40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3095: The ultimate battle, super suit!

What appeared in front of the Nuwa girls were the remains of dozens of war machines.

A six-legged spider with a height of more than ten or twenty meters in the form of a multi-turret battle puppet, an unmanned anti-gravity floating dish with a height of forty to fifty meters, and a behemoth with a height of more than one hundred meters, such as a starry knight. Yao seems to have unearthed all the debris buried under volcanic ash and ice rocks within a radius of several tens of miles. From the riddled and rusty debris, many units, components and weapon systems are still intact.

The wreckage of the war machine that has been dismantled is like an empty skeleton, piled up like a mountain.

And behind them, where the "Sun Catastrophe" should have stood, there stood a giant war machine that was rough to ugly and hideous to evil.

This brand-new war machine is about fifty or sixty meters high, but it seems to be more arrogant than the starry sky cavalry that is hundreds of meters high.

Because Li Yao exaggeratedly stacked dozens of war machines' attack systems on it, making it look like a black tower with turrets stacked on its turrets — one on each shoulder is larger than its head. The honeycomb launcher is equipped with two super giant triple-mounted Vulcan cannons. Surrounding the arms is a dense circle of crystal magnetic cannons. On the chest and abdomen are two high-energy particles, one large and one small. The saboteur, behind it is a high-rise integrated firepower platform. Dozens of giant cannons that have been disassembled from the war machine are bundled in one breath, and there are continuous combat supply bays that provide energy and ammunition for the giant cannons. As for the attachment to the external armor Above, let alone the miniature floating gun that can fly out at any time, even in his crotch, Li Yao forcibly stuffed a six-barreled revolving bomber with a diameter of more than two meters.

It is worth mentioning that many weapons are directly dismantled from the hundreds of meters high starry sky cavalry, and installed on the giant soldiers with a height of up to thirty or forty meters. It is really a little "small horse-drawn cart" and top-heavy. feel.

However, it is this exaggerated to crazy feeling that adds a bit of intrepidity to this war machine, like a crazy, **** battle to the end.

The Moonwatcher looked dumbfounded for a long time, only to vaguely see the background color of the "Sun Catastrophe" from under the black and black twisted armor, tactical rails, and external weapon platform.

The super-giant soldier that was barely majestic and mighty was completely "overwhelmed" by various long-range weapons, just like a steel gorilla covered with black spots and rust.

And the combination of hundreds of crystal magnetic cannons and bombardment cannons and particle cannons and destruction cannons and floating cannons seems to not satisfy Li Yao's hard-to-fill appetite. After completing the strengthening of the main body of the Titans, he poked his **** again. Climb up and down to connect several melee blades used by the Star Knights.

A high-frequency oscillating sword with a length of more than 50 meters, and two chain saw swords with a length of more than 40 meters, both have the ability to break the starship in two, but they were combined frantically by Li Yao, and swept through the target. Will be attacked by three powerful strange forces at the same time, even if he is the strongest of the prehistoric civilization, he will be cut into seventeen or eight stages by this knife!

"How is it, not bad, right?"

After finishing everything, Li Yao clapped his hands contentedly, brushed off iron filings and gunpowder smoke, stood on the shoulders of the war machine, and asked the moonwatcher with a smile.

The Moonwatcher was silent for a moment, and couldn't help saying: "What is this?"

"Time is tight and materials are limited. I don't know much about the structure and principles of your war machines. I can't integrate them seamlessly into the giant soldiers."

Li Yao explained, “Fortunately, there is something called an'enhanced suit' in the field of individual weapons of our human civilization. I disassembled all the components and units that can be used in the wreckage of so many war machines. Into a set... the ultimate enhanced set.

"No, it's not a set. In fact, here are two different enhanced suits, which are used in the combat mode of long-range firepower and close hand-to-hand combat.

"In just over an hour, in such a harsh environment, facing a magic unit that I am not familiar with, I was able to complete such an outstanding and unparalleled masterpiece. I can't help but admire myself."


The Moonwatcher hesitated, "Even if you want to strengthen the Giant God Soldier, is it necessary to carry so many turrets?"

"That you don't understand."

Li Yao said, "The more turrets, the stronger the power. The next battle will be the'ultimate battle' that determines the life and death of the two civilizations. There are not enough turrets. How can we show the momentum of human civilization and my invincible demeanor? "


The Moonwatcher still didn't understand, "Is it necessary to carry such a big knife?"


Li Yao slowly nodded and said, "The longer the war knife grows, it also represents the strongest combat power. It's a pity that there isn't a large enough crafting furnace here, otherwise I should refine nine ship-cutting knives into one to be worthy of it. Go on the next "ultimate battle"!"


Mochizuki didn't know much about refining tools, nor did he understand the aesthetic style of human magic weapons, so he had to shut his mouth obediently.

"So, then, there is only one last important thing left."

Li Yao groaned, "That is, give this'Decisive Battle Black Wall, Transcend the Original Ancestor, Explode Hong Chao Ultimate Battle Supermaster Set' a name that resounds across the sky!"


