40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3104: Six ancient civilizations

"Our civilization has paid such a huge price, and finally used the unmanned starship to carry the precious gene bank to this brand new, remote, star sea wrapped in overlapping space folds."

The voice continued, "According to the general voyage and colonization procedures, at this time, the psionic puppet should unfreeze all our genes, breed a new generation of humans, and in the embryonic state, engrave all the wisdom and history of our civilization. In this way, within a few hundred years, the glory of the entire civilization can be restored.

"However, the enemy’s magic shadows have spread throughout the universe. Even if the original civilization is restored to its peak state, it will not be enough to contend with the enemy. Our civilization has gone the wrong way from the beginning, even before civilization was born. , When the first life began to evolve, a fatal mistake was made.

"The height that a civilization can eventually reach does not depend on the efforts of the last tens of thousands of years, but also on the initial evolutionary choices hundreds of millions of years ago. This is somewhat like the butterfly effect-a small mistake made a long time ago. The superposition and increase of ten thousand years of time has become a serious and irreparable defect, and a certain gene fragment that was inadvertently retained hundreds of millions of years ago may shine brightly someday in the future and save the entire civilization.

"Perhaps, when the original archaea wandered in the boiling primitive ocean, the subtle changes in its outer cell membrane determined how efficiently humans would absorb and utilize cosmic rays hundreds of millions of years later? Perhaps, some kind of The newly born multicellular organisms have adopted a brand-new method of reproduction. As their children and grandchildren, we will also have ten times more powerful reproductive capacity after hundreds of millions of years, and can be formed in a few hundred years. Ten times the army to defend against powerful enemies?

"In short, the experts, scholars and top powerhouses of Yuanshi Civilization have racked their brains in various fields to reach their limits and reach perfection. If even such a near-perfect state cannot fight the enemy, then there is nothing left. One way to go.

"Restart our civilization, explore all the possibilities that have been neglected and abandoned on the path of billions of years of evolution, starting from the state of spores and embryos, to transform and strengthen our civilization.

"Using a very popular game field term, we decided to'cut off our civilization and retrain'."


Li Yao was dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is a crazy, ridiculous, and extremely low-successful plan, but since we will be found by the enemy sooner or later, and no matter how we practice, we will not be the enemy's opponent. Restarting civilization and'cutting off and retraining' is not the only one. s Choice?"

The voice said, "This time our civilization is not starting from scratch, but there are countless treasures hidden in the depths of genes, and it can be guided to a certain extent. Why is the new 2.0 version of Yuanshi civilization not more powerful than version 1.0? ?"

In Li Yao's mind, a picture appeared again.

Countless crystal clear but fragmented starships came to the Pangu universe, exploding in the most splendid fireworks, like a blazing dandelion, throwing hundreds of millions of fragments of the gene bank towards the three thousand great thousand. The world spread to the entire star sea.

"In order to ensure the possible diversity of the new evolution, we have projected the'life capsule' containing a large number of gene pools on various planets with harsh environments, and even the asteroid belt, which is theoretically impossible to produce life, is filled with our lives. Seed, then, we took advantage of the natural characteristics of space folds to build a'black wall', which envelops the entire Pangu universe and acts as a warm, comfortable and safe'incubator'."

The voice said, "Our goal is to cultivate a version of'Yuanshi Civilization 2.0' that is stronger than ours. How do you call your own civilization, we don't care, what you look like, or whether you have a fixed flesh and blood body, we also It doesn't matter. For you, we only have one requirement-I hope you have more potential than us, and we can see a glimmer of hope for defeating the enemy.

"In order to test whether you really have the potential, we will leave this archaic relic and this Tongtian Pagoda before being completely annihilated. I believe that when your civilization develops mature star sea navigation technology, and has a profound understanding of cosmology and four-dimensional space science. After getting acquainted, I will definitely find here.

"If you pass the test and prove that you really have the potential to defeat the enemy-Hong Chao, then we will recognize that you are the out-and-out "Yuanshi Civilization 2.0", our upgraded and enhanced version, and our most orthodox. Heirs, we will let go of all inheritance, including the detailed history of Yuanshi civilization, all our technological crystallization, all kinds of gene maps of starry alien races that we have conquered, free shuttle in four-dimensional space, methods of navigating four-dimensional storms, and even be sealed. In the folds of space, the super warships we left behind... everything is yours.

"It is no exaggeration to say that these inheritances can at least enable your civilization to make a leap for millions of years in a short century.

"On the other hand, if you fail in the ultimate test, there is no need to continue to linger and waste precious time and resources, because even if we don’t destroy you, you will destroy yourself, even if you don’t destroy yourself. , Continue to struggle like this hopelessly, one day, the flood will come and wipe you out completely.

