40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3094: Real technology!

"So, what do you mean is that the power of the flood tide has penetrated into the Pangu civilization through technology, and eroded the leaders of both sides, even the two commanders who have attacked the'Tongtian Tower' at this moment,'Miezhongdao' and "Dragon Lotus Seed", it is very likely that they have been affected by the flood and become a new generation of the "Hongchao Corps"?"

The Moonwatcher straightened her back suddenly, her brain waves became extremely disordered, showing how upset she was at the moment, "If it is so, let them not be exposed to the secrets of the ancient times-if they are discovered by the'primordial ancestor' His identity will definitely be wiped out mercilessly, and in order to eliminate the roots, maybe he will restart the entire Pangu universe without hesitation!"

"Yes, from the perspective of the Hongchao Legion, if the original ancestor was a fish that slipped through the net that flooded hundreds of millions of years ago, then it must be of great value to send this news back to the core of the Hongchao. And whether they themselves are destroyed, it doesn't matter."

Li Yaodao, "But this matter is very so-called to us. Whether they failed the test, was obliterated by the original ancestor, or they succeeded in the test, they have obtained all the inheritance of the original ancestor, and re-mastered the communication between the Pangu universe and the multiverse. The ability to transmit information to the core of Hongchao is not a good thing.

"Our only hope is to unlock the secrets of the Primordial Ancients before the wild powers such as the'Destroying the Masses' and the'Dragon Lotus Seed', and then kill all the members of the Flood Legion who are hiding around us!"

The Moonwatcher could no longer sit still, twisting his thick tail, and began to struggle to climb the ice wall.

Li Yao said, "What are you doing?"

The moon-watcher said: "I'll go up and check if the big avalanche and volcanic eruption have stopped!"

Li Yao said: "Then what, are you strong in combat?"

The moon-watcher said slightly, "I am a pure researcher, good at genetic research. I can control the glands in my body and secret dozens of venoms and anesthetics. Other than that, I'm just ordinary."

"That's it. For professional things, let the professionals do it. Although I don't know how old you are, letting the old and weak women and children rush ahead is really not my'Vulture Li Yao' style!"

Li Yao drilled back to the spiritual house of "Solar Catastrophe".

Fortunately, just before leaving the cave, he carried out a comprehensive change-up and upgrade for the "Solar Catastrophe", added enough antifreeze, lubricant and insulation layer, and jumped into this in time before the avalanche swept. The bottomless ice valley avoids the direct impact of snow waves and magma.

Except that some of the fuel and ammunition are frozen, some joints are not working well, and the combat effectiveness of the psionic shield and interference field is greatly reduced, at least, the giant soldiers can barely climb and jump.

"Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

After Li Yao fiddled with it a few times, the power unit of "Solar Catastrophe" once again emitted intermittent and dim tail flames, emitting strong black smoke, and smoked the entire ice valley into black.

"Wait for me here!"

Li Yao made a gesture toward the moon-watcher, and drove the "sun catastrophe" to climb above the ice.

He used his hands and feet together, and from time to time, he used the jet of the tail flame to cross the ice rock that was slippery without holding hands, and quickly reached the top of the ice rock.

Above the ice valley, straight through the cracks on the surface of the mountain, a thick layer of ice crust had already condensed-it was this ice crust that helped them withstand the intrusion of snow waves and magma.

Li Yao drew out an electric battle axe and inserted tofu like red-hot iron chopsticks to melt the ice crust carefully.

Fortunately, under the continuous invasion of magma, the seemingly thick ice crust was originally extremely fragile. It took only five minutes for Li Yao to open a narrow tunnel in the ice crust. Following the tunnel, drilled out of the avalanche. Halfway through the mountain.

Presented before his eyes, it was an unforgettable picture.

First, avalanches swept through everything like a wave that destroys the world, and then the hot magma melted the ice and snow, turning into surging floods and mudslides, washing out the criss-cross gullies, and when the magma and ice and snow gathered together , After the energy is annihilated, it becomes a tuft of volcanic rocks with interlaced fangs and claws.

Some volcanic rocks resemble towering tombstones, some volcanic rocks resemble ferocious beasts, and some volcanic rocks resemble nightmares themselves. Most of the volcanic rocks’ shells are rapidly frozen, but there is still raging heat inside, and the solidified shells are cracking. , Turned into a radiating orange-red death line, like a severely burned patient, making the scalp numb and frightening.

Most of the fierce beasts and war machines that climbed the Snow Mountain with Li Yao and the Moonwatcher, all disappeared, and were buried under heavy snow, mudslides and volcanic rocks.

There are also some very tall war machines of fierce beasts, such as "Tyrannosaurus" and "Star Knight", which cannot be completely swallowed. Most of their bodies are exposed on the surface of ice or volcanic rocks-but this has increased. Their pain.

Half of their bodies were swallowed by magma, burned into Bai Sensen's skeleton and a riddled steel frame, and even the bones and brackets were turned to ashes and disappeared.