The Moonwatcher blinked his translucent eyelids, "Is this... also the habit of human civilization before the decisive battle?"

"Yes it is."

Li Yaodao, "Our human civilization is a civilization that values ​​honor above all else. The next battle is destined to determine the fate of human civilization. Even after hundreds of millions of years, human beings have become all kinds of strange forms, and even completely abandon them. With flesh and blood, they will also sing about the magnificence and twists and turns of this battle, so—"

Li Yao's voice stopped abruptly.

Because the "Solar Catastrophe" with the enhanced suit stood up on its own, hot, crimson, and violent air currents were ejected from every gap.


The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "Have you seen the cloud gas on the top of the snow-capped mountain change? The color of the cloud composed of volcanic smoke and dust is getting brighter and brighter, and the rotation speed is getting faster and faster. It looks like a large group of extremely disordered psychic energy. Ejecting from the inside, it doesn't look like a natural phenomenon, but like a master fighting fiercely in the crater-it must be the "Way of Extinguishment", "Dragon Lotus Seed" and "Gu Wuxin" mentioned by Mochizuki, all gathered inside.

"So, stop talking nonsense, let's get on!"


Lu Qingchen also screamed, "I just want to face the strongest of Pangu civilization earlier, the original ancestors-the black wall maker and even the Hongchao Legion. Any enemy is fine, as long as you no longer listen to you chattering here. !"

"Well, then I have to call it the'Solar Catastrophe• Speedmaster Suit' casually."

Li Yao rubbed his nose, jumped into the open breastplate of the war machine, got into the arms of the Lingfu and Xiao Hei, and motioned the Moonwatcher to climb behind the war machine and bound her and the war machine together with the binding force field. , Immediately afterwards, hundreds of tail flames were brightened at the same time, and the newly solidified volcanic rock was re-melted, and the iron gods and demons rose from the ground, wrapped in red and black smoke, all the way towards the top of the snow mountain.

"The sun catastrophe•Supermaster suit, bring real hope to our civilization!"

Li Yao roared.

"He...what is he doing?"

The Moonwatcher secretly transmitted a brainwave to Lu Qingchen and the Scarlet Heart Demon, "Is this kind of battle cry also a ritual before the expedition of human civilization?"

"It's not."

Scarlet Heart Demon Road.

"In fact, you can't treat him as a normal human being. He can't represent human civilization at all."

Lu Qingchen said.

"Yes, if you have the opportunity, I still hope you can get in touch with more human beings. I believe your impression of human civilization will definitely change."

Scarlet Heart Demon Road.

The road from the mountainside to Daxueshan is very smooth.

The torrent of destruction created by avalanches and volcanic eruptions swept almost all weaker guards and intruders. Even if someone survived this terrifying natural disaster, they were often engulfed by the torrent and fell to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. And sinking into the solidified volcanic rock, has not yet struggled out.

Including the leader of the fairy palace "Gu Wuxin", the commander of the Pangu tribe "Mie the Dao", and the commander of the Nuwa tribe "Dragon Lianzi", the true prehistoric strongest people braved the roaring magma one step earlier. Entering the crater on the top of Daxue Mountain, in order to fight for the entrance to the next level, or even directly to the "ultimate test", fight to the death.

Therefore, the road was unimpeded, and Li Yao did not encounter the slightest chase.

It’s just that the closer you get to the top of the Snowy Mountain, the stronger the feeling that the wind and thunder are surging, the aura of heaven and earth is extremely chaotic, and the cosmic magnetic field is completely boiling.

The sky, which was originally lead gray, was smeared into bottomless black by the volcanic ash at the moment of the volcanic eruption.

However, now, the colorful spiritual flames constantly erupting from the volcano's crater are actually tearing open a series of splendid and splendid rifts on the black sky.

It was like weird eyes and mouthfuls of blood, looking down under the sky, tiny creatures like ants.

The violent activities of the volcano have not yet completely subsided. Although there are no longer large masses of magma gushing out, from time to time, there are still strong smoke and hot rocks gushing out, "huhu" passing by Li Yao, Deeply visible gullies were smashed into the ground.

The harsh environment inside the crater is evident.

When there were three to five hundred meters away from the crater, Li Yao lowered the height and speed of the "Solar Catastrophe• Speedmaster Suit".

When I got here, I couldn’t see any traces of the snow-covered mountains for thousands of miles. The black volcanic rock was like bumpy tumors. The gaps between the tumors were filled with orange-red magma. The air was filled with dots of light, and there was no wind. , Resembling a ghost fire, volcanic ash, like airtight gauze and smoke, enveloped a hundred li, falling down layer by layer, invading the enhanced suit, the giant soldier, the crystal armor, the mustard combat uniform, and even Li Yao's internal organs. In the meantime, it seemed as if a demon with life, invisible and invisible, tried to block every blood vessel and nerve in his vainly.

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