40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3105: A world without psionics

"Why are the names of these ancient civilizations so familiar?"

Li Yao was stunned again, "Especially the'Chinese Civilization'?"

Don't let him think about it, the picture in his mind is constantly advancing at a speed that spans hundreds or even thousands of years every second.

Glorious palaces have risen and collapsed time and time again, and the majestic city has been annihilated in the tide of war. In the East, people built a majestic water conservancy system and the Great Wall to resist the invasion of beasts. In the West, people control the narrow and simple The small boat, chopped through the waves and sailed across the ocean.

Greece, Rome, Persia, the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period...More tribes, nations and countries have emerged, creating a more splendid civilization. They are constantly splitting and unifying. History is rising in a spiral and advancing in twists and turns. , A faint light blooms in the darkness.

The more Li Yao saw it, the more familiar he became, and he felt more and more that he had read a similar history somewhere-yes, in a strange dream, that is, on the earth at the core of the flood!

Although compared with the present, some people and place names in the history of the earth I have read in Yimeng are different, including some important historical events. The time is not the same, but the general development context is exactly the same, as if the same earth is different. Evolution version.

"What the **** is going on!"

Li Yao was completely confused. I don't know how many earths and history there are, or if there are countless earths, countless repetitions of history-that is, the so-called "reincarnation"!

With the emergence of the concept of "epoch" in this earth in the sea of ​​consciousness, everything is even more flashy and fleeting.

The ancient armor was riddled with cutting-edge muskets, and the darkness of the Middle Ages was shattered by the Enlightenment and the Renaissance. When the eastern continent was still sinking in the mire of the historical cycle, the western world had already emerged. The peerless powerhouse named Watt has gathered a large number of predecessors' technology and wisdom together, and improved the true first-generation civilization "steam engine"!

The emergence of the steam engine made Yuanshi civilization enter the first industrial revolution, a great era of surging winds and torrents.

From this moment, Yuanshi civilization was only one step away from the sea of ​​stars.


"Etc., etc!"

Li Yao suddenly discovered something very strange and very strange.

This incident seemed very unreasonable, but because it was right under his nose, he ignored it, "Is this really the early development of your Yuanshi civilization? Why didn't I see the slightest trace of psychic energy?"

"Yes it is."

The voice said, "Our home planet is very lucky. It is in a'psionic bubble' or'inspired space'. On our early evolutionary path, it was indeed not affected by psychic energy. At that time, we will be most affected by psychic energy. The powerful force is called'technology'."

"very lucky?"

It was difficult for Li Yao to understand for a while, "You regard being born in the'inspiring space' as a kind of luck, why?"

"The answer to this question, with your wisdom, should be able to deduce on your own."

The voice said, "For any kind of primitive civilization that has developed from scratch, it is extremely lucky to be born in a'spiritual space', and only such a civilization will have the ability to fly out of its home planet. It is possible to grow into a real overlord of the stars, including a long time later, in the process of conquering the stars, our original civilization encountered almost all the powerful enemies. The mother stars are in the inanimate space, but those mother stars are located in the psychic-abundant environment. A civilization that develops to its peak with a smooth journey, no matter how strong an individual is, it will always be strong from the outside, and vulnerable to a single blow."


Li Yao thought deeply.

Psionic energy is the purest and most stable form of energy. Although it is not as powerful as the phantom energy, its comprehensive utilization efficiency is definitely higher than that of the phantom energy, and its application range is also wider. Why is it a misfortune to have psychic energy? Lack is luck?

Li Yao's heart moved, and he remembered that in the test just now, he had transformed into an archaeal bacteria, living near the submarine volcano, relying on volcanic heat and the chemical energy of magma to survive.

For a small archaea or even a whole blanket, the thermal and chemical energy of magma is almost inexhaustible. If he is only satisfied with the form of the archaeal, it can almost always surround it. The submarine volcano has survived like this.

But what is the meaning of such a life?

Similarly, Li Yao thought of the earth in his own memory, including the home planet of Yuanshi civilization in front of him, which surrounds the equator and also lives with many tropical races.

These tropical races are born to enjoy the rich land and endless crops. They have neither the pain of severe cold, nor the threat of beasts, nor the problem of lack of food. It can be said that they were born in a cornucopia. Whatever you want, you can catch it with one hand, and you don’t even need to reach out. Various fruits rich in starch and nutrients will fall directly from the tree for them to enjoy.

