said.

"The leader of our fairy palace, called'Gu Wuxin', is unwilling to let these guys in."

Mochizuki said, "On the one hand, you have also seen that the two commandos met unexpectedly within the Archaic Ruins, and first released the strongest monster virus to each other, turning each other into human beings and ghosts. The appearance of ghosts, their appearance will only tarnish the sacredness of the archaic relics and destroy the lifelong brainchild of dozens of generations of experts and scholars.

"On the other hand, if you want to pass the'ultimate test', the most important thing is to maintain absolute calm and rationality. It is not possible to break through the barriers with brutal violence. Among the hundreds of civilizations that have passed through the barriers in the past, some are more 'And'Dragon Lotus' are more powerful fighters, but they didn't even see the real test. They fell at the foot of the'Thunder Valley', the'Overweight Sea' and this'Big Snow Mountain' that you just walked through.

"Let these brave and brave and savage professional soldiers come through the barrier, it is like letting a bull to embroider, and it will never succeed.

"It's just that these guys are determined to break through the barriers. No one can dissuade them. After forcibly breaking the barriers of the ancient ruins, they really began to kill and destroy them. In the face of an irreversible situation, our leader'Gu Wuxin' made a helpless choice-some people used the crystallization of thousands of years of excavation to resist the two wild-growing armies or the'beast tide', while the'Gu Wuxin' himself brought another group of experts. Scholars, enter the'ultimate test'.

"After all, Gu Wuxin and these experts and scholars are a team that specializes in the ultimate test. They have studied the Tongtian Tower for thousands of years, accumulated a lot of experience and lessons, and even found out the reasons for the failure of many ancient civilizations.

"If you have to bite the bullet and carry out the ultimate test, Gu Wuxin's expert team is certainly more suitable than the commandos of Miezhongdao and Longlianzi."

Li Yao nodded his head again and again, and couldn't help asking again: "So, time freezes-'the radius of curvature of the time arc changes', what's the matter?"

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