However, the intrusion of ice and snow and the extremely cold wind caused the magma that swallowed them to solidify instantly and turn into volcanic rock. As a result, their stumps and broken arms were firmly embedded in the volcanic rock, unable to move, and could only wait to die slowly.

The war machine made a monotonous and harsh gear rotating sound. From time to time, several cracked gears, bearings and sparks were lased together, or magma burned into the fuel and ammunition bins, sending out a series of earth-shattering explosions, triggering a series of earth-shattering explosions. There are small-scale avalanches and mudslides.

The wailing of the fierce beast is one of the most creepy voices Li Yao has ever heard in his life.

Especially thinking of the predecessors of these fierce beasts was a rational and intelligent life, a "person" of another form, and it made him feel sad.

However, this is not the time for the benevolence of women to overflow.

To prevent a larger-scale tragedy from being staged in the entire Pangu universe, you must race against the clock to rush through the ultimate test of the original ancestor-the black wall maker before "Mixed the Public Dao" and "Dragon Lotus Seed"!

Li Yao took a deep breath and activated the "sun catastrophe"'s long-frozen environment detection magic weapon, and at the same time released his inexhaustible spiritual thoughts, 10,000 "thinking touches" stretched to the limit like the tentacles of an octopus.


Li Yao raised his eyebrows lightly.

The Moonwatcher was right.

This massive avalanche and volcanic eruption really vented most of the violent energy accumulated in the depths of the snowy mountains. At this moment, the surrounding environment, although it cannot be said to be "clear after rain, and tranquility after the storm", at least, and Before the avalanche, the mountain and rain were about to come and the wind filled the building. Compared with the extremely harsh cold hell, it was hundreds of times better.

Not only did the average temperature rise forty-three degrees, the wind weakened by two levels, and even the whirling and howling winds in mid-air were much weaker. Although the road to the top of the mountain was cut off by volcanic rocks and mudslides, as long as the giant soldiers could fly at low altitudes , Everything is not a problem.


Xiaohei reminded Li Yao that the comprehensive combat index of "Solar Catastrophe" is slowly rising and has risen by 15%. If it can be further repaired and strengthened, and then find suitable weapons and ammunition, I believe it can be restored to 90% of its peak state.

"How can 90% be enough? At least it must be restored to 500%!"

Li Yao crossed his fingers, his finger bones crackled, his eagle-like gaze first cast his eagle-like gaze towards the top of the black smokey snowy mountain, and then he swept across the war machine embedded in volcanic rocks within a radius of dozens of miles, and the corners of his mouth evoked a touch of it. The arc of excitement murmured to himself, "It's time to show the real technology!"


The moonwatcher was below the ice valley and heard the roar of thunder from above.

The sound is not like an avalanche or volcanic eruption, but it is a hundred times stronger than avalanches and volcanic eruptions. It is almost like someone treats heaven and earth as a furnace, thunder as flames, mountains as iron felts, and their lives and souls as giants. Hammer, forging something hard.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Even Mochizuki's own heartbeat, followed the dull and violent voice, beating violently.

"Li Yao! Li Yao!"

The moonwatcher transmitted a strong brain wave toward the top of the ice valley.

It is a pity that she is not the Pangu tribe who is good at large-scale and long-distance spiritual communication, but the Nuwa tribe who is good at gene modulation. Although she practiced hard, her ability in brainwave transmission is no better than the top cultivation among human beings. How powerful is the person.

Before her brain waves were transmitted hundreds of meters, she was torn to pieces by the howling wind in the ice valley, and it was destined to be impossible to hear from above.

Seeing that shocking cracks appeared on the ice walls on both sides, it was as if hundreds of millions of tons of ice rock were about to collapse and collapse. The Moonwatcher couldn't sit still anymore. Once he gritted his teeth, he climbed up by himself.

She is a simple researcher, but she is not "the power to bind a chicken". The snake tail of the Nuwa tribe is not suitable for climbing the smooth ice wall, but the many auxiliary magic weapons she carries can help her slow down. Slowly rise.

The closer to the ground, the more agitated the thunderous roar. The moon-watcher felt that every bone and every cell of his own was "crashing", but it didn’t look like a fierce battle outside. I really didn’t know Li. What the **** is Yao doing?

When she finally ascended to the ground, Li Yao just finished his latest "masterpiece".

Rao is the Moonwatcher following countless experts and scholars in the ancient ruins, and has seen countless incredible magic weapons for hundreds of millions of years, but the behemoth that appeared in front of her still made her breathless and shocked.

Of course not because of how mighty and majestic this behemoth is-as a person in a fairy palace, she gets along with the remains of hundreds of civilizations day and night, and she has seen even more mighty and mighty war machines and steel gods and demons.

She just never saw—

"What is this, so ugly?"

The Moonwatcher blurted out.

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