As a result, the wisdom of these tropical races has not been developed at all, but they are indulged in endless low-level fun and animal instincts. When the same kind in the temperate and frigid zones are overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, fighting against the sky, and advancing by struggling and harsh elimination. At that time, tropical civilization has always stagnated at a very low level.

Born in sorrow, and died in peace, this truth was not long ago when Li Yao told himself, why did he forget it so quickly?

"I understand!"

Li Yao said loudly, "If a planet is in a star field rich in psychic energy, the existence of intelligent life there is too easy, too simple, and not enough to develop superior intelligence and complex social forms, or even lack of The need for effective communication with the same kind-and these are the fundamentals of a civilization!

"A world rich in psychic energy is like a tropics with abundant resources and a world lacking psychic energy, like a temperate and frigid zone with harsh environments. The former is destined to not cultivate a strong civilization, and only the latter is a great one. A true hotbed of civilization!"

"You're right."

The voice said, "The so-called'civilization' has been precipitated since history. It is beneficial to enhance the adaptation and cognition of intelligent life to the objective world, conforms to the spiritual pursuit of intelligent life, and can be recognized and accepted by the vast majority of people. And the sum of public order and good customs.

"Civilization is a collection of all social and natural behaviors that make intelligent life free from barbarism. These collections include at least the following elements: family concepts, tools, language, writing, beliefs, religious concepts, laws, city-states, and countries.

"And to produce all the elements, there is a most basic premise, that is, relative equality between people.

"Only between monkeys and monkeys, or between ants and ants, can it be possible to communicate with each other, construct society, language, laws, beliefs, etc., etc., and ultimately create a great civilization. Between monkeys and ants, there is no way. Produce society, let alone civilized.

"And psychic energy, an extremely special and precious energy, has the function of stimulating cells, activating individual strength, and greatly increasing individual differences. In a world without psychic energy, the individual differences of carbon-based intelligent life have their limits, even if it is The overlord who once conquered an entire continent, slaughtered millions of enemy troops, and established a majestic martial arts, may also be beheaded by a beggar holding a sharp blade. This is'relative equality' or'relative inequality'. Everyone is angry and splashes with blood. Steps, close at hand, and all the enemies of the country, this is the foundation for the establishment of a great civilization.

"However, on those planets that are naturally rich in psychic energy, carbon-based life has learned from a long time ago the method of absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, devouring the heavens, materials and treasures, and crazy evolution and mutation, even if a wisdom is finally born. Race, each individual in a race is very different, so big that the weak can hardly pose any threat to the strong.

"When a million weak people gather and cannot pose a threat to the strongest, such a society must be deformed. Civilization is definitely weak. The strongest do not have the need and need to promote the advancement of civilization. The weak It is impossible to stimulate the desire for exploration and creativity. It will not be like people in the spiritless world. They must find ways to explore new technologies, establish new public order and good customs and social rules. In such a world, the weak and the strong are the only ones. The law of humanity, and any technology and ideas that may weaken psionic energy, will be stifled in the infancy.

"On the path of our Yuanshi civilization to conquer the sea of ​​stars, we have encountered countless civilizations developed from psychic planets. Without exception, these civilizations have not crossed their own galaxies, and have not even stepped out of their own planets. Although some of them have strong individual combat effectiveness, the level of development of the entire civilization is at most equivalent to the Middle Ages of our planet. When our starships with tens of thousands of turrets tear their atmosphere, they also wield ridiculous swords. Use simple auras to try to contend with us!

"Even, the most extreme psychic civilization. The Xeon has absorbed the psychic energy of the entire planet into his body, turning himself into an old monster that can live for tens of thousands of years, and other similar people have become his body. The parasite can't resist him at all, but because there is no threat to him in the entire environment, his intelligence gradually degenerates, and he becomes an idiot inferior to a three-year-old child. He was easily caught by us and treated as a zoo. Exhibits.

"We slowly figured out the experience. Before going to war with an unknown civilization, we first figured out how to figure out the status of their home planet. If it is a planet with abundant psychic energy and rich resources, then don't worry, this It must be a battle of destruction and destruction, but if the environment of the enemy's home planet is extremely harsh, resources are extremely scarce, and even like our home planet, there is no drop of psionic power, then we must be careful. It must be an extremely hard battle."

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