"In that case, what is the value of your existence? It's better to restart again and give up the living space for the next generation of civilization earlier, don't you think?"

Li Yao only felt that every ripple of his soul would turn into a drop of hot blood, all the blood surging into the sea of ​​consciousness, setting off a crimson stormy sea.

He didn't expect, he really wanted to be like this!

Hundreds of generations of civilizations, the rise and demise of countless carbon-based intelligent lives, countless impassioned, song and tearful stories, countless soul-stirring, thrilling legends, laughter and free will of countless people, turned out to be the "version of the Yuanshi civilization to strengthen itself." Upgrade test" only.

"What do you think of us? What do you think of our intelligent life, which has flesh and blood, emotion and soul from generation to generation?"

Li Yao snarled, "What is the difference between you and Hong Chao when you do this?"

"If one day, unfortunately, you encounter a real flood, you will know the difference."

Said the voice.

These races that are willing to jump into the power furnace in order to preserve civilization are obviously the real starry sky civilization, which has long obliterated the emotions of ordinary humans, but sublimated the emotions into another deeper and purer thing, "Now, Let's continue testing, shall we?"

"If I don't want to take such a **** test, or if the test result doesn't meet your wishes, you will destroy human civilization, right?"

Li Yao sneered.

"To be honest, I am not very optimistic that you can pass the test, because your genetic similarity to ours is too high. It is almost a 100% copy of ours. It is difficult for you to find and correct the mistakes we have made. "

The voice said, "However, you are not the only tester today. Whether to restart the entire Pangu universe depends on how other testers perform."

In Li Yao's mind, a vivid picture flashed again.

He vaguely saw that the strongest Pangu tribe "Miezhongdao" and the strongest Nuwa tribe "Longlianzi" also passed through the black star gate and entered the ultimate test, but they were huddled in two in the state of babies. In a pale golden translucent embryo.

There are also Lu Qingchen and the Scarlet Heart Demon, also showing crystal clear semi-solid forms, similarly curled up in two embryos.

Come to think of it, his flesh and blood body is also like this.

Even Li Yao saw Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Boss Bai, and Li Jialing all breaking into the Tongtian Pagoda and approaching the Black Star Gate.

"They are coming!"

Li Yao was stunned, and could not help but worry about Ding Lingdang and others secretly, wondering if they can pass the tests of "Thunder Valley", "Overweight Sea" and "Great Avalanche", and whether they can be in the evolution from archaea to ape-man. On the road, step on every right option.

"If one of these testers can successfully pass the test, all the inheritance of Yuanshi civilization will fall into his hands."

The voice said, "Then, the future of the Pangu universe will be determined by him."

Li Yao was silent for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "Come on, how do you want to test our potential?"

"It's very simple. You will first see the historical overview of Yuanshi civilization in the planetary age, and get a general understanding of our civilization. Then, it will be the first major crisis and turning point that our civilization has encountered. At this time, you will be the entire civilization. The leader of our country leads our civilization to survive in the vast sea of ​​stars."

The voice said, "In a hurry, of course, your performance alone cannot be better than the performance of the real Yuanshi civilization on the road to the conquest of the Xinghai, but it does not matter. We may not pay attention to the results, but just want to see your choices clearly, so as to promote the performance. Your potential is nothing more.

"Remember, when you make a wrong choice, you have three opportunities to correct it. I will give you three correct suggestions, but when you make a fourth mistake, you will be eliminated mercilessly, understand? "

Li Yao's anger turned combat intentions, and the waves in the sea of ​​knowledge condensed into a gleaming jungle of swords and halberds, and he said solemnly, "Understand, come on!"

Before the voice fell, the heavens and the earth changed, the stars shifted, and the flow of time accelerated ten thousand times.

The tribal people’s canine teeth and hair fell off one after another, becoming taller and fitter, and more in line with the aesthetic vision of modern people. The rough stone axes and bone spears in their hands have also been replaced by weapons forged in bronze or even black iron, in caves and tree nests. On the ruins, towering cities rose from the ground, and the residents of the cities replaced the simple dead leaves and animal skins with gorgeous robes and leather armor.

This is true civilization!

"This is the first batch of ancient civilizations born on our home planet. It is also the origin and embryonic form of Yuanshi civilization."

The voice said, "According to different regions and races, they are called'Sumerian Civilization','Ancient Egyptian Civilization','Indus Civilization','China Civilization','Crete Civilization', and'Olmé Civilization'. Ke civilization'..."

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